Disney Genie announcement

Sorry, I suspect this has been asked and answered;
if I have a Return time of 9:30 - 10:30 for Attraction A, I Tap in at 9:40, can I now make a LL selection for Attraction B?
Is it possible Attraction B Return Time could be less than 120 Minutes from my 9:40 Tap In? i.e. next available for Attraction B is 10:10 - 11:10?
I guess I'm not clear on the 120 minute "rule". Thanks
Yes. You can make your next selection (depending on availability) when you scan at the second turnstile (usually near boarding), so if you tapped at 9:39 am on the second turnstile you can make your next selection right away, so 9:40-10:40 is possbile.
I am sitting here saying the same thing..... What is awesome about it??! depending on the group size.... this person has just spent a significant amount of additional money!!!! Money that should be spent on the next day's meals!
This really depends on how you tour though. We struggled in the past few trips to get more FP+ after we used our first 3 - we typically would rope drop some rides but under FP+, by 10am even things like the haunted mansion would have a 40 min SB wait and by the time we used our first 3 FP+ in the afternoon, all that was left were scraps.

it wasn’t until we learned the refresh method in our last trip that we were able to take better advantage but I absolutely hate constantly refreshing my phone when I’m on vacation with my kids.

the way genie+ is playing out, this is going to fit our touring style way better. We won’t use genie, just the plus portion so I don’t think I will be as obsessively tied to my phone.

when I’m on vacation time and being present with my kids is worth the additional cost. I’m excited with what I’ve seen so far. I preferred paper fast pass to FP+, and this to me is basically paper FP without the walking back and forth. If I tell myself I’m spending $60 a day to avoid crisscrossing then park 50x, I can justify it to myself!
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I apologize if this was covered somewhere else and I missed it.

Suppose you are going to only 1 park for the day. Assume that at 10am you look for a LL entry (unpaid) for an attraction and the next available entry is 5 or 6pm. Does that mean that if you select that attraction, you are unable to select any other LL entries for your entire day until you do that attraction? I have not been down since pre-pandemic but I recall you could get a second attraction when the first was done or after 2 hours. Has that been eliminated?


I am new to the game and haven’t even been following along since August like everyone else but from my understanding of everything I’ve read since yesterday you can make your selection for evening and after two hours have passed since you made that selection you can make another selection… so you do not have to wait until you ride the evening selection
Sorry, I suspect this has been asked and answered;
if I have a Return time of 9:30 - 10:30 for Attraction A, I Tap in at 9:40, can I now make a LL selection for Attraction B?
Is it possible Attraction B Return Time could be less than 120 Minutes from my 9:40 Tap In? i.e. next available for Attraction B is 10:10 - 11:10?
I guess I'm not clear on the 120 minute "rule". Thanks
Yes and yes, you have it correct.
The 120 min rule would kick in if attraction b had a return time of 5pm. You could then pull attraction C at 11:40am (2 hours after pulling attraction B)
I’ll have to keep an eye on Epcot G+ times and how far they go out. I was paying more attention to DHS and MK yesterday. I would prefer PM G+ so I’ll be looking at all of this. I can’t wait for the strategy thread to open and hear more real life experiences.
OR WDW could just allow you to pick your return times?

Crazy idea, i know
First off, I want to thank all of you for posting the info from your experiences. That is great information for those of us who have upcoming trips and are planning.
I am a seasoned Disney vacationer. I love/lived for the planning process. I even would plan trips for family and friends for free..... it's a hobby. But having read pages and pages about this new system, I am confused and frustrated. I updated my app, tried to get things set up for future trips.. only to find out that as an AP holder, everyone else in my group and I can't plan Genie + or ILL$ together. What a hassle. The app is clunky and confusing. I don't think I will use it at all when we are there on our next trip. We have decided that we won't be forking out any $ for this new service. It just doesn't seem worth it in time, money and satisfaction. I don't want to be tied to my phone all day. I don't want to be chasing rides across the parks. I don't want to be worried about maximizing my money's worth from Genie +.
I am happy for those that see this as a benefit for them and the way that they do the parks, but for me and our group of friends and family, this is not an upgrade at all. I would happily pay for something that was going to enhance my vacation... and have done so in the form of many parties, tours and experiences. This just isn't going to be one of them.
My next research is to really see how stand by lines are truly effected by all of this once the initial frenzy dies down. We generally don't mind waiting in line for the things we like to do. We use the time to play heads up, meet new people, chat about life, plan our meals for the day etc.
Here’s a puzzler.

I had a chat exchange with a CM today mainly to address my questions about our party with members with 2 different ticket types (annual pass and regular daily tickets). I’ll address what I was told there separately, maybe in a separate thread.

But I also asked about making G+LL reservations in a second park. I used the specific example: If we have hopper tickets and park reservations at MK, can we make a G+LL reservation at Epcot as long as our selection window is open
and the return time is after 2 PM.

The response I got was that we could not even select anything at a second park until 2 PM. The CM cited the following language from their official information: “At 2 PM ET- Guests with Park Hopper Options can plan Lightning Lane Selections in another theme park”.

This advice seems inconsistent with what others reported yesterday. That language is a little ambiguous because “plan“ could mean when you make the plan or when you execute the plan.

To be clear, I am not criticizing this CM because that language is not as clear as it could be. Sometimes an example or two can clarify general language.
Long post warning. TLDR: Genie+ does not seem to be generally worse than any other system that Disney has come up with, but it might be worse for you.

Before Legacy Fastpass, we would tour the parks by rope dropping with a rigid touring plan that had military like precision. It required a lot more walking and very little flexibility, but we could ride everything we wanted to ride and never wait in a line longer than 20 minutes. People who showed up with no plan spent most of their day in line or just didn’t do as much.

Then came Legacy Fastpass, and with slightly less planning, we could accomplish the same thing by rope dropping and the strategic use of Fastpass. We were never in the “more is better” category of Fastpasses. To be honest, back then there was a sizable group of people that the game of getting as many Fastpasses as possible was a big part of their enjoyment independent of the effort and time it saved them. Not judging, it’s just not the way we did things. It was good, but not ideal for us as it still required getting up early to really get the benefit. People who showed up with no knowledge of the system could get some benefit, but not anywhere near the benefit of the power user.

Then came Fastpass+. I loved Fastpass+. Now there is a whole new level of Disney planning! We could sit around and talk about our top 3 must do attractions and figure out months ahead of time what we want to do. Signing in and grabbing the time slots was a fun game. I hated tiering but could largely get around that by spending multiple days in each park. This system came with the added benefit that it allowed us to be 11-2 and 6-close park people (sleeping in is the best!), STILL not wait in lines, and get to ride everything we really cared about with little to no waits. This was ideal for us, but there was a very vocal group that hated it. They complained about how it killed spontaneity. You had to know what you wanted to do and when months out! They complained about how long it made lines for non-Fastpass holders. People who showed up with no knowledge of the system often got little to no benefit from Fastpass+ as the headline attractions were gone months before they got there and now the standby lines moved slower. This was doubly true if it was a busy time of year.

Then for a while there was nothing. We really hated going back to nothing. We no longer really wanted to rope drop every park OR wait in lines longer than 20 minutes. This meant we enjoyed the parks but rode very few rides.

Now there is Genie+. Just for perspective, my initial reaction was not to be upset that there was a cost. I can see being disappointed, but literally every other park charges to skip lines and they charge a whole lot more than Disney. If people are demonstrably willing to pay for this service it is not surprising to me at all that Disney has moved to charge for it. Honestly, my initial response was that it was too cheap. From a customer perspective, the value of this service goes up the fewer people who do it. I still fear that when the dust settles $15 is not going to deter enough people to make this a great service when the parks are busy.

Initial indications are that this will be very much like Legacy Fastpass without physically running for the physical tickets. There are differences, but I don’t think they are huge. Yes, 1 LL pass per attraction is not ideal for the power user. It does however mean there is MORE availability for everyone else. The average person has a better chance of getting SDD because the power users who knows how to stack and maximize their bookings will not take 3 or 4 a day. I understand (and agree) that this is not good for power users, but it is good for everyone else. Your chances of getting a LL in the afternoon are MUCH better if people can only get 1 per day. You may not like it, but it is the best option for giving the largest group of people a satisfactory Genie+ experience. It will be back to early mornings on at least some days of our vacation. Not ideal, but I can handle it. There will be days that I don’t think it’s worth the price. I won’t buy on those days and the experience will get slightly better for someone else every time someone like me chooses not to purchase. My general reaction when anyone charges more than I think a product is worth is not to be angry. It’s just to not buy it. I don’t have a trip scheduled until May. I expect that by then there will be optimized strategies on how to utilize Genie+ to get the most benefit. Or it will be clear that it is not enough benefit to purchase it at all. I expect the former is true, but I know how to handle it if the latter turns out to be the case.

Different things are valuable to different people. I strongly expect that this might be the best thing so far for those who show up at Disney with no plan just expecting that they will have a good time.
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OR WDW could just allow you to pick your return times?

Crazy idea, i know
Funny this topics got bumped...I had an alarm to look at Epcot at 1pm.

So, thinking of hopping to Epcot and making my first G+ (at 7am) for say Test Track a say 3pm. Right now, the G+ return time for Soarin is 1:10pm (which basically means now) so if you book TT first and started looking around 1pm ) based on today only you could easily lock up two G+ for TT and Soarin for an afternoon park hop. Remy ILL is only $9 right now so you could also add that and to me, thats a pretty solid afternoon
see this is why i bought a boat instead of going to disney this year and next. I'm just at the point in my life where I don't want to think this much about something. Especially a trip. I have to me on my toes all day at work and with my kids at home. I just want to be able to just shut off when I'm away at least. lol
So you opted for a boat and not Disney to avoid stress?

Congrats on what must be your first boat.

Just kidding obviously but seriously, congrats on the second best day of a boat owners life.

Okay, just kidding again. Seriously, congrats =)
First off, I want to thank all of you for posting the info from your experiences. That is great information for those of us who have upcoming trips and are planning.
I am a seasoned Disney vacationer. I love/lived for the planning process. I even would plan trips for family and friends for free..... it's a hobby. But having read pages and pages about this new system, I am confused and frustrated. I updated my app, tried to get things set up for future trips.. only to find out that as an AP holder, everyone else in my group and I can't plan Genie + or ILL$ together. What a hassle. The app is clunky and confusing. I don't think I will use it at all when we are there on our next trip. We have decided that we won't be forking out any $ for this new service. It just doesn't seem worth it in time, money and satisfaction. I don't want to be tied to my phone all day. I don't want to be chasing rides across the parks. I don't want to be worried about maximizing my money's worth from Genie +.
I am happy for those that see this as a benefit for them and the way that they do the parks, but for me and our group of friends and family, this is not an upgrade at all. I would happily pay for something that was going to enhance my vacation... and have done so in the form of many parties, tours and experiences. This just isn't going to be one of them.
My next research is to really see how stand by lines are truly effected by all of this once the initial frenzy dies down. We generally don't mind waiting in line for the things we like to do. We use the time to play heads up, meet new people, chat about life, plan our meals for the day etc.
I am in a similar position with 2 APs and 1 U.K. 14 day ticket. Although we can’t buy G+ in advance, with plain free G we can pick out the rides, experiences, parades, fireworks etc., for days on which you have park reservations and on the morning, when you wake up ☕️, G should give you a plan of attack and tips, including which LL to use if you chose to buy G+ and the cost of ILL$.
I am starting to get really nervous. With a trip coming up in a few days, I still can't get the Tip Board to work. I've tried EVERYTHING. I've tried chat, but can't get any response. Has anyone had my problem, but resolve it somehow??? Please help!
I am starting to get really nervous. With a trip coming up in a few days, I still can't get the Tip Board to work. I've tried EVERYTHING. I've tried chat, but can't get any response. Has anyone had my problem, but resolve it somehow??? Please help!
I have the same problem in Canada. But I used a VPN to fake I was in the US and all of a sudden the tip board was working. So I assume that once I'm in
Disney it will work fine.
see this is why i bought a boat instead of going to disney this year and next. I'm just at the point in my life where I don't want to think this much about something. Especially a trip. I have to me on my toes all day at work and with my kids at home. I just want to be able to just shut off when I'm away at least. lol
Not sure a boat is going to be any less work LOL. It must be your first. Congrats. 🤣🤣🤣
I am in a similar position with 2 APs and 1 U.K. 14 day ticket. Although we can’t buy G+ in advance, with plain free G we can pick out the rides, experiences, parades, fireworks etc., for days on which you have park reservations and on the morning, when you wake up ☕, G should give you a plan of attack and tips, including which LL to use if you chose to buy G+ and the cost of ILL$.
That's true. Having been to Disney so many times though, I don't think I want Genie telling me what to do. We will just be on the go with the flow plan. I might check to see general wait times to decide what area to go to, but other than that, I will leave my phone in my cute Disney backpack and enjoy the scenery. I don't want to be stressed on vacation. I want to enjoy my family, and just wander the parks doing fun things along the way. Honestly, some of our best memories from Disney over the years were experiences or cast members we just happened upon as we went about our day. Our worst day was our very last day we were at Disney with trying to get the boarding group lottery for our group, only to get called right before our ADR, running here and there and everywhere from sun up to sun down trying to fit it all in.... yuck. Slow down and smell the popcorn and churros is going to be our new vacation approach.
Yes and yes, you have it correct.
The 120 min rule would kick in if attraction b had a return time of 5pm. You could then pull attraction C at 11:40am (2 hours after pulling attraction B)
Thank you; it seems to me that Park Hopping from MK to DS would not be very effective use of Genie+.
Assuming for example, you Tap In at Big Thunder at 1:30, Plan to Hop to DS, so you look for LL for SDD, and find something for a Return at 5:30.
You're next opportunity to secure another LL at DS won't be until 3:30 (120 mins after Tapping In at Big Thunder), is that correct?
And the later you stay at MK, the more limited are your Options of finding much at DS as the evening progresses, Correct?
Long post warning. TLDR: Genie+ does not seem to be generally worse than any other system that Disney has come up with, but it might be worse for you.

Before Legacy Fastpass, we would tour the parks by rope dropping with a rigid touring plan that had military like precision. It required a lot more walking and very little flexibility, but we could ride everything we wanted to ride and never wait in a line longer than 20 minutes. People who showed up with no plan spent most of their day in line or just didn’t do as much.

Then came Legacy Fastpass, and with slightly less planning, we could accomplish the same thing by rope dropping and the strategic use of Fastpass. We were never in the “more is better” category of Fastpasses. To be honest, back then there was a sizable group of people that the game of getting as many Fastpasses as possible was a big part of their enjoyment independent of the effort and time it saved them. Not judging, it’s just not the way we did things. It was good, but not ideal for us as it still required getting up early to really get the benefit. People who showed up with no knowledge of the system could get some benefit, but not anywhere near the benefit of the power user.

Then came Fastpass+. I loved Fastpass+. Now there is a whole new level of Disney planning! We could sit around and talk about our top 3 must do attractions and figure out months ahead of time what we want to do. Signing in and grabbing the time slots was a fun game. I hated tiering but could largely get around that by spending multiple days in each park. This system came with the added benefit that it allowed us to be 11-2 and 6-close park people (sleeping in is the best!), STILL not wait in lines, and get to ride everything we really cared about with little to no waits. This was ideal for us, but there was a very vocal group that hated it. They complained about how it killed spontaneity. You had to know what you wanted to do and when months out! They complained about how long it made lines for non-Fastpass holders. People who showed up with no knowledge of the system often got little to no benefit from Fastpass+ as the headline attractions were gone months before they got there and now the standby lines moved slower. This was doubly true if it was a busy time of year.

Then for a while there was nothing. We really hated going back to nothing. We no longer really wanted to rope drop every park OR wait in lines longer than 20 minutes. This meant we enjoyed the parks but rode very few rides.

Now there is Genie+. Just for perspective, my initial reaction was not to be upset that there was a cost. I can see being disappointed, but literally every other park charges to skip lines and they charge a whole lot more than Disney. If people are demonstrably willing to pay for this service it is not surprising to me at all that Disney has moved to charge for it. Honestly, my initial response was that it was too cheap. From a customer perspective, the value of this service goes up the fewer people who do it. I still fear that when the dust settles $15 is not going to deter enough people to make this a great service when the parks are busy.

Initial indications are that this will be very much like Legacy Fastpass without physically running for the physical tickets. There are differences, but I don’t think they are huge. Yes, 1 LL pass per attraction is not ideal for the power user. It does however mean there is MORE availability for everyone else. The average person has a better chance of getting SDD because the power users who knows how to stack and maximize their bookings will not take 3 or 4 a day. I understand (and agree) that this is not good for power users, but it is good for everyone else. Your chances of getting a LL in the afternoon are MUCH better if people can only get 1 per day. You may not like it, but it is the best option for giving the largest group of people a satisfactory Genie+ experience. It will be back to early mornings on at least some days of our vacation. Not ideal, but I can handle it. There will be days that I don’t think it’s worth the price. I won’t buy on those days and the experience will get slightly better for someone else every time someone like me chooses not to purchase. My general reaction when anyone charges more than I think a product is worth is not to be angry. It’s just to not buy it. I don’t have a trip scheduled until May. I expect that by then there will be optimized strategies on how to utilize Genie+ to get the most benefit. Or it will be clear that it is not enough benefit to purchase it at all. I expect the former is true, but I know how to handle it if the latter turns out to be the case.

Different things are valuable to different people. I strongly expect that this might be the best thing so far for those who show up at Disney with no plan just expecting that they will have a good time.

I agree 100% with this post. You've summarized our exact experiences and thoughts. I loved FP+.
Here’s a puzzler.

I had a chat exchange with a CM today mainly to address my questions about our party with members with 2 different ticket types (annual pass and regular daily tickets). I’ll address what I was told there separately, maybe in a separate thread.

But I also asked about making G+LL reservations in a second park. I used the specific example: If we have hopper tickets and park reservations at MK, can we make a G+LL reservation at Epcot as long as our selection window is open
and the return time is after 2 PM.

The response I got was that we could not even select anything at a second park until 2 PM. The CM cited the following language from their official information: “At 2 PM ET- Guests with Park Hopper Options can plan Lightning Lane Selections in another theme park”.

This advice seems inconsistent with what others reported yesterday. That language is a little ambiguous because “plan“ could mean when you make the plan or when you execute the plan.

To be clear, I am not criticizing this CM because that language is not as clear as it could be. Sometimes an example or two can clarify general language.
As we can see from dfb and allears reports they made selections before 2 pm
Argh!!!!!!!!! Not what i wanted to hear!!!

We have to activate them when we arrive which means we'll miss all the 7am drops!!
What I read early on is you can purchase Genie + for the next day at midnight. Anyone here try purchasing before 7 a.m.?


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