Disney Trivia

Just to keep us on track while Cold isn't on the forums, Orreed, you can ask a question.
Just to keep us on track while Cold isn't on the forums, Orreed, you can ask a question.

Ooh, I like the nickname Cold.
And I don't need to ask anything, I couldn't think of anything anyway. I am annoyed I didn't think of Thunder Mountain... My family is obsessed with that spiel, we say it along with them every time! Just a weird inside joke...
The Wiiiildest raaaahhde in the weeeeelderness!
Ooh, I like the nickname Cold.
And I don't need to ask anything, I couldn't think of anything anyway. I am annoyed I didn't think of Thunder Mountain... My family is obsessed with that spiel, we say it along with them every time! Just a weird inside joke...
The Wiiiildest raaaahhde in the weeeeelderness!

Ok, well, in that case, What was Walt's First Oscar win?
Orreed said:
Haha okay. Anyone else?

WDW- Liberty Square
DLR- New Orleans Square
France- Frontierland (As Phantom Manor)
Tokyo- Fantasyland
China- Mystic Point (As Mystic Manor)
Qmaz246 said:
Ding ding ding, correct! You get to ask the next question.

Yay! Okay. In Casey Junior's Splash and Soak Zone, what are the four train car numbers?


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