Disney's Dark Kingdom (Complete list on pg 24)

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Yeah, but there isn't enough room for people to roam. They have to make people happy or they will go to the competition. There is another great park in the area.

I think whether or not they make a new park there has to be an expansion at Hollywood. Toy Story should double in size and Monsters Inc should have a ride. Perhaps the Monster ride in California should be duplicated.

When attendance consistently drops and surveys show that people are overwhelmingly turned-off by the crowd levels, only then will any radical action be considered.

Fact is overall attendance levels only go up by 1-2% per year so most of the alleged dramatic increases are tainted by personal perceptions (i.e. "last year we vacationed during the same week and there were half as many people.")

Additionally, the parks are designed to accommodate far more people than actually visit on a typical day.

Expansion of the existing parks is far more likely than a 5th park. Disney is doing just that via the Fantasyland expansion (which hasn't even opened yet) and the Avatar land at DAK.
Disney is making money every second of every day. And as previous posters have said, until they see the amount they're making as "no enough", only then will something drastic be done.

I don't agree with a new park but I do agree with upgrading and updating the current parks. The expansion ideas are much more realistic than new parks. Hopefully the Fantasyland expansion will spur them on to revamp some other areas of HS and MK.
Fans have been debating this question for years. In this economy, where Disney is giving away free dining just to get people to fill their rooms, I highly doubt they will be deciding on a new park.

As much as I would love to see a "dark park" based on villains or darker characters, there is much space for improvement in the existing parks that would probably stop them from breaking ground for a new one.

I do know this, that it takes at least 10 years to go from idea to fulfillment on a park. Who knows?
While more Disney is always better in my book, I just don't see a good argument for another full gate. A night kingdom or specialty boutique park, yes, but WDW already got burned twice with that idea, first with Discovery Island and then with Pleasure Island. Sure, neither of them were boutique parks but both were additional places to go offering unique experiences and both failed to meet expectations.

At this point WDW has their hands and budgets full just trying to keep up with their current parks and there's so much room for expansion at each of them. It's not like they can really extend the average person's stay much more - most people get a limited amount of time off from work and a limited amount of money for the same. There's already more to see than time to do it. Plus that park will need all new equipment, transportation, support CMs, etc. SO SO SO much cheaper to just add to the existing parks. Yes, crowds are an issue. But giving them more room to spread out within the four parks will work nearly as well as new gate. MK has all that room in Adventureland, DHS could desperately use a whole new area (I vote for their own Toontown, personally), Epcot could soak up a small nation's worth of guests if they just rehabbed JiI, plussed Living Seas (it seemed cavernous and bare last time I was there), reworked and reopened WoL, and added another country or two. Heck, just JiI would help a lot. AK has room for Avatar (annoyed that's taking over Beastly Kingdom), Australia, and South America if they plan right.

Point being, building out the existing is cheaper, would provide nearly the same return on (a much smaller) budget, and is badly needed besides. Glad to see they are doing that with the FLE and even Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom (small, but great little plus). Now on to the other parks!

As far as the limited amount of vacation time, when we Americans run out of time and $$, there are always the hoards of Brazilians that would more than fill the parks, since they now have all of the Visa breaks that obama spoke about when he was at WDW last month, so I do believe they would have the bodies to fill the parks. Besides, have you seen the horrendous crowds lately? It's always crowded at WDW! :guilty:
As far as the limited amount of vacation time, when we Americans run out of time and $$, there are always the hoards of Brazilians that would more than fill the parks, since they now have all of the Visa breaks that obama spoke about when he was at WDW last month, so I do believe they would have the bodies to fill the parks.

WDW is already popular with Brazilians. What makes you think they would come in even greater numbers with a 5th park? :confused3

Like all other groups, there may be some uptick in attendance with a new gate but not nearly enough to justify the added expense.

Besides, have you seen the horrendous crowds lately? It's always crowded at WDW! :guilty:

Meh. :(

Certain times are undoubtedly busier than they were in the past but it is not "always" crowded at WDW. We were in the parks for 7-8 days in mid February. Rarely did we wait more than 10 minutes for any attractions.

Now President's Day Weekend....THAT was crowded.
This rumor of a Villain's Park has been around at least 10-11 years. I was a CP CM in 2001-2002 and whispers were always flying around that Disney was coming out with a 5th park. It would be a great concept, but I don't see them opening something so large in this economic climate.

As for more thrill rides, I don't really see a whole park dedicated to them, or more than a few in each park cropping up. The whole concept of the Disney parks was something that every member of the family could do together. So too many rides that are only for people above a certain height goes against that.
I wouldn't want a park like that just based on the clientelle it would draw. Every weirdo, crazy, and nutso would love it LOL as well as normal people I'm just thinking of all the truly weird/strange people out there. I dated a guy once after high school... lets just say its a good thing that ship sailed.
"Weird/Strange" is objective. There are a lot of people that society calls "normal" that I think are weird or strange. I think this is a great idea for a park. I was just at WDW about a week a go and the crowds were crazy. They definitely need to put a fifth park on the front burner. A park like Dark Kingdom would be a great alternative to the always crowded Magic Kingdom.:)
I was just at WDW about a week a go and the crowds were crazy.

If you think that's reason enough to spend $3-4 billion dollars building a park and tens-of-thousands per day to operate it, you're living in Fantasyland.
I'm sorry I'm no conservative, but if I'm living in Fantasyland so is the Walt Disney Co. It's on the drawing boards.:thumbsup2
I have absolutely no doubt that Disney has plans drawn up for a 5th park. Several different ones, actually. Doesn't mean they are building it any time soon.

It is normal routine to come up with potential ideas for new rides, attractions, parks, etc. as part of a blue sky session. Some ideas from there get written down. Some may even get into detail, and even a cost analysis. There are probably rows of filing cabinets with those ideas. And if the situation ever arises that would benefit from one of them, they'll take it out, dust it off, updated it, and perhaps even make it.

The new Ariel ride is a case in point.

But many, many, many don't go very far.
If you think that's reason enough to spend $3-4 billion dollars building a park and tens-of-thousands per day to operate it, you're living in Fantasyland.

If you think Disney actually spends $3-4 billion on a park that isn't funded by outside sources, then you're living in Fantasyland
If you think Disney actually spends $3-4 billion on a park that isn't funded by outside sources, then you're living in Fantasyland

$2B, $3B...throw in whatever figure you wish. Doesn't really change the argument. :confused3
I have absolutely no doubt that Disney has plans drawn up for a 5th park. Several different ones, actually. Doesn't mean they are building it any time soon.

It is normal routine to come up with potential ideas for new rides, attractions, parks, etc. as part of a blue sky session. Some ideas from there get written down. Some may even get into detail, and even a cost analysis. There are probably rows of filing cabinets with those ideas. And if the situation ever arises that would benefit from one of them, they'll take it out, dust it off, updated it, and perhaps even make it.

The new Ariel ride is a case in point.

But many, many, many don't go very far.

I would think the Mine Coaster is also an example of this -- isn't the scuttlebutt on that one that it was designed a long time ago and that it was pulled out of storage, dusted off, and updated as a response to the reaction against the original FLE plans (a/k/a "Princess and Fairy meet & greet land") to actually add another ride instead of just more permanent M&G locations?

In the same vein, I'm sure that Imagineering has a lot of "what if" case studies done for new sites, parks, and/or expansions all over the world. 99% of it will likely never see anything but the inside of a filing cabinet (or, in this day and age, hard drive), and the remaining 1% will likely undergo several major revisions before being implemented.
I think that a villain area is an awesome idea, but not for an entire park. It would be great if they added a land to Magic Kingdom, like they've been planning forever, with this concept. It would thin out crowds without the expense of an entire park from scratch and would definitely be a draw for older kids. I think little kids would love an Ursula spinner and older kids would love a new dark rollercoaster. My daughters and I would definitely spend a lot of time in such a land.
Why does this thread keep getting revived? >.>

Because the 5th gate is one of those topics that will never die. It will only go away when Disney starts construction on a 5th gate at which point it will immediately be replaced by discussion of a possible 6th gate.
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