Do our American friends strive to visit the UK?

stevechase said:
English beer is a true gift from the Gods, although I wouldnt guarentee you will get it in London, lager swilling softies down there I am afraid.

If you are ever in a pub that sells it (which is basically about 8 pubs in the Black Country), try Bathams bitter, 4.5% approx, beautiful.


From what Ive heard, American beer like Bud etc is all over the UK (I dont order Bud here, theres no way I'll order it in the UK) So I'll really have to do some research before I belly up. Thanks for the Bathams tip. Is Samuel Adams sold there? I think its one of the best American beers...of course, theres always some micro brew that will beat it on occasion but in my opinion its one of the best we offer.
I am dreaming of the day when I can return to the UK! My step-sister's husband was stationed somewhere near Ipswitch. We went in December of 1985, when I was 14. We mostly toured London and Stratford Upon Avon. When we arrived in Stratford, we asked someone, "where's Shakespeare's house?" He said, "Who?" You have got to be kidding me! I sure hope he was joking....seems like a pretty serious crime to me! We said, "Shakespeare, you know the Father of English Lit? I suppose you don't know where Anne Hathaway's house is either?"
We also took a two-day side trip to Paris. Note: the Hovercraft is not for me! I would love to go back in the summer. I remember everything just being so cold and gray. When we landed at Heathrow, our plane would not go up to the terminal. A bus came out to pick us up. :confused3 Anyhow, when my children are older, we will return!
The famous killer ponies of the Yorkshire Dales eh? Nasty swines!, On the other hand you'd get pretty ticked off standing in the cold Yorkshire weather all day ha ha ha.

Samuel Adams? doesnt ring any bells I'm afraid, a few of your beers are creeping in here, the buds and coors and such are not really taken serioulsy here by the camra brigade (campaign for real ale). They are ok to chuck down you neck ice cold on a hot day. I think there are some decent ones creeping in, from some Boston breweires I think (must be the English influence eh).

Lots of places, in europe, the US and carib, assume us brits like ice cold ale, a good English beer is served only very slightly cool, almost room temp. In fact an old trad. was to warm a poker in a coal fire till it was red hot and stick it in a glass of beer, mulls the ale and really brings the flavour out.

Now I need a beer!

Steve hic!
Hey Steve, ya know whats funny? I completley forgot, we're planning on going to a restaurant tonight called The British Beer Company. Its a local chain here in Mass...never been. They have several on Cape Cod. I'll let you know my findings on their brews.
Someday I would love to visit. My Grandmother was born in the UK and her family came to the US when she was a little girl. She always describes her parents as a "very proper British gentleman" and a beautiful "Yorkshire lass". I've heard so many stories about England that I long to see it for myself. ::yes::
Ill try and get my hands on some we have some pretty wide ranging off licences here, Ill take a look.

Might slip out for a quick pint when the good lady wife gets home from work

You must remember tho, when visiting all places English, we are far more reserved and there will be no whooping and hollering when dragged out of the crowds at an English theme park. We just dont like that kind of attention lol ha ha ha

I think it's human nature to dream of far-off places.

When I was growing up, I always dreamed of visiting somewhere "across the ocean"--it sounded so far away and exotic.

In the early-mid 80's, when I was in my early 20's, I was lucky enough to make my dream come true, twice in two years!

The first year I went with a church group to Rome (my favorite city in the world, so far!) and we also visited Copenhagen since we flew Scandinavian Airlines and had a day layover there.

The following year my friend and I took a 3 week European charter tour and visited London, Paris, Switzerland, and Rome. London was FABULOUS! I wanted to move there after our trip! We had so much fun walking around, taking in the sights! I must admit though--I didn't care for the food in England. Paris was ok, but I liked London and Rome much better.

I've never stopped wanting to go back and see more of Europe, but then children came along and somehow, taking 5 kids to Europe doesn't sound like alot of fun to me ;) Expensive too.

Someday, when my kids are all older and I can ditch them without too much guilt, I will return!
You have a fair point there, I think the magic is in the distance, We went to Cuba last year (i know I know, dont boo) but it was a fantastic place and we thoughrouly enjoyed it. I want to try Mexico, the real Mexico, the pacific side, certainly NOT Cancun and eat real Mexican food.

We have travelled all over Europe, in France, Spain and all their Islands, Portugal Italy Tunisia (North Africa) and Turkey. But cause they are 'close' they dont seem to have the magic, although they were fantastic holidays.


I want to go! My dh and I were just discussing a trip to London last week. I think that will probably be our 2 dd's first international trip. We would love to go in about 3 years when our youngest will be 8 and our oldest 12. I haven't even started thinking about prices. I hope that it is not so $$$ that we won't ever be able to swing it.

I love love love old places that you can just dream of what kind of different lives people lived there! Not a lot of that here in Kansas! I think that both of my girls would really enjoy it too! What girl doesn't want to see a castle?
Hi, yes we do seem to have an abundance of castles, our closest is Dudley Castle It a bit dishrevelled but its a real Castle from way way back its about 20 mins drive (7 miles maybe) from our house.

And you could actually use the line "We're not in Kansas anymore....."

I love the UK. The people, the history, the literature, the culture are all Wonderful. I've been to England twice and can't wait to go back. My goal is to take a month during my summer holiday and visit as much of the UK as I can. I've been to London and seen many of the touristy spots but I want to see the rest. I would love to get a BritRail pass and just travel.

There'll always be an England
And England shall be free
If England means as much to you
As England means to me.
Hi Steve

My Dh and I have a friend in England that we would love to be able to visit. I also have a great desire to visit the non touristy areas of England as well as Scotland and Ireland. I was a history major in college and my main concentration was UK history. Neither of us have ever been outside of the US and it looks like it will be atleast a few more years before we get to make a trip but our first goal is to the UK (Italy after that). Our friend tells us that we need atleast 3 weeks to truly enjoy the country. I imagine that is pretty accurate seeing as how I want to tour the country side.
want to come back some day. DH had to go to London for work so I tagged along. I just had to pay for my plane fare and food. We landed on Friday morning and checked in and then went to his company by black taxi. We stayed at the Tower Thistle hotel. On Saturday when he left for work at 7:30 am, I left the other direction walking. Walked along the Themes Path, across the London bridge and down to Waterloo. I bought a bus and train pass there, but kept on walking. Walked up to the London Eye, across the Westminster Bridge, up to Buckingham Palace for the changing of the Guard, to Tralfagar Square and into Covent Garden to check out some Beauty salons I had been told about (I'm a Hairdresser and wanted to compare the way they do things and the way we do things) At this point I had been walking all day and DH was supposed to get back to the hotel by 5:30 so I took a bus back to meet him.

I did some research on the internet before my trip and dressed appropriately so as not to look like a tourist ( the only thing I seemed to be missing was a cell phone. Everywhere I went people were talking on them.) I must have fit in, because twice I was asked for directions and the funny thing was both times I was able to give the right answer.

Sunday DH had off so we rode the bus around London and also rode the London Eye (this is great).

Monday I went to Harrod's by bus and then took the Tube back to the hotel after the salesman at Harrod's gave me some very good directions. That day it was raining so I made it a short day and took a nap till dinner.

I loved all the new foods. The only problem that we had was that the Pound cost us over $2 American at the time and everything was comparabley priced Pound/Dollar (if something cost $2 here it was $2 Pound there) Thank goodness breakfast was included in our hotel stay ( and we had the full English hot breakfast, not the continental) so we only really needed Dinner later in the day. We were able to have some very nice Dinners this way.

Some day we will be back. DH former boss told us to go back and stay at a Bed and Breakfast next time. He says this is the way to go. (We even saved some change as seed money to insure our next trip. We always did that when we went to Canada and we went back there plenty of times, so I hope it works with British money too. :)
Hello Stevechase!
My goal is to visit your country for a two week visit sometime-
since my mother's parents are both from England, and it has always interested me. maybe when DH retires in a couple of years. Right now the drawback is the plane ride anywhere-
Cornwall is on the list as well as London.
I am bad about riding 3 hours even, hate those seats!
DizGeek said:
From what Ive heard, American beer like Bud etc is all over the UK (I dont order Bud here, theres no way I'll order it in the UK) So I'll really have to do some research before I belly up. Thanks for the Bathams tip. Is Samuel Adams sold there? I think its one of the best American beers...of course, theres always some micro brew that will beat it on occasion but in my opinion its one of the best we offer.

I thought Budweiser was Canadian ??

I would really enjoy a trip to England and maybe Ireland. I've never been out of the US but my mom was able to take a trip to England/Scotland/France for an entire summer when she was 16 years old. She has very fond memories of that summer and always wishes she could return. To be honest, though, the price of even a short vacation overseas nowadays is sky-high. Another problem is that I HATE HATE HATE to fly! I am terrified of it. The only way I could get to Europe is to take a cruise ship to Southhampton or wherever they dock and can you imagine the cost of that! Well...maybe someday. :cloud9:


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