Do you have kids?

Do you have children, and what are their ages?

  • Yes. All are 11 and under.

  • Yes. All are 12 to 17.

  • Yes. Some 11 and under AND some 12 to 17.

  • No. But plan to.

  • No. Been there. Done that.

Results are only viewable after voting.
2 here :wave2: DS-5 and DD 6months. (And DH if you want to count him too! ;) )
Our kids are 13, 11, 9, and 7. The main reason we joined DVC is the 2 bedroom unit is so nice for us. We would always have to get 2 hotel rooms, and having the kitchen and washer/dryer are just superb!
Three girls, ages 5, 2 (almost 3), & 5 months.

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There wasn't an option for this so...

Don't have none, don't want none

There's no option for me

No kids of my own
My DH has three - all grown
There was also no option for anyone with kids over 17. I guess by Disney Standards she's an adult, but I consider my 19 year old a kid and will continue to do so until she pays her own way!

So I am not in the survey, but I have 2 kids, one 13 and one 19. :wave2: ::yes:: :wave: :earsgirl: :earsgirl: :earsgirl:
I'm in the group of no option having no kids.
...the group pf people for whom having children simply is not, and never will be, an option.

Oh well.

Living with cards we've been dealt.

P.S. -- Perhaps another option reflecting this reality should be added to the poll??
We have 3 children living with my DW. DS - 9, DD - 7 and myself (DH)makes 3::yes:: My DW will tell you that there are definitely 3 children in this household. ::MickeyMo ::MinnieMo
Well, on our FIRST Disney trip we had 4 children...1992 and they were...18, 16, 8, and 6. Now they're all "growed up"...the youngest turned 18 last month...and on our most recent "family" trip we had 2 grandkids, if that counts. I'm not sure which way is better, but I know we'll keep going until we figure it out!:hyper:
Sure do! DS 8, DS 7, and DD 1 year

My DS is 26, so it voted: no, been there, done that . But for the record, he'll always be my "child" :teeth:

- Sharon
I didn't vote on this one. Not sure you could even make a poll for our family. :crazy:

Oldest DS is soon to be 29 and his fiance' has 3 boys ages 14, 12 and 7. They will be going to HHI with us in June.

DD is 26, married and has two girls ages 2 1/2 and 8 months. We're sending them to OKW in May.

Youngest DS is 11.



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