Do you have kids?

Do you have children, and what are their ages?

  • Yes. All are 11 and under.

  • Yes. All are 12 to 17.

  • Yes. Some 11 and under AND some 12 to 17.

  • No. But plan to.

  • No. Been there. Done that.

Results are only viewable after voting.
We're in the "been there, done that" group since our "kids" are 29 and 35!;)
Originally posted by rayelias
There wasn't an option for this so...

Don't have none, don't want none


Thank you for taking the time to post this. I apologize for leaving you out!!

I thought of this option as I was setting up the poll and then for some reason didn't include it. I guess I just spaced out for a moment.

Again, I'm sorry.
DD5, and I don't know who's more of a Disney fanatic, her or me!
Do dogs count as kids? Although he's never been to WDW:)
We don't plan on ever taking him across the pond!:p
Just 1 for us. She's 12 and is just as certifiable as us about WDW.
Originally posted by idratherbeinwdw
There was also no option for anyone with kids over 17. I guess by Disney Standards she's an adult, but I consider my 19 year old a kid and will continue to do so until she pays her own way!

So I am not in the survey, but I have 2 kids, one 13 and one 19. :wave2: ::yes:: :wave: :earsgirl: :earsgirl: :earsgirl:

I assume you mean you have a 19YO and a 13YO.

It was hard to cover every possible option.

I was just trying to get a feel for the demographic of people purchasin DVC. I would probably squeeze you in the group of those with kids 12 to 17.
Originally posted by OneMoreTry
Thank you for taking the time to post this. I apologize for leaving you out!!

I thought of this option as I was setting up the poll and then for some reason didn't include it. I guess I just spaced out for a moment.

Again, I'm sorry.

Don't think anything of it! I certainly wasn't offended. And, honestly, if you were to try and include every single option, the list would be a mile long!

My response of "Don't have none. Don't want none." was intended to be humorous. For me, having kids would be a hinderence to the freedom my fiance and I enjoy - we can vacation when we want, we can go out to dinner without worry, and (hopefully) will be able to retire 15-20 years earlier. Kids - who needs 'em?!? Bunch of leeches!!! (more humor - or is it?) ;)

I really thought that I would be a VERY small minority on the DIS board, figuring that the vast majority of Disney freaks would have children (either young or adult). I was kind of shocked to see that there were quite a few others who shared my viewpoint.

Anyhow, long story short - I was not in any way offended by the poll. I mean, come on, it's just a friendly poll on DIS! It's not the census bureau, for goodness sake! I, for one, took it in the intention it was given. If others got offended, pardon my language, but screw 'em. You meant no harm!

Don't lose any sleep over it.
Add us to the "no kids--never had em'-never will" list.

We are 37(me) and 39 (him) and have been blissfully married for 17 years. We are just two of those freaky people who never wanted children.

BUT WE LOVE, LOVE, LOVE DISNEY WORLD! Our first trip ever was only 2 1/2 years ago--12 trips later, we are quite consumed by Disney. We've traveled many exciting places, but none hold a more special place in our hearts as WDW.
We are in the first category...but in a few years will be in the third one for a good long time! We have a 9yo ds, 4yo dd, and 8mo dd.

Its scary knowing that when my baby is my son's son will be all grown up.

For those of you in the "don't want em, don't have em" have my deepest respect. I know couples who choose to not have children are often given a hard time about it. I think its great to make conscious decisions about your life and not just have kids because its expected.
DH and I are also in the "no option" group -- don't have kids and don't want any.

rayelias -- there are lots more of us here on the DIS than you may think! Check out the Adults/Solos board and sign in on our LONG childfree thread. :)
Two - one in grad school and the other a college junior.
Add me to the no option category.

Don't have any, would have loved to, but that wasn't in God's plans. I'll just have to be content spoiling the nieces and nephews.

Also, I've been lucky enough to be a primary teacher now, for 37 years, so averaging 25 kids a year, I've been blessed with over 900 children.

Maybe God had a plan after all, because "my" plan was to work for just five years.
Originally posted by auntsue
I've been lucky enough to be a primary teacher now, for 37 years, so averaging 25 kids a year, I've been blessed with over 900 children.

And it sounds like they have been blessed to have you too auntsue.

We have four kids ourselves. 17, 15, 12, 10. With one going off to college next year we won't need to bring the aero bed on any trips next year.

DH & I have an almost-16-year-old DS -- which, at that age, is quite enough, thank you very much!
Add me to the no option group. We have and under 11, an over 18, and we're TTC ;).

Just goes to show that there are all types of families on the DIS!


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