Do you have kids?

Do you have children, and what are their ages?

  • Yes. All are 11 and under.

  • Yes. All are 12 to 17.

  • Yes. Some 11 and under AND some 12 to 17.

  • No. But plan to.

  • No. Been there. Done that.

Results are only viewable after voting.
They'll always be "kids" to me - 18, 20 and 22 - all Disney freaks. 22 y.o. leaves for the world on Monday!
I have two DS, one 15 and one 12 and they are in size, certainly, young adults already!!!:earseek: I can see my older son complaining for us to plan Disney trips around his college schedule:teeth:

We have DD3 Macy and DD Maya 1. I'm due in January with a BOY!

We bought DVC when I was pregnant with #1, I'm so glad we did!

I have twin sons that are six. They are Disney Freaks just like there parents.
Originally posted by EmptyNester
My DS is 26, so it voted: no, been there, done that . But for the record, he'll always be my "child" :teeth:

- Sharon

We have 2 DS`s. 29, and 34. In the last year and a half , we also were blessed with 2 wonderful DDIL`s. So we`ve been there and done that, and were enjoying all the "Add-On`s" to the family!!!:wave:

My Dh and I have 2 DD's ages 3 and 6. The first year we took them to Disney the youngest was just 18 mo. and now she's big enough to ride Splash Mountian! Taking the kids the WDW is like a reality check for me. I am still in awe of how much they have grown!
I chose the under 11 option, but we have 3 under 11 and 2 over 18(which didn't have a listing). I chose the first option primarily because the youngest 3 usually vacation with us and the older two usually do not.
Looking at this poll has given me really good insight into the occupancy debate. When my 4 were all little, squeezing into a small unit was okay. They all LOVED each other, bathed together or tag team, slept in a pile, and the like. Now with 2 girls in pubery and my son getting close all I hear is "get away from me you freak!" "stop breathing over my shoulder!" "give me some space!" and "why is this family so weird?" It is a whole different ball game folks!!! I have decided that anyone who wants to take my adorable 13 year old demon on their next trip is more than welcome LOL!!! We are at the point where we will have to get an air matress for my DD7 because everyone wants their own bed. I feel like I must have the most difficult kids of any disser...Lacee
We have one, DS16. He has been to WDW over 20 times and loves planning our trtrips as much as I do.


Congratulations Melody and best wishes!
Two boys in our household. One is 11 and the other is 3. They both love DVC as much as we do and my 11-yr old helps plan each trip.
2 little darlings here - but they're not so little any more.
DS is now 18...almost 19!!
DD is now 14.
I didn't do the poll because we didn't seem to fit the choices.
Count me in as another who didn't answer the poll, because we don't fit any category.

DD, 18, is a freshman in college & DS, 7, is a second grader. We're all Disney nuts & DD is still ticked that she missed our Jersey week trip now that her schedule doesn't match her brother's. We promised to consult both school schedules before we book the next trip!!


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