Does MCO have the new Body Scanner that everyone is chatting about?

This and many more. There was an ABC news person in Newark and the TSA went into the underwear yesterday. also the guy in San Diego that took off his clothes to avoid another pat down (he had had one the week before and felt violated) he was arrested! THe head of TSA was supposedly on a talk show this morning as well this morning to 'review the procedures and how the ABC reporter issue shouldn't have happened)

Ironically, TSA supervisors told the guy in San Diego to put his clothes back on over his "tighty whities." Apparently, it was pretty obvious to the naked eye that he didn't have any weapons, explosives or incendiaries. That instruction was so they could give him a pat down. Local PD took him out of the terminal and through the concourse in his undies.
This and many more. There was an ABC news person in Newark and the TSA went into the underwear yesterday. also the guy in San Diego that took off his clothes to avoid another pat down (he had had one the week before and felt violated) he was arrested! THe head of TSA was supposedly on a talk show this morning as well this morning to 'review the procedures and how the ABC reporter issue shouldn't have happened)

And let's not forget the FA who was required to remove her prosthetic breast by TSAers.
Ironically, TSA supervisors told the guy in San Diego to put his clothes back on over his "tighty whities." Apparently, it was pretty obvious to the naked eye that he didn't have any weapons, explosives or incendiaries. That instruction was so they could give him a pat down. Local PD took him out of the terminal and through the concourse in his undies.

I know and they arrested him as well. This must be the way these TSA are trained since it is happening in many airports to men and women. Scary stuff. At least the Newark airport under the underwear is being addressed by the TSA leader! I don't know what good it will do unless they change this process. It really isn't making anyone safe just a lot of upset passengers and AMericans. All anyones has to do is watch the news/ read on Drudge or AOL for that matter. It's well spread out not one person or one airport doing the extreme patdowns.
And let's not forget the FA who was required to remove her prosthetic breast by TSAers.

Or people having to remove baggy clothing! Sweats/skirts are 2 examples of the 'baggie clothes' In private rooms of course, but my husband read that the rooms have cameras so how private are they.
And let's not forget the FA who was required to remove her prosthetic breast by TSAers.

I believe here in NJ the state is trying to rid Newark of the scanners at least NY is doing something as well. A time when both sides of the spectrum are coming together at least.
Orlando is holding a meeting next month to look into getting rid of TSA altogether and going with a private company
we just came back from Orlando today....

Terminal A line queques (sic) have been improved vastly, they seem to have more control with "dividers" to keep people in lane both before boarding pass/ID check point and for getting to the "carry on" check

the line to the left for "regular" travelers, has the shortest radius once you pass the "ID" check you get to "carry on" check quicker

all this was from our observation today

it did not seem to take more than 20 minutes to get through even though the lines into the terminal seemed long when we first got there

kudos to Orlando for improving their setup which in the past was very "chaotic" to say the least

They only seemed to have ONE body scanner, with the rest being the "walk through" metal detetors

The body scanner area seemed to be in the lines used by families and people with disabilities
we just came back from Orlando today....

Terminal A line queques (sic) have been improved vastly, they seem to have more control with "dividers" to keep people in lane both before boarding pass/ID check point and for getting to the "carry on" check

the line to the left for "regular" travelers, has the shortest radius once you pass the "ID" check you get to "carry on" check quicker

all this was from our observation today

it did not seem to take more than 20 minutes to get through even though the lines into the terminal seemed long when we first got there

kudos to Orlando for improving their setup which in the past was very "chaotic" to say the least

They only seemed to have ONE body scanner, with the rest being the "walk through" metal detetors

The body scanner area seemed to be in the lines used by families and people with disabilities

I hope you are not correct with this observation. If the dang things have any value, this is a dumb location. From a behavioral profiling perspective, that's the group least likely to be terrorists.
I hope you are not correct with this observation. If the dang things have any value, this is a dumb location. From a behavioral profiling perspective, that's the group least likely to be terrorists.

Maybe 5 years ago but not anymore. With the rise of female suicide bombers (especially those disguised to look pregnant), there is no typical profile anymore. That is what is making security so hard. Remember, the last major terrorist attack on US soil was accomplished by an Army psychiatrist on base. Not exactly someone who fits the profile of a terrorist.
I hope you are not correct with this observation. If the dang things have any value, this is a dumb location. From a behavioral profiling perspective, that's the group least likely to be terrorists.

On the 60-129 terminal, that is correct...they have a sign right out in the front that says familys and basically thats true...The employee line has also been moved over 2 lanes since CLEAR came back in service...not that it matters, they usually put normal passenges in the employee line all the time and I have to wait forever to get through, and its usually on the days I am running late..LOL
Maybe 5 years ago but not anymore. With the rise of female suicide bombers (especially those disguised to look pregnant), there is no typical profile anymore. That is what is making security so hard. Remember, the last major terrorist attack on US soil was accomplished by an Army psychiatrist on base. Not exactly someone who fits the profile of a terrorist.

The Major was pretty obviously behaving erratically.

As far as risk based placement of the new scanners . . . a lot of pax going through the family/medical line are not candidates for the new scanner. They won't be selected because of either their age or disability. These folks always have and will continue to get the secondary screening de jour.

It makes more sense, from a risk based point of view, to put the scanner in a location where it will be able to be used on a wider variety of people.
According to ABC news last night, only 3% of the flying public is being chosen to go thru the new scanners. Hopefully such a small number means there will be little impact on the length of the security lines. And also keep the number of people upset to a minimum.
Here's possibly a weird question, but I haven't seen it addressed yet: if you wear glasses, what do they make you do with them during the body scan? I'm legally blind without my glasses and don't wear contacts, so I'm going to be extremely upset if my glasses are taken away during the scan. (I'm flying for my next Disney trip in May.) I personally think it would be ridiculous if that happened, but I honestly wouldn't put anything past TSA anymore, especially since every single time I've flown after 9/11, at least one person in my family has been picked for extra screening...
According to ABC news last night, only 3% of the flying public is being chosen to go thru the new scanners. Hopefully such a small number means there will be little impact on the length of the security lines. And also keep the number of people upset to a minimum.

Here's possibly a weird question, but I haven't seen it addressed yet: if you wear glasses, what do they make you do with them during the body scan? I'm legally blind without my glasses and don't wear contacts, so I'm going to be extremely upset if my glasses are taken away during the scan. (I'm flying for my next Disney trip in May.) I personally think it would be ridiculous if that happened, but I honestly wouldn't put anything past TSA anymore, especially since every single time I've flown after 9/11, at least one person in my family has been picked for extra screening...

I have seen a few reports of people having to remove their glasses . . . right now I'm taking those reports with a grain of salt. If you are not wearing clothes on your face there is no need to look under them . . . Then again I have observed TSAers patting down bare skin. Arms of people in short sleeves,nothing exciting.
I wouldn't mind going through the scanners, but as a woman of child-bearing age who does not spend her life peeing on sticks, I'd rather not take the chance. TSA's not gonna pay for my kid's needs if he/she comes out with three legs and one eye. Yeah, yeah, I know, that level of radiation is safe, yadayada.. just like Thalidomide. And tobacco was once good for our health,too.

So I guess some poor gal is gonna have the not so lovely job of patting me down. Maybe we should start making Patter's thank-you cards, in true DIS fashion.
I wouldn't mind going through the scanners, but as a woman of child-bearing age who does not spend her life peeing on sticks, I'd rather not take the chance. TSA's not gonna pay for my kid's needs if he/she comes out with three legs and one eye. Yeah, yeah, I know, that level of radiation is safe, yadayada.. just like Thalidomide. And tobacco was once good for our health,too.

So I guess some poor gal is gonna have the not so lovely job of patting me down. Maybe we should start making Patter's thank-you cards, in true DIS fashion.

exactly. They'll find out later and oh, well. You'll see all the lawyer comercials, except we most likely won't be able to do that! Also, it 's the privacy thing. Have you seen those pictures? Obviously, they can be kept or there wouldn't be pictures to see.!
Also, it 's the privacy thing. Have you seen those pictures? Obviously, they can be kept or there wouldn't be pictures to see.!

Well, I'm a size 22/24 so I don't think it's MY pic they'd be keeping around :) But I'm not too crazy about the idea either. Also saw on Yahoo today that they are asking people not to wear loose clothing for traveling because it complicates patdowns. Sorry but I'm not gonna fly 11 hours in skinny jeans. Especially since they should be called scary jeans when they're on me.:rotfl2:


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