Does Tower O' Terror have a chicken exit ?

Ron G

Mar 17, 2003
Would really like to see the theming inside but don't care to be dropped. Can we escape before getting on the elevator ?

There is an elevator that doesn't drop that is the chicken elevator. I was always scared to do the TOT but never had the guts to do the chicken exit due to embarassing. I did do the TOT this visit and loved it. It was not as scarey as I thought and did not make me feel sick or anything. It feels more like it pulls you not that you drop. My kids said it has changed because now there is seatbelts for everybody and no bar but you have hand holds down on your seat. It made it seem not as screy or free fall. You may want to just go for it!:Pinkbounc
You can ask to bypass the actual ride when you get through the basement/boiler room (it used to be the way they did the baby swap; there is a doorway at the elevators that takes you around to the exit area). My daughter has a fear of heights and was not sure she would be able to get on the ride, but knowing there was a "bail out" door if needed gave her the courage to try (and while she did ride and stated she actually liked TOT, she also said once was enough!).
I went on TOT for the first time last December and it really wasn't that bad. I kept waiting for a big drop but it never happened. I don't know if it's because it's inside and you just don't realize how far you're dropping but it just wasn't that bad. for me anyway.
We were IN the elevator, before they closed the doors - and a kid was crying, the dad was making the kid go. THe CM asked the kid if they wanted to go and the Dad answered that the kid would be fine. THe CM said I am not asking YOU, and then asked the kid again- the kid said no and the CM offered the dad to stay on or not and meet the kid at the end. I think the Dad was embarassed, as well as mad, and got off with the child.

So, long story short you can exit after seeing the theming.

On a side note, my dd (whom wanted to ride) started crying just after the other kid left and the doors closed. Luckily we had been talking with the lady next to dd the whole line and we both helped to comfort her. The lady also knew that I had in no way forced her to try it.
All you need to do is let the cm who is seating everyone know that you do not want to ride. You will be taken to a separate "regular" elevator that will take you down to the area where everyone comes off, right in front of the counter where you can purchase a photo and just before the gift shop. It's a much cooler place to wait for your family and friends than outside in the heat. This way, you can still experience most of ToT, except for the endless hallway and drops. I've ridden this "alternate elevator" twice with youngsters who didn't want to do the drops.

IMHO, the drops are not all that bad - and I get motion sickness in roller coasters and even when riding in a stick-shift car! By the time my stomach starts to feel the teeniest bit queasy, the ride is over! I definitely could not ride it twice in a row, but doing it once a trip is fine. My suggestion is always give the ride one try to see if you are bothered by it... it's definitely worth it to experience it all the way through! ::yes::
Seat belts as opposed to the lap bar - why'd they change this!??! That's crazy if you ask me. Now I'm all worried that the seatbelts are going to be extremely uncomfortable. Seems to me like it would be easier to just have a bar come down over everyone than deal with fumbling looking for seat belts. Anyone know why this happened? :confused:
First of all I say give it a try. Its not that bad, actually its a lot of fun. You'll be hooked after that first ride.
StuartMI--the lap bars were awesome! The seatbelts are okay, the ride is still enjoyable. Just try to leave a little leeway when putting on the belt. A cm told us that some kids that were riding had hit their chins on the lapbar and cutting their chins--several needed stitches, so they switched over to seatbelts.
I'm not a big daredevil and this was my favorite ride on our vacation. I loved it. After the first ride, I said "that's it" because I was expecting it to be much scarier. I agree that you don't feel like you have fallen nearly as far as you have. My 8 year old daughter chickened out the first time but loved it when she went the second time.
Do they tease you about taking the chicken exit? I don't want to ride this, but I know DH does so I would like to see it all up til the ride. I just want to know if they really give you a hard time about not riding. Thanks:D
No, I don't think they will give you a hard time. When my daughter didn't get on, the person loading the elevator called someone over who escorted her right down to my husband in the gift shop.
I mysteriously came down with a "headache" when I got to the boiler room and decided that a ride on the ToT wouldn't be a good idea. The CM doesn't pick on you. Just tell them that you've decided not to ride and they'll direct you to the exit. The most you'll have to endure is some curious looks from the other people in line.

And it's funny how quickly my headache cleared up once I got out of the ToT! ;-)
They certainly don't ridicule you but they play or tease ya little if you take the chicken exit. We asked for the chicken elevator and he said in his creepy voice..."Poultry, come this way...."
It took a minute for me to "get it".

I wouldn't worry about takin the chicken exit, that is what it is there for! :)
Try it once! If you love it ride it a million times, if you hate it never ride it again. I don't think it's an experience that will cause you to have nightmares and do other bad things to yourself, so give it a try.
I heard that one reason they went to seat belts was because if you were in an aisle with a "large" person, the bar wouln't keep you in place and you tended to bounce up and down too much.
Lap bars vs. seatbelts...hmmmm, let's see. We loved the laps bars because you got what my two DDs, 11 and 6, called "air time" because the lap bar never even came close to touching those two skinny girls! Seatbelts give you a definite sense on insecurity if you like to hold onto something...the bars next to your seat are always there unless your neighbor won't share!! We actually don't hold on and my DD has informed me that she actually raises herself out of her seat during the drops to get some of that good ol' airtime we love so much! I just leave it loose and hope for the best;) !
I am a big giant thrill ride chicken, until my trip to WDW earlier this month. My DH who LOVES thrill rides guilted me in to going with him on several of the coasters, etc. TOT was one I nearly chickened out of...I hate drops...HATE them. We are talking anxiety attack HATE. BUT I had to do TOT, the curiousity of the having the FULL experience was what won out. And it was fantastic. I think the anticipation of knowing you are going to drop is much worse in the end than the actual drop(s). And altho you get to see alot before the chix exit, there is still some very cool ghosts and things that you see once you are actually on the ride (atleast I hope others have seen them!!! maybe TOT is HAUNTED!!! :)

Like I said, I HATE rides but WDW has changed that. The only one I will never ever go on again is Rock N Roller Coaster, I was sick for hours afterwards...going upside down and going from 0 to 60 in 2 seconds is NOT my idea of fun.

I vote a yes for TOT. But deep down, ultimately you know what you can handle. I can't handle going upside down, i knew it and went on RnR coaster anyway and regretted it.

yep there is a sevice elevator or the stairs.

Believe me when i was about 7 i suddenly chickened out because i got locked in a lift once and didn't like the sound of the ride so the cm tryed to take me down in the normal lift but i wouldn't go so i ended up going down the stairs with the cm.

*remembers the cm jumping on the normal lift to try and tell me it was ok* :rotfl:


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