"Don't forget a picture of the food!" Updated 8/16! A Fall TR!

I want in on the road trip, but I am not driving from the West Coast. I would fly to the East Coast and be in the 2nd (or 3rd van). It is 3,000 miles to Orlando from here.

I think Disney in a large group :scared1: would be so hard.

Terri, come back!
Oh my gosh. You guys are cracking me up. :rotfl2:


I want in on the road trip, but I am not driving from the West Coast. I would fly to the East Coast and be in the 2nd (or 3rd van). It is 3,000 miles to Orlando from here.

I think Disney in a large group :scared1: would be so hard.

Terri, come back!

Oh we have a couple from west.. Like Terry if she ever decides to look at her own TR... :lmao:

Yes. Big group of Disney go-ers would be way too much.

Yeah... Terry people want to hear about YOUR TRIP!!! :lmao:
Forget Terri's trip--I wanna talk about this future road trip! If you are going towards Atlanta then I'm sure you can swing by St Louis and pick me up. I'll meet you by that big silver arch thingy!

(You know I'm just kidding and am dying over here waiting for the next update. You better hurry before this happy future Disney trip planning turns and hits riot mode! :rotfl:
Chicago Mo said:
apparently the future of our road trip!!!! :woohoo:


oh boy....

Seriously.. first your wa wa=ing over not having a trip NOW your not up for it until 2018?!?! :stir:

I still vote for 2016.. that gives us a full year to start something?!?!

If we can do a poll on someone else's report that would be hysterical..

Totally agree the drive would have to be split What would be the middle between us all? I think Terri is the furthest west?? i wouldn't want her driving all the way east by herself if we can't find more hitchhikers?!?!

Same resort. ::yes:: thinking value? I am telling you the two bathrooms is PERFECTION at AoA. although it is a bit more $$ then say Pop.. up for discussion..

Holy RULES batman!!!!
I told you this famous thing would get to your head..... popcorn:: popcorn::


No we wont... Lies... all lies....

OK, we can do 2016, but in the effort of posting full disclosure... I won't be able to afford the car, gas or food... Possibly hotel... But I think I can do the tickets?

Sooo... Where should we do the poll?

Pretty sure I am the furthest north... Anyone else in MN/WI/Northern IL who wants me to pick them up?

Seriously, if this is going to work, we need a plan....

Yes, I am thinking POP... 2 people to a room. I snore (full disclosure thing again) and I spend a bit of time in front of a mirror every morning. Otherwise, I am a delight. ::yes:: So, if anyone wants to be my roomie.... Provided Suzi n Mo don't wanna do it, they have dibs, since they spend a lot of time with me. ;)

There's gotta be more people from TX that would want to come to ride with Terri... How aboot Carol?

Demands? Hmph... Just don't need any unrealistic expectations... :whistle.

OregonMomToWDW said:
I want in on the road trip, but I am not driving from the West Coast. I would fly to the East Coast and be in the 2nd (or 3rd van). It is 3,000 miles to Orlando from here.

I think Disney in a large group :scared1: would be so hard.

Terri, come back!

This sounds great! Yes fly to where ever, well pick you up. :)

STLMickeyMom said:
Forget Terri's trip--I wanna talk about this future road trip! If you are going towards Atlanta then I'm sure you can swing by St Louis and pick me up. I'll meet you by that big silver arch thingy!

(You know I'm just kidding and am dying over here waiting for the next update. You better hurry before this happy future Disney trip planning turns and hits riot mode! :rotfl:

St Louis would be perfect... Well not exactly... But I bet Monica would
LD want to come too, she is from Stl. You could carpool to meet up with us somewhere convenient... By convenient, I mean, well probably inconvenient, but it will be worth it, I promise!

Wed love to have you with us!

Darn tablet... Spell check disasters everywhere....

Ok, so Suzi and I can drive down from Maine together to a central location and the road trip can start from there!!! :lmao:
Ok, so Suzi and I can drive down from Maine together to a central location and the road trip can start from there!!! :lmao:

Awesome, another person from the Island of Maine chiming in - Home of Bob Marley, in case you all were wondering... ::yes::

Yeah.....I'm just gonna fly down and meet you all there. It is a LONG way from Maine.....look at a map :)

Hi Terri! Great start, your family is adorable! I think I was tagged 157 times today on FB and somebody mentioned that I should find this TR, so here I am :) You're stuck with me now.......
Awwww... :grouphug: I feel the same about you and all of my Disfriends!!! Disfriends are the BESTEST!!!! :lovestruc


Truth!! :thumbsup2 :hug:

Boo!!! I totally missed this for TWO DAYS!!!!!!!!

But, I am here now.........:rotfl2:

Definitely cutest family ever! I can't wait to hear all about your trip.....That is awesome that you got to see Lori right when you got there :hyper:

Boo for the running through the airport. Hopefully that was the worst part of your trip!!

Y'all got the greatest magic shots. I kept forgetting to ask for them so we got two....hahahaha both at the halloween party. so sad!!!! I'm blaming it on newbiness (hehehe)

We hardly did any our first trip too! There were too many other thing stealing our attention! You'll get better! ;)

Here and following along! Excited to read all about your trip!

So glad you made your plane! I had anxiety reading that post! Airports make me anxious to begin with so I would have been flipping my lid if I were you! Crazy!

How exciting that one of your first Disney experiences was meeting up with Lori! We love Lori!

There is nothing more exciting that seeing your first park entrance of the trip! I got super excited while reading the end of your last post because I realized in 3 weeks from when I was reading it, I would be in that exact spot!! Can't wait to get to Hollywood Studios! Great start to your report! Can't wait to see more!

SQUEEEE! I can't believe your trip is so close!! How FUN!!!! You must be reading everything Disney you can right now!!! :hyper:

Joining! You had me with your TR title!

I love how in your intros you did "Favorites from this trip" as opposed to the usual just favorites in general

Also, we have a 5 year old names Olivia as well - who also though the Mine Train was her favorite from this last trip. Though, you have clearly done a better job raising your child than we have as my Olivia wants nothing to do with ToT or Star Wars :rotfl:

We also have a two year old (though a boy) who has been in his "terrible twos" since about 18 months. That picture of Maddie in your intro is pretty darn perfect with the binoculars and looking at Pascal :goodvibes

Congrats to your friend - definitely about the best reason to be getting all those texts (too bad it cut into you "I'm going to Disney sleep")

Of course your bags were the last ones to come off ... I mean, got to add to the excitement of your story! Glad you made it at least - makes it much easier to look back at the events as "funny/exciting" ;)

Wow - that was quite the check-in line! but yeah for your room being ready and for running into your friend! Glad that worked out - and off to MGM/DHS!

Teehee, glad you see the humor in my title! LOL! It was said many, many times during our stay! Hahahahh!

Also glad you liked our "faves from this trip", I figured that would be fun to change up!

How funny that we both have an Olivia and our kids are the same age!!! Man, oh , man did those terrible twos get us! But I wouldn't let it keep me from Disney, we still had the best time, and it's all the kids talk about still!

Glad you are following along!

And yes, quite the drama with the bags, I suppose they knew it would add to the suspense when re-telling the story in my TR!?!?!? And gah, that check in line, booooo!

I read your entire TR last time after you had finished, so I'm glad I'm in at the beginning this time!

Oh. My. God. That airport story is horrible!!! We had a very tight connection coming back from Italy last month, and had to get our checked bags, clear customs, re check our bags, change terminals, and go back through security in like 40 minutes. I thought that was stressful! I would have been having a full blown panic attack! But at least you made it and you can laugh about it now. :rotfl: I was relaying it to DH and he was kind of acting like it wasn't that big of a deal. Then I remembered an important fact and said, "Oh, and they had to do all of that with two kids." That changed his tune! :lmao:

So fun that you had a DIS meet so quickly! That has to be some kind of record...a DIS meet before you even get to see your room! I'm looking forward to the rest of your adventure.

Yay! Glad you are here from the begining of this one!

Hahaha, yes the airport was quite the adventure, I think we will be more careful next time or just spring for the non-stop! Only problem is they all got in so much later!

Oh, and I have seen dis-meets in the airport, so I think someone has me beat, but that was pretty quick! LOL!

What an action packed first day!!

I'm having nightmares about our airport adventures since it's our first time flying but luckily it's a non-stop flight for us!

The girls are too cute as always! I can't wait to see all of their outfits in action!

Those nachos do look yummy! We may have to walk over there from AOA one night!

I'm going to need another post soon since we leave in 6 days!

SqueeeeEEEEEeeeEEEEEE!!! Your trip is SO soon!!!! Yes, be happy you have the non-stop, you should not see the same kind of action as me! LOL!

The outfits, oh the outfits, I think I am so excited to write about our trip just so people can see how adorable they were, I have no problems bragging, they were CUTE! Thanks mostly to all the kind people who made them things to wear!

Hello! I just came across this report and thought I'd join in. Your girls are adorable and I can't wait to hear about your trip!

Your airport experience was a little stressful. It makes me grateful that I paid a extra to get a direct flight for our next trip.

Yay! Glad to have you here!!

Hahaha, yes, non-stop is the way to go!!

I am here and following. Sorry it took so long to get here. Work has been insane.

I love the girls pictures with the magic shots. We didn't get a chip or a pascal, but my kids have to be bribed to stop to have a picture taken.

Running for the plane while dragging kids behind. Such a fun way to start a trip. Glad it all worked out for you.

Can't wait to read more.

Better late than never! My schedule has been nuts too, so I hear ya on that. No worries!

LOL! We did have to force them to take some photos this trip, thats for sure!

And yup, it was an interesting way to start our trip, what can I say? It makes for a great read now! LOL!
Awwwwwwwww!!!! Look D~!!! we made it in a report!!!
This is the sweetest ever!!! :grouphug: Thanks!!! we are pretty funny.. Your going to have to get into our road trip to Disney! this will happen one day
We love you too!!!

I agree... Dis friends are the best people on the planet!!!

Now enough of all that love fest BRING ON AN UPDATE! :rotfl2:

popcorn:: popcorn:: popcorn::

:love: :love: :love:

:rotfl: :rotfl:

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

:goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes

Okay, okay, here we go, an update JUST for you and D~, since you were so kind as to tag me a billion times on FB today... lol!!
:woohoo: We must be famous now??? Surely...

Totally... Must get in on the Road Trip trip... Yah - that.


Yup, yall have reached a new level of fame, I'd say!

Road trip!?! Tell me more :)

Oh man! What a harrowing airport experience! :scared1: I'm so glad you made it!

Can't wait to hear more.

Tell me about it!!!! LOL! More comin' your way!

OMG I can't believe I missed this until now!! I am late but I am here :goodvibes and I LOVE the title - sounds exactly like us on our trip hahah. sooo excited to read more!!!

It's okay, you're here now! Yay! I need to get over to yours too!

hi Terri, Ive just caught up!

your girls are so cute omg.

glad to see you made it to my WDW home, POP!!!! <33

Cant wait to read about first day in DHS hehehehe

HI!! Thanks, they're pretty cute to me too! LOL!

Yes, made it to POP, safe and sound, with only some drama, lol...

Looking forward to hearing about your trip.

I hate doing the airport dash, glad everything worked out though.

Yea, it wasn't to fun in the moment, I can giggle about it now though! Glad you're here!!

Feeling the DIS-love!! Y'all are just so nice and sweet. I need to get in on this road trip too. I'd make a great little detour around Atlanta into Alabama just a bit. Just kidding! My husband loves Disney too and would pout like a baby if I left him behind to go to Disney with the girls! But this is exactly what I mean by loving the DISfriendships! You just open your arms and invite everyone in to enjoy.

Terri- Loving your report so far! So sorry about the airport problems. My family is going to visit my husbands parents in Vancouver over Christmas and layovers were what I freaked out over trying to deal with looking at flights. Wound up settling with an almost 4 hour layover in Chicago because my last experience at O'Hare was (pun coming) hairy! No offense Mo, but Chicago isn't my town! My in laws also got laid up there once on a Saturday and weren't going to be able to get a flight out until Tuesday so we wound up driving to Chicago to pick them up. So not someplace I have a yearning to ever go again... If y'all ever do an epic DISmeet in the south I'd be glad to join in!

Terri, I never posted in your PTR but I love the homemade shirts. I've warned my husband that whenever we get to go back (praying for next November!) that we are wearing matching homemade shirts everyday! I tie dyed a few for our last trip and one set was white with black and orange with an orange mickey head that I outlined in black and glow in the dark paint. Well my hard work, effort, and Disney love got us invited to be Grand Marshalls for the Make a Dream Come True parade. I truly believe that putting a little effort into your vacation makes it a million times better. I hope you don't mind if I keep your shirts in my head when I design ours next time. The abominable snowman was soooooo cute!

Tangent over! Carry on!


Heheh!! Glad you are here!! Yes, Dis-Love is all over the place!!

I agree, better to have more time on that layover than not enough!!! Ya never know! It's no fun to be stuck somewhere!!

Glad you liked the shirts! I spent a lot of time on them! The Yeti was my FAVE! I love how our pictures came out in that blue! I agree, a little effort goes a long way!

I say we just take over here... Terri hasn't posted in a while..

Gotta be! I guess we should start marketing? Just don't let it get to your head.. I don't know if I can handle it.

This. Must. Happen.

Maybe 2016? I can only image the antics... :drive: Between you and not being able to sit in the backseat. Suzi and well.. I hope she brings a Mickey head waffle maker.

Your dream must become a reality!

Hahha, it hasnt been THAT long!!!

Hmmm. I can't sit in back either! Vertigo issues and motion sickness, booo... I can drive? Or better yet, I'll just fly over and meet you there! Teehee, but then I would miss out on all yalls antics!!

Too funny!
Nope no husbands allowed! Georgia... No peaches... :sad2: i was very upset about this...


Hahahaha! Yes I recall you were quite upset over this peach situation... (or lack thereof?)

I agree... It's been too long! What should we write about?

Pffft... I never let anything go to my head...

Seriously - I am thinking... Well... 2016 is supposed to be Alli's grad trip. 2017 is supposed to be V's grad trip... Is 2018 too far away? By then, both of my girls will be gone, and I'll be free (ahem... dying) to travel any chance I get.

Everyone is welcome to join in... The only conditions I am making now... We would split the cost of gas/van rental among all of us... If there is a need for a 2nd van - that will need to be split between the late joiners... Maybe there can be a second van that comes from the West? Since we have the north covered... And we can all meet up somewhere in the south?

And everyone is responsible for their own room arangements. Find people to room with - or get your own... It would be easiest if we could all stay at the same resort though - so we are not turning into ME.

Oh... and don't expect to stay together as a group... I am doing my own thing... feel free to meet up with me - or plan a few meals - whatever... but I have no desire to try to do Disney as a large group - it's just no fun.

Just my thoughts...

And Terri - if you come back, we'll stop the hijack...


Hasnt been THAT LONG!! You crazy people.... lol...

Rules, rules, rules, well I want in! Secure me a spot in Van #1 bc I have been DYING to experience the Mo/D/Suzi/Tess show!! We can get an AoA suite and I will sleep on the dining table bed, lol, I'm less than 5 feet tall, that should work!

apparently the future of our road trip!!!!

Seriously.. first your wa wa=ing over not having a trip NOW your not up for it until 2018?!?!

I still vote for 2016.. that gives us a full year to start something?!?!

If we can do a poll on someone else's report that would be hysterical..

Totally agree the drive would have to be split What would be the middle between us all? I think Terri is the furthest west?? i wouldn't want her driving all the way east by herself if we can't find more hitchhikers?!?!

Same resort. ::yes:: thinking value? I am telling you the two bathrooms is PERFECTION at AoA. although it is a bit more $$ then say Pop.. up for discussion..

Holy RULES batman!!!!
I told you this famous thing would get to your head..... popcorn:: popcorn::


No we wont... Lies... all lies....


Omg, derailed, FOR SURE! Haha, why dont you all just drive DOWN to get me then we will go right to FL? LOL, BAHAHAHAHAH!

Oh my gosh. You guys are cracking me up. :rotfl2:


I want in on the road trip, but I am not driving from the West Coast. I would fly to the East Coast and be in the 2nd (or 3rd van). It is 3,000 miles to Orlando from here.

I think Disney in a large group :scared1: would be so hard.

Terri, come back!

Im here, Im here! I apologize, I didnt know my thread had been taken over by crazy people!!


Oh we have a couple from west.. Like Terry if she ever decides to look at her own TR... :lmao:

Yes. Big group of Disney go-ers would be way too much.

Yeah... Terry people want to hear about YOUR TRIP!!! :lmao:

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Forget Terri's trip--I wanna talk about this future road trip! If you are going towards Atlanta then I'm sure you can swing by St Louis and pick me up. I'll meet you by that big silver arch thingy!

(You know I'm just kidding and am dying over here waiting for the next update. You better hurry before this happy future Disney trip planning turns and hits riot mode! :rotfl:

Traitor! LOL! Maybe I can fly to St Louis first and they can pick us both up by the big, silver arch thingy!

OK, we can do 2016, but in the effort of posting full disclosure... I won't be able to afford the car, gas or food... Possibly hotel... But I think I can do the tickets?

Sooo... Where should we do the poll?

Pretty sure I am the furthest north... Anyone else in MN/WI/Northern IL who wants me to pick them up?

Seriously, if this is going to work, we need a plan....

Yes, I am thinking POP... 2 people to a room. I snore (full disclosure thing again) and I spend a bit of time in front of a mirror every morning. Otherwise, I am a delight. ::yes:: So, if anyone wants to be my roomie.... Provided Suzi n Mo don't wanna do it, they have dibs, since they spend a lot of time with me. ;)

There's gotta be more people from TX that would want to come to ride with Terri... How aboot Carol?

Demands? Hmph... Just don't need any unrealistic expectations... :whistle.


LOL! I may or may not snore too, just sayin'....
Denovagirl said:
:love: :love: :love:

:rotfl: :rotfl:

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

:goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes

Okay, okay, here we go, an update JUST for you and D~, since you were so kind as to tag me a billion times on FB today... lol!!

Sadly... I don't even know HOW to tag on FB... Are you sure you were tagged? Rofl!! Love you Terri!

I'm so excited to relive the magic of your trip! I'm definitely suffering from withdrawal these days.

Thanks! I hope this eases the Disney Blues some for you!!! :)

Yeah.....I'm just gonna fly down and meet you all there. It is a LONG way from Maine.....look at a map :)

Hi Terri! Great start, your family is adorable! I think I was tagged 157 times today on FB and somebody mentioned that I should find this TR, so here I am :) You're stuck with me now.......

I agree, flying down sounds GREAT, I'll do the same and you and I will just chill and have a pool day while we wait for all these driving fools to show up! :beach:

Heehee, glad you are here! I love reading your reports, and its AWESOME to have you!!! ::yes::

I know, those two had a little too much fun with the tagging today, didn't they!?!?! LOL!!
Terri... What if you meet us and we are the most boring people in the world? Then you'll be stuck in the van with the most boring people ever for DAYS.... ::yes:: Food for thought... ;)

Sadly... I don't even know HOW to tag on FB... Are you sure you were tagged? Rofl!! Love you Terri!


Bahaha, don't know how to tag, my butt! Crazy girls! Crazy, crazy, BORED girls... ;)

Terri... What if you meet us and we are the most boring people in the world? Then you'll be stuck in the van with the most boring people ever for DAYS.... ::yes:: Food for thought... ;)


Yea, after today I am 21497632746234569234875639428759238746% sure that's not possible!


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