Doreen's New Way of Life (comments are welcome)

:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc Yeah Doreen! Way to go, you are doing fantastic. I will be looking into a pedometer, curious to see how many steps per day.

Funny how me & my dh argue also right before company comes in the door. Seems to be the rushing around no matter how many days before you start preparing:p

Keep it up:Pinkbounc
Doreen, I'm doing the two pound happy dance for you!:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc Good-bye, Two Pounds, we never want to see you again around Doe-Doe!:p

You're success is such an inspiration to me, Doreen. Your attitude is so positive and strong. Can't wait to meet you and DH in person on the 25th!:)

Gotta go talk to MeMe about those nachos. . .
OK, ladies, it's confession time! I wasn't feeling well all day - I'm suffering from Erin's day-before-going-back-to-work-itis :p with my stomach all in knots.

I posted my lunch but guess what I had for dinner?? The only thing that sounded like it would sooth my stomach was - ice cream! I measured it out and ate 30 carbs worth of ice cream (3/4 cup!).

That makes 47 carbs for the day, which is under my 60 carb limit, so I'm keeping my cheat free clippie!

My depression has been great for the past few days but now it is back in full force because of the work thing. I'm doing two different projects and I despise both of them. I don't feel like I am doing them well at all. Since I was off 3 days last week, now I'm behind on both of them, so I'll really have to kick butt tomorrow. My goal for tomorrow is no internet playtime at work! Usually when I am trying to avoid work, I find excuses to be on the net. Also, I'm taking tons of low-carb snacks because the anxiety at work WILL cause me to want to eat.

I'll work on a time for the Doylestown walk - gotta check how long the drive will take us. My gut feeling is probably 10:30 or 11 AM to start the walk and then hubby and I will have to find a restaurant in the area for a late lunch afterwards. Once we've decided on a time, we can post an invitation on the WISH board.

I am excited about meeting you all! However, I can already feel the insecurities creeping in - will they be disappointed in me once they meet me in person?? It doesn't matter - you have all been wonderful to me and I have no reason to worry about meeting you in person! I'm guessing I'll be a nervous wreck on the way there and once we meet, we'll have a wonderful time!

Time for bed - I'll post tomorrow evening since I will not be playing on the computer during the work day! ;)
Hi Doreen! I know the feeling, I'm not really looking forward to tomorrow.

Wow, you had ice cream and still stayed under your limit. That's great! I don't expect that I'll be able to have any ice cream until vacation next year and that's a long way off.

I hope everything goes well with you and the projects you have scheduled. I understand the difficulties of work place pressures, deadlines, etc. Just remember that you're human and an only do what you can. I don't know if you're able to get away from the office on your lunch break or not, but if you can it allows you to get away from that environment. Maybe read a book or meditate during lunch after you eat. If I can't get away, I just close the door to my office I don't take any calls.

Too bad I don't live in your state, I would love to meet you all in person. Maybe we can post pictures of ourselves and meet that way. I'm still shopping for a digital camera, but when I finally buy it, the first thing I'll do is post my before and after pics.

Talk to you soon Doreen, keep your chin up!:D
Hey, Doreen. . .I only have a minute 'cause I gotta get to Jersey this a.m. for a teachers' workshop, but I wanted to send you some Monday morning {{{{{{{{{{{hugs for DoeDoe}}}}}}}}}}. Take a deep breath, and remember you can only do one thing at a time.

Talk to you later,
Good luck on your projects this week.

You are doing a wonderful job of staying within your carb limits and the success is that you are losing! That's fantastic!!!

Keep up the good work!

It's lunch time so I'm squeezing in a quick post!!

Pedometer yesterday = 2600 steps "how low can you go??" I can hear the limbo music!! I'm way ahead of the game today so I'm making up for it.

Food today
B - Atkins bar
S - 1 oz macadamia nuts
L - 1/4 lb burger, lettuce, mayo, mustard

Carbs so far = 4 (17 - 13 fiber!) according to Fitday.

Work is going OK but I keep getting pulled into meetings so I can't catch up on my projects :rolleyes: This afternoon will be better and I'm gonna do GREAT!!

Edit: 5:30 PM
S - Atkins bar - 3 carbs (total so far today = 7)

I survived work - turned out to be a decent day. I walked during lunch time which put extra steps on my pedometer and got me away from my desk.

The scale was back up a pound this morning - TOM visit on the horizon, so I'm not worried about it. Maybe I'll stay off the scale until Sunday's weigh in.

Edit: 6 AM next morning
I wanted to fill in yesterday's food.
D - small bowl of chili - about 25 carbs

Today's total carbs = 32
Pedometer yesterday = 11,000 steps including 1.5 miles over lunch and evening walk with DH & puppy.

Just did 3 mile WATP (without the weights) while I had a load of laundry in the washer.

I'm feeling good today!! More later!
Looks like your getting in those steps, but 2600 I hear that limbo music too. Wasn't 4000 your lowest? well a new record- moving on.
A puppy? were you holding back from us?

Hope your work week calms down. Stay focused and stay off that scale till Sunday;)
Yeah, what's up with this puppy? Give us the details, Doreen!

Thanks for getting the walk on the boards, it looks like we're getting some interest. How fun!:Pinkbounc I'll look into restaurants in Doylestown, but what kind of places to you lo-carbers like? Steak houses? Sushi? Let me know what you're into.

You're going gangbusters now, honey! Keep it up! I'm jealous of your motivation! No, that's not right. I just want some to rub off on me. I appreciated the hugs you gave me. . .that mental picture of me in the Bahamas with a pina colada is carrying me through the week!

Will check in again tomorrow a.m.

I'm on my way to the treadmill and thought I'd drop in and wish you smiles:D for your day. It looks like the weather is going to be beautiful--hope it's nice like this the day of the PA Wish Walk!!
Hey, that makes me wonder. . .what if it's raining that day? Is this a "rain or shine" event or will we have a rain day? Something to think about. . .personally, I don't mind walking in the rain--if it's not a hurricane ;) --but I wouldn't want you and your DH driving for hours and hours in it. :(

I'm excited and nervous at the same time whenever I think about the walk. It'll be great meeting you all, but what if I'm shy?! If that's the case, I guess I'll just have to get over it pretty quickly, because I know we're going to have lots of fun!

Have a super day, Doreen, and remember:

It's onward and downward, day by day, pound by pound!

Here's a pic of Maya, my ferocious dachshund!

<img height=200 src=>

She's 2 years old so she really isn't a puppy anymore but she only weighs 12 pounds so she'll always be a puppy to me! :p

Here's a pic of me and my DH, Todd, so you'll be able to recognize us in Doylestown!

<img height=200 src=>

Anyway, pedometer yesterday = 10,800 steps including 3 mile WATP before work.

I'm still hopping on the scale but am not obsessing about the numbers, because of TOM's visit this week.

Food was good yesterday - had chili for dinner with lots of ground beef and only a few beans so I'm sure I was well below my 60 carb goal.

Gotta go - work is calling!!

Edit: 2 PM
B - cheesecake - 14 carbs
L - taco salad (this time I ordered it WITHOUT the bread bowl!!)
don't know the carb count - I'll guess 25 just in case
S - sunflower seeds - 4 carbs
total so far today - no more than 43 (probably less)

I figure we'll post a thread on the WISH board a day or two before the walk to see if everyone's still coming and to check out the weather. Should I put a hold on my calendar for the next Saturday, November 1, just in case the weather's too bad to walk? Hubby & I will walk in a drizzle but the thought of driving home in sopping wet clothes is not appealing. :p

As far as restaurants, we're not picky. We can make just about any menu fit our low-carb eating. I was thinking of either a Wendy's or Subway kind of fast food place, a Fuddruckers where you order at the counter and then pick up your own food or possibly an inexpensive sit-down restaurant, like a local diner or something. We'll probably take the turnpike in so we probably won't want to head more than 1/2 an hour out of the way to eat. Even a mall food court or a sub shop would be fine.
Oooooh, Doreen, what a great surprise! Seeing you and Todd and Maya was an unexpected perk for today! You're such a beautiful couple and look so friendly:) I know I won't be shy now!

Thanks for posting your pictures! When I can figure out how to get one of mine on-line, I will.

Sounds like you had a great day, and oh, your restaurant suggestions will give me something to go on. There are lots of choices around.

I'm going to run over to my journal and report my 24 points.:)

Have a good night,
Good morning all! I'm up early doing laundry and about to start a WATP workout.

Pedometer yesterday = 9600 steps, including a walk with the ferocious doxie! She thinks she's a Rottweiler! :teeth:

D - grilled chicken breast w/ tomato sauce & provolone cheese and a diet Coke/rum - I'm guessing about 15 carbs tops, if that
Total for yesterday = 58 carbs

Glad you enjoyed the pix Erin! We are definitely friendly people and I promise we won't bite! :teeth: I have some nerves regarding meeting everyone in Doylestown also, but I think once we get there we'll have a great time.

I got Dr Phil's book yesterday. Sam's wholesale club was selling it for about $14 (the inside cover suggests $26!).

More later!
Wow you guys look great! What a ferocious looking beast :p
I think a rain date for the next week is fine. There's a couple of diners you can choose from right on Rt611. I don't really like pictures of me so I'll skip posting but now I know who to look for.

Let me know what you think about Dr. Phil, lots of people are talking about it.
Hi MeMe!! Don't worry about posting a picture - I'll get to see you in person soon enough. Besides, I already like what I've "seen" in your posts - you can change your outside appearance but I like the real you inside that shines through!

Hubby and I are planning to get to the start point - Kenny's Newsstand - around 10:30 so we can fill out our volksmarch start cards and be ready to go when everyone else shows up. The rest of you don't have to fill out a card - I'm only doing it so I can get credit for the walk in my volksmarch books.

B - cheesecake - what else? 14 c
L - Atkins bar 3 c and cashews 14 c
Total so far today = 31 c

I'm feeling good now. I had a 2 hour meeting to run this AM and got through it without too many scratches!! :p No more meetings this week - hooray!! :bounce: :bounce:

The kids have band rehearsal tonight and I'm hoping it doesn't rain so DH and I can take the ferocious doxie for a walk while they're rehearsing. I know she looks cute but she's quite a scaredy pup and very fear aggressive. I have to keep her away from small children, which is why she's staying home instead of coming to Doylestown! :p

Work is starting to feel better overall. I'm beginning to feel like I can accomplish some of my duties. I am uncomfortable at times and I definitely think of food binging to medicate my anxiety at work, but I know it's from feeling bad about WORK so I just try to get something small done on one of my projects so I can feel better without eating food!! Now, we'll see if this lasts or if my depression will rear it's ugly head again!!

Edit: 7 PM
D - 1 slice bread, ham, 1 slice monterey jack cheese, 3 bread & butter pickle chips, mayo = 25 carbs
Total for today = 56 carbs
Hi Doreen! I was so happy to see that you posted a picture of you and hubby. You two look like such a happy couple.:D

Don't have to much time tonight. I just wanted to see how my WISH friends were doing. By the looks of it, you're doing great and staying on track. Keep up the good work! I'll try to drop by tomorrow. Good night!
Good morning, Doreen! If you read this work, HAPPY FRIDAY!:Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: You're on your way to the weekend, girl!

OK, so we start our walk at Kenny's Newstand! Neat! I'm going to send my A.V.A. papers in today--do you think I'll have my little book by the time we do the walk? We're going to have such a fun time! Like MeMe said, there are some diners on route 611--there's also Ruby Tuesdays, Chick-Fil-A, and lots of chain restaurants that have gone up as Warrington has become more built up. There will be lots to choose from.

Do you have any plans for the weekend? DD has a friend sleeping over tonight and wants to do some birthday shopping this weekend which translates into many hours at the mall. I want to get lots of packing done, the docs filled out, the house cleaned, all the laundry done, my own shopping taken care of, go to church--gulp, can you see my hair standing up from where you are?!?:eek:

How many steps did you get on the pedometer yesterday? You didn't say. I always like your Step Report! I've given up on mu ped., though I may put it on at WDW. It was too frustrating for me to walk to the mailbox, come back to the house, and see no change in the numbers. Cheap thing:mad: . I'm waiting for some walking CD's I got at amazon, though--from Shape Fitness. I ordered intermediate and advanced walks with lots of upbeat, makes-you-want-to-walk music. They should get here next week.

Have a good day, Doreen, and treat yourself well. Take a minute this afternoon and remember that I'm thinking about you and cheering you on!

Thanks for stopping in to check on me, Lisa! Since you see all from California, I bet you saw me prowling the kitchen last night, contemplating a large cheat! I wasn't really hungry - just looking to munch on bad stuff. I resisted the temptation, though, cuz I couldn't find anything yummy enough that would be worth starting over on my cheat free clippies!! It still amazes me how motivated I am by CLIP ART!! Am I nuts???

Erin, let me know how you like those upbeat walking tapes. That sounds like a good idea to help me walk over my lunch hour! I'm sorry your pedometer isn't working out :( because mine has helped me so much.

I'm sure you'll have AVA books by our walk. Hubby and I just walk for credit so it only costs a few bucks for the two of us. I have books for my kids too, but now that they're teenagers, they just don't enjoy the walks as much. We did lots of walks as a family when they were younger. Thanks for the restaurant tips - sounds like there are enough around that we won't have to worry about picking one until that day.

OK, back to business!
Pedometer yesterday = 10,300 steps, including WATP 2 mile before work and .5 mile at lunch time.

Today's food plan:
B - cheesecake - 14 c
L - Atkins bar & cashews - 10 c
D - ??? kids have an away football game so it's just DH & me, but I'm sure we'll find something low-carb

The weekend looks pretty clear but my house REALLY needs cleaning. I've let it go way too long. :eek:

More later!
Doe-Doe, I meant to ask you--how are you liking Dr. Phil?


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