Doreen's New Way of Life (comments are welcome)

Love the pedometer idea, what watp dvds did you get? the 2 or 3 mile?

The cheat free clippie is amazing motivation, can't quite understand why but it sure works:rolleyes:

Keep it up and I know that 5 clippie will be yours.
Good morning, Doreen. How many steps did you get in yesterday? I'm fascinated with your pedometer! I've heard that if you walk 10,000 steps a day you'll really be doing something wonderful for yourself (and those pounds will fall off)! Hope you're having fun with it.

Let me say thank you again for all your clippie help. I really was a woman obsessed with clipart yesterday! Your kindness helped so much!

I can't wait until you start wearing your new clippie! Looking forward to Sunday and seeing how it looks. Remember now, no donuts, chips, or tootsie rolls 'til then. Only healthy, taking-good-care-of-yourself eating!

Just wondering. . .do you, Doreen, or any the WISH gang out there, take vitamins? I'd be interested in knowing what you take.
I take a multivitamin, vitamin e, fish oil, calcium, and vit. C. I wasn't so sure in the beginning, but I think it makes a difference. What's your opinion?

Today's bound to be an emotional day with it being 9/11. Take care.

Thanks MeMe and Lulu! I really appreciate you posting to my journal. When I find your notes, it really warms my heart and encourages me!

I was floored by my pedometer yesterday! I got 2000 steps during the WATP 1 mile walk in the morning. At the end of the day my pedometer said I walked about 10,300 steps!! I had no idea I walked that much - but since I drink so much water, most of it was probably between my desk, the water cooler and the bathroom at work....LOL!! I have it on again today and I've already done the WATP 1 mile this morning. I also checked it before and after my commute to work. The roads can be a bit bumpy and the pedometer registered 80 extra steps. All in all, I don't mind wearing it and it's fun to see my everyday activities translated into "how much did I move today." I think it's really going to help me.

I did OK with food yesterday, in spite of a queasy stomach.
B - 1 scrambled egg & 1 sausage patty
L - Atkins Advantage bar
S - 1.5 ozs cashews
D - nothing - the tummy was just not up to it

I know I didn't eat enough, but I didn't cheat, so I'll add another day to my cheat free star clippie. Now, when I look at the vending machine goodies, I think "is it worth giving up my 6 day cheat free star clippie for THAT?" I noticed all the star clippies aren't working this morning - maybe the host site is down.

I'm feeling great lately. The depression monster has been staying away. Of course, I'm still taking my anti-depressant and will for another 6 months, but I'd like to eventually lower the dose or get off it altogether. It seems like low-carb eating really helps and the exercise I'm adding will help even more. I'm getting more done at work and feeling better about it. My confidence is coming back. Improving my emotional state is the most important thing to me, but the weight loss is certainly a wonderful side effect!!

Lulu, I take a multivitamin every day (or at least on the days I remember ;) ).

Enough for now - I'm at work and I really should be working!

Edit: 12:30 PM
Weight: steady at 137
B - 4 slices bacon & Atkins Advantage bar
L - 1/4 lb hamburger, mayo, lettuce

My star clippie is working again - HOORAY!

Edit: 9:15 PM
D - chicken w/ peppers, onions, taco seasoning - YUM!
Pedometer: 12,300 steps - hubby & I just got back from a lovely walk.
Wow, Doreen, you had another great day yesterday! Yippee!:Pinkbounc :bounce: :bounce: :Pinkbounc
You're taking such good care of yourself--way to go!

Oh, my gosh: 12,300 steps!
:eek: You're a walking MACHINE, Doreen! Congratulations! Keep telling us how you're doing, OK? Sounds like that half marathon could be in your future!

It also sounds like you're feeling a sense of light--that your days and moods are brighter and you're feeling like you again. I'm so glad. You're seem to be doing so many wonderful things for yourself and treating yourself in a kind and healthy way!

Well, you're moving onward and downward, Doreen. Stay on the path this weekend!

IT'S FRIDAY!!! (and PAY DAY!!)

This has been a better week at work. I truly am starting to feel more like my old positive perky self again. I'm getting more done at work - not back up to my usual standards but certainly better than I've been doing for a LONG time. I am still taking Lulu's advice to stop every now and then to take a deep breath and focus on the good things about my job - it really is helping!!

The scale is steady at 137 - I'm hoping it stays there for Sunday so I can get my 5 lb clippie. I'm also excited about taking my measurements on Sunday - I just FEEL thinner.

I did not do WATP this morning, and that's OK. I have my pedometer on and I'll work in more walking all through my day. As long as I get my 10,000 steps, I feel like I've gotten my exercise for the day.

B - 1 Atkins Advantage bar & 4 pieces bacon

Edit: 1:15 PM
S - 1.5 oz cashews
L - leftovers from last night, chicken, green pepper, onion, taco seasoning

I walked 1.5 miles at lunch which added over 3000 steps to my pedometer - I'm almost at 6000 so far today.

I'm working on a project that is making me emotionally uncomfortable. It's big and I'm trying to break it into manageable pieces. Still, I just don't like the project and have been trying to avoid it. I can feel those emotional cravings starting up but I will not give in. The best cure is to finish this project, so I don't have these feelings of inadequacy in the first place. I will just have to put up with being uncomfortable for a little while - it doesn't have to trigger a binge!

Edit: 2:45 PM
I'm hanging in there but am still craving. I even went through the bottom of my purse, looking for enough change for the vending machine. Then I got a bit scared - I'm like a junkie who would scrounge for that last dime to buy drugs!! I WILL NOT STOOP THAT LOW! Fortunately, I don't have enough change. :confused:

Edit: 6:45 PM
I made it home without cheating. I'm still craving. I did have 2 pieces of Dove dark chocolate Promises - only 10 carbs though so I don't consider that a cheat. I'm still well within my daily carb limit. Don't know why I'm feeling so down....really no good reason. It's good there's no Ben & Jerry's in the house!!!
Originally posted by DoeWDW
Edit: 6:45 PM
I made it home without cheating. I'm still craving. I did have 2 pieces of Dove dark chocolate Promises - only 10 carbs though so I don't consider that a cheat. I'm still well within my daily carb limit. Don't know why I'm feeling so down....really no good reason. It's good there's no Ben & Jerry's in the house!!!

Good for you for not cheating, that's not easy to do! Cheer up, you're doing great. I can't believe all of the walking you are doing, that's wonderful and you are a real motivator for me after reading your journal :D. Keep up the great work, it's not easy but you can do it!!!!
Thanks for the kind words, Cindy!

It's Saturday morning. I'm still not my cheery self but that doesn't mean I have to eat yucky foods. There will be times in life when I'm down and I have to learn to wait them out without turning to food.

I watched Dr. Phil last night. The biggest lessons I took away were that I make the choices - I'm NOT a "victim" of food or circumstance. I have to make the choice to eat healthy and exercise on a regular basis even though I may not "feel" like it.

I had a Wendy's chicken BLT salad for dinner last night and nothing else. I didn't cheat, even though I felt like it all evening (and still do, in fact!). I kept my beloved cheat free star clippie!!!

The scale is still at 137 today, which is a bit disappointing but understandable with all the walking I've been doing. My muscles are getting quite the workout! I finished last night with 10,100 steps. The last few hundred were marching in place in the living room while talking to my DS about a friend of his who is having troubles. I just didn't feel right going to bed without hitting 10,000 when I was so close....LOL!

I'm off to make some low carb egg custard which is a healthy treat for me (3g carbs per serving) to rid myself of these cravings.
{{{{{Hugs}}}}}} to you, Doreen. Stress is so tough when it makes you want to eat, isn't it? Look at how well you dealt with it, though. You only had two little Dove candies and you knew the carb counts!:) You gave yourself a little treat, but you didn't cave! (hey, it was good you didn't have change, wasn't it!:p )

This is is our real life--temptations and challenges on a daily basis--and we've got to learn different ways to deal with them. Our old, preferred methods (food being our drug of choice) have got to give way to new coping strategies. Will we always be successful? Nope, but we'll always be learning and striving.

Doreen, good work in the struggle to live a healthy life! Today you won a battle!:Pinkbounc

Can't wait to hear how things go at tomorrow's weigh-in!

Good luck!:)
Doreen, where do I start? I guess that I should first say welcome to WISH. I've read your posts to my journal and your words have been very encouraging.

Since you've already visited my journal, you know I'm doing Atkins as well. I started about five weeks ago and have lost over 10 lbs. I started at 224 and last time I checked I was down to 213 and will weigh in on Monday. Lulu made me wait until then!

I've been really busy lately with work, kids going back to school, etc. but I had been meaning to read your journal from beginning to end and today I've finally done it.

I can really empathize with how it feels to go through bouts of depression. Although I've never been officially diagnosed, I think I've been struggling with it most of my life. I just wanted you to know that you're not alone. Fortunately we lead busy lives and have children that keep us going. Without the kids, I think we'd wallow in our sorrows more but who has time when you have them to look after and brighten your day with their smiles.

You don't need me to tell you how much support you're going to find on this board, you've already experienced that. And you should pat yourself on the back for giving encouragement to others as you've given to me.

Well, my time is short today. Just wanted to let you know that I've added you to my circle of WISH friends. I'll check in with you tomorrow or Monday. Have a good weekend Doreen and watch out for those evil carbs!:)
Hey, Doreen, I decided to stop in and say "hi" before I go over to my journal and write in the food of the day, and your comment about Dr. Phil caught my eye! I'm interested in his new book, but I haven't bought it yet. (The truth is, I don't want to spend the money!:p I'm waiting to get it on Dr. Phil always seems to tell it straight, and this book sounds like it's no exception. I've heard that one of his keys to success is to create a network of support. We sure have one here, don't we?

Sometimes this whole business of the healthy life is TOUGH! I'm glad you're sharing the journey with me. Please know that I'm here for you and cheering you on day by day. Oh, and whatever you do, DON'T LET BEN AND JERRY IN YOUR HOUSE! THEY'RE BAD MEN!

These cravings you're having. . .are they TOM related? Mine get wicked, the bloating is miserable. . .maybe you're building muscle from all that walking and retaining a little water?

Have a good night, Doreen, I'm going over to my journal. . .
All of you WISH journal buddies are the BEST!!! Your encouragement and support mean so much to me and I really don't think I would be this successful without all of you. THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart!!

I am feeling better today. I think I was stressed because of preparing for my mom's birthday party - finding a present, figuring out the menu, cooking, transporting it all to my brother's house, etc. Of course I left everything until the last minute which stressed me out. Why do I put myself through this? From now on, I will look at the calendar for the next 2 weeks and plan ahead. This stress is more under my control than I'd like to believe and I can minimize it if I choose.

We had the party last evening and it went very well. Of course, I stayed on plan because I cooked low-carb stuff for dinner...LOL! That was a blessing!

I ended up with 11,600 steps yesterday, including 4000 from the WATP 2 mile.

Now, down to business! It is official weigh and measure day!
Weight: 137 -1 from last week, -5 from start
Bust: 38 -1 from last week, -1.5 from start
Chest 33.5 and holding steady
Waist: 31.5 -1.5 from last week, -2.5 from start
Hips: 39.5 +.5 from last week, -.5 from start
Thighs: 39.5 -1 from last week, -1.5 from start

I'm losing pounds and inches. This really is working!!

I'm off to relax and look over my calendar to see what I can do now to make my week less stressful!
Belated hugs out to you:D Sorry I didn't check bbefore looks like you had a bit of stress last week, glad to see others were there for you. You did give me a chuckle about the change in your purse :p

Lulu's words are right on - life give us temptations & challenges and we must learn how to manage in a healthy way.

Happy to see you're planning your week and here's a :Pinkbounc for another 1 lb loss.

Go Doreen!
Oh, my gosh, Doreen!:) Congratulations on a FANTASTIC weigh-in!:Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :You are melting away inch by inch! :)

Geez, you had the stress of a family birthday party? YIKES! Add that kind of thing to the regular day to day and it has me craving more than Ben and Jerry's!:rolleyes: My in-laws (one of my strongest binge inducers, I'm ashamed to admit) are coming next weekend for a round of family celebrations. . .after reading your post, I'm going to have to come up with some kind of plan to take care of myself like you did.

You know what, Doreen, you're looking mighty fine in that fancy new clippie. Wear it with pride, honey, you earned it!
Here we are at Monday again! Someday, I'd like to solve the case of "The Disappearing Weekend" - everyone's greatest mystery!! :p

Weight was steady at 137 this morning.

Yesterday my depression was really bad (don't know why :confused: ) and I sat around all day doing practically nothing. Hubby came home from helping his dad with a roof and I casually remarked that I ought to walk since it was 7:30 PM and I only had 1800 steps for the day. My sweetie jumped up and encouraged me right away and went for a long walk with me (like an hour and 20 minutes!). 9000 steps later, we got home and I had my steps in for the day! He really is wonderful and cares about me so much!! My total steps for the day = 11,300.

My food went pretty well in spite of my depression.
B - cheesecake 14 carbs
S - slice of mozzarella cheese
L - chicken salad 3 carbs
S - 2 Dove dark chocolate promises 10 carbs
D - italian sausage soup 10 carbs
cheesecake w/ no sugar added cherry pie filling 20 carbs
Total carbs for the day = 57 which is ok on my plan (I try to stay under 60 carbs per day).

I handled my sweet cravings while still staying on plan.

Today will be a good day! Even though I'm feeling down, I'm putting on a smile and am ready to take on the world!

Thanks for sticking with me, everyone. I couldn't make it through the low points without you!!

Edit: 9:30 AM
B - Atkins Advantage bar & lots of water!
{{{{{{{{Hugs}}}}}}}}} to you this Monday a.m., friend. I was thinking about you this morning as I was getting ready for work. I was wondering, "How's Doreen doing on Monday morning? Mondays, yuk!" I don't know about you, but Monday is my day of highest anxiety. I look at all I'm supposed to be doing at work, all I'm supposed to be doing at home, and I tremble!:( Sunday nights I get what I call Sunday Night Stomach--this knot that hits me everytime that I remember the next day is Monday! Add to that this rain we're having and the hurricane that's on its way. . .I gotta give it a double yuk!

Doreen, I think you've got yourself a sweetie of a DH there. . .my husband loves me, but he wouldn't walk like that with me! I hope, though, you don't think you have to get in 10,000 steps EVERY day--you've got to rest sometimes!:) Do you feel that the walking helps with your depression, though?

I WANT A PEDOMETER! I'm going to start shopping around for one soon so I can have it at WDW in a few weeks. I'd love to know how many steps we do while visiting Mickey!

Hang in there, Doe-Doe. You know that we're all here for you, the good days and the lousy ones.

Facing Monday morning with ya, honey--
Erin, you're such a sweetie! I'm in one of those states today where I cry very easily and your post got me started. Actually, it's good, because I seemed to need a good cry...if that makes any sense. :confused: I'm feeling a little better now. :D

Yes, I have been obsessing about getting my 10,000 steps in EVERY day. Why is that? Is that a healthy way to look at exercise? I checked out some of the half marathon training info and I'd really like to do it, but part of me is afraid to commit to it and then fail. Another part of me is afraid I'll succeed and more will be expected of me. I just don't make any sense sometimes.

I forgot to put my carbs down earlier.
B- Atkins Advantage bar - 2 carbs
S- 1 oz cashews - 6 carbs
L- chicken salad - 6 carbs
total = 14 carbs so far

I've been thinking about all this Dr Phil stuff, especially about setting a specific goal with a date. I think I'd like to lose my last 10 pounds by my Disney big 4-0 birthday trip in February. I checked the calendar and I have 20 weeks to lose 10 pounds. It would be cool to hit 40 at my goal weight! More importantly I want to be wearing size 10s comfortably. I'm barely into my 12s now - they're fitting better every week, though.

I keep debating about buying Dr. Phil's book. I hate to spend the $ but I'd love to read it. Maybe I'll talk hubby into checking at Sam's (a wholesale club) to see if they have it cheaper....
Ahh, how sweet your dh is. You are one lucky woman. Sorry you are feeling down. My scale didn't move either, and I'm really mad about it. Well, here's to a better week.

:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc
Hi Doreen! You posted to my journal today and I just wanted to hop on over and say a quick hello and see how you're doing.

It's so great that your husband is supportive. It's so important to have that from your spouse. We need all the help we can get!

Sorry to hear you were feeling blue. Hopefully you'll feel better tomorrow. You need a good cry every once in a while to relieve that pent up stress. We're here for you Doreen whenever you need us, ok? :D
Thanks for your support, all!! It helps so much - who would have believed I could feel so encouraged and motivated by people I've never met??

Yes I am blessed with a wonderful husband. He truly is the love of my life. We've been married 18 years already!!

I ate a Wendy's BLT salad for dinner = 17 carbs. Add that to the 14 carbs from earlier and I've had 31 carbs today. Yay!!

My pedometer reads 16,100 steps - WHEW!! I walked at lunch today and then I walked to the local high school for Parents' Night tonight and traipsed around to all my kids' classes.

Sweet dreams, all!!
Doe-Doe :wave:
Hi, Doe-Doe, Lulu here.:p Are we silly or what?

You were in my thoughts all day. . .sometimes it's just plain hard, isn't it?! I'm sorry that you cried, but it sounds like you needed to do it--it's good to just get the emotion out! It's cleansing, as they say. Sometimes we use up so much energy just trying to keep ourselves up, it's a relief to crash for a minute!

Why do we do the things we do to ourselves? I completely understand what you're talking about as far as the marathon goes--it's an issue that surrounds the whole weight loss situation for me! I have failed so many times that I can't believe that I don't have to be perfect to succeed. I have dieted successfully and then suffered the humiliation of watching the pounds--and more--creep up! I've said to myself COUNTLESS times, "Oh, I'll lose 20 pounds by such and such a date," and I've watched the date come and go and I've felt helpless to change what's happening to me (as I stuff potato chips into my face!). Then when I'm successful, I wonder how long I'll have the energy to keep it up forever! I've always felt that to lose weight or to be healthy I have to dig deep into some secret place to muster up the courage and willpower to do it, but I've never been able to keep the energy up when the demands of real life surround me! This time, though, I feel very different. I feel like this time, I probably will fail--if failing is eating some yummy food I've chosen not to eat on a regular basis again. I will lose my cheat free clippie, and I definitely see some buttered popcorn, chocolate peanut butter brownie, and a big plate of chicken wings and beer in my future! It's OK, though, because this time when it happens, I'll dust myself off and get back in the game. When the weight comes off, it'll come off because I've making a bigger choice to take care of myself for the long haul. That's one of the things that I read in the intro (or first chapter) of Dr. Phil--if you've felt like you have to get willpower to succeed at weight loss, you're wrong. Instead you have to figure out how to succeed when you DON'T feel like being a WW or Atkins poster girl!

I've worried about the marathon, too. I've thought, "gee, if I say I'm going to do it, and I bomb out, everyone will just chalk it up to another one of my failed attempts." So, I'm just going to let myself TRY. I'm going to TRY to do the beginners training walks and if I don't feel it's right for me, I'll stop. I'd hate to disappoint anyone, but trying is all any of us can do in this life, and I think from what I've read from the WISHers, all you ladies can handle my bagging if I have to!

That's one of things I like most about these boards--the honesty.
We're able to share the good and the bad and the happy and the sad--and the silly and the crappy--and we accept each other as we are.

One things, though, that I have to question about Dr. Phil--and I haven't read enough of the book to get this whole thing--is this
"set a date and a goal weight" idea. I know that just will put too much pressure on me! I'm already number obsessive! Originally, when I started the WISH challenge, I had all kinds of numbers in mind--25 pounds by the cruise, 35 or so by the end of the year. . .I'm letting them all go. When the lbs. fall off, they fall off. Don't stand to close to me--they may hit you when they fall!:p

Oh, gosh, I think I've rambled on too much, Doreen. This is what happens when I hit the boards at the end of a long day! I just wanted to let you know that I was thinking of you and then I wrote a novel! One last thought, though. . .be good to yourself. You're one person trying to be a great mom and employee--let your weight loss journey be something you do just for YOU because even though I've known you just a short time, I know you're special.



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