"Enchanted:” The E! True Disneyworld Trip Report of a Birthday Princess (UPDATE 4/26)

Great update. Stop ending with cliffhagers! :lmao:

The thing with night settings on cameras is that is makes them have slow shutter speeds which means unless you are really really steady or have a tripod, you will get a blurry picture. I'm not even sure why they put them on cameras. Most people assume that it will help them get a better night picture, but without knowing much about the setting, you actually get a worse picture.

Haha, don’t worry the next update doesn’t end with a cliffhanger. ;)

Thanks for the camera advice. :thumbsup2 I knew about slower shutter speeds needing to be used in the dark, and I tried looking for a setting where I could manually adjust that myself, but since my camera is just a Casio point and shoot, I didn’t have any luck. I did better just turning the flash off and shooting from there without any of the night settings on. The camera says that the Atlanta pictures are “underexposed” but I think they look pretty good.

Loved your latest update! And the pictures! The ones with the nightvision were really cool. I'm noticing a pattern here...you always leave us hanging! Now I HAVE to see the next one... :-)


Thanks! I’m glad you liked the pictures! :goodvibes

Joining in. I am enjoying your TR. Can't wait to hear what the next and hopefully the last crisis will be.

Hi there and welcome aboard! This crisis is definitely our last crisis for a while so you can relax for a bit. :thumbsup2

Loved the update! Those photos of Atlanta at night are awesome!! And good thing you took a photo of your AP! I swear, the DIS has helped me SO much. Can't wait for your next update!!

Hey, girl! :goodvibes Thanks for the photo love! And isn’t the DIS all kinds of awesome? Just wait and see how many more times advice I learned from here came in handy during our trip!!!

2nd crisis.........All the hotels and motels everywhere had 'NO VACANCY' signs? :eek:

Ding ding ding! We have a winner! Where should I send your imaginary prize? ;)

Great update!!

I can't believe you forgot your Passporter! Thank goodness you took those pictures for the PTR, you got super lucky! Note to all DISers: TAKE A PIC OF THE BACK OF YOUR TICKET!!!

Your pictures are gorgeous, even the night ones (so cool).

Can't wait for the next crisis update!!! Great job so far, Em!

Thanks, Rory! I felt like such an idiot for forgetting my AP. I’m so thankful that the DIS saved my butt though. :rotfl: I’m glad you liked the pictures!

Ok you have to stop doing that. I can't take the stress. I need to know what happens!!!! What's the next crisis!!!!!

Haha, I promise the next chapter doesn’t end with a cliffhanger. Sorry to cause you so much stress! :flower3:

What cruel and unusual punishment for those of us that are hanging on your very words!:eek: I can't take the suspense. . . .:lmao:

Aww, now I’m just starting to feel bad. :laughing: I promise, this is the last cliffhanger for a little while. ;)

Wooohooo an Emily update! The perfect thing to come home to.:goodvibes I am SO glad you took a picture of your AP. Score one for the DIS.;) The pictures you took on the drive are so pretty! We have a stopover in Atlanta on our way to Orlando so it was kind of neat to see you drove the same route!

Hmmm... did you guys get lost while you fell asleep? Please tell me your entire TR isn't going to be this stressful!:rotfl: But I sure am going to double check all my packing because of you.:rotfl2:

Thanks for getting the updates done so quickly. It's so much fun to follow TRs when that happens. I am loving it so far!!:dance3:

Nope, we didn’t get lost. Not yet anyway. :rolleyes1 But seriously, I promise it will be awhile before another really stressful update.

BTW, I’m so excited for you! You are sooooooooo close now!!!! I bet you and your mom are doing happy dances every day! :dance3:

Me too! I must know now!!!! Hurry and tell us what happened :confused3

Sorry I left you hanging for so long, but welcome aboard my TR! :goodvibes I’m glad you’re here.
OMG I LOVE that you keep us hanging!! ( I think I'm the only one):rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:
It makes me look forward to the next one!!!
great writing and pictures!!! fun fun fun

Haha, finally! Someone who loves a good cliffhanger! ;) I’m glad you’re still enjoying it!

Loving the report, but don't leave us hanging too long.

Glad to hear you’re enjoying it! Update’s coming in a few minutes! :thumbsup2

I hope your second problem is as easily solved as your first.

Let’s just say that the second crisis is not nearly as terrible as the first. ;)

Yay for updates! I love playing with the GPS too. Mine...has a name. (she announces with pride). His name is Jack. He is referred to as Jack. Example:
C: "I am not sure how to get to *client's* office."
Dad: "It's ok. Just use Jack."

I'm glad your AP crisis was averted...can't wait to hear about the next part of the trip! Hope the next crisis is also easily solved!

Hahahaha, that is so funny that you named your GPS Jack, Courtney! I love it! :lmao: Remember my iPod? His name is Jack too! I think our Jacks should take a road trip together sometime. ;)

The DIS board saved the day! :rotfl: Oh I'm so glad you were able to fix the AP problem. After reading it I was thinking either a) you didn't forget it at all or b) someone was over nighting it to disney :laughing:

What a pretty drive! I've driven from LA to OH & PA quite a few times and I loved the parts that had such pretty views, rocky hillsides, and nature for miles.

I love the car pool lane like your Aunt C! We dont have them here. Hmpf. Most other places I've lived though had them and they were so great! The only down fall is if your not familiar with the area sometimes the car pool lane doesnt have enough off ramps and you miss your exit! Or maybe that was just me... :rotfl:

My family loves Krystals! Well.. everyone but me. I don't do onions and mustard. Whenever they find a Krystals I swear my mother gets a ton! Then we make a second stop for me to get food elsewhere. ;)

Your night pictures turned out crazy but interesting! I wouldnt know if you were on a highway or in a night club. ;) :cutie:

I have never used a GPS system... I am old school with map quest and an atlas. :hippie: I almost rented one for our trip, but for the cost we could buy one...so I just passed on that idea.

I seriously need beauty and the beast on dvd! Hmm why dont i have that yet... :upsidedow

I cannot think of any good guesses on what the next problem was! I hope it wasnt too big and was fixed easily for you! You def have this cliff hanger thing down huh? I will be hoping for another update soon!! popcorn::

ps - sorry for the lengthy reply. i am trying to kill time! i need 6pm tomorrow to be here!! :rolleyes1

Hey girl! While I’m posting this you are in the happiest place on Earth, and I’m trying SO HARD not to be jealous right now. :rolleyes1

But seriously, I’m so excited for you! :banana: I hope you have a blast, and I can’t wait to hear from you again after you get back! :hug:

What a great tip about taking a picture of the back of your ticket. Score! I'm so happy that saved you. Can't wait for the next update! I hope it's soon. ;)

The DIS is truly a lifesaver. :grouphug: Thanks for reading, and the next update is sooner than you think.

If you ever forget your AP on a future visit, here's another tip: they take all your info when you buy an AP (not a regular PH) like address, etc. You should be able to just show up with your DL and they're able to replace it!

Shhhh…you’re jumping ahead to a future update…. :rolleyes1

Hahaha, but seriously thanks for posting the tip. I fully believe in the sharing power of the DIS. :grouphug:
Thanks for the update. I'll just hang around with all the rest of the posters waitin' to see what happens next.;)

Thanks for reading, and an even bigger thanks for being so patient! :thumbsup2

I am SO on board for this!!!

So close to our vacation and I get to read a fantastically written novella at the same time?


Enchanted: Put me on that list of people that will be GLAD to buy that first children's book!!

Wow, thanks so much for the compliments!!! :blush: I’m so glad you’re enjoying it! You must be so excited! Your trip is getting so close! :cool1:

can't wait for the next update, just loving your TR xx

Thanks! I’m glad you like it! :goodvibes

LOVING IT!:goodvibes I am so glad I stumbled onto your trip report. It is fantastic:thumbsup2 but these cliffhangers are killing me...

Thank you! I’m so glad you found me! :goodvibes

By the way you wrote your trip report you so can write kids books...dd 8 & I can't wait to read more.

Aw, thank you! Tell your dd8 that I said hi!!! :flower3:

I'm subbed in on this one! Sounds like a good time :)

Welcome! Glad to hear you’re enjoying it! :thumbsup2

I'm on board. I love your writing style and we're a similer age which makes this fun to read from my perspective. Can't wait for the next installment!

I agree, reading TRs about people your own age just adds to the magic. :wizard: I’m glad you’re here!
Joining in...

I love Vera Bradley too & am taking a few with me on my trip since I can't decide which to take. :goodvibes
"This isn’t good.”

“Well, what do you expect? It’s spring break for a lot of people right now.”

“This is all those Indiana people’s fault.”

“What about this one? There aren’t that many cars in the parking lot.”

“For good reason. Look at the place, it’s pretty rough.”

My mind foggy, I struggled to wrap my mind around Mom and Aunt C’s conversation. I opened my eyes to see a rundown motel outside my window. It looked like the kind of place where you’d expect to find roaches in the bathtub or something gross. What the heck were we doing at a place like this?

“Let’s just keep driving. Surely we can find something else up the road.”

“What’s going on?” I asked, rubbing my eyes groggily.

“All of the hotels from the past two exits are full.”

“Darn Indiana people,” I muttered.

Perhaps I should explain this seemingly unfair prejudice against the good folks of Indiana. It’s not that we dislike Hoosiers on principle. They’re our neighbors, and they’re generally friendly ones at that. It’s just that during the drive down, we had noticed that approximately 75% of the cars around us were from Indiana. My mom loves to play the “license plate game” where you try to spot the license plates from as many states as you can on the cars around you. Well, the game was really hard because so many of the cars were from Indiana!

“Y’know, I think the entire state of Indiana decided to drive down to Florida for spring break,” Aunt C had noted earlier that day.

And so it only stood to reason that the Indianans (Is that a word?) were the reason that all of these hotels were booked for the night. If it hadn’t been 1 AM maybe we wouldn’t have been so resentful, but we were all pretty exhausted so all reasoning kind of went out the window.

But I digress…. ;)

We drove on to Valdosta, GA and stopped at a couple of the hotels there. Still no dice. Finally, we stopped at a Hampton Inn and Suites and got one of the last rooms with a king bed and a pull out couch. YAY!

Okay, funny story…. This hotel was almost to capacity, judging solely by the fact that all of the visible parking spaces were taken. It was around 1:30 in the morning when we pulled up, and Mom and Aunt C ran inside to ask about vacancies. I elected to stay in the car to watch the luggage so Aunt C locked me in the car using her power lock remote on her key chain. No biggie, right? Well, Mom came back out and goes around to the back of the SUV to try to get the luggage out. I heard her struggling with the latch, which I realized was probably locked like the rest of the car. Figuring I should probably inform my mother of this, I unlocked my door from the inside and swung it open…

And suddenly alarm bells rang through the air as Aunt C’s SUV freaked out about my escape attempt!!! Mom and I stared at each other, frozen with alarm for a couple of seconds before Mom dashed inside to tell Aunt C that her alarm was going off. I quickly climbed back in the car and shut the door, which unfortunately didn’t shut the stupid alarm off. Aunt C came running out about thirty seconds later, clicking her remote like crazy. I felt like such an idiot, but Aunt C seemed to think it was pretty funny from the way she was laughing. ----> :lmao:

Aunt C went back inside to finish checking in while Mom and I loaded a luggage cart. We're kind of paranoid about having our luggage stolen (We know people who have had their car windows smashed and every bag in their car stolen while they were on vacation. :sad2:) so we usually take just about everything inside with us, even if we're just going to be there for one night. So Mom and I got everything on the cart and steered it inside while Aunt C parked the car in the back of the building.

Once we were inside, I realized that we’d stayed at this particular hotel at least once before. It is SUPER nice and fairly affordable considering the prices of surrounding hotels. I meant to take pictures of the lobby, but I forgot. Sorry! However, I did make sure to take some pictures of the room so that you could all see what it was like.

Here’s the king-sized bed and all of its fluffy pillows. It was such a soft bed. :cloud9:

Here’s the pull-out couch that Aunt C insisted she sleep on while Mom and I took the bed. Honestly, we all probably could have fit in the bed and still have been comfortable, but Aunt C is silly and insisted on the couch.

Here’s the little kitchen area. There was a desk that separated this area from the couch.

Here’s the glorious bed again.

Here’s the TV. The couch and the bed faced each other, and the TV stood in the middle. It was really cool the way that the room was set up because there was a lot of furniture in there, but it was still pretty spacious. We really liked it.

After we got all of our luggage settled into the room, Aunt C grabbed the remote to watch a bit of TV as we wound down from the excitement of the alarm mishap just moments earlier.

Two words: Big. Mistake.

As soon as she hit power, the volume full-on BLARED at top level until Aunt C was able to find the mute button.

Honestly, we’re lucky our fellow patrons didn’t hunt us down for all the noise we were causing that night. :lmao:

We channel surfed for a little while, but there was nothing on and so one by one we each drifted off to sleep, each of us dreaming of what the next day would hold for us. :cloud9:
The next morning, we woke up and immediately started getting ready for our first day of Disney. :banana: I got in the shower first because I always take the longest to do my hair and makeup. While I was in the bathroom, Aunt C called Disney reservations and had them extend our reservation at CBR to include that night. Once we had that taken care of, we started planning our day out while we were getting ready. We figured we would get to CBR, check in, and then hit DTD and do some shopping. Mom was also hoping that we would have time to head over to Epcot and check out the Davy Jones concert at the Epcot Flower and Garden Festival later that night. We had plans for the next night (Sunday) at MK, so it would be our only chance to catch the concert while we were there. And so that became our plan: check-in, DTD shopping, Davy Jones concert at Epcot. :cool2:

Mom and Aunt C took a load of luggage down to the car while I put the finishing touches on my makeup and finished packing my toiletries back into my suitcase. Then we all went back downstairs together and went out the side door to get to our car. It was there that we saw…


…our first palm tree of the trip!!! :lovestruc

I loved these gorgeous pink bushes too. They were soooooo pretty.

Here’s Aunt C, Mom, and all of our luggage. See Aunt C’s trailer hitch cover? Isn’t it cute?

Mom and Aunt C decided that they needed to make a quick Wal-Mart run so we stopped here at the Valdosta Wal-Mart. I elected to stay in the car.

Here’s me, jamming to my iPod while waiting for Mom and Aunt C to come back out of Wal-Mart.

They were in there for so long that I actually had time to paint my nails while I waited. It was kind of ridiculous. Eventually, though, they came back out and I got a bottle of water for being so patient. Great prize, right? :rolleyes: We hit the road, planning on finding some place for breakfast a little while later after we had crossed the state line.

And so the road trip continued….

I sat in the backseat again so I had to give Mom instructions on how to load Aunt C’s persnickety CD player with my homemade Disney steel drum CD. We thought we’d better get in the tropical mood for our CBR stay. :cool1:

Once we crossed the Florida state line, we started looking for signs advertising restaurants because we were finally starting to get really hungry. There were several Hardees billboards along the side of the highway, and our mouths started watering at the thought of their biscuits. Hardees’ biscuits are to die for. :worship: So we got off the appropriate exit and turned right like we were supposed to. What the signs on the interstate didn't say was that you had to drive a mile and a half into town to get to said Hardees. It was kind of annoying considering we thought that it would be just off the exit. We weren’t even sure if we were going in the right direction or anything. Just when we thought we were good and lost, the Hardees sign peeked out at us from behind a cluster of trees on the right. It was a good thing, too, because Aunt C was just about ready to give up. Unfortunately, I made the mistake of trying their new Texas Toast breakfast sandwich instead of getting the cinnamon raisin biscuits I usually get. The sandwich was pretty good, it tasted like grilled cheese with egg and sausage in the middle. Unfortunately, it just wasn’t my cup of tea. :confused3

After breakfast, my uncle (who is Mom and Aunt C’s baby brother) called Aunt C to talk about a new theory he had for the show “Lost,” which is a huge favorite in our family. So Aunt C put him on speakerphone, and we all got into a huge debate about what’s going on this season and what we think the “monster” is and all kinds of other stuff involving the show. We probably talked for an hour or more about all things “Lost” with him.

After we hung up with my uncle, we drove and drove and drove...and then we drove some more.

Until finally...

...the most glorious sight in the world loomed into view.




We were finally home.
And in TWO WEEKS I will see that sign, but I won't be able to take such a good picture from the Magical Express Bus....
Great update, and no cliffhanger!!:rotfl:

P.S. Don't feel bad about the cliffhangers, they are actually fun! Keep the updates coming!:goodvibes
Yea! I was hoping to see an update. I cna't wait to hear more. It keeps me going, since I still have to wait 11 more days until we go! The agony! LOL
I love your trip report!! I can't wait to read more about it, great job! :thumbsup2 By the way, I am from the Cincinnati area too, maybe we are neighbors! ;)

Hip Hip Hooray! An update without a cliffhanger. I agree that there's nothing more beautiful than seeing the Walt Disney World archway.
Great update! That king bed does look super comfy. I'm glad you found a hotel. I am a HUGE Lost fan too. Huge. Big. Love Lost!

Can't wait to read more. :)
That sign is the most wonderful sight you could ever see! I can't wait to see it! Of course that's still a few months away. :sad1: So glad you found a hotel to stay in. Oh by the way can you keep this tr coming until about august (that's when we go), I love your writing, it makes me feel like I'm on the trip with you and if you could keep it going until august that would keep me from going insane with anticipation. :lmao: (Just kidding, but I do love your writing!)
Ahh! I loved seeing those sign pictures!! They make my day.

Great update! Thank goodness you found a hotel. It was so nice! That big old bed was calling my name-- hey it's Monday :laughing:

Excited for your first day in WDW!!!
I love your trip report!! I can't wait to read more about it, great job! :thumbsup2 By the way, I am from the Cincinnati area too, maybe we are neighbors! ;)


Small world, I'm from the area too! Northern Kentucky, actually. But you say Northern Kentucky, and people think you live in the sticks!:rotfl:

P.S. My sister's favorite Team is Pittsburgh, she's a die hard Troy Polamalu fan!
Yay! I am back from Oklahoma, and reading your updates!! I definitely think our Jacks should take a trip together. And we should go along. To Disney, of course.

I love Hamptons. I always try to stay at a Hampton if there is one close to wherever it is I am staying.
Keep the fabulous updates comin', girlie!


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