Everybody Wants to be a WISH Cat (or dog, or goose, etc...) - October 2016 WISH Challenge

Oh and with all of you talking about Disney races: My sister and I have more or less decided to sign up for the Disneyland Paris 5K in 2017. I would love to do a longer race, but there is no 10K and I don't want to commit to 21.1km when I am currently not sure how running will go at all in the future... Looks like the reports from there were really great and the 5k is a fantastic course through both parks.

Yessssss. I flew home to Orange County this weekend with a guy who ran Disneyland Paris and he said it was an amazing race and the course is so much fun. Do it! Do it!

I won't be doing it until 2018 for my 35th birthday, so ... if you like it, maybe do it again so we can run together? :P
Yessssss. I flew home to Orange County this weekend with a guy who ran Disneyland Paris and he said it was an amazing race and the course is so much fun. Do it! Do it!

I won't be doing it until 2018 for my 35th birthday, so ... if you like it, maybe do it again so we can run together? :P

Ha! If all goes well and I am getting better at longer distances, I might be tempted to try the Half Marathon in 2018!! So we definitely can try to run together!! After all, Paris is for me a one hour flight or a 6 hour train journey. So easy to get to... I was worried about all the info beforehand about that you had to have a package and that you must stay at the official hotels. It turns out that staying offsite for a fraction of the price worked very well as they added special transportation for runners staying offsite. So, now that I know how it works, I am far more excited about taking part in it!
What are some things you have done in order to take charge of your journey? Are there some areas of your journey that you don't feel like you have taken ownership of? Are there more things you could take charge on to help you succeed?

I'm not sure I have completely taken ownership of any of it yet - I am hoping to make a good start taking ownership of take-out this month as I fall into this trap way too easily. I also have fallen way off the activity wagon - so I need to focus there a bit more also.

I am also working on myself personally -- actively looking for friends, taking me time to do things that are missing in my life without DH who couldn't care less about theater or opera, etc. It's amazing what filling those voids are doing for me. I don't have to fill them with food, if that makes sense.

This is great to hear - I know it can be hard so good for you :-).

The hard part is that most nights, DH isn't home until 11pm, and I feel guilty about going to bed without him, so I stay up until he gets home, and then we stay up until 1am or later catching up on the day and watching TV and trying to spend time together. Then I sleep until 11:30 the next morning and get a super late start on the day

He works 2 jobs right? What time does he leave in the mornings? Could you maybe flip it so that you go to bed earlier but get up and have a nice breakfast together? or a lunch date a couple of times a week? Just throwing some thoughts out there :confused3 ... that would be a very difficult situation to be in.
I hope we're in the same corral too. Looks like that 2:59 half is actually faster than the projected 1:21 finish time I have from Tink 10K - so as long as your POT is within that same realm we should be. I'm also running Vancouver, but will be sprinting the 10K in hopes of achieving a 1:18 finish time and then walking (or as I say "enjoying the course") for the half. We should try to stick together for that one - I'm good at moral support :)

So the weird thing about signing up for the challenge-not-challenge for Star Wars is that we put ourselves in an estimated finishtime for the 10K and will be using POT for the half - that'll be so different from Dumbo! LOL. If it wasn't for the medal i wouldn't have signed up for the half since we find the course a little boring (no stadium, no old town Anaheim). The lure of BB8 and Han/Leia drew me in. I love good bling!

But yay, more races with you. So excited!

You can totally do a 1:18 10K! I know you're gonna do it! And maybe we can "enjoy the course" together for the half! I was already planning on taking it easy and taking lots of pics! I'm glad you got sucked in to doing SW Half again!
He works 2 jobs right? What time does he leave in the mornings? Could you maybe flip it so that you go to bed earlier but get up and have a nice breakfast together? or a lunch date a couple of times a week? Just throwing some thoughts out there :confused3 ... that would be a very difficult situation to be in.

He does work 2 jobs. He has a Monday-Friday desk job and then an evenings and weekends job. He leaves by 7am to get to work by 8am, and on the days he works both, he leaves the first job at 5pm, gets home around 5:40pm, changes clothes, and rushes back out the door by 5:45pm to get to work by 6pm. Then he's home again around 11pm. He doesn't work near home, unfortunately, so lunch dates are pretty much out of the question... He doesn't have enough time to drive back to our side of town, and we can't afford to spend the gas for me to drive out there and then back home just for a quick lunch. His lunch times are also never the same, and he doesn't usually know when lunch is until right before he goes, since his time is dependent upon when others take theirs. Him having two jobs definitely makes everything hard. :( He is using some vacation time tomorrow, though, to take a long lunch so we can go to a pop-up Luke's Diner for Gilmore Girls day, so I'm definitely looking forward to that!

What are some things you have done in order to take charge of your journey? Are there some areas of your journey that you don't feel like you have taken ownership of? Are there more things you could take charge on to help you succeed?

The main decision was not to overeat anymore. Sound overly simplistic but the truth it many diets lead to I am going to stick to the diet for x, I will go on vacation or meal out or birthday and I will eat as I never seen food before anything I can get my hands on. Deciding I won't overeat, consistently, vacation or work day, Monday or Friday I will not eat excessively. Yes many days I ate my calories or even little over but nothing like previous on and off diets

I did my first diet 2004. I know very well how to loose weight and I have done if few times. However I also picked up some bad habits on the way. I have done great this time to learn from past mistakes but I still need work on that.

Example I have been coughing for last two weeks. I felt otherwise ok. I overdid it in the gym Monday, I was too enthusiastic with the weight on my deadlifts and I should have taken it little slower. I felt ok. My team asked me to go home yesterday as I didn't feel well at all, I was coughing too much and today I know I should stay and work from home and I know I need an extra day but I feel I need to get to work, and I am tempted with the gym. Staying home means I work from home, I am not missing work! I also skipped the stretching after workout. I was sore in bad way yesterday. I know well enough I need to stay home and it's better for me but I am so tempted???? A sure, maybe I will be fine, no pain no gain etc... I need to take charge in such thought patterns and not let them take over and do silly things

I need to learn to focus at the important things - as healthy and happy life, as sustainability, as feeling good. If I take an extra day rest sometimes - I will feel better, if I have few slices of pizza and a salad while I am trying to lose weight - I won't feel deprived and I am more likely to keep it up. I am doing good job of managing it but I am hoping at some point it won't be a work anymore, It will be what I do

Not sure if I make sense! I feel I already succeeded with the weight loss. Now I need to succeed in maintenance. As the quote don't let the perfect be enemy of the good is what I need to be in charge of.
Regaining weight after you have lost it is so horrible. It's heartbreaking. All the efforts gone to waste. One can feel so defeated and often as it's personal failure when in fact, in many cases it was unsustainable diet or overdoing it with exercise during weight loss that was the cause of regain.

I keep saying this, am I am reminding this more to myself than anyone else but I need to get in charge of not doing unsustainable things in terms of diet or exercise and pushing beyond what is enjoyable living as it isn't sustainable. It's not worth reaching a goal if I can't keep it. With 2.5 weeks until our holiday, it is particularly important for me to reinforce this as the temptation to push when I should chill is strong.

I am working from home today and I will go back to the gym when I feel fully better, and I will do few easier workouts before I start upping the intensity slower again
He does work 2 jobs. He has a Monday-Friday desk job and then an evenings and weekends job. He leaves by 7am to get to work by 8am, and on the days he works both, he leaves the first job at 5pm, gets home around 5:40pm, changes clothes, and rushes back out the door by 5:45pm to get to work by 6pm. Then he's home again around 11pm. He doesn't work near home, unfortunately, so lunch dates are pretty much out of the question... He doesn't have enough time to drive back to our side of town, and we can't afford to spend the gas for me to drive out there and then back home just for a quick lunch. His lunch times are also never the same, and he doesn't usually know when lunch is until right before he goes, since his time is dependent upon when others take theirs. Him having two jobs definitely makes everything hard. :( He is using some vacation time tomorrow, though, to take a long lunch so we can go to a pop-up Luke's Diner for Gilmore Girls day, so I'm definitely looking forward to that!

Wow that is a tight schedule :worried: - But yeah for the day at a Luke's Diner - love love love Gilmore Girls - I hope you enjoy :-)

I keep saying this, am I am reminding this more to myself than anyone else but I need to get in charge of not doing unsustainable things in terms of diet or exercise and pushing beyond what is enjoyable living as it isn't sustainable. It's not worth reaching a goal if I can't keep it. With 2.5 weeks until our holiday, it is particularly important for me to reinforce this as the temptation to push when I should chill is strong.

I am working from home today and I will go back to the gym when I feel fully better, and I will do few easier workouts before I start upping the intensity slower again

Keep that self talk going :-) - glad to hear you stayed home - not only do you need to feel better but your workmates won't thank you if you pass it around :P rest up and then you will be ready to go again - 2.5 weeks woohoo - I can't wait to hear how you fitted in your exercise and balanced your food when you are there - I said balance meaning a couple of treats :D
Calories in vs calories out always works in the end. I mentioned I created deficit for 1.7 kg weight loss last month and only lost 0.7. Well, It's now 1.7 kg, so I consider it paid. It's actually freaky how exact it is!

Major WhooHoo Wednesday! April was the first month I joined the challenges!

My April post


This is me @ the streets of America August 2013. Excuse my hidden face - internet shy!
I want to be same weight by August 2016, which means I have 10 kg to lose.

Last edited: Apr 1, 2016


I DID IT I DID IT I DID! It took me 2 extra months, but it was worth it adn am actually pound lower now
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He is using some vacation time tomorrow, though, to take a long lunch so we can go to a pop-up Luke's Diner for Gilmore Girls day, so I'm definitely looking forward to that!

That is super super woohoo worthy!!!! I'm jealous-- the pop up Luke's that will be closest to me is about 30-45 min away.... and we are in hurricane prep mode :crazy: so no coffee, coffee, coffee for me. Have fun!!!!

Not sure if I make sense! I feel I already succeeded with the weight loss. Now I need to succeed in maintenance. As the quote don't let the perfect be enemy of the good is what I need to be in charge of.

Your post makes complete sense. You're absolutely right-- deprivation won't work-- moderation with all is the key!

I DID IT I DID IT I DID! It took me 2 extra months, but it was worth it adn am actually pound lower now

October 5 -- WooHoo Wednesday!!!


Alright, everybody -- it's WooHoo Wednesday!!!

Share something fabulous that has happened in the last week. Weight Loss/Health related or not. Big or small.

Anything positive is worth celebrating!!!

I'm gonna jump on in here with my woohoo..... we are prepping for the hurricane down here, so I don't know how much time I'll have today to be on and chat!

Woohoo-- Last night, DH's parents treated us to dinner for bringing over a ton (and I mean that literally like the weight haha) of sand to prep for the hurricane. We ordered Italian :love:.... but I order a salad and was content! I actually said no to pasta.... DH is still in shock haha! Anyway, I'm proud of myself :-)
I'm gonna jump on in here with my woohoo..... we are prepping for the hurricane down here, so I don't know how much time I'll have today to be on and chat!

Woohoo-- Last night, DH's parents treated us to dinner for bringing over a ton (and I mean that literally like the weight haha) of sand to prep for the hurricane. We ordered Italian :love:.... but I order a salad and was content! I actually said no to pasta.... DH is still in shock haha! Anyway, I'm proud of myself :-)

Good job making a healthier choice! I will definitely be keeping you and your neighbors in my prayers as this weather front decides exactly what/where to dump!

October 5 -- WooHoo Wednesday!!!

Alright, everybody -- it's WooHoo Wednesday!!!

Share something fabulous that has happened in the last week. Weight Loss/Health related or not. Big or small.

Anything positive is worth celebrating!!!

Hmmmm..... my biggest WOOHOO for this week is that it is a SHORT week for work! I have NONE of my three jobs scheduled for Friday, Saturday, or Sunday and I only have to work for WW online for 2 hours early Monday morning! Woohoo for a 4 day weekend!!!!!!

Working at school today.... in the office to start, then off to cover meetings, lunch duties, recess duties, and then a few more meetings. Tomorrow I teach Kindergarten and then do my WW sub meeting and then RELAXING time!

Carb count has been high, but staying within my SmartPoints easily this week. Hoping to shake loose a few of those Disneyland treat pounds! May I just say, the MATTERHORN Macaroon was worth EVERY CALORIE, as were EVERY BITE and SIP of the WOC dessert party goodies! ..................P
Playing a bit of catch up!

If anything, though, my newest motivation to lose the weight is that my MOH is getting married in May, and while I have dropped out of her wedding because I can't afford all of the things she's expecting from her bridesmaids, I still want to lose as much as I can before then... and then she will always be heavy in my wedding photos and I will always be small in hers. :rotfl:

I'm a terrible person. :scared:

This is great! Thank you for your honesty. I've totally been there. Motivation is motivation. Use it!

Bonus Goal: Try to get a picture from MarathonFoto that doesn't make me look awful. Here were the better pics from this past weekend's races.

Seriously, every running picture I ever see of myself is like "OH MY GOD DO I REALLY LOOK LIKE THAT??" I envy the people who don't look ridiculous in running photos lol.

I am so sorry that you don't have a support network - know we are here and any time you need to vent, we are here! :) We will tell you to not put that treat in your mouth or go out for a run!

And thank you!! I really appreciate the push. It's exactly what I need.

Anyway. Any tips or advice or encouragement about how to not feel like a bad wife while trying to take care of yourself and find time in the day to get everything done is much welcome! Haha

From my own personal experience, I felt compelled to be the good wife and make the husband happy. And it created a lot of resentment on my end because I felt like I was sacrificing myself and what I wanted in order to make him feel happy and whole. Your DH seems super supportive of you and everything you do! I think he would understand if you told him that you needed to make some adjustments so that you were happy and able to take care of yourself. Maybe not waiting to eat dinner with him but having a meal ready for him when he gets home? You can still sit and chat with him but you will have already eaten at a reasonable time.

Share something fabulous that has happened in the last week. Weight Loss/Health related or not. Big or small.

Love that gif! It's perfect for Woohoo Wednesday!

1. I've worked out both Monday and Tuesday so I've done 2/4 workouts this week. I'm making smart eating choices and I'm already feeling so much better about where I'm at. Of course, there's a voice in my head already giving me anxiety about this and the rest of the weekends in October but I've got to reset and just take it one day at a time.
2. I wrote last night for the first time in a long time and it felt great to finally do something that I actually enjoy doing. I feel like the fog is finally starting to fade away and it's such a relief.
3. It's National Customer Service Week and my work has totally been treating us which has been great. They brought up coloring books and markers and that's been a nice stress relief. They brought in donuts this morning. I ate my rice cakes and PB though. The biggest obstacle will be a pizza lunch on Friday. We'll cross that bridge when we get there though :)
My woohoo is I feel great today! I usually don't have much energy but for some reason I woke up this morning feeling like I could take on the world :) maybe this high protein diet is working!

We are also preparing for the hurricane, they keep changing the forecast for us so we aren't really sure what to expect. Right now we are in a hurricane watch. We lose power if someone sneezes too hard so we are preparing for days without power. I'm off to the store to get a few things this morning.
My first Woo-Hoo is that it was family weekend at oldest DDs university last weekend, so we got to visit her in her space. It was a fun and relaxing weekend!

My second Woo-Hoo is that middle DD texted me last night to ask if she could go to town to buy a Bible because she hadn't taken hers to school and she really wanted to get one. She's becoming very involved in her university's worship services and Bible Studies. Her school starts rush (except they call is something different now) next week, and the group she has joined (called Cru) has pre-Greek bible studies. This just makes my heart happy because the last year or so, she's been pushing against going to church at home, so I'm super happy that she's loving it on her own! Hope this doesn't violate the no religion posts, if it does, then I can delete, but it is definitely one of my Woo-Hoos!

And finally, DS, who is a freshman got to go to and play in an away JV soccer game yesterday. That was one of his goals for the season. Not many freshmen get to travel with the team, so he was super happy about it!
Woohoo... a nice wet Wednesday. I actually enjoyed bundling up in my rain jacket this morning. In a month or so I'll be over the rain but right now it feels so darn good.

I've managed to take my thyroid meds every morning, and evening, since moving them to the bathroom and I feel like I'm getting back to an even keel.

I'm knitting my first pair of socks! Doing the easy part now... everyone seems to groan about turning the heel so I'm interested to see why its such a challenge.

Vacation is now just a week and a half away... a good and not so good thing as I still feel so unready. I had ordered three tops from on-line which came yesterday and none of them are keepers, so it's back to square one. I haven't successfully sewn anything yet, mostly due to figuring out sizing. I need to finish the top I'm working on to see how it fits, then I can knock out a couple more fairly quickly... guess I'll have to put the socks down tonight and sew instead.

Hope everyone has a woohoo filled Wednesday, and that those in the path of the hurricane are safe.
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Happy Wednesday everyone - it's woohoo time!

Did some shopping over the weekend. I used to wear 3XL shirts and 2XL pants in athletic gear. I would always have to take the pants in to get them shortened. Friday I ended up buying some athletic pants in medium and shirts in large! Never dreamed I would be wearing those sizes - still really can't believe it.

Also, had a good run on Sunday where I ran further than I have before (13.1 miles) and did it 5:21 faster than I was hoping for!
We are also preparing for the hurricane, they keep changing the forecast for us so we aren't really sure what to expect. Right now we are in a hurricane watch. We lose power if someone sneezes too hard so we are preparing for days without power. I'm off to the store to get a few things this morning.

I was thinking about you out there in Florida. Be safe and dry - hoping there's no major damage or scary things :(

My woohoo is that I got 10,000 steps the last 2 days. I feel like I am back on track. I also started tracking my food again and have stayed in my goal.

Great job. Doesn't it feel good to get back to the routine?

Woohoo... a nice wet Wednesday. I actually enjoyed bundling up in my rain jacket this morning. In a month or so I'll be over the rain but right now it feels so darn good.

What is rain? How does it work? :P I am so jealous! It's been mid-80s this week and sunny - there's really no change in weather patterns here in So Cal.

id some shopping over the weekend. I used to wear 3XL shirts and 2XL pants in athletic gear. I would always have to take the pants in to get them shortened. Friday I ended up buying some athletic pants in medium and shirts in large! Never dreamed I would be wearing those sizes - still really can't believe it.

Also, had a good run on Sunday where I ran further than I have before (13.1 miles) and did it 5:21 faster than I was hoping for!

What's your target finish time? And congrats on getting to Medium and Large sizes. Isn't it awesome!? :D


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