Everybody Wants to be a WISH Cat (or dog, or goose, etc...) - October 2016 WISH Challenge

I'm in! Is it just me or did October come out of nowhere? Goodness gracious. It's already the 3rd!

A quick introduction...

My name is Paige and I'm 23 (almost 24) years old. I have an adorable black and white kitty named Nancy that keeps me entertained when I'm not at work. I lost 58 pounds over the past year and was feeling great. Then I asked my husband for a divorce. I have since gained 16 of those pounds back due to depression and anxiety. I've struggled to eat what I know is best and run even though I know how much I love to run and how much it makes me feel better when I do it.

It's been almost 5 months oh this yo-yo feeling and I don't want to keep gaining the weight back when I worked so hard to get it off in the first place!

My GOAL: I'm going to switch things up and focus on exercise this month. Because I've lost some speed due to my wishy washy workout routine for the past few months. I've been struggling to focus on my weight so I'm just going to focus on exercise this month. My goal is to exercise 4 days a week this month. I'd like to work up to 5 days but since I'm easing back into it I want to give myself a little leeway

OBSTACLES: My general lack of motivation to get off the couch is going to be my main obstacle for exercising. So I've been packing a gym bag and taking it with me to work. I'm much more likely to go to the gym if go straight from work and don't give myself the temptation to sit on my couch or lay in my bed.
It's been a minute since I've been truly active in these threads, so I'll reintroduce myself for anyone who doesn't know/remember me!

Welcome back! I'm so sorry to hear about the rough time you've been having. Hopefully we can help your motivation! Or at least make you feel a little less alone.

My life style change has focused on being more active and trying to get that sub-3 hour half marathon time through practice. I did it today at Rock n Roll San Jose! 2:59:15. I also got a 37:50 5k time.

Wooo!!!! That's awesome! Congrats!

Are you surrounded by people who help or who hurt your progress? What do you do to remain on track when everybody does not want to be a cool WISH cat?

I'm mostly surrounded by people who hurt my progress. Always wanting to go to happy hour or go out for the weekend or make unhealthy foods. Before, I was doing a good job of eating well during the week and having a splurge day or meal during the weekend. Which is what I'm wanting to go back to. I really struggle to say no to people and to myself. Because I totally want that unhealthy food and for whatever reason the want part of my brain overrides any rational thinking.
So, can I take a second and voice my pettiness to you all? Haha.

My bridesmaids and I haven't really spoken much since my wedding last October. It was a big thing and the two people I should've really been able to depend on were the least helpful, least there-for-me, most selfish people in every way. I planned and threw my own bridal shower, planned and threw my own bachelorette party (which I left early because I had to be my own DD and I wasn't interested in spending the night watching everyone else get drunk "in honor of" my wedding), and I got chewed out by my bridesmaid on my wedding day for asking my MOH to help put together a playlist on iTunes for the reception because I "wasn't giving her any time to get ready and she was a really important part of the day". :headache:

Anyway, I have to see both of them this weekend for another friend's wedding, and I am absolutely dreading it. It doesn't help that my MOH has lost 41lbs this year, going from a size 16 to a size 10, and I have regained 21lbs this year, going from a size 14 to a 16/18.

If anything, though, my newest motivation to lose the weight is that my MOH is getting married in May, and while I have dropped out of her wedding because I can't afford all of the things she's expecting from her bridesmaids, I still want to lose as much as I can before then... and then she will always be heavy in my wedding photos and I will always be small in hers. :rotfl:

I'm a terrible person. :scared:
I had emotional moment - he won in male doubles category! August 2015 he struggled crossing the street and he needed my help and year on he won a tennis tournament! There was dinner event with awards in a yacht club. I think I looked good, I wore the dress I bought myself as a reward end of July and it needs little fitting now as it's big. One more reason I want to settle at some weight as I can't be buying clothes and not having clothes that fit all the time. There were many women and men in their 60's looking fantastic. It's clear that their tennis hobby helps aging well. It has been very positive for DH to go back to a sports he loves, he is different man now and I am very proud of him.

That is wonderful! I agree that the tennis helps. Most of the residents in my building are retirees and the ones that keep up their golf and tennis are the ones that look amazing and are still driving themselves and maintaining an independent lifestyle. It's like they say, "A body in motion, stays in motion." Good on both of you for being so active!

Looking forward to another great month and thanks to @Lady Marie for hosting. Loved the pic of you and your husband on instagram this weekend!

Thank you! That dress was a last minute impulse purchase, but boy, it slimmed me down. I felt fabulous all night-- I wish I could wear it everyday :rotfl:

I've been promising a few pictures from my California adventures, so I'm going to try and post those next..... but sometimes I run into trouble with my file sizes here on the Dis, so we shall see what happens!...............P

Thank you for sharing those awesome pictures. It looks like you two had an amazing time. Love the shirts!

"Best weight” is a non-statistical goal that is easy to set and easy to explain to patients. Patients can diet themselves down to any weight they put their minds to, but to maintain that weight, they need to actually enjoy the lifestyle that got them there.

A patient’s best weight is therefore whatever weight they achieve while living the healthiest lifestyle they can truly enjoy.

Yes! I love this every time it comes up. This is the true art of the matter-- finding that balance. It may not look like what you think, but you still want to enjoy your life.

BUT one think that I have noticed that my weight is trending down year after year and I am not putting on weight. So, that's better than nothing!

That's definitely a success in my book!

All weekend I was thinking about October goals, but really didn't settle on anything that fully resonated until I read @4Mickeys goal of no take-away food. I've slipped back in to this habit, so I'm going to be a copy-cat (see what I did there? Everybody wants to be a cat, right?:)) and use the same goal. No crappy fast/junk food... McDonald's, Jack-in-the-Box, I'll even include Taco Time. And that means no out-and-out junk while I'm at WDW either.

LOL! Love the pun! I think this is a wonderful goal too!

It is hard sometimes at work. I love most of my co-workers, but I have to avoid the "mid-afternoon" chocolate break time and the Friday afternoon "order-out-from-the-greasy-spoon" habit. I've just learned to always say NO. And now they expect that and kind of chuckle about it ("We'll ask Pam, but she always says NO!"). And I'm okay being known as the person who says no to the junk food... as long as they still include me in the fun!...............P

I hear ya on this one! I wish I could be strong like you and say no to Friday lunch with the coworkers. Its from the best deli in town and my oh my!

I guess I don't do anything to remain on track, haha, or I wouldn't be where I am right now. I would probably have to say I am surrounded by people who hurt my progress, though it's definitely never intentional. DH and I talk all the time about watching what we eat, doing better with cooking and not eating out and getting active, etc. but it's just talk. There's zero followthrough. I am too weak to not ask him to stop for chocolate or fast food on his way home, and he is usually too tired and too willing to give me what I want to object.

Well, you're back on here-- so that's a way of getting yourself back on track! :cheer2:

I'm mostly surrounded by people who hurt my progress. Always wanting to go to happy hour or go out for the weekend or make unhealthy foods. Before, I was doing a good job of eating well during the week and having a splurge day or meal during the weekend. Which is what I'm wanting to go back to. I really struggle to say no to people and to myself. Because I totally want that unhealthy food and for whatever reason the want part of my brain overrides any rational thinking.

I know the feeling-- sometimes it feels like we are missing out, and then if everyone is having the drinks or the food, you want to join in too. I have no advice, because I struggle with this a lot myself, but I can sympathize with you! :-)

If anything, though, my newest motivation to lose the weight is that my MOH is getting married in May, and while I have dropped out of her wedding because I can't afford all of the things she's expecting from her bridesmaids, I still want to lose as much as I can before then... and then she will always be heavy in my wedding photos and I will always be small in hers. :rotfl:

I'm a terrible person. :scared:

:rotfl2: You're not terrible. In fact, I find this hilarious. I can't say my weight loss intentions have always been 100% pure myself. Back in college, I remember getting on a huge workout binge when I got dumped. Totally insane and irrational, but it did get me off the couch!
Ok, I'm behind myself, so let me catch up.

GOAL: 3 lbs. That should put me under 180!

Plan: Cutting the junk! We've been in a junk slump being so busy, but I meal planned out the whole month the other day and I'm ready!

Obstacle: Food and Wine next weekend! Silver lining: smaller portions to keep me in check!

The people in my life are awful at supporting! That's why I love this group so much! It is sooo helpful to have this place to stay inspired everyday. And not for nothing, I am kinda excited to see if hosting pushes me to be more active on here, which always correlates to me getting closer to my goals!
So, can I take a second and voice my pettiness to you all? Haha.

My bridesmaids and I haven't really spoken much since my wedding last October. It was a big thing and the two people I should've really been able to depend on were the least helpful, least there-for-me, most selfish people in every way. I planned and threw my own bridal shower, planned and threw my own bachelorette party (which I left early because I had to be my own DD and I wasn't interested in spending the night watching everyone else get drunk "in honor of" my wedding), and I got chewed out by my bridesmaid on my wedding day for asking my MOH to help put together a playlist on iTunes for the reception because I "wasn't giving her any time to get ready and she was a really important part of the day". :headache:

Anyway, I have to see both of them this weekend for another friend's wedding, and I am absolutely dreading it. It doesn't help that my MOH has lost 41lbs this year, going from a size 16 to a size 10, and I have regained 21lbs this year, going from a size 14 to a 16/18.

If anything, though, my newest motivation to lose the weight is that my MOH is getting married in May, and while I have dropped out of her wedding because I can't afford all of the things she's expecting from her bridesmaids, I still want to lose as much as I can before then... and then she will always be heavy in my wedding photos and I will always be small in hers. :rotfl:

I'm a terrible person. :scared:

I honestly want to reach out and give you a hug right now!! :hug: Thank you for your honesty.... I love that you feel that comfortable with us! And truly.... that sounds like a conversation between my daughter and I.... and that's okay! I remember all of the issues and drama last fall associated with your wedding and I remember feeling RELIEVED that everything eventually went off well that day (other than no officiant less than 24 hours before the wedding and your DH having to drag away a dumpster with his truck, if I remember properly!). But here you are, one year later, still a BEAUTIFUL young couple who loves and supports each other through everything.... and that is what is most important! Bridesmaids be damned!

Thank you! That dress was a last minute impulse purchase, but boy, it slimmed me down. I felt fabulous all night-- I wish I could wear it everyday :rotfl:

Finding something that you feel THAT TERRIFIC in is wonderful!!

Thank you for sharing those awesome pictures. It looks like you two had an amazing time. Love the shirts!

Thanks! We really wanted to order some from @jackandsally, but the summer was so insanely busy we never got to it and then suddenly we had just a few days left! Thankfully I have a Disney outlet store an hour from me.

I hear ya on this one! I wish I could be strong like you and say no to Friday lunch with the coworkers. Its from the best deli in town and my oh my!

Well, if there were a "lunch-time-together" associated with this it would be more tempting, but since we all eat at different times, everyone just grabs their order and dashes off! And I pack a pretty great brown-bag lunch myself, so other than some fat and calories, I don't really feel like I am missing much (this is truly just a roadside stand, as we don't have a real restaurant in town unless you count our one pizza shop or our Dunkin Donuts!).

:rotfl2: You're not terrible. In fact, I find this hilarious. I can't say my weight loss intentions have always been 100% pure myself. Back in college, I remember getting on a huge workout binge when I got dumped. Totally insane and irrational, but it did get me off the couch!

Whatever works, right???

Ok, I'm behind myself, so let me catch up.

GOAL: 3 lbs. That should put me under 180!

Plan: Cutting the junk! We've been in a junk slump being so busy, but I meal planned out the whole month the other day and I'm ready!

Obstacle: Food and Wine next weekend! Silver lining: smaller portions to keep me in check!

The people in my life are awful at supporting! That's why I love this group so much! It is sooo helpful to have this place to stay inspired everyday. And not for nothing, I am kinda excited to see if hosting pushes me to be more active on here, which always correlates to me getting closer to my goals!

So glad we are all here together to inspire each other AND to pick each other up when we fall off track!

Hey friends! I'm home with the HOUSE TO MYSELF and NO WORK tonight!! It is MAGICAL!! DH is traveling all week, obviously my kids are at their respective colleges, and I was NOT scheduled for an online shift tonight! So this evening is all about ME! I changed into my comfy clothes and went out to pick beans. I had a co-worker who brought me dinner!! She heard me talking about the menu for an all-soup restaurant she was going to and picked me up some Hungarian Mushroom. I'm sure it is more SmartPoints than I would normally have, but I've stuck low with my SP up until now for the day and I am going to enjoy every single sip! It is an incredibly RARE thing when someone cooks for me! Now I am going to cook my beans (first course of my dinner) and grab a seltzer and a book and RELAX for a bit! WOOHOOO!! ME TIME!!:woohoo: ...................P
What are your goals for this month? What are your plans to get there? What obstacles can you already see up ahead? How do you plan to over come those obstacles in your way?

I've had some time to reflect on this month and I recognize that if progress is going in the right direction than it should be maintained. Therefore I will keep doing what I am doing to continue to improve my time. Next time goal: 2:55 half marathon and 1:20 10K.

Overall Goal
Continue with the three exercises per week plus achieve the normal BMI. (I'll calculate it off the exercise total)

Recovery time after big races will be a big hindrance, though I am presently not sore after yesterday's big run. October is a lot cooler than September, so I should be good to get out there and run.

Stay on top of it! Always do my best!

Bonus Goal: Try to get a picture from MarathonFoto that doesn't make me look awful. Here were the better pics from this past weekend's races.
Are you surrounded by people who help or who hurt your progress? What do you do to remain on track when everybody does not want to be a cool WISH cat?

I love this question! The only way to success is to surround yourself with positivity and people that encourage you. I am so so so thankful that my husband is a big supporter of my endeavors and even agreed to join me on this crazy journey. To have a partner moving toward a better self is fantastic. Those who do not wish to be a Cool Cat will only hinder you - you won't be able to shine. We should all do our best to shine :)

From my WISH friends, to FB friends, and real life friends... I am very blessed. I hope others are too!
Is it just me or did October come out of nowhere? Goodness gracious. It's already the 3rd!

I know this feeling. How the heck is it already Q4 and Christmas is just around the corner. I am already ready for Halloween. :D

I'm mostly surrounded by people who hurt my progress. Always wanting to go to happy hour or go out for the weekend or make unhealthy foods.

I am so sorry that you don't have a support network - know we are here and any time you need to vent, we are here! :) We will tell you to not put that treat in your mouth or go out for a run!

If anything, though, my newest motivation to lose the weight is that my MOH is getting married in May, and while I have dropped out of her wedding because I can't afford all of the things she's expecting from her bridesmaids, I still want to lose as much as I can before then... and then she will always be heavy in my wedding photos and I will always be small in hers. :rotfl:

I'm a terrible person. :scared:

You're an amazing person who is HONEST and damn girl, look fab in those photos. It's a good goal to have and one that is achievable.

I'm home with the HOUSE TO MYSELF and NO WORK tonight!! It is MAGICAL!!
OMG. That sounds amazing and I'm so jealous. You can watch what you want on tv, dance around and enjoy the quiet. Please let us know how it is! You deserve a night off!
Just spent the last hour dealing with a customer service nightmare from a vendor who could care less that the fact that they never sent out my supply order means I have orders that now won't reach my customers on time. I'm stressed, mad as fire, and now won't make it to the post office in time with the orders I needed to get out today. I kind of just want to cry, and sleep, and eat everything. DH texts me every day as he leaves work asking if I need anything on the way home. Out of habit and emotion I asked him to stop for chocolate and a Dr. Pepper, and he said ok. Texted him back 10 minutes later and told him nevermind, I don't need to be eating them. Will power, or something.

But man, oh, man, do I want them. :guilty:
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If anything, though, my newest motivation to lose the weight is that my MOH is getting married in May, and while I have dropped out of her wedding because I can't afford all of the things she's expecting from her bridesmaids, I still want to lose as much as I can before then... and then she will always be heavy in my wedding photos and I will always be small in hers. :rotfl:

I'm a terrible person. :scared:

This is awesome - motivation comes in all forms - use it
Are you surrounded by people who help or who hurt your progress? What do you do to remain on track when everybody does not want to be a cool WISH cat?

DH is very supportive of my progress. When I started down the path of running and eating better he decided to join me. Other than him the rest of my family is not very supportive, they say that I need to lose weight but then when I do they are almost disappointed by it. To remain on track I think about what I need to do to better my running and that helps me be able to say no to whatever temptation is thrown my way.
Just spent the last hour dealing with a customer service nightmare from a vendor who could care less that the fact that they never sent out my supply order means I have orders that now won't reach my customers on time. I'm stressed, mad as fire, and now won't make it to the post office in time with the orders I needed to get out today. I kind of just want to cry, and sleep, and eat everything. DH texts me every day as he leaves work asking if I need anything on the way home. Out of habit and emotion I asked him to stop for chocolate and a Dr. Pepper, and he said ok. Texted him back 10 minutes later and told him nevermind, I don't need to be eating them. Will power, or something.

But man, oh, man, do I want them. :guilty:

Focus on other things you want. Like looking smashing on your friends wedding!

Is there healthy food or something else like getting your nails done or hot bath that can help you relax?
Well the scale decided to pay up for last month, or at least partly! I am happy I have to say, not that I am not, but I will stick to the plan I made yesterday as I am happier when I focus on healthy living. I am only 1.3kg from the final goal weight I had in mind, 3 pounds. Maybe it will happen at some point.

Bought delicious fresh figs, pears, grapes - more winter fruit. Fruit makes me happy. Sore from gym yesterday. I will lower my enthusiasm tiny little bit to avoid getting injured! Upped my back squat and my deadlifts near my old personal bests, but I don't think I was ready for the dead lift. I would like to go to yoga class after work but may skip it if I am still as sore.

That's the morning coffee update from me! Have a healthy & happy day All
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So, can I take a second and voice my pettiness to you all? Haha.

My bridesmaids and I haven't really spoken much since my wedding last October. It was a big thing and the two people I should've really been able to depend on were the least helpful, least there-for-me, most selfish people in every way. I planned and threw my own bridal shower, planned and threw my own bachelorette party (which I left early because I had to be my own DD and I wasn't interested in spending the night watching everyone else get drunk "in honor of" my wedding), and I got chewed out by my bridesmaid on my wedding day for asking my MOH to help put together a playlist on iTunes for the reception because I "wasn't giving her any time to get ready and she was a really important part of the day". :headache:

Anyway, I have to see both of them this weekend for another friend's wedding, and I am absolutely dreading it. It doesn't help that my MOH has lost 41lbs this year, going from a size 16 to a size 10, and I have regained 21lbs this year, going from a size 14 to a 16/18.

If anything, though, my newest motivation to lose the weight is that my MOH is getting married in May, and while I have dropped out of her wedding because I can't afford all of the things she's expecting from her bridesmaids, I still want to lose as much as I can before then... and then she will always be heavy in my wedding photos and I will always be small in hers. :rotfl:

I'm a terrible person. :scared:

Speaking of terrible!

So 10 years ago I was working in another company and had about 4 years in the team. I was highly qualified, with degree and masters and further professional exams. A girl joined the team just out of collage, no applicable qualifications at all and no experience. She was total cow, She will loose it and start yelling if someone uses the wrong shade of blue in excel reports - the most hated person I ever met. I applied for the job, and she did but I was pregnant and she wasn't and she got it. When I returned from maternity I moved to different team. By that time she started relationship with a guy that was going out with another girl in our team and nobody was talking to her but the manager kept promoting her. She was slim and ambitious and said people don't matter to her, her job comes first. She was smoking and addicted to energy drinks and very nasty to people that are below her but super nice to management. She kept saying that people don't matter, her world is her career progression - how sad is that for someone in their 20's. I moved to a different company eventually.

Few weeks ago I sow her in the company I work for. She is contractor, still single,few levels below my corporate title, she is very very overweight and still smoking and drinking her energy drinks. She doesn't keep in touch with anyone from the old company, and the boyfriend left her. I was shocked to see how large she is, I was wondering if she is pregnant but good job I didn't ask as she isn't

It's not good to parade yourself, but I still see my friends from the old job, I got few promotions in my new job, pregnancy is gone and I have lovely son to be the center of my world and not a job - yet my job doesn't seem to suffer at all, I have my own home, and damn - I am same weight (well,+1k) I was pre pregnancy 11 years ago.

I have no grudge though, if I got the job then I would have been less likely to leave and my role now is much better than any opportunity that may have happen in the old job. I hope she is happy with whatever her priorities may be right now.

I did have a super mean moment thinking " Oh, so how is not caring for people working out for you?". Couldn't help it!
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Are you surrounded by people who help or who hurt your progress? What do you do to remain on track when everybody does not want to be a cool WISH cat?

I have mixed thoughts here - most of the time I kind of feel like I'm in this alone. But in saying that its not that I have people that sabotage me - its me that does that all by myself :sad2: - I mean I am the one who shops and decides what is for dinner - of course the kids love their take-out and will ask for it - but I have told them my goal this month and apart from an initial look of "what the ?!" they were ok with it - but we shall see as the month progresses. The people I work closest with tend to bring their own lunches or buy healthy lunches, much healthier than the options I usually resort to!

When I see a bag of chips, I have the hardest time to not eat the whole bag and just eat and eat them.

Uhhh - I should tell you what I just did - I had a pretty good day whilst at work food wise then came home and practically a whole packet of BBQ chips - see self sabotage o_O

I am even pleased with my time of 42:36!! As you see, I did enjoy my alcohol free beer that is part of nearly every race here in Germany afterwards:

You look fantastic - well done on your run :cheer2:

until I read @4Mickeys goal of no take-away food. I've slipped back in to this habit, so I'm going to be a copy-cat (see what I did there? Everybody wants to be a cat, right?:)) and use the same goal. No crappy fast/junk food... McDonald's, Jack-in-the-Box, I'll even include Taco Time. And that means no out-and-out junk while I'm at WDW either.

Woohoo happy to be in that together with you! We can support each other :banana:

First day back at work after break - first day is so hard - but eased into not to bad - I almost forgot my lunch but after having bought the mulit-grain roll and ran back inside and threw together turkey breast and salad stuff to make it at work at lunch time - see started off so well only to eat chips - but at least it wasn't take-out! Tomorrow I will be stronger!
Yay!! The scale moved!! Not having a weight loss goal seems to be working for me... ;) Actually, I am sure it is coincidence, but I am very happy! @HappyGrape seems like we both have something to celebrate on the scale!

My run yesterday left me feeling really strong and I am all excited about my exercise goal this month. I know that when I was working out regularly I felt so much happier. And ultimately the whole journey is not about being the slimmest, but about being healthy and happy.

@JacknSally I totally get your motivation and I am sure a lot of us had moments like this. I had a friend who was very close to me in college and then we used to hang out quite a bit a few years later when we happend to work in the same area. I always had a slight crush on him, but we never were a couple. He then married and got a job further away while his family stayed in the area. He has become very successful at what he does and somehow I was just dropped from his life. I ran into him a few months ago (I knew he would be at a function that was held at my work place) and was shocked how bad he looked. He had put on weight, was very pale and looked tired. At that point I was at my lowest weight for quite some time and since I knew that I might run into him had taken great care to put on a really smart outfit. And it felt so great when I realised that I looked about 15 years younger than him!! There definitely is some energy to be gained from "revenge dieting"! :goodvibes
Uhhh - I should tell you what I just did - I had a pretty good day whilst at work food wise then came home and practically a whole packet of BBQ chips - see self sabotage o_O

I am really not the right person to tell you how to not self sabotage, I am pretty good at that myself. A few things that have helped me at least for some time is to
1) hide things away. If it is more difficult to get to them, you have more time to think about whether you really want it.
2) put warning signs on the sources - the typical fat picture of yourself on the fridge. But it could also be motivational quotes. Just put them on store cupboards and the fridge as a reminder of what you want to acchieve
3) think of us! This is actually one of the things that has helped me the most recently to think of all the wonderful people on here who help cheering me on.
You look fantastic - well done on your run :cheer2:


First day back at work after break - first day is so hard - but eased into not to bad - I almost forgot my lunch but after having bought the mulit-grain roll and ran back inside and threw together turkey breast and salad stuff to make it at work at lunch time - see started off so well only to eat chips - but at least it wasn't take-out! Tomorrow I will be stronger!

Hey, at least you were successful with something, so not all is lost!!!
hide things away. If it is more difficult to get to them, you have more time to think about whether you really want it.
2) put warning signs on the sources - the typical fat picture of yourself on the fridge. But it could also be motivational quotes. Just put them on store cupboards and the fridge as a reminder of what you want to acchieve
3) think of us! This is actually one of the things that has helped me the most recently to think of all the wonderful people on here who help cheering me on.

All good suggestions - I am laughing about picturing my fat photos on all the chip bags in the cupboard - but I can see that it is a very good visual reminder of where I am! I wonder if it will scare off the kids from the chips? hehe
All good suggestions - I am laughing about picturing my fat photos on all the chip bags in the cupboard - but I can see that it is a very good visual reminder of where I am! I wonder if it will scare off the kids from the chips? hehe

:rotfl2:Might be a good way to teach your kids healthy eating??

That's why I thought of the motivational quotes. I also think in moments when we tend to lose self-control, we tend to feel a little low anyway. So being confronted with something negative might make things only worse. So, put something positive on them instead, something that remids you that you are doing well with cutting out the junk and therefore it is worth it to keep up the self-control!

I really suck at motivational quotes, but I know that some of the people on the thread are really good at them, so maybe others can chime in with some suggestions. There seem to be a lot of them in nice formats, so easy to print out and stick on dangerous areas.


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