Everybody Wants to be a WISH Cat (or dog, or goose, etc...) - October 2016 WISH Challenge

I was just surprised by a local TV station - they are doing a story about my weight loss and I had no idea they were coming today. They also interviewed a couple of my players which should be very interesting. I'm just hoping I don't come across looking like an idiot. I wish I would have known they were coming today, I would have worn something different and probably shaved. :confused3

I get that - after all your hard work you want to have some swag when on the TV lol - But am positive you won't look like an idiot :D

running in the 1/2 marathon Sunday with @courtneybeth!

Excited to run with you! I'm boarding the plane to STL right now

:cheer2::banana::cheer2: good luck hope you both have an awesome run.

I also saw the cardiologist yesterday--- still not allowed to work out yet till we get my heart thing solidly under control with medication. So I can't earn extra calories--boo!!! BUT he did say I can have wine now! Haha! I was worried with Italy 3 weeks away! So good news/bad news for now. But that's ok. I'm just going to have to watch the take out (which we shouldn't be buying anyway!) and treats.

Glad you seem to be making progress with working your health out - and cheers to you raising a glass of wine this weekend :D

QOTD: Well as I don't get to go that often - I will just say we really enjoyed Mickeys Soundsational Parade that was on when we were there. I also agree with our other parents on here that being able to experience with kids brings a whole new feeling to it.
My spring trips to Texas and WDW were the catalysts that drove me off path, so I'm approaching the upcoming fall trip as "mulligans" that are going to close that chapter: I'm calling a do-over, with a new approach to the whole thing.

What's your plan to make it work? Mine is similar to my summer holiday. Try to eat a lot of veggies and fruit, and eat everything else I fancy in moderation. I will also track my caloires as information tool, knowing that it's not exact science

Publix vs Wholefoods for fresh fruit? What's easier to get to from Caribbean beach resort and which have better selection of fruit and veggies?
@HappyGrape thanks for thinking of me! I had some lousy three days in the middle of the week with migraine and feeling totally exhausted. Back to normal now and off to start into my weekend! Will be back later today to chat on here!
October 15 - Question of the Weekend




Sometimes when life is too crazy you need to decompress!

How do you relax and recenter yourself?

Do you find that "me" time is necessary to reach your goal?

What can you do this weekend to take some time for yourself?
How do you relax and recenter yourself?

Do you find that "me" time is necessary to reach your goal?

What can you do this weekend to take some time for yourself?

Relaxation for me is usually watching tv or a movie on the couch. But also I find that being on/near the water is good for my mind also (apart from when I am wondering what is under the water! lol) - but when I let that go I find it very calming.

I don't get a lot of me time and sometimes I crave it more than others - the kids are big enough that they can keep up if we go for a walk all together. My morning paddling is me time with friends at the moment but we have only managed to do it one day a week .... I need some more morning paddling - I am thinking of seeing if one of the kids want to come with me another day - I don't think its safe to be out on the water alone.

Hmmm this weekend is tricky - I am busily cleaning the house ready for a property inspection (we rent - so the rental agent comes through about every 3 months to check on the property and to see if there are any maintenance issues). But I have managed some time on the couch watching some of my favourite house reno shows - the kids go off to the rumpus room to play video games and leave me in the main lounge room to watch tv - so that is me time I suppose.

REPORTING IN: I am on a good roll with no take-out! So am at 48.39% I am tracking both lunch and dinner separately so that means 62 times this month I need to avoid takeout! It will be interesting to see at the end of the month at me Dr check-in if it has made any difference on the scale. Snacking on poor choices is still somewhat of an issue but that will be a focus for a future month. The kids have been really good about not asking to have takeout - I am so thankful to them and proud of them for that. I know they are still getting a fix at the grandparents but it is home prepared pizza, chips, chicken nuggets that they get there for afternoon tea a few afternoons a week - I am ok with that for them to do that. As especially as we are having our month off the takeout it means they are also eating much better for the most part too.

Ok enough chatting from me for now ... gotta go make breakfast and get DS off to work. Have a great weekend everyone.
October 15 - Question of the Weekend


Sometimes when life is too crazy you need to decompress!

How do you relax and recenter yourself?

Do you find that "me" time is necessary to reach your goal?

What can you do this weekend to take some time for yourself?

Warm Bath, Walk, Meditation track, Yoga, Swim, call a friend, get my nails done. I like shopping too! :)

I find having back up ways to feel good instead of eating food that isn't very good for me and I didn't need was necessary for me. Sometimes when I get picky I move away from the couch and do my toe nails. Between the smell of polish remover, choosing colour, applying it, messing up, cleaning it up and waiting to dry. I am not very good at it but I find by the time I am done the craving is gone

Another one is when I get home at 5, my son would rush me so he can play the play station. He would want to be fed, his homework done, he would be upset if he needs to do corrections and I will be stressed and up stress eating

Now no play station Monday to Thurdsay. When we get home, we have 30 minutes downtime. I take bath and change my clothes. I have the dinner pre cooked for him and he eat. Homework is 6/7. Rest. Bed time. Having structure and calm for half an hour helped both of us feel better although he still objects to no play station but that's another topic. If there is a part of a day where you feel rushed and stress, organizing it and taking even few minutes out can do a lot
I actually lost little more weight. I am now 59.4 kg. My original goal was 59. I decided not to push at 60.4. I am very happy how things worked out, I am little tempted to cut 500 calories daily for the next 6 days. I had 500 deficit yesterday so this should get me exactly at the goal in theory and if it doesn't happen I won't be disappointed as I feel I have reached my goal. Basically goal was 130lbs, I am 131. It sounds much better in kg!!

I am really loving the maintainers audio interviews with the book I read. So helpful to read about others experience and success.

DH confessed he feels annoyed when I announce another pound done few months ago. Yesterday when I told him he said I will reserve comments. But hours minutes later he said - "you look great, well done." I wish I don't feel as... tried and beaten up by the chest infection but it was lovely to hear and I know once Florida sunshine shine on me I will feel happy. It was so worth it taking it slowly! I feel so much more confident about being able to keep the results and handling vacations differently
I actually lost little more weight. I am now 59.4 kg. My original goal was 59. I decided not to push at 60.4. I am very happy how things worked out, I am little tempted to cut 500 calories daily for the next 6 days. I had 500 deficit yesterday so this should get me exactly at the goal in theory and if it doesn't happen I won't be disappointed as I feel I have reached my goal. Basically goal was 130lbs, I am 131. It sounds much better in kg!!

Good for you! and yes I agree being a metric country that Kg's sound much better and lower!

I am really loving the maintainers audio interviews with the book I read. So helpful to read about others experience and success.

Glad to hear you have a tool that helping you as you transition to maintenance.

DH confessed he feels annoyed when I announce another pound done few months ago. Yesterday when I told him he said I will reserve comments. But hours minutes later he said - "you look great, well done."

Sorry to hear that DH is not all that supportive of your lifestyle change - but happy to hear he came around with a compliment in the end.
I was able to get a PR this morning at the Marine Corp Half! 2:56:07 was the official time. I got to run the first 5k with DS9 and see him finish and that was awesome.

Answer to the weekend question: Me time is hard to come by in this house. I usually get it in during my runs. Before running I never took time for myself (it's probably why I talk about running so much I never had my own identity before it) but I have been venturing out on my own more lately and trying new things. When I'm not running I like to relax in front of the TV and believe it or not balance our checking account. Knowing what is going on with it is very calming :)

And I'm Checking in @ 87.5% this weekend.
@HappyGrape that is fantastic news. Any weight in kg that starts with a 5 is amazing to me! That was my goal weight when I was in university. I made it to 60.something once, never below. I love pounds when I am losing weight. It just sounds so much better when you lost 3 pounds compared to 1.3 kg... I know you are all set for a fantastic vacation with lots of healthy eating. Just make sure to run around those theme parks as much as possible! Are you staying somewhere with a gym to get some exercise there?

@MommaoffherRocker you rock!! Fantastic time! That is the race they rescheduled because of the hurricane? Seems like the reschedule did not hurt you! I cannot imagine how I would deal with so people needing me all the time, I totally get why running is so important to you!

@4Mickeys it seems like you are doing well with the no junk rule!! I hope it will pay off at the end of the month! You will see that over the course of time you will lose your appetite for a lot of those junk foods. I never thought I would and I did not eat a lot in the first place. While I still enjoy some good fries now and then, I have gotten very picky with regard to the quality of my food and often don't enjoy those quick and easy, but unhealthy meals that much anymore. Therefore it becomes much easier to avoid them as I know that I will just regret the calories! However, I am not where others are yet. I still love food in many ways, I just try to limit my treats in how often I get them. And I try to make sure that the treats I get are really high quality. So, I did not say now when my father offered me a piece of the cake he made himself when I visited my parents today. He is a fantastic baker and he loves to share what he produces, so I got a real worthy treat and made him happy. In my book those are calories that I do not regret eating!

Progress report: 46%

I know that I will not make 100% until the end of the month. I took one too many rest days already. I felt so low in energy during the week that there was no chance that I would do any exercise on Wednesday and then on Thursday I got my flu shot, so no exercise for 24 hours.

But I am back at exercising and tracking after falling off for a couple of days. Unfortunately I seem to be hit pretty hard with migraines right now. Had one during the week and now have the second one. Thought I got rid of it this morning with some relaxation exercises, but now it is back in full force. Arg! At least I got my run in this morning. It was a wonderful fall day with temps in the lower 60s and brilliant sunshine. Perfect running weather! I kept my run short, the foot still is not perfect. But I am improving on my exercise DVDs, went up one level and find the program challenging, but still doable. I know how difficult I already thought this level was when I did them for the first time. I still have some time until vacation, so there is still room for quite a bit of improvement before. Oh - and the scale is still not moving anywhere nice. I have no idea what is happening there.
a no, I won't go to the gym. We don't stop and we swim and I have yoga videos on my tablet, but most likely it will be all fun activities! There was a gym in Saratoga last time but we never made it, no gym this time

Sounds like you are prepared! I am actually planning on getting to the gym on my next vacation. Not a lot, but I think it will be good for me. And since my BF loves to sleep in, I can get up, go there, do some crunches, push ups and other arm exercises and feel like I did something good for me, take a quick rinse and head to the pool! At least that is the plan!! I did this in California a few mornings when I went for a run and it was perfect. This time I am determined to make it a vacation habit. But then I see that a family vacation has a very different vibe and should be full of fun!

I am looking forward to hear what you report back about healthy eating at WDW. You might find some unknown treasures.
Ah, he is. He is very supportive but also not as near to his own goals. How I manage it doesn't suit him as he isn't a numbers person and is taking him longer to see results.

He is joking really!

Good - I did wonder if it was to do with his own healthy attempts ;)

I was able to get a PR this morning at the Marine Corp Half! 2:56:07 was the official time. I got to run the first 5k with DS9 and see him finish and that was awesome.

:cheer2: Well done congratulations! Oh and you look at you and DH being great healthy role models with your son joining in too.

You will see that over the course of time you will lose your appetite for a lot of those junk foods. I never thought I would and I did not eat a lot in the first place. While I still enjoy some good fries now and then, I have gotten very picky with regard to the quality of my food and often don't enjoy those quick and easy, but unhealthy meals that much anymore. Therefore it becomes much easier to avoid them as I know that I will just regret the calories! However, I am not where others are yet. I still love food in many ways, I just try to limit my treats in how often I get them. And I try to make sure that the treats I get are really high quality. So, I did not say now when my father offered me a piece of the cake he made himself when I visited my parents today. He is a fantastic baker and he loves to share what he produces, so I got a real worthy treat and made him happy. In my book those are calories that I do not regret eating!

I hope so - I don't plan to get to the end of the month and go ok now back to eating the junk - I know there will be some occasions where it happens but I am hoping that I am breaking the habit and reliance on it that I have built up of a lot of years. That cake sounds yummy and you are right some calories are just worth it. :-)

back at exercising and tracking after falling off for a couple of days. Unfortunately I seem to be hit pretty hard with migraines right now. Had one during the week and now have the second one. Thought I got rid of it this morning with some relaxation exercises, but now it is back in full force.

Migraines are nasty - hope you feel better soon :-)
Sounds like you are prepared! I am actually planning on getting to the gym on my next vacation. Not a lot, but I think it will be good for me. And since my BF loves to sleep in, I can get up, go there, do some crunches, push ups and other arm exercises and feel like I did something good for me, take a quick rinse and head to the pool! At least that is the plan!! I did this in California a few mornings when I went for a run and it was perfect. This time I am determined to make it a vacation habit. But then I see that a family vacation has a very different vibe and should be full of fun!

I am looking forward to hear what you report back about healthy eating at WDW. You might find some unknown treasures.

I did this in Lanzarote. I plan to do the yoga videos if I feel I have the energy for it. I will report back on how am I getting on.

But I am believer in consistency, vacation vs weekday difference doesn't work for me. I need to be active (although activity vary greatly), I need to eat a lot of veggies and fruit, and I need to have my treats in moderation. I look at my before picture and I feel like crying! The Vacations don't count, eating don't count lead to it in my case!

I will be planning for California July 2017 when I return from holiday!
October 14 - Question of the Day

Friday Fun!

Sooooo.... What is your favorite Disney Parade?! Holiday, Nighttime, Any Park, doesn't matter- go!

I am not much of a parade person. I do like to see them at least once though. It is just too hot to stand in one spot with people shoulder to shoulder or like this last trip practically on top of my daughter. This lady kept leaning over my daughter to get a better picture. :furious: I do like the Festival of Fantasy though if i had to pick.

October 15 - Question of the Weekend

How do you relax and recenter yourself?

Do you find that "me" time is necessary to reach your goal?

What can you do this weekend to take some time for yourself?

I relax by watching TV and just not doing anything. I do not require as much quite time as my husband though. A little bit at night is good for me.


I had a somewhat busy weekend. Friday I had a conference to go to for work. It was only about 5 minutes from my house at a local college. I was able to get up and do my hair and make-up. I did have to rush out at the end to take my daughter to the doctor. I thought that she might have Hand, Foot and Mouth. Thankfully she didn't but she does have Impetigo. Basically a skin infection. Nothing big and not really contagious which was great because we were going to my mom's for a party that night.

The Party at my mom's did not got to well. My sister got in a fight with my brother of some views not quit political but close to it. My mom tried to stop it but they kept it up. They were both yelling/screaming at each other. Part of the issue is no matter what my sister thinks that she is always right and everyone has to follow her. Late on that night without know what happened between the 3 boys (her son, my son and my brothers son) she started screaming at my son and my brothers son for something that she didn't try to figure out what happened just took her son's word. I am not sure what completely happened but it sounds like her son started it. Either way the boys all should have been talked to but not just 2 of them. Plus there was no reason to scream at them the way she did. The 2 boys were balling crying by the time she was done. She took off with her son right after this. I have a feeling the next 2 holiday's are going to fun.

Saturday was a fun day. My husband and I took the kids to a local "Farm". It is an apple farm but there really isn't a lot for the public to do with the apples. They do have hayrides, a huge 311 foot slide, 2 corn mazes and a huge playground. It was a lot of fun. Afterwords we got Wendy's because we were so hungry and since it was sweetest day he stopped and got me chocolate covered strawberries from a local chocolate factory. The strawberries are huge and have about an inch of chocolate on them. This place has the best chocolate too. Thankfully they only make these twice a year. I did share with my kids but I ate most of them.

Sunday I was sick all day. I was very sick to my stomach. I am not sure if I picked up a virus or if my sugar was out of sorts from the chocolate covered strawberries. I have low blood sugar (the opposite of Diabetes) so this could have caused me to feel sick. I make it worse my not eating or drinking when I feel this way. I am feeling better today but I now have a headache due to my sinuses. I hate winter but I am ready for the allergies to go away.

I have a lot of work to get done today so I should get going now. Have a great day!
Sometimes when I get picky I move away from the couch and do my toe nails. Between the smell of polish remover, choosing colour, applying it, messing up, cleaning it up and waiting to dry. I am not very good at it but I find by the time I am done the craving is gone

Oh man, that's an awesome idea! I will have to try that when I'm wanting to snack bored. Because nail painting takes foreeever if you don't want to smudge it.
October 17 - Question of the Day

It's just another Manic Monday! The beginning of a new week! So let's talk about how we start our days or our weeks.

" First, to make the magic begin, you wiggle your nose, and you tickle your chin. Now close your eyes, and cross your heart...


...and presto! - breakfast, à la carte!"



What's your favorite breakfast to get your day off to a good healthy start?

What about your week? Do you start your week off with meal prep or anything special to keep yourself on track?

*Busy Monday over here! I'll be back later to chat and catch up with everyone! I'll also be posting progress probably around noon today so friendly reminder if you haven't posted yet :)


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