Faith, Trust & Pixie Dust! Jenn & Kevin 10/12/14 Italy/ADH/France - The End (7/2016 New TR Link!)

Yay honeymoon details! I'm in a major planning lull and will survive it by reading about your trip lol.
Just read your last updates! Everything is amazing, but I promised DF to wait for him to watch your video!
Your at-home-reception looks great and yay for getting the Chiavari chairs!
And thank you for the overall cost that really helps!
Thanks so much for the MNSSHP update, can't wait for our first in October!
Awww I can't believe you read this!! Thanks for reading my (long-winded) tale :D

And now I have read the entire thing from the beginning! :goodvibes

Love, love, loved it. Loved the colors you chose, the brooch bouquet - genius! - your ceremony location. I love your writing style, too. Really fun to read!
You know, the Roots DO shoot portrait sessions around the resorts...........or there's always a vow renewal! ;)
I KNOW. :eek: Maybe we can do a little 10-year anniversary shoot with them...that gives me a little over 4 years to save up for it! :goodvibes

Can't wait to read about the rest of your honeymoon!! CRUISE!!
Great start to your Honeymoon report! I have sadly never tried the spiced pumpkin waffle sundae I have heard it was amazing and always wanted to one time I will make it to WDW in October and be able to!!! Looking forwards to the rest of your report! It all sounds so great its getting me ready for my upcoming trip!

Melissa :goodvibes

You absolutely have to - that waffle is one of my favorite parts of MNSSHP!! It's gooey and warm and delicious and just perfect!

Great start to your honeymoon TR. I nearly died at the price of your room service!! But it's a nice honeymoon splurge. Reading this also makes me sad that I didn't try the pumpkin waffle sundae at the Halloween party...

You and me both - I don't think I'll ever pay for room service again! I still feel like I can't think of a better time to justify the expense then on your honeymoon - but it's hard to justify THAT much of an expense!

I guess you'll just have to plan another trip during MNSSHP, oh well! ;)

Yay honeymoon details! I'm in a major planning lull and will survive it by reading about your trip lol.

Bahaha I remember those day. Happy to be of entertainment!

Just read your last updates! Everything is amazing, but I promised DF to wait for him to watch your video!
Your at-home-reception looks great and yay for getting the Chiavari chairs!
And thank you for the overall cost that really helps!
Thanks so much for the MNSSHP update, can't wait for our first in October!

Glad to help! I still can't believe we got those freaking chairs. I hope you enjoy your first MNSSHP - I'm a little partied-out after going 3 times in 4 years, but it really is one of Disney's best events IMO

And now I have read the entire thing from the beginning! :goodvibes

Love, love, loved it. Loved the colors you chose, the brooch bouquet - genius! - your ceremony location. I love your writing style, too. Really fun to read!

I KNOW. :eek: Maybe we can do a little 10-year anniversary shoot with them...that gives me a little over 4 years to save up for it! :goodvibes

Can't wait to read about the rest of your honeymoon!! CRUISE!!

I can't believe you actually read everything!!! +10 points to you!!

At this rate it'll take me forever to get to the cruise - work's about to pick up hardcore so my goal is to have this thing finished entirely by our next trip next month. (NEXT MONTH!!!)
Tuesday, October 14th

The alarm went off bright and early at 8:00am and Kevin and I leaped out of bed to get ready for the day. We had quite the day planned for Vanessa's birthday - rope drop at Animal Kingdom (her first visit to the park), hopping over to Hollywood Studios for a surprise birthday lunch at Sci-Fi Dine In and then ending the evening at Epcot or Magic Kingdom, birthday girl's choice. Vanessa only had a one day park ticket so it was her only day to experience a little parks magic, so we were going from sun up to sun down.

I took a picture of my breakfast for the week - the Disney wedding breakfast of champions!

Leftover cronuts taste almost as good as fresh cronuts (not quite as good, but almost.)

We swung by the front desk on our way out to the bus stop to find out why the Magic Bands we had bought in the park the night before hadn't opened our room doors. It turns out that the Disney Experience+ system in the parks is entirely separate from the system used at the resorts, so while our bands were activated for our FPs, our park tickets and anything else in the parks, we still had to visit the front desk to get them "turned on" as our room keys and room charging. Go figure. I also used this time to get a birthday button for Vanessa, as the CM helping us had been decorating a birthday button for a Princess.

The bus came right around 8:30, and Vanessa texted me that they had tried to buy their park tickets at the front desk, but Pop's systems were down so they would need to stop at one of the Vacation Planning booths at the entrance to the park. And then eat. No matter, this was her day!

After a short wait at the ticket booths and the tapstiles the four of us were speed walking straight to Pizzafari a little after 9:00am to take advantage of their counter service breakfast (I didn't even know they had one until I looked it up). Spending valuable rope drop time at a QS breakfast was not how I had planned the morning, but I let it all go - with different people at different resorts trying to coordinate too many people was way too exhausting. We had no Fast Pass reservations, just plans to hit the highlights and be out by 1:00ish in order to make the top secret lunch plans in another park (mwahahaha).

Once they were done eating, we made a bee line to our #1 priority, the safari (where we met up with Chris & Amanda) and thankfully there was a minimal wait. Off we went on our adventure! I had my fingers crossed the giraffes would be out, as they were Vanessa's favorite animal by a long shot and she would absolutely lose it over one.

Good morning Mr. Rhino!

Giraffe mission accomplished! You can see him playing peekaboo from behind the tree (and behind the very happy birthday girl)

If you look verrry closely, you can spot the elusive lion butt in this picture - we have a confirmed lion butt sighting!

Knowing that the waits were climbing every minute, we hurried over to Expedition Everest after the safari, where the wait was about 25 minutes. Longer than the safari, but still good! We also used the wait to take some silly pictures in line.

Everest was fantastic as always, but made even better by riding with someone who didn't know what to expect. Vanessa was seated in front of us, and when we got to the torn up tracks she turned and gave us a look of complete and utter panic - she actually thought something was wrong with the ride! Of course, once she saw four people cracking up at her she knew it was planned, but it was still a priceless moment - and of course, utterly priceless ride photos were had:

The Rivers of Light spectacular explosion of animals (or whatever it's called) as of October 14th. Aka dirt.

We contemplated doing Everest again via the single-rider line, but the waits were already starting to build and we decided better of it. We said an official good-bye to Chris & Amanda (who were headed off to enjoy Stormalong Bay and Epcot for a little bit before flying home that night) and made our game plan for the rest of the afternoon. Vanessa decided she didn't have any interest in any of the shows or nature trails since it was her only park day, so we decided to head to Dinosaur before making our way over to Studios (Vanessa knew we were going to Studios, and knew I had something planned, but not what or where). First things first though, Kevin and I needed a small snack to hold us over until our meal. He ran off to Pizzafari to get his beloved Disney pizza, while Vanessa and I hunted down a snack I had been waiting to try for weeks now.......the Jalapeno cheese pretzel. We ended up needing to walk all over creation thanks to the construction at Animal Kingdom, but finally found the kiosk where these little beauties had been moved to.

Seriously this might be my new favorite Disney snack. Warm, with a bit of a kick but not too spicy, and full of ooey gooey cheesy deliciousness. We grabbed a seat in Restaurantosaurus to enjoy our respective treats before running off to Dinosaur, which thankfully was only about half an hour of a wait.

Flash photography? I wouldn't. It alters the homing signal and that's not good. (Best preshow ever.)

Now, I hadn't noticed because I can never look at the scary dino at the end (never ever. I know it's fake. But my eyes can't stay open) but apparently we had the "backup dino", aka the smaller, less intimidating dino on the other side of your car that they use when the regular scary one is out of commission. Our ride photos weren't displaying when we came out, but the picture did end up on our Disney Experience account after the trip - and we were all looking to the left! So weird. Now I wonder what the backup dino actually looks like....

We wandered through the merchandise shop on our way out, and both Vanessa & Brian decided to get a pair of ears (she the headband giraffe print, he the RD-D2 ears). In my opinion, you know when you've hooked someone on the mouse when they buy a pair of ears!

Until next time Animal Kingdom and your millions of construction walls!

We continued to have good bus luck and made it to Hollywood Studios in about half an hour. First things first, we headed straight for the Hat (RIP Hat!) to the iPad-wielding cast members there so we could make some FP reservations, hopefully before and after our lunch. Vanessa's only request was to ride Tower of Terror (the only ride she remembered from her one childhood trip of yore) so we figured we'd see what else we could get with that ride. Since we hadn't had any FP reservations at Animal Kingdom, we could make our three picks for the day upfront. Toy Story was predictably gone, as was Rockin Roller Coaster, so we ended up with Star Wars, Tower of Terror and Great Movie Ride. Kevin came over to check our progress, and I told him what we had gotten, and mentioned "Great Movie Ride will just be a throwaway, since we can't get Rockin Roller Coaster". Wordlessly, the CM we were working with took back his iPad from me and after making a few quick taps, presented us with this screen:

I'm not sure why he did this, or how, but thanks for the pixie dust CM!! Pleased as punch with our selections, we ran off to Tower of Terror to please the bouncy birthday girl. And pleased she was!

After Tower of Terror, we started making our way up Sunset Boulevard, figuring we'd wander through the shops until it was time for our Star Wars FP. Kevin was marching a little bit ahead of us, just naturally a fast walker, when all of a sudden he turned around and started sprinting back to us, shouting "MOVE MOVE MOVE!"

We looked up, and a literal wall of rain was rapidly moving towards us from the other side of the park. I swear, I have never actually SEEN a storm come in that way, where you could so clearly see where the rain started in such a defined line. We booked it into the nearest shop - unfortunately for us, it was the Planet Hollywood one, and not one of the better themed Disney shops in the area. We ended up sitting on the floor in the shop killing time and waiting out the storm (and charging our phones!). After about 10 minutes or so the torrential-ness had stopped, and we decided to take a chance and hustle over to Star Tours so that we would be able to squeeze a ride in before our reservation at 3:10pm.

Pardon my finger, but this shot shows how MASSIVE this puddle was - it's completely covering the toddler's feet!

It was still lightly sprinkling as we hustled through the park, and the rain had let up just enough that the crowds were coming out from whatever cover they had sought and were running to the nearest ride to entertain themselves while the bad weather trickled out. Thankfully we had Fastpasses, so we ran right onto the ride and through the queue.

Because of the weather the Jedi Training show was canceled, and we happened to see them escorting the little padawans in for this photo op instead. Brian (who is a huuuuuge Star Wars fan and had never been to WDW before) just about lost his mind when he saw Darth Vadar feet from him.

After the ride (where sadly no one from our group was picked to be a rebel spy - and we had so many buttons!) we poked around the gift shop before heading out and strolling to the direction of Sci-Fi Dine In. I decided it was time to make my big reveal, and I stopped Vanessa in front of the restaurant and said something along the lines of "Ok, for your special birthday meal we'll be eating here! And it's really good and they have good burgers and milkshakes and it's like a drive in theater and burgers and bad movies and AWESOME and happy birthday!! Also burgers."

You know how you see those YouTube videos where parents surprise the kids with a trip to Disney, only the kids barely have a reaction because they don't really understand WHAT Disney is yet? It was a little like that - she knew she should be excited because I was clearly so excited to take her there, but obviously she had no idea what I was talking about or what to expect (which I had kind of figured would happen). I checked us in and we were seated promptly, and in a car to boot! Needless to say, Vanessa understood why this place was so cool once we sat down.

We all know it's impossible to take photos in Sci-Fi, but this is the only one I have with both their ears!

Probably because I had been repeating different variations of "You should get the burger" for the past 15 minutes, all four of us ordered burgers. I had also been planning on getting a milkshake, but given my scary-phelm cough of death I decided to hold off on the extra dairy.

I'm about 95% certain this is all we got for fries. Boooo! But the burgers were predictably delicious and very filling.

We got our server to take a picture of our car since the hitchhikers behind us had left (who were perfectly nice folks by the way - but still hitchhikers!) It's such a shame it's pratically impossible to get a good photo in Sci-Fi, because otherwise I would love this shot.

We misplaced our receipt from this meal, but looking back at the menu I know we saved at least $20 with TIW ( I wanted to keep track of our savings so we could determine when we had paid the card off - right now we were at $45 in savings). We still had about an hour until our Rockin FP, so we explored Studios a little and decided to visit MuppetVision ("A Salute to All Nations, But Mostly America")

I never noticed Muppet-Jim Henson before - the MuppetVision preshow is fantastic because every time I'm in that room I notice something I haven't seen before.

We got to Rockin Roller Coaster right as our FP 5-minute grace window opened and hopped right in line, where we got one of the best ride photos of the whole day:

Ah, look at that sheer terror!

When we got off the ride we found an enormous backup at the gift shop exit - it had started bucketing rain again. We moseyed around a little and Vanessa took some more 'Happy Birthday' phone calls from family members before I pulled up my weather app and the radar showed the storm wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. We consulted with Vanessa about the rest of the evening and she decided that since we had already ridden Tower of Terror earlier in the day she would rather forgo our Fast Pass and hop over to Epcot, since she hadn't actually been on any attractions there yet. We decided to head to Epcot by way of Beach Club (where we had umbrellas and ponchos waiting), so we walk-ran to the exit of the park, where of course the boat wasn't running to Epcot (thanks lightning!). We managed to find the bus stop for Beach Club and after a bit of waiting we were on our way - I think we all dozed off a bit during the ride, as we had been going for about 9 hours at this point!

The rain kept up the rest of the night, switching back and forth between a slight misting drizzle and full on, umbrellas up rain, so my pictures are few and far between and 5 1/2 months later my memory is a little faint. I do know we met Sinclaire at this point (who had just finished a shift and came out to celebrate with us) and we got to the park with about 2 hours left till closing. Because our ToT FP was still valid, we couldn't make another one, but we figured we'd have a slim chance of getting on one of the headliners but we didn't really care. This was the first time I think I spent an evening in Future World instead of World Showcase (since we had all seen Illuminations on the wedding day) and it is true what they say, the crowds real do flock to WS!

Sinclaire had texted us that her roommate (who worked at Test Track) had let her know they were going to be booting Test Track back up after closing it for weather and if we hurried she could give us a little birthday Pixie Dust, so we booked it to the ride and got in via the FP lane. We shot all the way up to the room before the car design, where we waited......and waited..............and waited. So what does Jenn do when she's waiting in line? Makes people pose for photos!

Oops, I guess I lied earlier - because here's a much better picture of the (other) happy couple and their ears!

Kevin was not amused

We were starting to get worried that the ride would go down for weather again before we could actually experience it, but soon after we were herded into the design room. Kevin still the car from our engagement trip on his Magic Band, so he likes to keep racing with that one, so Sinclaire and I designed one car and Brian and Vanessa designed another.

My car with Sinclaire

Brian and Vanessa's creation, which they almost didn't finish in time because they were so meticulous with their design choices! Total perfectionists.

We were funneled out of the design room into that cluster-hell of poor room design that follows up to the track (seriously, that might be my least favorite place in all of Disney. It's always crowded and confused and tense). The cast members on the bridge kept spieling that there was inclement weather in the area and we kept our fingers crossed that we would actually get to ride - and soon after we clicked our seatbelts and we were off!

We even got our own car - no single rider!

The rain was hitting us in the face as we went through the outside track - it had definitely picked up again but thankfully we got off without a hitch.

We decided to go to Spaceship Earth next, as it's such a classic ride (even with the new update). I rode with Sinclaire, since I always get the same future every time Kevin and I ride together (what can I say? We're honest and predictable apparently) and I wanted to see something new.

Not only did Sinclaire blink during the photo, but the camera seems to take a chunk out of her forehead which made for a hilarious end-movie

We had pretty much hit the wall at this point, but with 20 minutes before park close, we gave Vanessa the choice of Mission Space or The Seas with Nemo as our final ride of the night, and she decided on Nemo, so we headed over to The Seas for a walk through The Longest Queue of All Eternity (I swear it feels about a mile long).

In the biiiiiiiiiiiiig blue world (The Nemo show at Animal Kingdom is my very favorite thing in that park, so this made me happy)

There was 10 minutes left till park closing, so we went upstairs and explored the aquarium some more. I had never been up here before (at least not that I remembered) so I thought it was fascinating, and Vanessa ate it all up.

The MASSIVE sting ray just chilling

9:00pm hit and we decided to call it a night. We headed out of The Seas and parted at the giant times board, since we were going to walk back to Beach Club. We gave Vanessa & Brian instructions on meeting us for breakfast the next day at Trail's End (where I was sooooooo paranoid they would take the boat from MK to Wilderness Lodge instead of Fort Wilderness) and as we hugged them goodbye Vanessa said "Ok, I totally get why you guys love this place so much". Mission accomplished! Kevin and I wandered through World Showcase enjoying the bursts of Illuminations until we got back to our room and utterly collapsed into bed - and that's how you do 3 parks in 12 hours!
Love your breakfast of champions. :) Will we be seeing any leftover wedding cake for breakfast in the future? I've heard from so many brides about that! Your ride photos are all great, but I think the Test Track is my favorite. Admittedly, we don't ride it often enough now that they have the goofy tier system in Epcot (I would generally always choose Soarin'), but I always really like the ride photos from TT. I firmly believe that it's impossible to not look genuinely happy at that part of the ride. It's just so much fun!
WOW I can't believe you managed three parks in one days thats so awesome! and very intense but with only day pass a must do! I love taking people to Disneyland and then converting them into disney lovers so thats so cool your best friend now gets the love for the mouse! TOT is my favorite ride so glad you guys were able to get to it also that stinks about the new magic bands that you have to "load/link" them everywhere but other than that I hear there really cool!
Very cool update! Now I'm not so nervous about don't getting enough park time (when you read so much about it, it always seems like you should just skip having a room/sleep and do the parks 24/7).
Final Video & MDW Spotlight

Welp, now the wedding-portion of the PJ is REALLY over, as this is my super final, definitely last wedding-related post. A few days ago we got our full edited video from Trinity, and let me just say I am in LOVE! They really blew me away in capturing the spirit of the day and the memories we have of our wedding, as well as capturing little moments I didn't see in photos (like my dad helping everyone with their boutonnieres, or moments of the pre-reception). I can now confidently say that Trinity Wedding Cinema is definitely worth it and highly recommend them!

Some of you have already seen this if you know me on Facebook or various groups, but for they that don't, you can watch our fully edited video (and our unedited ceremony cut, if you really want to ;) ) here:

As if that wasn't enough wedding joy to last me awhile, the very next day our wedding was featured on Carly's Magical Day Weddings blog! I basically lost it as reading her wedding recaps and budgeting tips were such an enormous resource and huge help to me during those pre-engaged days of DFTW research, and now to see myself up there is more surreal then I could have ever predicted. It's all the same photos I've already shared here, but in case you want to check it out (and because I simply have to promote us!) you can see the post here:

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnd that's it now, for real. :sad1: At least there's still the honeymoon, eventually (I'll be getting to that soon, I have the first part almost finished!) See you all real soon!

<3 <3 <3

Absolutely crying during your whole video. It was absolutely beautiful. And for what it's worth, you totally remind me of Anne Hathaway.
Love your breakfast of champions. :) Will we be seeing any leftover wedding cake for breakfast in the future? I've heard from so many brides about that! Your ride photos are all great, but I think the Test Track is my favorite. Admittedly, we don't ride it often enough now that they have the goofy tier system in Epcot (I would generally always choose Soarin'), but I always really like the ride photos from TT. I firmly believe that it's impossible to not look genuinely happy at that part of the ride. It's just so much fun!

Oh there will be leftover wedding cake! We just didn't get to it till the cronuts were gone (which I feel was a mistake........*foreshadowing*) We've always chosen Test Track thanks to Epcot's tier system (because Kevin likes it better) but we picked Soarin for our trip next month, because it's been a full 4 years now since we've been on it! (It was closed during our DL trip). I can't wait - and hopefully we can RD Epcot so we can still sneak in a TT visit ;)

WOW I can't believe you managed three parks in one days thats so awesome! and very intense but with only day pass a must do! I love taking people to Disneyland and then converting them into disney lovers so thats so cool your best friend now gets the love for the mouse! TOT is my favorite ride so glad you guys were able to get to it also that stinks about the new magic bands that you have to "load/link" them everywhere but other than that I hear there really cool!

My MOH is actually moving to So Cal, and she's seriously considering an AP now because of this trip! That is the most ultimate version of a Disney convert :D The Magic Bands are super cool, it's just so weird that they have separate systems between the parks and resorts (and I with the merch CM would have told us this when we bought them in the parks, so we didn't think they were broken when we couldn't get into our room!)

Very cool update! Now I'm not so nervous about don't getting enough park time (when you read so much about it, it always seems like you should just skip having a room/sleep and do the parks 24/7).

Oh you'll get plenty of park time! Just more after the wedding if you ask me (don't want to screw up your feet before the wedding day!)

Funny story - I'm in a production of Into the Woods right now, and we were researching the origins of the fairy tales involved, and someone mentioned the original name of Cinderella is 'Aschenputtel' - and you should have seen my face! I was like I KNOW THAT WORD!!! :lmao:

Absolutely crying during your whole video. It was absolutely beautiful. And for what it's worth, you totally remind me of Anne Hathaway.

Awww thank you for watching!! I adore the video :D And I've always thought of Anne Hathaway as my celebrity doppleganger, if I had to pick one ;)

I just saw your video...So sweet!!

Thank you!! I'm so glad we got video, for us it was a perfect investment.
OH wow she's getting an annual pass yeah she's a full committed Mouse lover now :rotfl: we have season passes and go all the time so she's going to be hooked! Can't wait to hear how the rest of your honeymoon went it sounds great so far :goodvibes
OH wow she's getting an annual pass yeah she's a full committed Mouse lover now :rotfl: we have season passes and go all the time so she's going to be hooked! Can't wait to hear how the rest of your honeymoon went it sounds great so far :goodvibes

I'll have the next update soon!! I reallllllllly want to get to the cruise (not that WDW wasn't fun.....but CRUISE!) My new job has been utterly crazy!

Read through your wedding, and it was so lovely! Congratulations!

Thank you so much and thank you for reading! It means the world :)

Awesome update

Good to have you around!
Ohhhhh I've just caught up with the last 3 pages!! Thank you SO MUCH for sharing your budget in such an easy to read way - it's so so so helpful for future brides! I think I've told you before how much I loved your wedding but honestly, it's been so amazing to follow along with all your planning (even if I was a bit late to the party...) and then see it all become reality :) I cried soooo much watching your final video haha! Really enjoying reading about your honeymoon too and I also can't wait for you to get to the cruise, I bet you had the most amazing time!! Congratulations to you and Kevin, I hope you're having an awesome time being newlyweds :lovestruc:lovestruc
Hi everyone!! I promise I didn't forget about you - it's making me so sad I haven't updated this in so long! I had a business trip this week and I was so excited to get a post or two out with the downtime I had - until I opened up my laptop in the hotel room to find out my hard drive was busted. Needless to say, it's not easy to write an update on a phone, so between my busted computer and finals week coming up it might be a little quite for the time being (though I have been known to procrastinate on the boards :) ) can't wait to come back and finish the story for you all!
Hi everyone!! I promise I didn't forget about you - it's making me so sad I haven't updated this in so long! I had a business trip this week and I was so excited to get a post or two out with the downtime I had - until I opened up my laptop in the hotel room to find out my hard drive was busted. Needless to say, it's not easy to write an update on a phone, so between my busted computer and finals week coming up it might be a little quite for the time being (though I have been known to procrastinate on the boards :) ) can't wait to come back and finish the story for you all!

I can't wait to hear how the rest of your honeymoon went!! :goodvibes
I'm almost relieved you had to take some time out from your honeymoon report - I didn't want to miss anything and once I start going back I keep finding myself backtracking right through yours and rereading the whole narrative every time. Or at the very least I'll go through and look at all the pictures telling the tale. What an amazing record you're creating here. I haven't been back and reread my own planning diary yet but I imagine it is going to be something close to getting photos and videos (oh my, the video) back from your wedding day. Being able to look back and hear from yourself at those times will be such a joy and you've got such meticulous detail it is really going to be like reliving it all.

With all that said though, I hope your hard drive didn't have anything irreplaceable on it! Boooooooo technology! I also hope it doesn't hurt your studies with finals coming up - if you can concentrate at all with another trip to WDW looming! I know I couldn't! Oh & one random thing I keep forgetting to mention - when we viewed our photos on the Roots' viewing site, your gallery link was just above ours (Jennifer & Kevin, Jessica & Benjamin) and it was so exciting to see a familiar face!

All the best for finals and then its on to the really important stuff! Honeymoon report and MORE DISNEY TIME!
Great report, thank you for sharing.

Your home reception was at one of my favorite places, my baby shower was there and my daughters Christening was there tool. It was in the ballroom as well, they did not have the smaller rooms available and they offered us the entire ballroom for my small group. :) Love it there!



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