Family suing Disney

lillygator said:
and they are from Penn and live in Penn (or some other place North of FL) YET itsa Tampa atty??

What's up with that?

Place of lawsuit has to be in Florida--so they have to use an attorny who practices in Florida.

They may or may not have started with an attorney in PA. But litigation must take place in Florida.
Daxx said:
Someone asked why these people aren't suing the ride manufacturer. Simple -- b/c they don't have as much $$ as Disney does!

In this case it is common sense why it is Disney. Disney presents the ride for our entertainment. IF IF IF IF IF IF IF the ride caused this (and I don't believe for one minute it did)--then Disney would be responsible as the host of the ride.

Just like you slip and fall in a store--you don't go and sue the flooring company that installed the floors. You just sue the store. (IF IF IF IF IF suing is necessary).
LindsayDunn228 said:
I didn't say it, I was just agreeing with the poster who did. You talked about being "off in the head" concerning panic attacks. I thought that was inappropriate coming from a nurse.
Nope, not what I said. Might want to check what I actually said before you go agreeing that I was wrong. Just a wacky idea there.

Perhaps I'd had a panic attack and was AFRAID to admit it...or in DENIAL and wouldn't admit it. That's what you all came up with. I'm not afraid or in denial. I got sick on the ride because the ride made me sick.

Just because other people have panic attacks doesn't mean I did. Duh.
Lisa loves Pooh said:
Place of lawsuit has to be in Florida--so they have to use an attorny who practices in Florida.

They may or may not have started with an attorney in PA. But litigation must take place in Florida.

aha! That makes sense.
Cool-Beans said:
Nope, not what I said. Might want to check what I actually said before you go agreeing that I was wrong. Just a wacky idea there.

Perhaps I'd had a panic attack and was AFRAID to admit it...or in DENIAL and wouldn't admit it. That's what you all came up with. I'm not afraid or in denial. I got sick on the ride because the ride made me sick.

Just because other people have panic attacks doesn't mean I did. Duh.
Obviously the ride made you sick. Duh. But there's nothing wrong with the ride. If there were, then the same thing would have happened to me, to everyone else who's otherwise fine on the thrill rides. You keep acting like there's something wrong with the ride, and because of that it makes people sick and so forth. From the reports I've read, most people who get sick on M:S have motion sickness issues, not hypoventilation (hence the barf bags in the capsules). Not everyone can handle the ride's g-forces; they're different from what you and I would experience on even a hypercoaster like Millennium Force. I apparently can handle Mission:Space, but you can't. As I said before, the problem isn't the ride, the problem is you. You're not necessarily defective; your body just can't handle the extreme pressure.
I will probably get flamed for this but I think if the family wants to "blame" disney they also have to take responsibilty and realize they are partly to blame. I feel this way because after reading and hearing all the warnings which say it will cause nausea, disorientation etc. they still put their 4yo on the ride. I surely would not put my 4 yo on there. Once the start pointing fingers they have to take a closer look at where they may have gone wrong also. Im sure this will be brought up if this goes to court.
Cool-beans you said you were not anxious or nervous before going on the ride so you feel it was not a panic attack. When I had my first full-blown panic attack (though yours sounds a little milder) I was sitting on my living room floor wrapping Christmas presents. Whats so scary about that?

I suddenly felt like I couldn't breathe. My chest felt tight and I felt the need to really concentrate on getting breaths. Then I started sweating and my heart raced and I thought I was going to die. After going to the ER for a suspected heart attack it was shown to be panic/anxiety attacks.

It took me years and years (and I am not exagerating) to finally get control of them, which I still do not have completely but close. After my first episode if my chest started to hurt I would immediatly get thrown into another one. Because it felt like I couldn't breath it sent me body into such a tizzy that all the other symptoms (like you descrbed) started. It's such a vicious cycle. Sub-consciously my body would begin to panic. It's called the flight or flight factor.

You don't need to be anxious or panicky to have one. And if you do have one it doesn't mean you'll ever have another one either.

Edited to fix my boo-boo
Actually, I believe it is "fight or flight" and not "flight or flee".

And those are the worst kind of panic attacks in my opinion. The ones where you are not in a situation that should "cause" you an attack. Being on a ride at WDW (or elsewhere) where you are excited and nervous all at the same sends a pretty big adrenaline rush throughout the body and that is easier explained (IMHO) but wrapping presents in you own safe home--now that's a bad deal. I've experienced both types. None are fun.
But I think CB's body just reacted poorly to that ride. Just not the ride for her/him.
All the Duhs make you seem very immature.

There is no other ride like M:S so there really is nothing to compare it to. It makes some people sick and not others. I know I was feeling a little woosy after it but have no problems with other rides. Why haven't you searched for G-force illnesses/symptoms like many others have suggested? I have no doubt the ride make you sick but you searching for answers from a trial instead of doing a simple google search on g-forces and talking to a doctor seems kinda silly. Duh!

So do you want to sue Disney and sue them b/c this ride made you miss out on a day at disney?
DawnCt1 said:
Disney is self insured. They do not have a carrier. They do have a cadre of lawyers that work full time to deal with issues such as this.

Then their attorneys in general counsel or risk management will perform the same actions I previously noted. Even when Katzenberg sued Disney they kept it out of court by agreeing to a binding arbitration hearing before a retired judge. Nice way to keep things Q U I E T.

Cool-Beans said:
Nope, not what I said. Might want to check what I actually said before you go agreeing that I was wrong. Just a wacky idea there.

Perhaps I'd had a panic attack and was AFRAID to admit it...or in DENIAL and wouldn't admit it. That's what you all came up with. I'm not afraid or in denial. I got sick on the ride because the ride made me sick.

Just because other people have panic attacks doesn't mean I did. Duh.

I'm going to call a spade a spade.

Just searched your posts and it is not there--but I could have sworn that you made a statement in relation to how this was a psychological disorder.

I had considered responding to specifically that and had a personal emergency that required a trip to the ER.

went to look for your statement and alas could not find it. :rolleyes1
Buckalew11 said:
Actually, I believe it is "fight or flight" and not "flight or flee".

And those are the worst kind of panic attacks in my opinion. The ones where you are not in a situation that should "cause" you an attack. Being on a ride at WDW (or elsewhere) where you are excited and nervous all at the same sends a pretty big adrenaline rush throughout the body and that is easier explained (IMHO) but wrapping presents in you own safe home--now that's a bad deal. I've experienced both types. None are fun.
But I think CB's body just reacted poorly to that ride. Just not the ride for her/him.

You are right, it is fight or flight. I knew flee didn't sound right but I just couldn't think of it. I'll go edit.

I agree the ones where they come out of nowhere...ugh the worse!
Jennasis said:
I am surprised they waited this long for the law suit. I'm sure it will be settled long before it evere gets near a court. I don't blame them for wanting to sue. If it were my child who had died, I too would be blind with anger and resentment and looking to punish somebody (even if there really was nobody to blame). Luckily Disney has pockets deep enough to comfortably absorb the parents anger.

wvjules said:
All the Duhs make you seem very immature.

There is no other ride like M:S so there really is nothing to compare it to. It makes some people sick and not others. I know I was feeling a little woosy after it but have no problems with other rides. Why haven't you searched for G-force illnesses/symptoms like many others have suggested? I have no doubt the ride make you sick but you searching for answers from a trial instead of doing a simple google search on g-forces and talking to a doctor seems kinda silly. Duh!

So do you want to sue Disney and sue them b/c this ride made you miss out on a day at disney?
I have looked on the internet. Lots of people, like you, keep saying that I haven't. I don't know why you all assume this, but you all are making lots of odd assumptions. Nowhere can I find an answer to how MS differs from the spinning ride where the floor falls out and the rollercoasters and all. It may be there, but in the stuff that is too technical for me.

If you can find it, please let me know. But, of course, like many have said, Disney doesn't even tell how the ride works, so it appears that nobody can find it...but maybe YOU can; you seem to think it has a Duh factor. So, let me know what you come up with. (In a trial, Disney would have to explain everything about the ride.)

Asking the doctor how the ride affected me is stupid. He'd have to know how the ride worked first, and what it did to the body. I am not going to embarrass myself in that manner. I actually answered all this before.

Again, I feel sorry for people who have panic attacks. You all aren't the first people to describe them to me. Lots of patients come in thinking they are having MIs and end up with "panic attack" as a diagnosis. It isn't that I don't think they exist.

But, the fact that YOU ALL have panic attacks does not mean that everyone does. I don't. And it isn't that I'm afraid or embarrassed or in denial. I just don't have them. I don't have red hair, either. Again, not afraid to admit I have red hair - I just don't (even if you do.)

I seem to be repeating things I've said over and over and should probably give this up.
The ride spins in circles at a very very fast pace to simulate the take off of a space shuttle into space--creating the thrust of your body into the seat and the feeling that you are in space (a sense of weightlessness). A doctor would not need the engineering blue prints of the ride to figure out how that affected your body and that your body wouldn't be suitable for it--just like it probably wouldn't be suitable for you to become an astronaut as you would probably not fare well in that part of testing.
Lisa loves Pooh said:
The ride spins in circles at a very very fast pace to simulate the take off of a space shuttle into space--creating the thrust of your body into the seat and the feeling that you are in space (a sense of weightlessness). A doctor would not need the engineering blue prints of the ride to figure out how that affected your body and that your body wouldn't be suitable for it--just like it probably wouldn't be suitable for you to become an astronaut as you would probably not fare well in that part of testing.
It's not the spinning, I don't think. That ride (it was called the Rotor here, I think) where you walk into a circle-room and stand against the wall and the thing spins so fast that the floor drops out, but you are still there against the wall, sucked to it by the spinning...I'm fine with that. No spinning ride has EVER bothered me at all!

Unless this spinning is different spinning. And if so, how does it differ?
Cool-Beans said:
I have looked on the internet. Lots of people, like you, keep saying that I haven't. I don't know why you all assume this, but you all are making lots of odd assumptions. Nowhere can I find an answer to how MS differs from the spinning ride where the floor falls out and the rollercoasters and all. It may be there, but in the stuff that is too technical for me.

In some ways it is like The Rotor (the ride where the floor falls out and you stick to the wall) but M:S creates a lot more G forces than that ride.

My take on the difference between M:S and coasters is that no coaster has pieces long enough to create the same G forces for the entended period of time M:S has the ride spinning at top speed.
Lisa loves Pooh said:
just like it probably wouldn't be suitable for you to become an astronaut as you would probably not fare well in that part of testing.
Yeah! That's why I can't be an astronaut! :lmao:

Not laughing at you, laughing at me. There are so many reasons I couldn't be an astronaut. (But that is a really good excuse! :) My body can't take it!) :goodvibes
cardaway said:
In some ways it is like The Rotor (the ride where the floor falls out and you stick to the wall) but M:S creates a lot more G forces than that ride.

My take on the difference between M:S and coasters is that no coaster has pieces long enough to create the same G forces for the entended period of time M:S has the ride spinning at top speed.
I was with you up until the red part. :confused3

What exactly are the g-forces and why do they bother me on MS, but not on ANYTHING else? Are you saying they occur for a longer period of time, and thus the effect is compounded?

Or are the forces on MS just bigger (that we don't know, right?) ???

And is this during the beginning of the ride, because that's when I couldn't breathe. Do they ease up, becoming like B or C forces later? :teeth:
Cool-Beans said:
I was with you up until the red part. :confused3

What exactly are the g-forces and why do they bother me on MS, but not on ANYTHING else? Are you saying they occur for a longer period of time, and thus the effect is compounded?

Or are the forces on MS just bigger (that we don't know, right?) ???

And is this during the beginning of the ride, because that's when I couldn't breathe. Do they ease up, becoming like B or C forces later? :teeth:
Probably both the g-force strength and the duration that affected you. It happens more than once in the ride as well. If you started feeling sick during the "launch", my bet is that the gravitational pull generated by the ride is what did you in.

Acceleration and de-acceleration are expressed in terms of "G", with 1-G describing the effects of gravity we experience under normal conditions while at rest on the surface of the Earth. Therefore, when accelerating to 2-G you would feel the force of gravity doubled. As G-forces increase due to acceleration, you begin to feel heavier and experience difficulty in moving your arms and legs. As G-forces continue to increase, you may experience difficulties in moving your hands and feet, and are not able to lift your head to look around. At 5-G’s, your ten pound head would weight 50 pounds, a load that your neck muscles are not accustomed to handling.

There are other effects of increasing G-forces as well. Blood circulation becomes impaired as the heart must work harder to pump blood through the body. This impaired circulation can lead to a dimming of consciousness as the heart can no longer pump blood to the brain. You will start to experience tunnel vision, then colors will fade away and everything will appear white, then fade to black. You have just experienced a gravity induced loss of consciousness, or blackout. In general, anything more than 4 or 5 G’s will cause the average person who has not been trained to deal with these effects to black out. Extremely high G-levels can lead to more serious complications such as compacted bladders, bursting red blood cells, subdural hematomas, the inability to breathe and the cessation of circulation.


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