Family suing Disney

Cool-Beans said:
Are you saying they occur for a longer period of time, and thus the effect is compounded?

Yes. Roller Coasters have G-forces but they happen going down hills or in inversions and they are limited to the length of the track.

Or are the forces on MS just bigger (that we don't know, right?) ???

Bigger than what? Some coasters create more G-forces, others do not.

And is this during the beginning of the ride, because that's when I couldn't breathe. Do they ease up, becoming like B or C forces later? :teeth:

There have been different reports of when the get their worst. IMO they did change the ride along the way. I remember the later parts of the ride having the same force as the "liftoff" portion, but that was not the case the last time I was on. But yes, the "liftoff" is one of the worst parts, if not the worst.
MJMcBride said:
Hey look another lawyer. I agree with pretty much everything you say. I would imagine that if this is a legimate lawsuit then the suit would in all likelihood be based on a "design defect" type of theory. Which would mean the plaintiffs would need significant engineering experts. Without any real knowledge of the situation, that would be my best guess.

Of course engineering experts are going to cost some serious cash... which is all the more reason the plaintiffs might be talked into settlement.
Originally Posted by Jennasis
I don't blame them for wanting to sue. If it were my child who had died, I too would be blind with anger and resentment and looking to punish somebody (even if there really was nobody to blame). Luckily Disney has pockets deep enough to comfortably absorb the parents anger.

So, just because someone has "deep pockets", you find nothing wrong with suing someone to "punish" them if your child died, even if they had no fault in it?!?

And, it's perfectly justified to "absorb the parents anger" simply because they can afford it?!?!

This is why insurance is so high. Everyone's so "sue happy" regardless of fault. Doesn't matter the circumstances - as long as you've been hurt, sue everyone - doesn't matter who or why - I just want my money.

I actually get woosy on RRC, but not this one, not at all actually. I am 16, so that may be part of it, I don't know. I don't get panic attacks, and I love the parts where the G's go into effect. It is sort of funny, I hate roller coasters and love this ride, my parents hate this ride and love coasters.
rayelias said:
So, just because someone has "deep pockets", you find nothing wrong with suing someone to "punish" them if your child died, even if they had no fault in it?!?

And, it's perfectly justified to "absorb the parents anger" simply because they can afford it?!?!

This is why insurance is so high. Everyone's so "sue happy" regardless of fault. Doesn't matter the circumstances - as long as you've been hurt, sue everyone - doesn't matter who or why - I just want my money.


So true :thumbsup2
Jennasis said:
Luckily Disney has pockets deep enough to comfortably absorb the parents anger.

Wow. So Disney isn't really to blame, but it's perfectly OK to make them pay if it will make the family feel better?

Again, wow.
rayelias said:
So, just because someone has "deep pockets", you find nothing wrong with suing someone to "punish" them if your child died, even if they had no fault in it?!?

And, it's perfectly justified to "absorb the parents anger" simply because they can afford it?!?!

This is why insurance is so high. Everyone's so "sue happy" regardless of fault. Doesn't matter the circumstances - as long as you've been hurt, sue everyone - doesn't matter who or why - I just want my money.


Are you dense or just unable to read??? I didn't say it's OK for them to sue. I said I understand why they are doing it, and if I were in their shoes I too might have sued. I hope all the parties involved are able to work it out.

As for the lynching on this thread of Cool-Beans...just drop it already. This thread is n't about her.
BuckNaked said:
Wow. So Disney isn't really to blame, but it's perfectly OK to make them pay if it will make the family feel better?

Again, wow.

Oh GOOD! Another dense poster. Do I need to explain my opinion again nice and slow for you...or can you just read what I wrote to Rayelias and be done with it?

Whether Disney is to blame or not (I don't think they really are), I UNDERSTAND why the parents are suing. It's not perfectly ok...but it's understandable. At least to me. Again, I hope all the parties involved can work it out.
rayelias said:
So, just because someone has "deep pockets", you find nothing wrong with suing someone to "punish" them if your child died, even if they had no fault in it?!?

And, it's perfectly justified to "absorb the parents anger" simply because they can afford it?!?!

This is why insurance is so high. Everyone's so "sue happy" regardless of fault. Doesn't matter the circumstances - as long as you've been hurt, sue everyone - doesn't matter who or why - I just want my money.


Good point. Disney won't even have to absorb the financial anger, they will simply pass the increased costs of operation onto ticket buyers.

Ever researched the cost of manufacturing a ladder for sale? The cost of litigation involving ladder accidents is built into the price of every ladder sold. In fact, it's the largest expense... not the cost of the materials or the cost of labor to make the ladders...
Originally Posted by Jennasis
Luckily Disney has pockets deep enough to comfortably absorb the parents anger.

Ok, I must be dense. To me, this part of your statement makes it seem that it is ok to sue Disney even though it wasn't there fault. :confused3

Please help me understand.
Jennasis said:
Oh GOOD! Another dense poster. Do I need to explain my opinion again nice and slow for you...or can you just read what I wrote to Rayelias and be done with it?

Whether Disney is to blame or not (I don't think they really are), I UNDERSTAND why the parents are suing. It's not perfectly ok...but it's understandable. At least to me. Again, I hope all the parties involved can work it out.

No, I'm not dense at all, but you certainly seem to have a boulder sized chip on your shoulder. You said that "luckily", Disney could absorb the cost of the parents' anger. The implication is clear that you believe it is OK for Disney to do so, based on what you wrote. If that isn't what you meant, then perhaps you should word your posts more carefully, rather than berate others for misunderstanding an idea that you clearly didn't articulate very well.
Jennasis said:
Are you dense or just unable to read??? I didn't say it's OK for them to sue. I said I understand why they are doing it, and if I were in their shoes I too might have sued. I hope all the parties involved are able to work it out.

Lets' see if I get called dense too...

So do you think it's OK to sue or not?

It's completely unacceptable and wrong IMO to sue somebody unless you can honestly say you think they were at fault. Anything else is just hoping they want to shut you up and settle. There is no "working it out", it's black and white.
Cool-Beans said:
So why can I ride all the "baddest" coasters and have nothing but fun, but MS knocks me out?

Some coasters are too jerky for my taste (like the Hulk), but they don't make me sick or anything. Top Thrill Dragster, Millenium Force, whatever. Those must have G-Force(s), right? Or no? I don't know a thing about G-force(s), but I also can ride the roller coaster where you start out standing up, but then get tipped and kind of zoom at the groud face-first. It is called different things in different areas. It's scary, racing at the ground like that! Probably the scariest ride around (for me). But it doesn't affect me physically. You name it, I ride it and I'm fine.

Why MS? What is different there? (And that's why I want this to go to court. I really want to know WHAT happened to me.) If you understand G-forces and all that crap, maybe you can help?
Cool-Beans said:
But you don't claim that you never have motion sickness problems. THAT is the difference.

Never heard anyone say they can ride spinning rides and rollercoasters, but not the Teacups.
Cool-Beans said:
Thanks, Buck. :)

I want to see a trial because it would involve detailed explanations of why so many people get sick on the ride. And they'd explain why these folks think that it aggravated the pre-existing condition, or caused the boy's death, or whatever. If I heard all those explanations, something would "click."

At some point, they'd say something that would make me understand why I got so dang sick. I just know what happened to me would come up. I know I'm not the only one. I'm totally in the minority, but I just know I'm not alone.

A trial would give me an explanation, and peace of mind. I think so, anyway. But I'm holding out NO hope of an actual trial.
It's was more than likely the G-Forces that got you.
Here is a primer on g-forces.
I would probably try the newer version of the ride sometime, if I were you. :)
It might not make you so sick.

I can take riding Raptor (with it's zero g/heartline roll) alot without problems.
But Vortex, Face Off and Delirium at Kings Island I cannot ride. They make me feel sick. Anything that takes me upside down at too slow a speed or holds me upside down for any length of time makes me sick. But the faster it goes, the less problems I have.

Everyone is different. And different g-forces make different people sick.
Originally Posted by Jennasis
I don't blame them for wanting to sue. If it were my child who had died, I too would be blind with anger and resentment and looking to punish somebody (even if there really was nobody to blame). Luckily Disney has pockets deep enough to comfortably absorb the parents anger.
Jennasis said:
Are you dense or just unable to read??? I didn't say it's OK for them to sue. I said I understand why they are doing it, and if I were in their shoes I too might have sued.

Maybe I am dense, let's re-read what YOU posted...

"If it were my child who had died, I too would be blind with anger and resentment and looking to punish somebody (even if there really was nobody to blame)"

You certainly implied, not only was it OK for them to sue, but you would be looking to punish somebody (even an innocent person). You did not say "might", nor did you say "consider", nor did you say "thinking about."

You also impled that, because an innocent party has deep pockets, it's their responsibility to somehow alleviate a grieving person's pain by throwing money at it. If you feel so bad for the grieving parents, open up your pocketbook and give them your cash. Just like Disney, you're not to blame, so why not minimize the parents' grief by giving them your hard-earned money.

So, if you want to call me names - go right ahead. Better people than you have. I can take it... I'm a big boy. Just be able to back it up or you will get called on it.
Exactly...I think they are throwing out that word - dense, without looking to themself and what they posted first!!

That poster states they would punish someone even if no one was to that is just WRONG!
Jennasis said:
Are you dense or just unable to read??? I didn't say it's OK for them to sue. I said I understand why they are doing it, and if I were in their shoes I too might have sued. I hope all the parties involved are able to work it out.

As for the lynching on this thread of Cool-Beans...just drop it already. This thread is n't about her.

Jennasis said:
Oh GOOD! Another dense poster. Do I need to explain my opinion again nice and slow for you...or can you just read what I wrote to Rayelias and be done with it?

If you are going to moderate by instructing us on what we may and may not post--you may wish to check the rules of the board which includes no personal attacks.
rayelias said:
So, just because someone has "deep pockets", you find nothing wrong with suing someone to "punish" them if your child died, even if they had no fault in it?!?

And, it's perfectly justified to "absorb the parents anger" simply because they can afford it?!?!

This is why insurance is so high. Everyone's so "sue happy" regardless of fault. Doesn't matter the circumstances - as long as you've been hurt, sue everyone - doesn't matter who or why - I just want my money.


I posted somthing similar earlier, but I lost my 20 month old son due to doctor/hospital negligence - they WERE at fault, yet I chose not to sue. My son would still be dead, and having money in my pockets wasn't going to make me feel any better about it. These parents are angry, and they want someone to blame. Anger and assigning blame is a normal part of the grieving process. They see an opportunity for some ching-ching and they're going for it. Anger, blame, financial opportunity - what a combination! And maybe deep down it somehow eases their guilt a little for not being aware of their son's heart condition and putting their son on that ride in the first place Disney isn't to blame for their son's undiagnosed heart condition. They're simply cashing in on their son's death. It's frivolous, it's wrong, and it will do absolutely nothing to bring their son back. But who knows? Maybe all the stuff they'll buy with that money will make them feel better.
Lisa loves Pooh said:
If you are going to moderate by instructing us on what we may and may not post--you may wish to check the rules of the board which includes no personal attacks.

It is times like these I wish there were an applauding smilie. This is exactly what I was thinking.


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