Future runDisney Events

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I wonder how long RunDisney will keep us hanging about the next year of events. Unless they’re actively working on a plan, if they know they’re not happening I wish they’d just announce it already rather than all this uncertainty. Unless their lack of updating anything on their website is their way of telling us there are no upcoming events? I just want the speculation to end!
I wonder how long RunDisney will keep us hanging about the next year of events. Unless they’re actively working on a plan, if they know they’re not happening I wish they’d just announce it already rather than all this uncertainty. Unless their lack of updating anything on their website is their way of telling us there are no upcoming events? I just want the speculation to end!
I was really hoping we would have heard yesterday... maybe next week?? 🤞

They announced the virtual races on a Monday, so I’m halfway guessing an announcement will come on a Monday...
In re: to the exec order, here is verbatim the applicable section:
381.00316 COVID-19 vaccine documentation.—
(1) A business entity, as defined in s. 768.38 to include
any business operating in this state, may not require patrons or
customers to provide any documentation certifying COVID-19
vaccination or post-infection recovery to gain access to, entry
upon, or service from the business operations in this state.
This subsection does not otherwise restrict businesses from
instituting screening protocols consistent with authoritative or
controlling government-issued guidance to protect public health.

In theory this does not preclude vaccine passports usage, just that they can't be required. In RunDisney's case, they could make it so that you have to take a rapid test every day you're there unless you're vaccinated, as long as that's consistent with "government-issued guidance to protect public health.
In re: to the exec order, here is verbatim the applicable section:

In theory this does not preclude vaccine passports usage, just that they can't be required. In RunDisney's case, they could make it so that you have to take a rapid test every day you're there unless you're vaccinated, as long as that's consistent with "government-issued guidance to protect public health.

At that point, I'd rather they just hold off until the nonsense is over. If the choice is either demand people take the vax while it is still under EUA, regardless of their lifestyle or bubble, OR, they have to be tested every day in attendance...just forget it. Let it go until everyone is more comfortable.

Some people won't be comfortable until everyone is vaccinated, or at least 70%. Others feel like, if everyone else is vaccinated, they don't need to subject themselves to a vax that they may have concerns about. Both sides have valid points. If going to Disney and running a marathon/half/ 5k/ 10k is going to be that polarizing, and create such an "us vs them" dynamic, just drop it for another year.
At that point, I'd rather they just hold off until the nonsense is over. If the choice is either demand people take the vax while it is still under EUA, regardless of their lifestyle or bubble, OR, they have to be tested every day in attendance...just forget it. Let it go until everyone is more comfortable.

Some people won't be comfortable until everyone is vaccinated, or at least 70%. Others feel like, if everyone else is vaccinated, they don't need to subject themselves to a vax that they may have concerns about. Both sides have valid points. If going to Disney and running a marathon/half/ 5k/ 10k is going to be that polarizing, and create such an "us vs them" dynamic, just drop it for another year.

The problem is that with the level of vaccine hesitancy present in the country as a whole, the “nonsense“ will never be over. Herd immunity is out of reach with the current holdouts. At some point the country has to come up with a method to move forward as safely as possible without it.
The problem is that with the level of vaccine hesitancy present in the country as a whole, the “nonsense“ will never be over. Herd immunity is out of reach with the current holdouts. At some point the country has to come up with a method to move forward as safely as possible without it.
Couple that with the full BLA licensure coming in the next 1-2 months and it becomes a lot more reasonable to have some form of vaccine requirement
The problem is that with the level of vaccine hesitancy present in the country as a whole, the “nonsense“ will never be over. Herd immunity is out of reach with the current holdouts. At some point the country has to come up with a method to move forward as safely as possible without it.
The question is how will businesses handle the next phase which appears to be, "we have effective vaccines and everyone is eligible. If you want to protect yourself, get your vaccine." Even the strictest states are lifting their restrictions. In CT, NY and NJ, all restrictions are being lifted on May 19 even though we will be nowhere near ending this thing.

IMO, we have almost done a 180. Last year, orders were issued to close and restrict activities and businesses reluctantly followed them. Now it is the other way around. Restrictions are being lifted, but businesses are being slow to jump back into the pool.

For example, last year here in CT, we had consistent rolling average case numbers in the double digits and our hospitalizations got as low as 33 from June to September but all our restrictions remained for fear of a Fall wave (which came anyway). Now, we are still averaging nearly 1,000 cases a day (down from 3,000 recently so heading in right direction) and hospitalizations are still over 350 but restrictions are gone on May 19 because of vaccine availability.

However, even though restrictions are being lifted, businesses are slow to follow. I have a half marathon on June 5. The race has said it is sticking with their plan to minimize the field size and do social distance rules and masks even though this is an outside event over a 13.1 mile space and there is no order saying they need to restrict. Another example is our big professional sports event in CT: The Travelers Championship PGA golf event on June 24-27.They are only allowing 10,000 fans per day with social distance rules and masks. In 2019 we had over 300,000 fans so this will only be at about 10% capacity. Again, this is an outdoor event on a PGA golf course that covers over 150 acres. Very minimal risk.

So two great examples in a state that has been very restrictive much like Disney has. Both events are outside over a large space and relatively safe. Even though the state is saying go ahead with no restrictions, both are just dipping their toes in the water. I think big events will be slow to come back because there is so much instilled fear. Nobody wants to rip off the band aid. I don't think Disney will either. I still think MW 2022 will happen but every day that goes by, I get less and less optimistic.
I just saw an article that states Pfizer is planning to submit for full FDA approval at the end of the month. Hopefully this will help some get the vaccine that were hesitant with an EUA vaccine. And maybe make it easier for some to get at their own doctor’s offices...

Which will hopefully allow more and more things to open safely - runDisney!!


Personally I don't think it will matter. The people claiming they aren't getting the vaccine because of the EUA status are lying for the most part. They will find a new excuse.
At that point, I'd rather they just hold off until the nonsense is over. If the choice is either demand people take the vax while it is still under EUA, regardless of their lifestyle or bubble, OR, they have to be tested every day in attendance...just forget it. Let it go until everyone is more comfortable.

Some people won't be comfortable until everyone is vaccinated, or at least 70%. Others feel like, if everyone else is vaccinated, they don't need to subject themselves to a vax that they may have concerns about. Both sides have valid points. If going to Disney and running a marathon/half/ 5k/ 10k is going to be that polarizing, and create such an "us vs them" dynamic, just drop it for another year.

So you'd rather penalize the people who, in an effort to protect themselves, their loved ones and strangers, and to help the country get back to normal, were willing to get vaccinated, in lieu of causing a minor, and not at all unreasonable, inconvenience to people who choose not to get vaccinated?
At that point, I'd rather they just hold off until the nonsense is over. If the choice is either demand people take the vax while it is still under EUA, regardless of their lifestyle or bubble, OR, they have to be tested every day in attendance...just forget it. Let it go until everyone is more comfortable.

Some people won't be comfortable until everyone is vaccinated, or at least 70%. Others feel like, if everyone else is vaccinated, they don't need to subject themselves to a vax that they may have concerns about. Both sides have valid points. If going to Disney and running a marathon/half/ 5k/ 10k is going to be that polarizing, and create such an "us vs them" dynamic, just drop it for another year.

runDisney doesn't live in a vacuum, and it's naive to think that polarization about a public health crisis wouldn't bleed into this as well. Right now it doesn't look like we are going to get to 70 percent in the US, or whatever the herd immunity number is necessary to keep the variants at bay, so unvaccinated people banking on enough other people getting the vaccine are not going to be properly protected from Covid.
Personally I don't think it will matter. The people claiming they aren't getting the vaccine because of the EUA status are lying for the most part. They will find a new excuse.
Ending EUA status and going into BLA full licensure dramatically limits the legal standing that the “vaccine passport” laws stand out. Once BLA licensure is awarded employers are unquestionably legally allowed to require vaccination, as are schools, etc.
So you'd rather penalize the people who, in an effort to protect themselves, their loved ones and strangers, and to help the country get back to normal, were willing to get vaccinated, in lieu of causing a minor, and not at all unreasonable, inconvenience to people who choose not to get vaccinated?

Yes. By all means, get vaccinated if you choose. I did, because I help take care of an elderly mother-in-law (also vaccinated). Were it not for her, I may or may not have. I'm not an "at-risk" category. Fatality in my age group (I'm 44) is ridiculously low, and even lower for those younger than me. Can there be permanent, long-term effects from COVID? Maybe. Can there be permanent, long-term effects from the vaccine? Maybe. We don't have enough "long-term" from either to declare.

So, in my opinion, by next January, no, there would be no reason to separate by vax/ no-vax. If you want to be protected with a vaccine, you will be. If you don't want the vax, or you already have anti-bodies from COVID, so be it. I understand the point of the lockdowns to slow the spread, prevent the healthcare system from being overrun, etc.. Makes sense. By January, I would hope we're at the point where each person gets to make a choice for themselves, and accept the risks that are out in the world.
Yes. By all means, get vaccinated if you choose. I did, because I help take care of an elderly mother-in-law (also vaccinated). Were it not for her, I may or may not have. I'm not an "at-risk" category. Fatality in my age group (I'm 44) is ridiculously low, and even lower for those younger than me. Can there be permanent, long-term effects from COVID? Maybe. Can there be permanent, long-term effects from the vaccine? Maybe. We don't have enough "long-term" from either to declare.

So, in my opinion, by next January, no, there would be no reason to separate by vax/ no-vax. If you want to be protected with a vaccine, you will be. If you don't want the vax, or you already have anti-bodies from COVID, so be it. I understand the point of the lockdowns to slow the spread, prevent the healthcare system from being overrun, etc.. Makes sense. By January, I would hope we're at the point where each person gets to make a choice for themselves, and accept the risks that are out in the world.

I thought you were advocating that they hold off though? In your original post it read as if Disney should hold off all together instead of moving forward under the conditions of requiring vaccine/testing. Now it sounds like you’re saying they should race but have no requirements and each runner just assumes their own risk.

Disney doesn’t want an outbreak attached to their name. They’re especially not going to want it when things finally look to be getting better. They don’t care if people are willing to assume risk. They care about their brand, image, and safety of the people they’re responsible for. If Disney decides that means vax/testing (reasonably likely given the precedence set by other big races right now) then that means there will be vac/testing, or no race.

We can have a discussion about if Disney should allow people to assume risk but that’s a whooooole different conversation than the original one: if vaccinations or testing is still the standard, does Disney host the race.
I heard a doc on the talking box today say that current COVID deaths in the US are less than the flu deaths in a mild flu season. If that’s true, the races should be back on in January.
I heard a doc on the talking box today say that current COVID deaths in the US are less than the flu deaths in a mild flu season. If that’s true, the races should be back on in January.
It is not even close to true. As of right now there were 4,776 Covid deaths in the US in the last 7 days. That translates to 248,352 deaths per year - more that 5 times the annual Flu death rate in the US.
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