Gabby Petito

I doubt he told them he left her on the side of the road. He could’ve made up any story that would be believable.

Gabby and Brian were on a cross country trip LIVING in that van, it was her home. It was going to be the source of her income from her travel vlog (or whatever it was). They were engaged and she lived with them, presumably they would know these things. Their son returned in the van they were living in, she wasn't with him. They are really going to just assume Gabby decided to give up her home and her dream and stay across the country? Let's say they did assume that based on what he told them, the minute her parents contacted them looking for Gabby they knew something wasn't right about his story, otherwise they wouldn't have hired a lawyer and ignored their future daughter in law's parents who were desperate to find her. They knew he did something to her, they may not have wanted to admit it but there is no way they didn't know.
Gabby and Brian were on a cross country trip LIVING in that van, it was her home. It was going to be the source of her income from her travel vlog (or whatever it was). They were engaged and she lived with them, presumably they would know these things. Their son returned in the van they were living in, she wasn't with him. They are really going to just assume Gabby decided to give up her home and her dream and stay across the country? Let's say they did assume that based on what he told them, the minute her parents contacted them looking for Gabby they knew something wasn't right about his story, otherwise they wouldn't have hired a lawyer and ignored their future daughter in law's parents who were desperate to find her. They knew he did something to her, they may not have wanted to admit it but there is no way they didn't know.
I do think they knew something was up when she was declared missing and hired a lawyer who told them to say nothing. They didn’t lawyer up when he came home. For all we know Brian told his parents she wanted to visit her parents in NY and flew there. It would be simple to come up with believable story. If my daughter came home because she said she was having issues with her boyfriend (who she lives with), I wouldn’t question it, I certainly wouldn’t think she killed him.
Oh my there are many believable scenarios that Brian could've put forth to his family PP mentioned several. I do not believe they had an inkling even in their wildest imagination that Gabby was dead. Did he confess to them at some point? It's possible but I don't know. Their actions do not appeat to corroborate the theory they helped him disappear...kill or cover up Gabby's death. This isn't a film...there was no script. The Laundries are human beings experiencing this nightmare in real time. The evidence points to Brian and not his parents.

I'm not saying they knew everything, but they had to have suspicions that something was wrong. Especially once her parents started asking about her.
Having "an idea" of what happened to my child would never be enough for me. You don't need grisly details, but a rough outline, and a date specific might be helpful.

I don't think it's fair for any of us to assume what's "enough" for a family that just lost their child.
At the very least, a date would be important to me. I would want to know what I was doing when my child took her last breath. I’m conflicted on the grisly details. Part of me thinks I would feel a need to know everything she went through. But I also realize that once you know you can’t unknow and that could be really hard to live with. But maybe not worse than what I would be imagining. Tragic all the way around.

I have sympathy for his parents too. No one wants to raise a killer. And now he’s gone too.
On the topic of Brian's remains I was reading this and while it's just one person's opinion it's something people have been wondering here as in how was his body just now being found (be it elements or otherwise). Not making a statement towards the authenticity of this person's opinion just sharing it here

A prior K9 hander talked about Brian's remains and said "If the body had been there, when they went by with cadaver dogs, and the body had been there for more than two or three minutes, the odor would have come through the water. It’s highly suspicious, If the body was there at that time, x weeks ago, and if it’s the same dog and the same quality of dog or same quality of training, they should have found him. They would have detected Laundrie’s body. If the dogs are well trained, well maintained, and we’re in that area, then yeah, they should have smelled the odor of the human."
Only Gabby's parents can say if Brian's death is a satisfying resolution. Their daughter is still dead. They might be relieved that they don't have to go through the ordeal of a long trial and appeals. I do hope he left a note or journal with some explanation so they can have some closure and start to heal.

I doubt I’d ever believe the “truth” from a person who murdered my child, especially if that person was dead and couldn’t be questioned. My heart goes out to Gabby’s parents. They must feel so much sadness over her loss.
Is it very obvious that her parents were good and his were bad? I am not seeing that. His parents seem fairly solid, ordinary, quite boring people. Her family seem more dysfunctional. She chose to live with his parents, rather than either of ‘own’ family options available to her. If my son or daughter broke up with their partners, or were going through a rocky patch, I wouldn’t intervene and I certainly wouldn’t engage with his/her step families and parents. Brian and Gabby were adults.
Is it very obvious that her parents were good and his were bad? I am not seeing that. His parents seem fairly solid, ordinary, quite boring people. Her family seem more dysfunctional. She chose to live with his parents, rather than either of ‘own’ family options available to her. If my son or daughter broke up with their partners, or were going through a rocky patch, I wouldn’t intervene and I certainly wouldn’t engage with his/her step families and parents. Brian and Gabby were adults.

broke up, a rocky patch?
She was missing, her parents, who she kept in contact with hadn't heard from her in 2 weeks give or take. Her parents were PLEADING with help in trying to find her. His parents ignored that plea.
This wasn't just a couple breaking up and trying to avoid each other when one called on the phone.

Why are her parents dysfunctional? Because they are remarried to other people? Way to insult tons of families.
You do realize it isn't unusual for a young couple to live with parents when they are young and broke. They can't live with both sets of parents, they have to pick one. You have no idea why she chose to live with them, but we do know she wasn't estranged from her parents, she was close to them.
broke up, a rocky patch?
She was missing, her parents, who she kept in contact with hadn't heard from her in 2 weeks give or take. Her parents were PLEADING with help in trying to find her. His parents ignored that plea.
This wasn't just a couple breaking up and trying to avoid each other when one called on the phone.

Why are her parents dysfunctional? Because they are remarried to other people? Way to insult tons of families.
You do realize it isn't unusual for a young couple to live with parents when they are young and broke. They can't live with both sets of parents, they have to pick one. You have no idea why she chose to live with them, but we do know she wasn't estranged from her parents, she was close to them.
Lots of supposition in that response.
Is it very obvious that her parents were good and his were bad? I am not seeing that. His parents seem fairly solid, ordinary, quite boring people. Her family seem more dysfunctional. She chose to live with his parents, rather than either of ‘own’ family options available to her. If my son or daughter broke up with their partners, or were going through a rocky patch, I wouldn’t intervene and I certainly wouldn’t engage with his/her step families and parents. Brian and Gabby were adults.
Does a person have to be "good" for us to empathize with them over their murdered child?

Their daughter was an adult. The fact that she lived elsewhere doesn't even enter into the equation for me.
So the Laundrie's lawyer just said that Chris and Roberta knew that Brian was grieving and was so upset on the day he left for his hike.

Gabby wasn't found at that point, so what exactly did they "know" he was grieving for?

I'm presuming that would be based on his behavior? I suspect it's hard to conceal the fear/guilt/sadness after what took place. Regardless of what the "story" was at that point, at minimum he knew she was missing (as did everyone else). A reasonable, non-murderer would be freaking out if their girlfriend (even estranged) was missing. A person who was responsible for that disappearance/murder would also be freaking out. Wherever you'd place him on that spectrum of admission/involvement (at that time), it would be nearly impossible for him to not show that he was "upset".
I'm presuming that would be based on his behavior? I suspect it's hard to conceal the fear/guilt/sadness after what took place. Regardless of what the "story" was at that point, at minimum he knew she was missing (as did everyone else). A reasonable, non-murderer would be freaking out if their girlfriend (even estranged) was missing. A person who was responsible for that disappearance/murder would also be freaking out. Wherever you'd place him on that spectrum of admission/involvement (at that time), it would be nearly impossible for him to not show that he was "upset".

And he refused to help find her. He was the last person shew as known to be with.
A reasonable non guilty person who was grieving for his missing fiance would do all he could to help her.
By then his parents knew she was missing, they knew he was refusing to help police find her, they knew he was grieving and so upset.
The more that comes out the more that convinces me they knew what he did.
And he refused to help find her. He was the last person shew as known to be with.
A reasonable non guilty person who was grieving for his missing fiance would do all he could to help her.
By then his parents knew she was missing, they knew he was refusing to help police find her, they knew he was grieving and so upset.
The more that comes out the more that convinces me they knew what he did.

Maybe they did.

I was just answering that it would some completely reasonable that he was acting very much under stress regardless of what actually happened or what he claimed happened or any other scenario. It's not the least bit surprising they would describe his mindset in that way.

To me the difficult part of his parent's position (or at least one of them) is that if he'd told them a lie (she flew home to her family or is staying with a friend or she left him w/ no note or whatever), they would have had to stand up and say "I don't believe my own son". And then have to balance that with the possibility that what he said was true. Imagine that scenario, that you've just told authorities that they think he was involved (even though you have no other info to share) and then he's not. I mean, if my parents accused me of being involved in a murder and I wasn't, well that would be the end of that relationship. Clinging to hope is a very human experience.

I'm not at ALL suggesting his parents are completely innocent of everything including decency (forget legalities), I'm just saying they were placed in an unfathomable situation by their own son and no matter what how things unfolded this was horrible for them too. I'm not a lawyer, but it would also be hard for regular folks to go against guidance from one.
On the topic of Brian's remains I was reading this and while it's just one person's opinion it's something people have been wondering here as in how was his body just now being found (be it elements or otherwise). Not making a statement towards the authenticity of this person's opinion just sharing it here

A prior K9 hander talked about Brian's remains and said "If the body had been there, when they went by with cadaver dogs, and the body had been there for more than two or three minutes, the odor would have come through the water. It’s highly suspicious, If the body was there at that time, x weeks ago, and if it’s the same dog and the same quality of dog or same quality of training, they should have found him. They would have detected Laundrie’s body. If the dogs are well trained, well maintained, and we’re in that area, then yeah, they should have smelled the odor of the human."
It appears it was a huge area under water.
Hope the protesters have left The Laundrie's neighborhood. It's over. No way it is the outcome anyone wanted.

A lot are pointing fingers trying to find a scapegoat. Bottom line as I said before we as a society need laws to change to offer 24-48 hours, 4 weeks, and 6 months followups/check-in to all involved in domestic incident reports. Incidents are one side and then the other side and somewhere in the middle is the truth that LE has to be the judge on. Maybe with followups/check-ins it can be a prevention/resources given. We as an advance society just don't do enough for all things related to mental health.
Maybe they did.

I was just answering that it would some completely reasonable that he was acting very much under stress regardless of what actually happened or what he claimed happened or any other scenario. It's not the least bit surprising they would describe his mindset in that way.

To me the difficult part of his parent's position (or at least one of them) is that if he'd told them a lie (she flew home to her family or is staying with a friend or she left him w/ no note or whatever), they would have had to stand up and say "I don't believe my own son". And then have to balance that with the possibility that what he said was true. Imagine that scenario, that you've just told authorities that they think he was involved (even though you have no other info to share) and then he's not. I mean, if my parents accused me of being involved in a murder and I wasn't, well that would be the end of that relationship. Clinging to hope is a very human experience.

I'm not at ALL suggesting his parents are completely innocent of everything including decency (forget legalities), I'm just saying they were placed in an unfathomable situation by their own son and no matter what how things unfolded this was horrible for them too. I'm not a lawyer, but it would also be hard for regular folks to go against guidance from one.

Agree. I also think Mrs. Laundrie's previous work experience in law enforcement/prosecution is a big reason why they hired a lawyer and kept their mouths ALL the way shut. Now that Brian is dead, we might hear more from them, depending on what they knew.
Why are her parents dysfunctional? Because they are remarried to other people? Way to insult tons of families.
I saw Gabby’s parents and step parents on tv being interviewed together. I have no idea what their history is or how they typically interact/behave, but in my opinion, at least for that interview, they were blended family goals. In what had to have been a highly stressful time they seemed to have been singularly focused, like minded and all in on getting answers about Gabby. Any personal differences amongst themselves they may have had in the past, they certainly seemed to have managed to put it aside for the sake of their daughter. I was incredibly impressed with them.


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