Geeks go for broke! Updated 2/17: Wrap-up

Day Seven: is it really almost over?

The one consolation about having to get off the boat at ridiculous o’clock the next morning is that you get to spend your last day in Paradise: Castaway Cay. Lionel and I had made loose plans to roam around, have a drink at our favorite bar, take a bike ride (not necessarily in that order) and to meet Mat and Sarah later at Serenity Bay. Mat and Sarah had the Seahorse snorkel experience booked, and since Lionel and I are not huge fans of open water (read: giant mutant sharks) we politely declined to join them. We also set our wakeup call and coffee delivery a little later so we could sleep in. Until 8. Which is very late for us. And it was great!

We ran up to the buffet and prepared some fruit and waffles to go. I would be remiss if I did not also mention that Lionel put as much bacon on his plate as humanly possible, setting what I believe might have been the world record for bacon stacking. And then? Things got confusing.

When we left the room, we were pulling into CC. When we came back, the island was no longer outside our verandah. I blinked hard. Nothing. We rubbed our eyes. Still, nothing. The ground beneath our feet was vibrating. Are we……turning?

I almost threw down my Mickey waffles right then and there, ready to storm the bridge and demand that he take us back. I was not about to be gipped out of a second day in Paradise. No sir! I would not stand for this! I…..

*tap* *tap* *tap*

“Sweetie, we’re backing in.”

Oh. Right.

The butt of the Magic.


As we enjoyed our last veranda breakfast, we discussed our loose plans for the day. Since we had booked the two day getaway package, we had snorkel gear, bikes and floaties waiting for us. Always the ambitious one, I made a schedule:

“Ok, huddle up, mister. First we make a run for the bikes and tour the island, stopping for the occasional photo. Next, we grab our snorkel gear and hit the snorkel trail, which I know means you will hang around in the shallow end while I try for the fifth time to find that stupid underwater Mickey statue. Then, we head to the adult beach where we will eat and drink mass quantities, and float around until they drag us back onto the boat. Deal?”

Outside the boat, we saw what looked to be the strangest excursion ever: people in orange underwater suits lined up next to the Magic’s butt, jumping into the water with a safety raft. A second group on shore stood in the ready position next to their jumpsuits, while a man with a stopwatch and a whistle barked orders military-style. Right before I wondered allowed how much they had paid to be humiliated, Lionel said something like “oh, look, a safety drill!”

Whatever you do, don't book THIS excursion.


Faster, orange people, go go go!


Apparently, I needed more coffee. Or maybe a pina colada.

As planned, we hit the bikes first, and for the first time we did the little bike loop that starts partway down the airplane landing strip. It was super cool! In the past, we have just ridden up and down the strip, and down the path that runs parallel to Serenity Bay. To be honest, I forgot that there was actually more to the bike trail. And it’s fun!

I learned a few things on that bike trip.

1) Castaway Cay is very “scrubby” – the observation tower looks out onto a marsh that is not unlike Florida scenery. Paradise? Yes. But it obviously took some work to get it there.
2) Hordes of scowling teens pretending not to be having fun will run your 30-something butt over if you don’t stand your ground. I may be small, but I’m tougher than I look. I can shake a fist with the best of them. “You kids get off my bike trail!”
3) Storks in outhouses? Always funny.

I highly recommend the bike trail. It only takes about an hour, but it’s interesting to see another side of the island. Here are some of my favorite photos from along the way:

5000 feet! Pedal for your lilves!


Lionel in scrubville.


Storks on bikes. Usually funny.


Anchors aweigh!


Scrubville from the observation tower, where the kayak tour passes through.




Geeks on bikes! Pausing for a self portrait at the end of the trail.


We hit the snorkel stand next, and were standing on the snorkel beach ready to hit the water when it occurred to us…..the sky was a bit overcast, the water was choppy, and there were tons of people out there already. For the first time, snorkeling didn’t look fun to either one of us. We looked at each other, and silently walked to the Heads Up Bar instead.

I later heard the visibility in the water was very poor that day, so I felt good about our decision. Besides, it’s not like we would never be back there, right? The Mickey statue foiled me again, but I would be return. Vengeance will be mine! And by vengeance, I mean I will snap an underwater photo. That’s about as mean as I get.

On the way to the bar, a mango caught Lionel’s eye. You know that fruit stand right in front of Cookie’s BBQ? If you have not been, you must go, even if only to observe the fancy chopping skills of the guy who runs it. We handed him a mango, and I swear, it was like going to one of those Japanese steakhouses where you sit in front of the grill. There was a blur of sharp metal, and peels flying everywhere, and suddenly Lionel was holding a bowl full of perfectly sliced mango pieces. By the time we looked up again, he had already moved on to a cantaloupe. The poor melon never saw what was coming.

After this day, I will put in yet another vote for the Heads Up Bar as my favorite place for a fruity alcoholic drink. We sat listening to the soothing lap of the water, watching the children play from afar, and gazing out into the open ocean where we hoped Mat and Sarah had not ended up as giant mutant shark appetizers.

NO ONE is ever at the Heads Up Bar. What’s up with that? Seriously, it’s the best location on the island next to Serenity Bay. It’s a great place to sit and observe the island, and there’s a bar RIGHT THERE. With the slowest bartender in the world. But you know what? He made a mean Konk Kooler. And it’s not like I had anywhere I had to be.

Konk Kooler - nectar of the Gods.


Birds on the rocks, hunting crabs.


Peaceful scenery from the Heads Up Bar.


Well, apparently slow was on the menu for all cast members today, with the exception of the Iron Chef fruit slicer. We headed off to the eatery at Serenity Bay (another one of my favorite places – eating there feels more like eating on a deserted island and less like sitting at a crowded picnic with 500 of your closest friends) where we met up with Mat and a slightly sunburned Sarah.

I say slightly, because I only saw her from the front.

The two had just sat down with their food, which we thought was perfect timing. Let me tell you, by the time we made it through the line they had long finished their lunch and had moved on to dessert. This is why.

CM: (stares blankly off into the distance)
Me: hi!
CM: (focuses one eye on me)
Me: um, what is that? (pointing to unidentified fish on the grill)
CM: feesh.

Ok, kudos for using my favorite pronunciation, but really? I know it’s fish. You have no signs up like usual, and I’m pretty sure there is more than one kind of underwater creature. So perhaps a little more clarity? Or maybe you need some ginger chews after your long night out?

Me: yes, I mean, what KIND of feesh? I mean fish.
CM: uh, salmon.
Me: ok, I’ll have some pasta.
CM: (stares blankly)
Me: never mind.

It was almost like they ran out of food or something. This being our first 7-day adventure, we expected the second CC day to be much like the first in menu. I guess all those special feesh meals Sameer had made for me took a toll on the inventory. But it seemed like everything was a bit sparse, including the meat selection. And what was up with all the CM’s? Did they all take slow pills that morning? Because, seriously. Lionel had to ask about three times for a hot dog.

Down on the beach, it seemed like everything was winding down, including the island. The tide was in, the water was a bit choppy, and it was just…..quiet. Not in a bad way, mind. It was just different. Things were coming to an end, and while there was still time left to enjoy it, our vacation would be over soon. I think all of us knew it.

And then? Sarah had a burst of energy. And SWAM TO THE BUOY.

That tiny dot is a Canadian.


Sarah is an awesome swimmer. I would follow that with “for a Canadian,” but seriously, the girl can move. She kept getting smaller and smaller and smaller, and I was starting to get concerned but then she turned around and came right back.

“I touched the buoy!”

High fives all around. Then, she fell asleep.

We loaned Mat our snorkel gear, and took the floats out to the water where two strange men started floating toward us. They were getting closer and closer, and smiling, clearly intent upon a visit. Finally, it dawned on me who they were: Chris and Rob, whose names we had drawn for Secret Mickey! I breathed a sigh of relief. We weren’t being stalked. They were coming to thank us for their final gift.

And so, I will close this installment with a story.

When I originally signed up for Secret Mickey, I filled out this questionnaire full of strange things like “what is your favorite song?” and “tell us your best Disney memory” and so on. When I received Chris and Rob’s answers, my eyes were drawn to the favorite song answer: “Beautiful” – sung by Wayne Brady.

Wayne Brady????

Wayne Brady was my prom date. I kid you not. You can ask him yourself, and he will confirm this. Yep. Wayne Brady and I go way back. Mind you, I don’t have his phone number or anything. In fact, the last time I saw him was about 10 years ago when I went to LA for a business trip. We laughed about the prom date thing.

When I was in high school and college, I frequented a local Orlando theatre called Sak Comedy Lab. I worked there behind the scenes, at the register, the snack bar and backstage. I took classes there, thinking one day I would make a great improve comedian. Luckily, I had the medical field to fall back on, because I don’t have the fastest comedic reflexes known to…..well, anyone. But, I did make friends with some awesome people who I occasionally see on TV. Wayne was one of them.

It was my senior year, and I didn’t have a boyfriend. I was going to prom with a group of people, and jokingly said to Wayne that HE should take me. And he said, “ok.”

So yes, I walked into the Winter Park High School prom on Wayne Brady’s arm. It was purely platonic. We had a great time, and danced aaaallllll night.

Back to Chris and Rob.

When I saw their answer, I had an idea that I could contact Wayne and maybe get an autograph for them or something. But then I remembered, I didn’t have a phone number. Or and email. And the thought of sending fan mail stating “but we went to prom together, HE KNOWS ME!” sounded a bit pathetic, so I did the next best thing:

I made a ready-for-pictures photo album with the words to the song “Beautiful” inscribed on each page. It took forever, and sometime before I finished I looked at it and wondered if they would like it. I mean, I never once thought they would think it was dumb, but I know different people have different tastes. Something I would like isn’t necessarily what someone else would want. But, I tried to be confident and finished it anyway.

Well, they loved it. They said it was amazing, and that while they appreciated the little gifts I had dropped here and there, this one was truly meaningful. I can’t tell you how happy I was that they loved it.

I will put all my Secret Mickey Photos in the next post so you can see the album for yourselves. Pinky swear.

Up next: I become a massage addict, and we say farewell to the Magic geek style.
Glad you are back....and I agree with your sentiments on the 80's night...the night of my vow renewal should have been 80's night and I was so psyched to do it....expecially after the men went out the night before for 70's night (but we won't go there) and when we got to the bar....crap!!! Sorry, can I say that word? :rolleyes2 I was very sad, ready to boogy all night in my gown, like it was my senior prom!!!

Down on the beach, it seemed like everything was winding down, including the island. The tide was in, the water was a bit choppy, and it was just…..quiet. Not in a bad way, mind. It was just different. Things were coming to an end, and while there was still time left to enjoy it, our vacation would be over soon. I think all of us knew it.

And then? Sarah had a burst of energy. And SWAM TO THE BUOY.
Sarah is an awesome swimmer. I would follow that with “for a Canadian,” but seriously, the girl can move. She kept getting smaller and smaller and smaller, and I was starting to get concerned but then she turned around and came right back.
“I touched the buoy!”
High fives all around. Then, she fell asleep.

Started to get concerned? :P For the record i MIGHT have swum past the buoy but then i turned and realised that Mathew had decided that enough was enough and he wasn't going to let me swim any further without proper supervision from him. The man had started to swim out to me.

I love swimming. And to this day i am still shocked that a certain person who LIVES in florida near beaches, doesn't go every weekend because the beach is for "good looking people." Crazyness!
Holy cow your funny. thanks for sharing your trip! Love the Wayne Brady reference...but I think I'm going to need proof before I can just accept that! :)
Yeah Erica... cough up a picture of Wayne Brady in a powder blue tux and I'll believe you... ;)
Oh my gosh! I finally made it! If you had any idea how many hours I have spent reading your first cruise report and now this one, laughing so hard I would cry, thinking of something to add or ask, but then realizing how much of a time lag there was between what I was reading and present day! Oh my goodness. I have finally broken through to be on the same day as you! Yay, me! :cheer2: Yay Christmas and life, for making the trip report last longer, :rotfl2: and yay Erica, for writing the BEST trip reports EVER, EVER, EVAR!!! :cool1:
OMG! Wayne Brady was your prom date?! That is so cool!

Konk Koolers...I'm thinking that would be a great drink to serve at the wedding!

Great report! I'm sad we're on the last day!
So I've got a bit of a funny story here for goes:

My DH is FINALLY beginning to show a tad bit of excitement about our quickly approaching cruise. I don't know...maybe it goes against his man-code to show excitement about a Disney trip... So anyway, he's been asking me more and more about what it is I do day after day on these boards. So tonight we fixed each other a drink, plopped down in front of the fireplace, and I began reading your most recent trip report to him aloud. You see, the reason I picked your report (as well as Drea's!) is that you bear an uncanny ability to knock a few back just like me! I knew he'd appreciate your alcohol-infused humor. And between you and me, he's a great big ol' geek too!

This is going somewhere, I promise!

So as we were talking about our upcoming cruise he asks if you and your DH will be onboard as well. Sadly, I tell him the news...and you should have seen the look on his face! He was so disappointed!

We've come to know and love you through your reports! How will we ever sail without you?
OH I SO want pics of you and Wayne! and your secret mickey gifts!

And that konk does look good.. sadly I never got to have one.. oh well theres always NEXT TIME.. when ever that may be now LOL

Ok now seriously Wayne.. YOu.. Enchantment under the Sea Prom Theme pics LOL
Hold it... Hold it... I had gym class with Jim Gandolfini... does playing volleyball across a crowded gym along with like 200 other kids count???
Erica, this is the funniest CC day I've seen yet! The CM not-serving you, the bike pics, and then these guys:

This one had me laughing out loud! :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: "don't go on this excursion." :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Sounds like a great relaxing day! Wayne Brady - how fun!

Okay, since we're naming claim to fame - my DSIS played with Dan O'Brien's older sister. I remember walking her over to their house, and little Dan was staring up at me from his tricycle - same face :) My DS later got his autograph here in town.
Can I get in on this too? Tom know the hunky quarterback for the Patriots...was a the doctor's office next to my clinic and he winked at me..;) for real!!!! Of course, I didn't think fast enough to get my picture with him like the girls in the office did! :sad2:

well if were telling story I got one to.. but not about me :( LOL My mom grew up across the street from Mike Lookingland (Bobby Brady) he and my uncle were the same age and in elementary school together. Until the Brady got popular then they moved.

I dont believe I have a claim to fame LOL :(
Some of you might know, some maybe not...but here goes anyway! My husband was friends with and ate lunch at the same table every school day with Sam Hornish Jr. Sam won the Indy 500 a few years back, now he is a NASCAR driver.:drive:

Sadly, that's our only L-A-M-E claim to fame! :lmao:
Loved your Castaway Cay day. Wonder what was wrong with the CM's at Serenity Bay??????
Can't believe it's almost over. :sad2:

Excited to see your Secret Mickey pics & the pic of you & Wayne Brady at know you have to show us.:thumbsup2
Thank you everyone for the wonderful comments! Lionel and I spent this weekend in West Palm Beach at the opening of the South Florida Fair in which we ate:

  • fresh crepes with bananas and nutella
  • the biggest pork chop in the entire world (ok, that was L not me - 'member, I'm a veggie)
  • funnel cake
  • many, many batches of french fries
  • a deep fried snickers bar
  • elk jerky (again, L)
  • fudge made by the cutest man a candymaker's hat!
  • kettle corn.....oh, how I love kettle corn
  • grilled corn on the cob
  • root beer floats

I can't believe that's all we ate. It seemed like so much more!

I am back, and will be updating on Thursday (including my SM gift photos, as promised). And I can't believe you guys don't believe my Wayne Brady story, would I lie to the DIS? NEVER! I'm sure I have a photo of him around here somewhere but I'll definitely have to dig. Hopefully none of them have my poofy 90's hair in them.....yeesh.....


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