Geriatric mm warriors (12/30/09)

Kathy - HAPPY BIRTHDAY :banana::banana:

Cookies made me think of Abbie too. Anyone let her know where we went back when? Maybe one of us (Lisa) could attempt to contact her :)

Anyone partying tonight? We never were drinkers so never got into New Years Eve parties. We'll be home safe and sound listening to fireworks go off around the neighborhood tonight.

Unless I hear from my home computer repair guy today, I may not be able to talk to you all tonight or tomorrow so I'll tell you now, HAPPY NEW YEAR, I love you all :hug: We WILL BE healthier, trimmer and awesome this time next year (not that we're not awesome now) :laughing:

I'll email Abby. Cookies make me think of her, too! I'm taking J-P out to brunch and maybe to the movies. We also have to find a magnifying mirror for his bathroom so he can handle the new contacts he got for snowboarding. It's a good thing he was with me when he tried to take them out the first time, LOL! Let's just say it's been a bonding experience. It's nice to be needed sometimes;)

I don't especially love Step 1. It's ok for 10 days, but I love Step 2's variety. I tried the English toffee Stevia in my shake today. I put too much, but it was good.

We'll be in for New Years Eve. I'm not big on change or drinking, so it's not my favorite holiday, lol!
Good Morning

We woke up to one of the smoke detectors chirping away. That reminded us that changing the batteries on New Year's Day is a suggeted practice. We are a day early!!!

Kathy - thanks, I OK on the addresses now.

Today is a "Paws and Claws" day so will have nice new toenails and fingernails.

The place we go for New Year's dinner is just down the street from us. Not much driving involved. We could even walk, but probably won't as I want to wear dressier shoes.

It is a bit overcast at the moment. I don't know what would happen to the fireworks if it rains. The sun does seem to be popping through, though. Wish I could send some sun to those in the cold.

Lisa - enjoy your movie. Barb - hope your computer gets fixed.

Pony - hope you don't get too bored!!

Everyone else - have a lovely day.:grouphug:
Thank you all for the warm birthday wishes!!

Just wanted to let you know I went to the chiropractor this morning. My knee is out of whack. He did an adjustment on it. He said it is extremely inflamed, stay off it for a while, ice it and take ibuprofen. So, spending the day on the recliner and everyone is waiting on me hand and foot LOL.

I am sure I'll be back in a while. Hope everyone is having a good day!!
:wave2: Happy Birthday Kathy!! :cake::dance3: What a great day for a birthday!!

Happy New Year to everyone!!:rainbow:

Jocelyn thank you heaps for the card, I really enjoyed that. And thank you for the copy of Lisa's spread sheet. I probably had it at one point and never saved it to file. :thanks:

I had the nicest complement today. We live in the country and we have a Philips 66 station a few miles down the road where we always get our gas. I went in earlier this afternoon and the owner and manager both were behind the counter. The owner, an elderly gent, studied me and finally asked, "Young lady, just exactly how much weight have you lost?" lol I told them and the mngr chimed in, "You look wonderful, and at least ten years younger." I think I actually blushed! ..and I'm still smiling!

Nell I can't wait to welcome you back to Step I with the rest of us. You talking about having pizza tonight reminded me of a couple of things.
When I'm forced into a pizza place, I always order a salad, even if it's just iceburg lettuce. I rake the top off of a piece or two of pizza onto my salad and have never felt deprived (no dressing). I found a recipe for a legal crust made from shredded squash, cheddar cheese and an egg. I will be trying this out and letting you all know how it is. This may allow me to bring back pizza night at our house again! :yay:

Lisa, I'd love to hear how things are going with Abby. Thanks in advance for trying to contact her. Blind Sided is on my must see list as well. We've gone to see it twice and it has been sold out. Has JP seen Avitar yet, I hear that's another one that's pretty amazing. All my kids have seen it and one want's me to go see it with them just so they can go again. Have fun!!
Lucky girl! Ten days is great, it will fly by. Here I am on day four and am already scattering for meals and wishing I was on Step II already. I do feel so much better though.

Robin you are so funny, I think you and I may be neck n neck in our distaste for green tea. I get the impression that you just need to alter the times of day that you drink it! :laughing: Robin needs more info on this new green tea issue! Go home tonight after your workout and just relax and enjoy your evening. You deserve it.

Kate, very cool info about a blue moon. That must be why people say "Once in a blue moon." huh? Makes good sense. Congrats to Demi! (love her name btw) Dear you slept ten hours because you needed it!

We too always stay home on New Years eve. I believe if we usher in the new year in a quiet calm fashion it will remain a quiet calm year.

Cheers everybody! Happy New Year! :goodvibes
Thank you all for the warm birthday wishes!!

Just wanted to let you know I went to the chiropractor this morning. My knee is out of whack. He did an adjustment on it. He said it is extremely inflamed, stay off it for a while, ice it and take ibuprofen. So, spending the day on the recliner and everyone is waiting on me hand and foot LOL.

I am sure I'll be back in a while. Hope everyone is having a good day!!

Happy Birthday, Kathy.....:wizard::bday::bday::bday::bday:

To everyone else...Please have a Happy and Safe New Year.

See ya next year!

Happy New Year to All of You! I am still at work and looking forward to leaving in a few hours...Im still not back in the swing after vacation! And I really dont WANT to be either! :rotfl:

Lisa - Sorry you arent a fan of this holiday...I for one cannot WAIT for the new year...this past one has not been too great for so many people I know! Im not a drinker either, so going out and partying doesnt sound interesting, although it would be so fun to party with all of YOU!! We could have MM snacks and stuff, but NO GREEN TEA...YUK!

Pam - Lisa gets very tired of hearing me complain about green tea! LOL, so nice to know someone else thinks its YUK too!

Jocelyn - I am not too bored yet, but quite ready to go home! Rain has started so Im thinking get home before it turns to ice! Have fun tonight and hope your weather holds out.

Kate - Im sorry but I must respectfully request that you not talk about DONUTS AND COOKIES any more!! :laughing: OMG, how do you STAND IT? All the great stuff Demi makes sounds incredible!!

Kathy - so sorry you are on the injured list...let them all take care of you...for your injury AND your birthday!!

Sandra - stop in when you can stay longer!! LOL, we need to catch up with you!

Barb - Oh No! Computer issues for you too? I am so afraid I wont have phone service the next couple days...ours has been going in and out since I got back home, and with dial up internet no phone equals no internet either!!:eek:

Lisa - didnt you try to get Abby here before? Im betting she gave up the plan, I know she was struggling...please try to get her to reconsider joining us again!

In case I have no internet when I get home tonight, I hope you ALL have a safe and happy New Years Eve and I just KNOW that 2010 is going to be OUR MM YEAR!! Hopefully OPRAH!!! :dance3: Love you all!:grouphug:
Happy Birthday Kathy!party::bday:party:

Happy New Year's Everyone!

I'm going to be back at full throttle soon!

I need to wait until tomorrow Lisa in order to get the foods I need to do step one. For now, it's what others are eating, or nothing.

I hope everyone has a blessed "and very safe" New Years eve.:grouphug:
I did invite Abby once, but the timing was bad due to the start of her business, so maybe she's ready to give it another go. The Blind Side was soooo good. I'm glad we saw the 20/20 first from Friday night so we 'knew' the real people. It made it a lot more special. You could probably watch that interview on the internet. Sandra Bullock had the real Leigh Ann down pat. We're planning on seeing Avatar Sunday afternoon. I wanted to tell the guy next to me to use a napkin, which he never did once, while he gorged on buttery popcorn! J-P helped me in my resolve; he's not eating yucky foods much now either. He gave up energy drinks, coffee, sodas and alcohol, along with most sugary things. Being a computer geek working on deadlines, he was using too much caffeine, etc. I'm proud of him for deciding to go more pure. I'm going to make a nice cup of green tea now. If Diane wants us to do something I think we shouldn't knock it too much in front of the new people when they get here soon, but try to encourage them. That's the only reason I care about the tea issue. We can't all like everything. :grouphug:

Stay safe tonight!

Happy New Year!
Good evening everyone!! So good to see you all!!

Not much going on here this evening. Took a small nap, as I didn't sleep well last night. I did buy some advil PM so hoping it helps me tonight. I am going to try to up my water intake to see if it helps any. I drink 1 espresso a day, and about 2-3 cups of decaf. Not enough good stuff I'm thinking.

I feel a little out of sorts by not going to the party tonight. I have gone to our friend's house since I was a baby. My friend and her dad always celebrated our birthdays together on New Years. His birthday is Jan. 2. He is 74! You'd never know it LOL. I know they will call at midnight and everyone will yell Happy New Year then hang up.

I don't really drink much either. I do enjoy a mixed drink once in a while if we go out to eat, but I'm not much to drink at home or at someone's house. If we went out dancing, I would be able to drink a few beers, but that's about it. I think I'm growing up :confused3

I'll try to catch up with you all before I pass out LOL.

Happy New Year!!!! Here is to a great 2010 :drinking1

wasn't knocking green tea, only commenting on the article that said if you drink the same amount at the same time everyday your body will get used to it and the dietary help will not be there. You just need to vary the amounts and time of day.

In the current First Magazine there are also a lot of South Beach recipes. Some look really good and are legal for us. There is also an article on the Belly Fat Cure Diet and it is so similar to Diane's and talks about the insulin issures as the thing to keep under control for belly fat.

I got on the scale this morning and my weight is the same as the day I started MM. However, I put on a jacket I had made in Hong Kong earlier this year and I can wrap it around me!! I was going to wear it this evening, but am not sure now. We had a good laugh over it. I said we need to go back to Hong Kong so I can have it altered!!!

Kathy - sorry about your knee. Will that affect what you can do for work? Have fun being pampered, though:banana:

Off to pick up a few things - it is still early afternoon here.
I restarted Step 1 on Tuesday and so far, so good. This has been the first time in years that I ate whatever I wanted even if it was crap (potato chips). I have learned that it's not worth it. I felt terrible, my skin looks blotchy and my muffin top has officially become a popover! I've been checking in here and see that I won't be alone on Step 1. Yay!

I hope 2010 is a wonderful year for all of us and that all our goals will be met.

Have a safe and peaceful evening! Talk to you next year.;)
Yay! My phone is working and I have internet at least for awhile! LOL

Oh Lisa, my dear sweet friend, you know that I am only joking with you on the tea thing...I just got done having my double tea bag, steeped for 5 minutes Green Tea, thanks to you, and although the taste still is not growing on me, I am RESOLVING to do the twice a day green tea thing for the ENTIRE month of January to see if it really will help me with my cortisol/belly flab issue! We all know that Diane STRONGLY recommends it and I have been quite remiss in my refusal to drink it! I would NEVER do anything to cause any newbies to stray from the path to our new found health! I seriously intend to hit the MM Battlefield with new and improved vigor starting tomorrow!! And I am counting on you to keep me in line! :hug:

Diane - good to see you back and ready to rumble!!

Jocelyn - I love the articles in First and also in Womans World...they always seem to be geared to some sort of version of MM! The green tea thing makes perfect sense to me...just like exercise or anything, getting in a rut of doing the exact same things at the exact same times can cause a stall in almost everything! Diane had told me way back during my original 8 weeks of Step 1, that I needed to vary my foods more and to change up the exercise regime I told Lisa, I am COMMITTED to that too! I even have to change up my gym routine, so my body doesnt get used to the same old same old routine...switching up the days, and the durations and exercises too. Even though my type A personality demands I make lists and schedules, it shouldnt be too hard to make those lists and schedules different from day to day. I have to stop using my work schedule as an excuse for everything! LOL, DARN IT, now what excuse will I use!

Lisa - I have Perricone's book on the way too, cant wait to read it! I have had trouble with blotchy, red skin tone for about 5 years now, after years and years of being a total sun-worshipper, so I ordered some green tea creme for my face too! Gotta be slimmer AND GAWGEOUS for Ken's return in Feb!!

Nell - I know what you mean about needing to have the right foods available, I know I cant do step one without a bunch of preparation ahead...having everything ready to eat makes all the difference for me!

Kathy - hope the Advil helps you some...maybe a heating pad? I know when I get all achy in my hips and knees I go straight for the heating pad!

Think I will settle in with the dog and my book for the evening, so good night all and heres to the Best Year Ever!!:woohoo:
:bday: party: KATHY :bday:party:

Sorry you're not able to celebrate. Take care of yourself, relax and enjoy being pampered.

To all my MM Warrior friends..........

2010 Contract

After serious & cautious consideration... Your contract of friendship has been renewed for the New Year 2010!
It was a very hard decision to make... So try not to screw it up!!!

My Wish for You in 2010

May peace break into your home and may thieves come to steal your debts.

May the pockets of your jeans become a magnet for $100 bills.​

May love stick to your face like Vaseline and may laughter assault your lips!​

May happiness slap you across the face and may your tears be that of joy

May the problems you had, forget your home address!

In simple words ............

May 2010 be the best year Of your life!!!

Love to All,
Well, I guess I get the honors of the first post of the new year! Welcome 2010! I am opening my arms to you and embrace all that you have to give me. The good and even the bad. I have found myself with such a resolve this year to simplify my life. I am so excited about this new year. I will have a healthy new body, a peaceful home and soul, and the most wonderful family of friends I could ever ask for!! I truly love each and everyone of you will all my heart.

SharronLee, loved the poem! It brought a chuckle to me this morning.

Robin, glad your phone lines are cooperating with you!!

My knee is feeling much better this morning. The advil is helping a lot. The chiropractor told me to apply ice to it to reduce the inflammation. I have to apply it for about 15 minutes every hour to hour and a half. I was able to get a great night's sleep too. I was able to walk down the steps normally this morning! It feels stiff, but it isn't as painful as yesterday. Thank you all for the prayers and warm thoughts.

Ok, here goes the green tea question again. Would you think you get any type of benefit from the green tea extract pills? I got a huge bottle of them at Sam's and have been taking 4 tablets a day. The time varies when I take them. I know she said we need to drink the tea, but it honestly makes me want to upchuck (like that word LOL).

Robin, the light and fit yogurt you bought, is it the diabetic kind, or just the regular light and fit? I have been buying the diabetic kind but it's rather expensive. The greek yogurt was ok I guess LOL.

Have a great day everyone. Off to put a pork roast in the crock pot. I don't think I have sourkraut, and all the stores are sold out of it. Go figure LOL. Guess everyone wants good luck in the new year!!

:dance3: (this is us doing a new year's dance)
Here is a link for some splenda coupons off their website. Just print them up. Also, someone (Robin maybe?) said about reading First magazine. I was looking at mine last night and there is I believe a $1 coupon for splenda in it too.

I will see if I can find any for stevia too. Also, here is a link for stevia/sugar equivalents:

Also, on the splenda site, if you click on splenda store, there is buy one get one half on the splenda flavorings. The original price is just under $4. I bought the mocha one at walmart yesterday and it was really good. They have all kinds of flavors on the site.
I hope everyone had a good night. Brad got some phone calls and text messages at midnight but I slept right through them. LOL Chloe went to some big party in San Francisco that went from 8 last night to 4:30 this morning. Oh, to be 18 years old again. When she left she had feathers in her hair and face paint and a long swirly skirt. I told her that no matter what, they couldn't drive anywhere! Demi told me that she was celebrating at 9 last night because had to be a work at 3 this morning. Brad surprised me and went shopping yesterday afternoon. He brought him prime rib steaks and cooked them on the grill. They were pretty darn good (I am not the biggest steak fan in the world). Anyway, we had a good dinner and toasted the new year early.

I hope that everyone had a safe and fun New Year. Like I said yesterday, I am really ready for 2010. We are going to ROCK it!

Lisa - how much longer do you get J-P?


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