Geriatric mm warriors (12/30/09)

Found this on LCF. Don't know if anyone is interested in it or not. I put the link up for the full discussion. It's short, like 11 or so posts:

Simple Syrup
My husband is diabetic and we love the Davinci syrups. Unfortunately the selection in our area is very limited so I've taken to making my own. It is very quick and easy to do.

Simply boil 1 cup of water in the microwave and then stir in 3/4 to 1 cup of splenda granular and voila, syrup!

For citrus flavors I grate the peel of one fruit (lime, lemon, grapefruit, orange, etc) and add it to the water BEFORE I microwave it and then I add the splenda and the juice of the grated fruit to the boiled water/peel mixture. Once its cooled I strain it into a container and store it in the fridge. This also works great with frest ginger root! Once it's cooled we mix it with sparkling water for homemade ginger ale. Its also delicious in tea.

I use food extracts for other flavors (i.e., vanilla, almond, etc) and add the extract after the water/splenda syrup has cooled and skip the straining step.

We use the flavored syrups for coffee, tea, smoothies and italian sodas. To be honest they're much stronger and more flavorful than the bottled type and I can make any combiniation I like.
I hope everyone had a good night. Brad got some phone calls and text messages at midnight but I slept right through them. LOL Chloe went to some big party in San Francisco that went from 8 last night to 4:30 this morning. Oh, to be 18 years old again. When she left she had feathers in her hair and face paint and a long swirly skirt. I told her that no matter what, they couldn't drive anywhere! Demi told me that she was celebrating at 9 last night because had to be a work at 3 this morning. Brad surprised me and went shopping yesterday afternoon. He brought him prime rib steaks and cooked them on the grill. They were pretty darn good (I am not the biggest steak fan in the world). Anyway, we had a good dinner and toasted the new year early.

I hope that everyone had a safe and fun New Year. Like I said yesterday, I am really ready for 2010. We are going to ROCK it!

Lisa - how much longer do you get J-P?

So glad you had a nice new year's eve! I personally love steak. Or maybe food in general LOL.
I agree, I think we will rock 2010!!
Glad the girls had a good time too. I agree with the driving thing. Too many people drinking, then thinking they can drive. Glad she listened to you!!
Happy 2010 !!! finally dragged my sorry self out of bed, but it sure did feel good to sleep in a bit! Of course the ponies are staring at the house like I have abandoned them to starve forever, so this will have to be a quick note! LOL, they are fat as hogs, so I think starvation is quite a ways down the road, not impending TODAY as they seem to think!

SharronLee - what a wonderful post to wake up to!! Im printing that out to hang up at my office!!:hug:

Kathy - Im all about those flavored Splendas...use the vanilla and mocha in my ricotta pudding, and my tea and coffee. Thinking maybe I might do KW's old cottage cheese on toast with splenda thing today that I have my freezer full of lo carb bread again! Thanks for the link! Interesting about the syrup recipe too, I stocked up while I was up North and then Amazon had that free shipping thing on orders over $25, so got me some more!! I LOVE the caramel one...a dash in my coffee with a shot of Vanilla atkins shake and I can talk myself into thinking Im having a caramel macchiato from Starbucks! :laughing: Amazon looks like they are going to stock a BUNCH of the newer flavors...says "coming soon", so that will be so great too, I really want to get some English Toffee, and Almond too, but they werent available yet.

Kate- I managed to sleep through a ton of text messages last night myself! I woke up to the weird noise my phone makes when someone sends me a text and found 7 of them! I DONT text, so my friends love to taunt me with them from time to time. The Ex (Roger) that contacted me from 26 years ago is now playing in a great band in Atlanta so he texted me pix of their gig last night along with a "wish you were here"...I cried a little bit when I read it! I think PONY is going to cry more during 2010!! It feels good after!

The battle with Dennis and his cancer has made me look at a LOT of things differently lately, and I just want you all to know that you are the greatest thing that happened to me in 2009...SERIOUSLY!! Your friendship and comaraderie here have made such a wonderful difference in my life! Dont forget to tell your peeps you love them since we never know what tomorrow will bring! :grouphug:
Good morning Robin. Happy you got some much needed sleep. You need to tell those ponies of yours to leave you alone in the mornings. You are now serving them brunches instead LOL.

I just found the flavored splendas at my walmart. They don't carry much in the way of the flavors :( I am going to have to just start ordering them online. I love the mocha flavored one in my coffee now. Mike bought me some Folger's creme' brulee' for Christmas, and it makes it taste awesome!!
I also use the caramel and vanilla in my espresso in the mornings. It tastes sooo good! We may end up putting Starbucks out of business :lmao:
I may try making the syrup, but I need to get some flavorings first. If I remember right, I saw on the McCormick extract that there were carbs. I'll have to double check on that. May not be worth it in the end because our torani and davinci are freebies.

Off to read a bit longer :surfweb: I hate having to sit around with my leg propped up, but it does help. I just think of some of the things I could be doing instead. Any other time I can sit here for hours upon hours and surf... :confused3 :surfweb:
Happy New Year! My guys are gearing up for football and I'm cleaning up the messes after being sick too much to do it all after Christmas. Bonnie is doomed to the groomers for a clip tomorrow. I can't take the dog hair! She likes the groomers anyway and they love her there. She will look like a German shorthair when they are finished, lol! It helps a little, but not as much as you would think. She has an undercoat that sheds like mad. Good thing we love her so much. I'm thinking of having Mom and Dad over for lunch so they can all watch the Rose Bowl. The coffee was bitter this am so I put about 3 drops of English Toffee Stevia in it. Really helped. Kathy, I doubt they would sell the green tea capsules if there wasn't some benefit in them. Robin, love all your new resolves! I'm resolving to be better about my exercise if my darn hip would stop popping. I need to get back to my Bowen guy next week. The guys are going for a bike ride tomorrow. J-P drove so he brought both of his snowboards and his bike. He was nervous about being robbed on the way home with all his valuables, including his computer, in his car, lol! I'm kind of glad he's driving back since this new terrorist attempt has slowed things down again in the airports. He's leaving on Monday, Kate. I hate to watch him drive away. He's going to Jackson Hole to work on site for the world's top back country snowboarder - the one that jumps out of helicopters in the movies. They've become friends. That trip is around Jan. 12, then he goes to San Antonio for a conference in March. I'm hoping we can meet for a vacation together in Arizona in April. We're probably going up to Portland to help him move at the end of March. Robin, I would say we should try to meet, but the weather isn't great that time of year and I'll be filthy with cleaning his new and old place again, I presume, at which time I will be praying for the girlfriend to manifest, LOL!

Have a fun day off everyone! I count you all very high on my list of blessings and know that we will rock 2010 together!:grouphug:
Kathy, I hope that you continue to heal and I'm sorry your starting the new year hurting. :hug:

I drink the green tea sporadically, so I think I'm probably benefitting fine. One day I'll have 1 cup, another day, 3 cups, then I'll skip days. I'd love to get some of the white tea to try also. It's supposed to have a lighter taste but more of the active ingredients in it.

Pony, I've got to tell you, your posts are so entertaining!:hug: Your a lovely person and you put things in a way that is humorous and heart warming. If you do have a chance to be a writer, I think you'd be an enormous blessing to many. I'm glad that you have had an opportunity to begin looking at life with more gratitude. One of the best things we can do with tragedy is to find something good in it. You all are definitely the best thing that happened to me in 2009. 2010 is a new year, and I'm waiting to see what blessings it brings. There is definitely change afoot.

Thank you Sharron Lee! I have decided I definitely want you and all of the wonderful women (and Tom if he jumps in) as my family in 2010 as well!

Kathy, I don't know how good the green tea supplements are. My instincts tell me they can't be as good as fresh, but I'm sure they are better than not taking any green tea at all.

Lisa, Bonnie will look wonderful! I clip poor Buddy's hair myself and he's a sorry site! lol.

I hope you are all having a very good first day of the year. I am on plan as of the time I woke up this morning. A friend brought this Italian drink called Lemonchello I think? I had four of them and then needed to switch to diet soda as I was lightheaded. I don't feel well today. I wonder if maybe the insulin resistance makes me not tolerate alcohol well? Well, I only drink on Holidays, and since the next one of those is the 4th of July, I'm not worried, lol. So, my L&P is being sent into hibernation and I imagine they are going to make a fuss. No one touched the veggie platter last night, so I've got that available minus the carrots. I really don't feel like eating though. I picked up some whey protein also, so as soon as I can get cottage cheese, cocoa and spinach I can start making my icy smoothies again. Actually that sounds good. It might be worth actually getting dressed for. :rotfl:
Happy New Year to you all !! I know that 2010 will be full of so many good things for us all. I think that having each other here to support and help through our individual challenges makes a lot of difference. I read about so many of us trying new approaches and changing our lives in ways other than our eating habits. It's great! I hope to make many good changes this year and become more of the person I really am inside. My husband and I started back in counseling last week and this time he's going to have to do his part of the work on this marriage or it's over. It feels good to be much more definite on this. I'm willing to do what I can, but not willing any longer to excuse him from his share of the relationship.

One of his old band buddies from back east keeps calling us in the middle of the night and did it again last night. This guy will call at anytime from 1:00-4:00am and ask to talk to Robert. I'm always the one to answer since it takes a bulldozer to wake up Robert. Like any parent, when the phone rings late at night, I think it's something to do with the kids and adrenaline starts pumping through my body before I answer. I hear this guys voice and then I'm so mad that it takes forever to go back to sleep with all that anger and adrenaline. :furious:

I have been fighting the cold that Lisa is just getting over and couldn't stay up past 9:00 last night to watch the movie I had borrowed from a friend....Julie and Julia. Am going to sit down now that I'm home from work and veg for the rest of the day watching movies and smelling some chicken I put in the crockpot. It's cold and cloudy here today and feels like a day to hibernate and get cozy. I wish we had a fireplace but I tore it out of this house before I moved it from the city out to our property. Too would have been so nice to have the warmth from a fire. Nothing quite like that!

Hope you all have a great New Years weekend.


Feast upon the Words of Christ
Dearest Carol: My heart goes out to you and I am so glad you finally talked to your husband and began counseling. You will know you did all you could and I hope it helps you both very much. You will love, love, love Julie and Julia. It’s a perfect day for it. Even husbands like it because of the relationship qualities portrayed.

Nell: Welcome back on plan! You could have a little red wine now and again if you want or drinks with no sugar. I can’t tolerate much at all – like only half of one.

Jocelyn: I thought your information from the green tea article was valuable so we can switch it up throughout the day. My only point was that since we have Nell’s friend and some others coming on that it might be best for those of us that don’t like it to hold back mentioning so until we get the new folks off to their best start possible. Sorry, it’s hard to express oneself sometimes in a flat medium. Keep the research comin’!

I made big Cobb salads for lunch and Mom and Dad are coming over to visit during the football game. J-P taped it so he could fast forward through the commercials. It's raining but not too hard. I hope the bad weather holds off until after he drives home on Monday.
Well, my lovely day of relaxing and doing nothing is coming to an end...OMG another 13 hour work day for me tomorrow! I must be crazy to take all this OT, but it pays so well and they always are so appreciative that I will do it! so many of the agents just will not put in the extra time...then they complain about money! I am hoping that all this will put me in a more favorable light when it comes to the new shift bids that will be happening this month! Cross your fingers I can get something like a noon to 9pm or maybe even an 11am -8pm!! Still plenty of gym time and maybe a better sleep schedule!! Well, I can DREAM cant I? LOL

I have the funniest animals...Im sure you have all seen the big round rolled hay bales? Well we keep those around so we can roll out a bale on the weekends to give the ponies some extra forage during the winter when theres no grass...Take the big bale into the pasture and then roll it out in a 5 foot wide "path" down the hill...well I looked out awhile ago and they were all laying in a line in the hay soaking up the last of the days sunshine! Silly things, they are supposed to EAT it not LAY in it!!

Kathy - loved your comment that they should be getting used to eating "brunch" instead of breakfast! LOL, they are so spoiled!!

Lisa - sorry JP will be leaving again tomorrow, but it sounds like he has some exciting plans ahead. I drank my green tea again today, and if you throw a shot of vanilla atkins shake in it, it makes it almost tolerable! I read that steeping it in some warm cider vinegar and then storing it cooled down makes a nice little serum to dip cotton balls in and put on my face to help reduce that darn redness I have...if it works I will have a whole new opinion about green tea!

Nell - glad you are back on plan and I agree that the green tea capsules are probably not as good as the real thing...I looked at ALL of them up in Ct and I think its all the caffeine in them that makes folks think they work well...I am trying to stay with the decaf green tea myself, since those green tea pills also warn about rapid heartbeat, etc and I definitely DO NOT need that! I dont really care for the white tea any more than the green, but am DETERMINED to train myself to drink it, even if I dont totally Love it...that last article in First made it sound like it really helps make a difference in belly fat and I am ALL for THAT!

Carol - hope you feel better soon, and I will be praying for you to know in your heart the right direction for your for the old band buddy, I have to say that the only thing he would be hearing after asking for Robert at 4am would be the sound of my dial tone!! How incredibly inconsiderate!!

Off to take a shower and go to bed early...outta here at 6:30am tomorrow! Nothing like starting off 2010 with a 13 hour day! LOL, guess I need to resolve to make sure I dont stress myself out with too much work and not enough play! Especially when Ken comes home in Feb!!!
Nice to see everyone this evening!!

Carol, I'm sending some prayers your way. You are where I was 11 years ago. I pray he puts effort into the marriage. My ex wouldn't even consider going to anything like that. I called him one last time before seeing my lawyer, and he still refused. But that's ancient history. Remember we are here for you no matter what!!

Lisa, enjoy the time left with J-P before he has to leave. I'll be praying for his safe return to his home.

Robin, all I can say is, I guess those ponies need someone to explain this stuff to them :confused3 I can picture you in my mind rolling one of those hay bales LOL. Almost like rolling out the red carpet. No easy task I imagine!!

Nell, thank you for the kind words and all for my knee. It actually feels a good bit better today. Just walking with a slight limp, but still difficult going down stairs.

I had my senior moment earlier. It wasn't First magazine I saw the coupons for splenda in. They are the All You magazine. Sorry!!

Ok, I may have found some green tea I can tolerate. It is made by Tetley and it is Mango, passion fruit and acai. It is really good!! Not something I'd drink like my coffee (all day) but enough I can do 2 cups a day. I will continue to take the capsule 1 or 2 times a day also.

I went to Walmart and got some magnesium. On the other forum I read (really bored just sitting around) that it was really good for the leg cramps and such. Thinking it may not hurt the ole' knee too. I may get some potassium pills too.

My step 1 recovery will have to start on Monday. I have to get some food for step 1 and I get paid on Monday. I did have a little extra and found some of the splenda caramel packets, and I got some macadamia nuts to munch on. I did weigh myself, and I lost 5 pounds. But my belly is bloated and fluffy. But still wearing the 12's and they seem to be getting a bit big. This WOE just really confuses me. Maybe I am still processing carbs better than I had been before?

Ok, going to take my advil pm, so not sure if I'll make it back before I fall asleep. So if not, have a good night and sweet dreams. God Bless each and everyone of you too. Remember, someone in PA loves you :lovestruc
Ok, I may have found some green tea I can tolerate. It is made by Tetley and it is Mango, passion fruit and acai. It is really good!! Not something I'd drink like my coffee (all day) but enough I can do 2 cups a day. I will continue to take the capsule 1 or 2 times a day also.
Kathy - That green tea sounds like something I would enjoy as iced tea. They're tea bags?

Carol - I pray for the best outcome for you and your husband. Whatever that may be. I will also pray that you feel the Lord's strength as you go through this tough time.

Robin - I never had any experience with ponies (except pony rides as a kid). You make them sound like so much fun - almost like dogs! How entertaining they must be! I hope you get great hours this year.

I went for another job interview on Wednesday. It's only 15 minutes from my house, but I'm not even excited about it. I'll hear something by Jan. 20th. I applied for another job on-line yesterday for a company in Danbury, CT. That job sounds like something I would really enjoy and it's a great commute -thirty minutes straight on the interstate.

I couldn't fall asleep last night. The last time I looked at the clock it was 4:30 am. I woke up at 9:00. I have to see the dr. this month about getting Ambien. I had it once before because of trouble sleeping due to a head trauma. This bout of insomnia has ruined my bootcamp class. I can't wake up at 6:00 for class when I just fell asleep. I didn't sign up for January because I don't want to waste the money if I can't get there. Arghhh.
I can't believe this. I can't sleep (that's why I'm up reading) and I decided to weigh myself when I went to the bathroom. I've been dreading it because I knew I must have gained. Not only have I not gained any weight, but I'm down a pound or two. :confused: What is up with that?

Ok, I'm miserable and I am feeling like the drunkard that repeats they will never ever drink again if they can just feel better. My head hurts, I'm dizzy, I'm perfectly awful. And it's my own fault knowing what I know about my L & P and deciding to play around with it. I just have to keep in mind that it will only be 3 days or so.

I hope no one else is feeling as miserable as this. I'm still grateful though. Now I just need to try and get some sleep.
I can't believe this. I can't sleep (that's why I'm up reading) and I decided to weigh myself when I went to the bathroom. I've been dreading it because I knew I must have gained. Not only have I not gained any weight, but I'm down a pound or two. :confused: What is up with that?

Ok, I'm miserable and I am feeling like the drunkard that repeats they will never ever drink again if they can just feel better. My head hurts, I'm dizzy, I'm perfectly awful. And it's my own fault knowing what I know about my L & P and deciding to play around with it. I just have to keep in mind that it will only be 3 days or so.

I hope no one else is feeling as miserable as this. I'm still grateful though. Now I just need to try and get some sleep.

Nell, my earlier post I said the exact same thing about the weight!! Just makes no sense to me, but who cares? LOL.

Sorry you're feeling so crappy. You now know what your L&P can do, so now we need to apply what we know ;)
Hope today is a better day for you.
Good morning! I hope you are all doing well this morning. Another good night sleep for me. Those advil pm knock me out! I am such a wimp when it comes to medicine. Even when it says non-drowsy, I am sure to be sleeping within a half hour LOL.

Diane, yes they are tea bags. There are 20 of them in a small round green container. I'll see if I can find it online so you can see what you're looking for. It is sweet, but I think I wold like a bit of splenda in it.

I'll catch up later with you all. I have to try to work for a few hours today. I know Mike will help me, so it will be pretty quick.
Good Morning!

Robin - your ponies just sound so cute. I truly wished that I lived close enough to visit (or maybe just move in with you).

Carol - I am glad that you are in counseling. For me, my ex-husband and I went at different times during our marriage. It was always to fix me and I always bought into it. And, of course, no matter how hard I tried to be perfect, it was never good enough (probably because it wasn't about me to begin with) but I felt like such a failure. The final straw was when a counselor asked him to name three things he admired about me as a mother and he just sat there. We were married for 17 years - it has been 8 years since we separated/divorced. I still miss the guy that I thought I married but I don't miss how unhappy I was the law few years of the marriage. We are still friendly and can talk to each other about our girls. So that is a good thing.

With regard to the green tea discussion, I know that I have mentioned this before, but my favorite way to drink it is use one green tea bag and one peppermint tea bag and usually a packet of stevia. I love it! I drink three or four mugs of this while a work - just keep using the same tea bags....

Robin - I know that you have mentioned the redness. Do you think you might have roscea?

Lisa and Jocelyn - I finally bit the bullet and ordered the canned black soy beans on Amazon. I just could not find them anywhere around here.

The girls and I are going skiing (well, I ski - they snowboard) next weekend. We leave on Sunday afternoon and will ski Monday and Tuesday. I am hoping that by then most of the kids will be back in school and it won't be too crowded. I found coupons online that will give us $20 off of each lift ticket so we will only have to pay $59 instead of $79. Yikes - no wonder I only ski once or twice per year. We are staying in a condo about 10 minutes from the ski resort - they have outside firepits and an ice skating rink at the resort (Northstar for Lisa who will know where I am talking about). My girlfriend owns a little store/deli there so I will get to see her and I am happy about that. I think she and her sister may even ski with me on Monday.

Brad hasn't had a day off in I don't know how long (well, except for Christmas day). His store was even open yesterday! He is taking a week off next week. YAHOO!

Nell - I am sorry about the detox. I will be there today or tomorrow. Whenever I get to the shopping!

My New Years Resolution: I AM GOING TO MAKE 2010 ALL ABOUT ME!

Love you all!
Kathy: Trust Your Pants! I lost more on Step 2 than on Step 1. I’m glad your knee is better. Do you take glucosamine?

Robin: Funny that the ponies went for a roll in the hay, lol! I hope you get your better schedule at work soon.

Diane: Good luck with the job and I hope you get some regular sleep soon! You must be stressed over the job situation and it’s keeping you awake. Are you going back on Step 1 with us for the New Year? We all had improved sleep when we began, so it might really help you. I love Sleepytime tea by Celestial Seasonings. It’s valerian, which you can also buy in capsules. Works great and you can’t become addicted.

Kate: I cried about your ex-husband not saying anything about you as a mother. You are such an amazing mother! Perhaps he was just poor at expressing himself, but I bet your girls let you know all the time just how much they treasure everything you do and are for them. I just found the black soy beans in Safeway. They must have recently added them. Before, I got them at Raleys. Wave at us when you go by to Northstar! It will be so much fun for you all. Yippee about Brad taking some time off! Tom’s taking off tomorrow so we can all spend the day together. He was on call for the whole holiday period because he took over for a guy with 6-yr old twins that wanted to be sure and spend Christmas with his kids. It’s been hard having him gone so much and he’s not likely to volunteer at the holidays again. I use my tea bags over also. We have an instant hot water dispenser at the sink. It’s one of my favorite gadgets.

Nell: I had the headache with you yesterday. Feeling pretty good today. I think my stomach is smaller and I’m at my lowest weight since beginning, so the holiday didn’t hurt me any. Try to up your water intake today and you’ll feel better soon. Write a letter to your future self about how you’re feeling, lol!
Thanks for all the well wishes for my marriage counseling. This is something we've done so much of in our 29 year marriage and it really hasn't worked. Previously, they have all approached it as fixing something that was intact at some point in time. We have never been intact. I think that this therapist gets it though, as when he describes where we are in relationship to each other, he spreads his arms wide and says " this is how far apart you two are". I know I'm there out of choice. The past few years I have moved a safe distance away in hopes of not being so venerable to being hurt by his choices. Robert has always been disengaged and I think this guy is calling him on that and I'm also letting him know that it's just not acceptable and he can either work on being intimate or I will call it quits. I am making a boundary.....that feels good! It scares the heck out of me, because I don't know what I'd do financially if we divorce, but I won't go on the way things are now.

Kate, I'm so sorry you had to endure so much confusion and pain in your previous attempts at counseling with your ex. How frustrating to spend all that time trying to fix something that couldn't be done by you alone. I know that feeling and it's like spinning your wheels in the mud, it gets you no place except upset and feeling powerless. I'm glad you now have Brad. On a happier note, I couldn't find the black soy beans around here either and so I asked my son in LA if he could find some for me. He found them in Japan Town. I know there's a japanese area in The City...maybe your daughter could check that out for you. He found bags of dried black soy beans that were called black beans but the ingredients identified them as soy. They are round balls compared to what we call black beans. I found the canned black soy beans by Eden Farms at my local health food store but the cost was prohibitive since one can would not feed my family.

Kathy, I'm glad your knee is better and you know what to do for it now. Thanks for the coupon links! How wonderful that the organization bug has hit and is making things more comfortable. I'm not terribly disorganized, but there are some things that i truly don't know where they "belong" and the bug could come help me with those. Or "the good house cleaning fairy" that I have been waiting for... I have this dream of waking up some morning to a clean, organized house. Of course, it would only last a few hours until the kids and grandkids woke up and started living their lives again. LOL

Daniele, Sorry you're feeling so crumby these first few days of step 1. I'm glad you didn't gain any weight from your indiscretions during the holidays...I know that I did even though I don't have a scale. You are doing so great, Daniele and we are all here for you when you feel down. I know we are all going to make this year of 2010 wonderful...filled with less weight from personal issues and physical pounds.

Diane, I hope that the job of your dreams ( or the dreams you would have if you were SLEEPING ) comes along and eases your stress. Thanks for the kind wishes and prayers... I can feel the Lord's strength and guidance with me.

Lisa, Give J P a big hug and kiss from all of us and I wish him a safe trip back to the wetlands. I'm glad he's trying to eat and live healthier like his parents. Yes, we did enjoy Julie and Julia. I was only disappointed that they didn't meet in the end. I plan to watch it again as the the kids and grandkids descended on us for dinner and my watching was kind of hit and miss for the second half.

Robin, I'm thinking of you and your 13 hours of work today. Maybe it will be quiet and not too many crabby people to deal with. Sounds like you run an exclusive resort for Pampered Ponies. And you thought you were the one in charge. :lmao:

We're working around the property today trying to clean up some of the "great finds" that my husband has brought home. Hopefully at least one car will go and a bunch of boxes will get shipped to the dumps.


Feast upon the Words of Christ
Good morning!

Kathy, the weight this is weird I agree. But our bodies aren't normal anyway.

Smoothie ingredients are on their way home as I write, so I'm looking forward to that. My head isn't hurting today but I'm craving really badly. Thanks Lisa for the idea to write a letter to myself. And I love the "roll in the hay" joke! :rotfl:

Kate, I hope you all have a wonderful time skiing. Too bad we can't get Lisa to just happen to run into you there with her family. We might push romance along. :rotfl:

Pony, I hope you get the best hours you can. If your always there for them and willing to put in the extra on the job, I don't see how they wouldn't give you better hours. It should go to someone who has earned it.

Well, talk to everyone soon. Everyone have a good Saturday!:grouphug:


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