DAY SEVEN- Saturday the 13th

We got up at about 8, got dressed and did our usual concierge breakfast. We then headed out to the bus stop one last time. (warning: I am one of the most sentimental people you will every encounter and will probably depress you before the day is over!);)


sunrise from our room

We waited for about 5 minutes, and got on the MGM bus. We had 11:00 lunch reservations but there were still a couple things we wanted to do at MGM, so we went early. We get there and decide to take some more photo pass pictures. All the ones we had taken so far were pretty boring, so we told his one guy we wanted some fun ones, and he told us to do poses, and we he must have seriously taken about 15-20 pictures. After that I wished we had done fun pictures all along!

***I forgot to mention, this was the day of the Saints/eagles playoff game, and I am seriously a HUGE HUGE HUGE saints fan. I was born a saints fan. Growing up in NOLA it kinda just happens. I am also one of the most competitive people you will ever meet, and I have to get everything done I need to get done for Monday on Saturday b/c I watch football ALL DAY on Sunday. We run out of church so we can get home for the game. Is that sad? Ok. Just thought I would throw that in….it will help you understand me and my choice of t-shirt for this day haha****

ok back on track…i will only post a few but there are tons more!


one of my favorites




We headed towards “the hat” and saw none other than chip and dale! We had not gotten any character pics except mike and sully and the ones from 1900 park fare, so I was really excited, and the line was not long at all! When we got up there I showed them my ring and they freaked out and played with my veil. It was really cute.


We then looked over to the other side and it was POOH! I told sickly we HAD to take our pics with this handsome fellow and he agreed, and that line was short, too. The lady said pooh was going inside in 5 min. and stitch was coming out. What the heck! I am a “big kid” and I’m old school, I wanted to see pooh, not stitch! I freaked out hoping the kids In front of me would hurry, and we made it! Yay!


After that we headed towards Indiana jones. I LOVE Indiana jones stunt show, and we didn’t get to see it the other day when we were here, there was just too much to do! We walked up towards it and there were people going in, and a cast member standing outside. And that’s when we saw it….a sign…it said “Indian jones will not be showing today due to the dance/cheer competition” WHAT?!?! I peeked in and saw a huge banner…it was true! WHAT?!?! I was SO MAD! The cast member just kinda shrugged his shoulders. Uuuuuhhhh! Stupid cheerleaders and stupid dancers walking around everywhere with so much makeup on they could scare small children! (nothing against them I was just mad!) gggrrr….I was also annoyed that sickly was excited about it…..

***another side note***

sickly is a beast. After he played football all those years, he was supposed to play for the college we went to, Mississippi College, but had to have that surgery and so he became a cheerleader. (huge jump, I know) but since he is so freaking strong he was really good at it and cheered for 5 years in competions etc. him and his stunt partner missed being the top 25 by like 4 slots a couple years ago, and he had a hurt shoulder, so they would have made it. Some of the stuff he does scares the crap out of me for obvious reasons, and he is always trying to get me to stunt with him/teach me how. We do in the pool sometime sbut I refuse on hard groud. 1) I don’t weight 87 pounds, 2.)scared of heights 3.) just not my thing. I ama volleyball/basketball player.


pretty impressive.

how many ppl do you know that can do this?

**sickly wanted to throw stunts for the photo pass people....I said a very firm NO...every day...for the whole trip...haha

So anyway, he would have loved to stay and watch, or better yet, find some girls he could toss around. Ug! I was appalled! :scared:

So we went to the honey I shrunk the kids playground. Fun! I had to get my picture taken. Me and my sis have a pic with both of us on this thing from like…..12 or so years ago, so I thought it would be sweet. *sniff sniff*:sad1:


then we went to the stunt show. It started at 10:00 or 10:15, I forgot, but I thought surely it wont last more than 20 mintues and we would have plenty of time to make it to 50’s. well….it lasted a long time…..we booked it over to 50’s and got there at 11:15, and we walk fast! That was a long stunt show! We were seated within 5 minutes, and it just so happens we were at a table with poodle stuff everywhere. Figurines, pictures, etc. it was a perfect fit since we have a poodle and I love poodles! Sickly just rolled his eyes…. But I got a pic of him with some poodle stuff!:goodvibes


Now I have been here before so I know all the “tricks” and games the waiters play on you, and when I went to the bathroom I made sure to remember what color the soap was, and when I got back I was asked if I washed my hands, and before he could say anything I said “yes and it was blue!” haha I ruined his joke. I was pleased. It was funny b/c both times I have been here my waiter has been….of the homosexual persuasion. Which is fine with me, but sickly has this thing about other men potentially looking at him/checking it out, so I got a kick out of it the whole time. Sickly was making some great faces and it was fun. :rotfl2:




looking at desserts

I got a milkshake for my drink, big mistake! It filled me up…it was so heavy, I hardly ate my food! But of course I got dessert…:angel:



Our “cousin” also made another family get up and come to our table and say congratulations. It was funny. Well we didn’t really have anything else we wanted to see in MGM so we headed for thed bus stop.

Coming up….stupid parents, I make a new friend, and the best night and dinner of the trip!
So anyway, he would have loved to stay and watch, or better yet, find some girls he could toss around. Ug! I was appalled! :scared:

This is HIGHlarious! Find some girls he could toss around?! :rotfl2: I busted out laughing at my desk. And those photos of him balancing cheerleaders on ONE HAND were amazing!

OK, I can totally understand not wanting to be tossed around, but you are so lucky to have a guy who can swoop you up in his arms. Any guy who tried to pick me up would wind up with a hernia! :rotfl:
***I forgot to mention, this was the day of the Saints/eagles playoff game, and I am seriously a HUGE HUGE HUGE saints fan. I was born a saints fan. Growing up in NOLA it kinda just happens. I am also one of the most competitive people you will ever meet, and I have to get everything done I need to get done for Monday on Saturday b/c I watch football ALL DAY on Sunday. We run out of church so we can get home for the game. Is that sad? Ok. Just thought I would throw that in….it will help you understand me and my choice of t-shirt for this day haha****

Oh my goodness, you sound exactly like me! Except, I am a HUGE Giants fan. My parents actually met at Giants stadium b/c my 2 grandpas were the architects for Giants stadium. They got engaged there too. So, it's in my blood. Seriously, I do nothing on Sundays either but watch football! I have lived in SC and GA for the past 6 1/2 years, but I fly home all the time just so I can go to the Giants home games.. I have serious issues :rotfl: I even have a tattoo of a Giants helmet on my behind! I told you I have serious issues :laughing:

It's nice to know there's another girl who loves pro-football as much as me. And I appreciate your Saints beating the Eagles that day, b/c I hate the Eagles!

The two pics of you guys goofing around are so cute! I cannot believe how strong Sickly is, that's crazy!
lurkyloo- haha it is pretty coll that he can, its just not my thing, but its fun to watch!

Maggimus-thanks! i got it at a little boutique in destin, FL a couple years ago. i also have one like it that is pink and white/clear, i love them!

JJclemson-that is so funny! I dont have any tatoos, that is so funny! but i do have quite a bit of "stuff" but the who dat shirt is my fav. my parents grew up in NOLA and were huge fans, my dad saw their first game ever in tulane stadium many years ago, and we used to have season tickets, but now they are hard to get and really freakin expensive :( all sickly's friends laugh at me when i can quote who plays what position, their stats, etc. etc. and their coach sean payton lives about a mile from my house! (well, my parents house now I guess since i got married!) so it is just crazy! we love it! i was so upset this sunday I didnt know what to do with myself, nothing to watch!:scared1:
Don't ya love Destin? We will probobly go there this year for one of our vacations-- last trip we stayed at Sterling Sands... and it was real nice. DH's family LOVES AJ's... ever ate there?

Hmm... I hope I run across cute watches like that when I go...
Don't ya love Destin? We will probobly go there this year for one of our vacations-- last trip we stayed at Sterling Sands... and it was real nice. DH's family LOVES AJ's... ever ate there?

Hmm... I hope I run across cute watches like that when I go...

I love it! i was there in august with some of my bridesmaids for a "heathers last time to be single in destin" trip. it was fun, and its only like, 4 and 1/2 hours from my house in NOLA.

i got the watch in some little store in a strip center behind outback steakhouse right on the hwy...thats all i remember! it was like...3 years ago !
My fiancee is the biggest Saints fan....I'm so sad they didnt make it to the super bowl!!! Soooooooooo close!!! Maybe next year!
I totally forgot we were there on the same days. Saturday the 13th was when I had my Ravens jersey on. We went to AK in the morning, then EPSN for lunch and the game, and then Epcot. I can't wait to see where you go next to see if we were in the same park that evening. Now I have to go back and read your last post to see where you were on Friday :) We were in DTD and Epcot and saw some bride and groom ears in Epcot.

I'm really sentimental too and have a really really really hard time saying goodbye and letting go of things. I'm sure you'll jerk a few tears out of me when this all comes to an end. One, because I'll feel your sadness, and two, because your TR will be over! :(
thmar- the ones from 50's? that was smores, and the other a hot fudge sundae!

SRUalmn- friday we were at DTD in the morning and for lunch and then epcot same time as you!!! how funny!:wizard:

and the saints WILL make it to the super bowl next year!
Wonderful, wonderful trip report. You guys take outstanding photos. I have been reading your trip and dining report all day at work. And I work 12 hours a day! It has kept me going. I had my honeymoon last October and my dh also got sick.:sick: It was our last night and after eating at Ohana's. Sorry to say, it is apparent that we will not be eating there again. It only lasted that night, thank god, because I do not think I could have handled him on a plane for two and a half hours.:eek:
ok friends, sorry this one took so long, but I was very "wordy" today! and this is only a half day's post! haha

DAY SEVEN continued

So we walked to the bus stop, our last visit to a park on our trip. *sigh* I really wanted to go back to the MK just to BE there, but, I was good and didn’t ask. So we are standing in line at the bus stop with about 4 other people in front of us, and this family walks up behind us with the must unruly children I have ever seen in my life. (I have worked in child care so I have seen some unruly children!) let me paint ya a little picture: there was a mom and dad and three boys, one about 5 or 6, one about 2 and ½ or 3, and another about 15 months or so? Well, the dad had the stroller outside the ropes in between the ropes and the street I guess b/c it wouldn’t fir or he just wanted to wait there.
Anyway, the two oldest children were in the stroller (it was a front/back stroller) the one in the back was the youngest, and he kept kicking the oldest boy, who in turn would turn around, scream, and hit his brother. :guilty: Meanwhile, the mother is wrestling, seriously, wresting with the youngest boy, who had just moments earlier run out in front of a bus and gave everyone quite a scare. The poor boy was obviously exhausted, and he was screaming/crying/throwing a tantrum. The mom screams at the boy, the dad screams at the boy, then the mom screams at the dad. In front of everyone! It was so “tense” everyone was just in shock. Then the dad would yell at the two boys in the stroller and they would cry and keep hitting each other.
After about 5 minutes of this, the woman’s sister (they looked alike so I guessed that’s who it was) walked up with her husband and so now the uncle is trying to hold the youngest and shut him up. The mom tries to feed him and he wont eat….the bus just needed to come and get us out of there! The mom kept screaming “he needs a nap! If he had his nap he’d be fine! He needs to lay down!” this kid was seriously having a break down. So after 5 or so more minutes of the parents screaming at each other and at the kids, the kids beating on each other…the bus came. Thank God!!! I thought things would calm down….no…we went to the wilderness lodge, Polynesian, and then the GF, luckily they got off at the Poly, but seriously this kid SCREAMED the whole way back.:mad:

FYI PARENTS. Does your child take a nap at the same time everyday? Ok then, don’t WAIT until your kid is about to have a breakdown and say “oh crap, maybe we should leave the park!?!?!” leave earlier so you can get back and let your kid rest. I mean this is not rocket science folks! Aaahhh!!!! Ok sorry about that….we did have fun on the bus though.

The bus was very crowded, and there was a dad with a little girl, the most beautiful little blonde hair blue eyed 3 year old I have ever seen. There was no where to sit, and he was trying to maneuver her stroller, hold her, etc. so I told him my DH would stand so his daughter could sit, he said thanks and plopped her down next to me. She looked up at me and jus stared. It was so cute, and I couldn’t figure it out. I started talking to her dad and found out he is from the area in Atlanta where I lived many many years ago. He told me his daughter (anna rae) was obsessed with princesses, and more specifically brides, and that she was mesmerized with me b/c of my bride ears, she thought I was one of the princesses! It was so cute! Her dad told me she turns 3 on this trip. Also, that she watches her parents wedding video over and over! She has 2 older brothers, and I wished him luck b/c she is going to be a little heart breaker! She was so friendly and asked me questions and just kept staring at my ears. They got off the bus at the poly and she looked at me and said “are you going to be on the bus next time?” in this sweet little voice. Oh it broke my heart! I told her I wasn’t sure and they were gone. How sad. I would have loved to have stolen her. Well..not really…but you know what I mean. I’m weird like that. I meet nice people randomly one time and then am sad when I have to leave! Haha. Ok I know that was kinda random….:scared1:

Ok so we go back to the room and remember we needed to change our dinner reservations. They were for 7:00, and this was a no no b/c the saints game came on at 8, and we were eating at narcoses and I knew it would take a long time.(I’m pathetic I know) We changed the ressies for 6, and decided to go to the pool. Yay! I rummaged through my suitcase and realized I had only brought the bottoms to my swimsuit. Bummer. So we decided to go lay out and relax and I would just have to wear a tank top. we stopped by concierge to get drinks and snacks, and then We found a nice little area with no ones around by the pool. Very soon we had some friends.:)



I had pretzels, and they seemed to like that, so we had fun with them and fed them from our hands and petted them. Then sickly and I both layed back and started to read. Very soon, I fell asleep. I woke up an hour later freezing! Sickly said he felt bad waking me up but it had been a while and it was starting to get cold, the sun had gone away. So we jumped up and went back to the room where we showered and got ready for dinner.

I was real excited about this dinner, I have heard great things about it and since we were using the dining plan (2 TS each) we could order whatever we want! Sicklys fav. Food of all time Is lobster, and it is one of the few places that serves it, so I really wanted this to be a treat for him.

We got kind of dressed up (to sickly dressing up is khaki pants and a polo) and I wore heels, black pants and a sweater, and I straightened my hair( something I very rarely do b/c I’m lazy!) we walked over from the main building towards the lake. (it was nice to not actually have to go anywhere) and we were seated immediately. I am glad we made reservations and didn’t just show up b/c they were turning ppl away that didn’t have ressies! We got a wonderful seat about ½ way down against the window. Our server was a nice middle aged lady and I can’t remember her name now.
She asked how we were and I said sad b/c it was the last night of our honeymoon, and she asked if we were both at least 21. uh! Hello! C’mon now, seriously….growing up ppl always thought I was older than I was, sickly looks grown up, and she asked us this…..anyway, she came back with free champagne. Yay! It was good, too!****we don’t really drink, I will have a glass of wine on the very rare occasion, and sickly has had like, 3 drinks in his life!*** but it was nice. Sickly got a little…silly which you will see later.



It was still a little daylight and it was just so nice! We ordered drinks and appetizers, and ate some bread, which is so good by the way!
I am such a picky eater, so nothing on the menu really caught my eye for an appetizer, so I ordered the cheese tray…..i was not a fan. I don’t like fru fru food, and this was not good. Sickly said it was, but not to me. Yuck. He got crab cakes and said they were excellent.:thumbsup2

Sickly had ordered the lobster (of course) and me the filet mingon.



Sickly’s lobster was 2 and ¼ pounds! He still didn’t have his appetite back fully, but he was not going to let that stop him! It was SO GOOD! Sickly loved his lobster and the filet….was the best I have ever had in my life! I am drooling now just thinking about it! Whatever sauce they put on it was so good! I ate all of it! Sickly ate Almost every bite of his lobster. Sickly then got a little silly with his lobster, which by the way he named stan. (go figure)

100_2436.jpg this is my favorite picture from the whole week! hehe! he would kill me if he saw this!:rotfl:



he ate almost all of it!

Yes I know, what a comedian. It was really really funny. We ordered sorbet and almond crusted cheesecake for dessert, both were so good. The sorbet had a lot of fresh fruit with it and the cheesecake was DIVINE! Aaahhh!!!



So good. They put an edible picture in the back of sleeping beauty and cinderella for us, that was sweet. I looked at my watch, it was 7:53! We had to hurry! We asked the lady for our bill and gave her our card as we scarfed down the rest of our dessert. We signed the paper and seriously ran out of there to the main building and up to our room just as the game was coming on. We were sitting on the sofa watching the beginning and all of the sudden I look directly to the left of the TV and wishes had started! I said to sickly “it can’t get much better than this, sitting in your beautiful room, watching wishes out you window and the saints play at the same time!” it was heaven!
It was an intense first half, and I had put my “who dat” shirt back on. At half time we went to the concierge lounge and got some snacks, and some eagles fans were watching the game in the lounge and we just kinda looked at each other….it was weird! We then ran to gasparillas b/c I wanted a Mickey bar (wha’ts new) and we went back and enjoyed the second half. What fun! I was so excited we won, I wished I had brought more than one saints shirt so I could wear one the next day!
I told sickly I was depressed about leaving, but since the saints won it wasn’t so bad. We fell asleep about midnight and set our alarm for 8:30, we had counter service meals left to use and wanted to get breakfast and lunch b4 we left. I went to sleep that night looking out at the castle, I knew this would be the last time I saw it at night from my beautiful room at the beautiful Grand Floridian.:sad1:
That little girl sounds so cute!! The innocence is amazing-- I wish I was still that oblivious to the real world..

I cant believe your DH ate that whole lobster-- I love lobster-- and it looked really tasty-- but 2.5 LBS?? WOW.... he had to have been feeling better. The photos of him goofing off are soo cute!!

BTW- your hair looks super cute straightened!!:hug:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Sorry Heatherlynn.....I thought you were talking about the last playoff game for the Saints..........whoops. I definintely was NOT rooting for Chicago in that game!!! :)

I'm glad they won the game you watched with Wishes outside of your window...that sound so wonderful!!
Fun day!! It's so weird to think we were in the same places Friday and Saturday and never saw each other. I was SO GLAD the Saints won because, being Ravens fans, we don't like the Eagles :( Sounds like you had a great day :) :) That cheesecake made my DF drool!! That's a cool way to serve it!

I totally agree about parents that push their kids too far too! I'm a teacher and have been a preschool director, so I'm also tuned in to that age group. It's awful to see parents screaming at their kids and hitting their kids when it's their own fault their child is having a melt down.
Those pictures of Sickly playing w/ the lobster are so funny! So you liked Narcoossee's? I made ADRs there for our disneymoon too. I don't think I'll like it but DF loves seafood. I don't think he could eat 2 1/2 lbs of lobster though :rotfl:
Maggimus-thanks for the compliments! sickly is one of those people who if you just met him, hes super-serious and you would never know that with me he is constantly NUTS! its funny to see him interact with strangers/aquaintences and be so serious!

kmab00-it was so wonderful! it was a great way to top off our trip on our last night!

SRUAlmn-if you like cheesecake, you would LOVE this one! it was so rich though! yeah....some parents are just crazy. and I mean its not like it was her first child and she didn't know what to do, she had a 6 year old! thats the worst part of working in childcare...the parents! i have had one too many "confrences" with parents not b/c of something the child did that was their fault, but something that happened as a result of what a parent did or said. ug!

JJClemson-narcossees was our favorite meal! I hate seafood but that filet was just so good! I reccomend it if you are a "landlubber" like myself. i would go back just for the dessert, too!
Halarious! Just halarious! :lmao:

That's something that I would totally do with the lobster claws

Looks like you had fun!


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