Girls Only~ OLD THREAD, new one linked in first post

Hi ladies. I just got off the phone with my mom, who had just gotten the results from a biopsy during her colonoscopy. Turns out she has rectal cancer and will need to have surgery as soon as they can schedule it.

I have no idea when it will be, but wanted to let you know that if it is scheduled during the period around our trip, I may need to drop out. I need to go back to CO to be with my mom after the surgery. I'm the closest to her and she really views me as her comfort so I will need to be there for her during the immediate recovery period.

If you pray, would you please say a prayer for my momma? Her name is Jane. :goodvibes

Prayers being sent your mom's way. My former youth pastor, Danny's wife had rectal cancer but they were able to get it all out and she's been many years cancer free. I hope the surgery goes smoothly and your mom recovers quickly.


Dan just told me that the price went up a wee bit this year. Not sure why, maybe it's because we are ordering less? But anyway, the total per lanyard is $4.00 now. I hope that's not a problem for anyone. :goodvibes

No prob, bob.
My mommy and daddy are coming home today! :woohoo:
I'm leaving for LAX around 4pm and I'm very excited to see them.
Hi ladies. I just got off the phone with my mom, who had just gotten the results from a biopsy during her colonoscopy. Turns out she has rectal cancer and will need to have surgery as soon as they can schedule it.

I have no idea when it will be, but wanted to let you know that if it is scheduled during the period around our trip, I may need to drop out. I need to go back to CO to be with my mom after the surgery. I'm the closest to her and she really views me as her comfort so I will need to be there for her during the immediate recovery period.

If you pray, would you please say a prayer for my momma? Her name is Jane. :goodvibes

Saying lots of prayers for your mom! We understand :grouphug:
I think that I can handle it!


Dan just told me that the price went up a wee bit this year. Not sure why, maybe it's because we are ordering less? But anyway, the total per lanyard is $4.00 now. I hope that's not a problem for anyone. :goodvibes
Hi ladies. I just got off the phone with my mom, who had just gotten the results from a biopsy during her colonoscopy. Turns out she has rectal cancer and will need to have surgery as soon as they can schedule it.

I have no idea when it will be, but wanted to let you know that if it is scheduled during the period around our trip, I may need to drop out. I need to go back to CO to be with my mom after the surgery. I'm the closest to her and she really views me as her comfort so I will need to be there for her during the immediate recovery period.

If you pray, would you please say a prayer for my momma? Her name is Jane. :goodvibes

So sorry to hear this. You and your family are in our prayers.

Dan just told me that the price went up a wee bit this year. Not sure why, maybe it's because we are ordering less? But anyway, the total per lanyard is $4.00 now. I hope that's not a problem for anyone. :goodvibes

No problem thanks for ordering them and doing the nametags!:thumbsup2
Sure, I'll add you. I don't have a sign up list for the Billys. Tina, are you keeping one? Or are we just going to save a bunch of tables? I can save one. Shirley I'm sure will save one. I think we can end up with most of the place being for us. :rotfl:

Good morning ladies!!! Hope you all have a good day. I have no clue what we are doing today but I hope we go out and do something. I don't want to sit around bored. We'll see.

Later!! :hippie:


Hi ladies. I just got off the phone with my mom, who had just gotten the results from a biopsy during her colonoscopy. Turns out she has rectal cancer and will need to have surgery as soon as they can schedule it.

I have no idea when it will be, but wanted to let you know that if it is scheduled during the period around our trip, I may need to drop out. I need to go back to CO to be with my mom after the surgery. I'm the closest to her and she really views me as her comfort so I will need to be there for her during the immediate recovery period.

If you pray, would you please say a prayer for my momma? Her name is Jane. :goodvibes


Callie~ I am so sorry. My thoughts are with your momma & you.
Callie I am so sorry to hear about your mom!! Many prayers to you and your mom!! Please keep us informed and OBVIOUSLY your mom's health comes first and we certainly understand!!

Thanks Kerry about the GS thing. It is just frustrating because I so wanted this to be something special that the girls could do all the way through school with the same troop! They have had to switch soccer teams so many times and even their swim team and I want them to be in ONE cohesive group but that never seems to happen. Oh well! I am sure eventually I will end up having to either change troops or they will just move away from it all together but I am bummed because it can be a very rewarding thing if the troop is a good one!

Anyway basketball was good and the weather is REALLY bad in Truckee so my parents didn't go for once and were able to watch so it was nice! The kids all played a lot better than I thought they would and it was fun! :) Then we all went and had lunch and then went to sams. Then we just came home and I had to get on the phone with Verizon cuz we somehow got charged for some bogus txt messages. THIS is why I don't text. We somehow got signed up for some monthly service for 10.00 a month each that we didn't even KNOW we did! So I had to get THAT fixed and we are trying to get our phones switched over to unlimited from minutes since their prices went down on their unlimited plans and then I am still trying to work out what to do on Lynn's line. They told me if I could have gotten the phone back I could have turned it back in and waived the 400 early termination fee. OHHH I was mad! Don't get me started! She promised Shane she was not only going to send the phone back but pay him for her bill for this past month which of course she did NEITHER. NOW she is going to cost us 400 bucks! GRRRRRRR

She has not even contacted Shane in 2 weeks and I told him she KNOWS better cuz we would go off on her right about now. She prob got the phone turned back on in her own name. NICE! Considering WE bought it for her and WE are paying for the 2 year contract on it! UGH! Teenagers!

Anyway tonight we are going to go to mom and dad's for dinner which will be nice.

Hope everyone has a good rest of your day and talk later.
Oh Callie, I'm so sorry that your mom has to deal with this. I pray that recovery happens quickly and easily. Having just been through similar times with my Dad, I understand how draining that can be on you. :hug:

We completely understand if you have to drop out at the last minute.

Thanks again everyone for the input on my little girl. I really think she is a she. :goodvibes I'm so glad God's answer to my wish was the one I desired!
Hi ladies. I just got off the phone with my mom, who had just gotten the results from a biopsy during her colonoscopy. Turns out she has rectal cancer and will need to have surgery as soon as they can schedule it.

I have no idea when it will be, but wanted to let you know that if it is scheduled during the period around our trip, I may need to drop out. I need to go back to CO to be with my mom after the surgery. I'm the closest to her and she really views me as her comfort so I will need to be there for her during the immediate recovery period.

If you pray, would you please say a prayer for my momma? Her name is Jane. :goodvibes
Sorry for the news...sending prayers and pixie dust to your mom and your family! :wizard:

I ran into the scavenger hunt clue crew this morning at DL.....tough looking gorup with clip boards in hand!! LOL Better watch out ;)

I also got a few texts from Mary Jo, who was at DTD for the Flash mob freeze! I really wanted to make it over there to join them or take pictures, but my work schedule didn't let me! I can't wait to hear more about it!

Today we had sun.........yippeeeee! It felt so great to be outside even if it was a bit chilly, and our mountains are absolutely breathtaking from all the snow they got!
Kelly, I'm sorry the transfer has been so hard for you. It sounds like it has been a pain for others as well. You know, there are sites such as zazzle or that can make the t-shirt for you. Dan would just need to upload a higher resolution art. I thought the issue most ladies complained about with ordering that way was that there was no way to determine exact fit.
Callie---I also want to thank you for all your and Dan's work. ANd will repeat, if anyone needs ironing help, I can bring my iron and ironing board to the meet. I can, it would be no big deal, if a bit domestic of me.

Are we still doing a group animation drawing after the Ariel lunch?

Yes, please! Although I am not going to the lunch, so I'll need a heads-up for when the lunchers think they'll head over there. I believe they do the "classes" every half hour, so I was thinking 3 or 3:30?

I am not doing the lunch either and have never done the animation thing. Pick me pick me!!!!!

Hi ladies. I just got off the phone with my mom, who had just gotten the results from a biopsy during her colonoscopy. Turns out she has rectal cancer and will need to have surgery as soon as they can schedule it.

I have no idea when it will be, but wanted to let you know that if it is scheduled during the period around our trip, I may need to drop out. I need to go back to CO to be with my mom after the surgery. I'm the closest to her and she really views me as her comfort so I will need to be there for her during the immediate recovery period.

If you pray, would you please say a prayer for my momma? Her name is Jane. :goodvibes

Oh, I am sorry Callie, I will keep her in my thougts

Also, another option for those who haven't done it yet and don't have a good printer: go to your local Kinkos and see if they can. Usually you can just put the image on a thumb drive and bring it in. They can open it, position it and print it for you. And don't be scared of the Iron on. Compared to the white iron ons, the dark t-shirt iron ons are easy and pretty forgiving.

What a great idea. I am all set as Sarah sent me some transfers...but I would have never thought of this.


Oh, and hi!!!
Hi ladies--home from DLR where it was FREEZING! My hands are still numb.

It was great to see Melody and Linda (and for a brief time Jill) and work on the hunt (hee hee hee). I'm not telling you anything about our day because I don't want to give you any clues!! I'll leave that for Ms. Melody.

This afternoon power went out to Big Thunder, Fantasyland and Toon Town--not sure why--was out for a couple of hours I think. It had just come on when we were leaving. Very weird--they had lots of characters out to make up for it.

Other than that:

Callie: I am so sorry about your Mom and will say prayers and think good thoughts.

Ok--off to feed the animals!

Callie I am so sorry to hear about your mom!! Many prayers to you and your mom!! Please keep us informed and OBVIOUSLY your mom's health comes first and we certainly understand!!

Thanks Kerry about the GS thing. It is just frustrating because I so wanted this to be something special that the girls could do all the way through school with the same troop! They have had to switch soccer teams so many times and even their swim team and I want them to be in ONE cohesive group but that never seems to happen. Oh well! I am sure eventually I will end up having to either change troops or they will just move away from it all together but I am bummed because it can be a very rewarding thing if the troop is a good one!

Anyway basketball was good and the weather is REALLY bad in Truckee so my parents didn't go for once and were able to watch so it was nice! The kids all played a lot better than I thought they would and it was fun! :) Then we all went and had lunch and then went to sams. Then we just came home and I had to get on the phone with Verizon cuz we somehow got charged for some bogus txt messages. THIS is why I don't text. We somehow got signed up for some monthly service for 10.00 a month each that we didn't even KNOW we did! So I had to get THAT fixed and we are trying to get our phones switched over to unlimited from minutes since their prices went down on their unlimited plans and then I am still trying to work out what to do on Lynn's line. They told me if I could have gotten the phone back I could have turned it back in and waived the 400 early termination fee. OHHH I was mad! Don't get me started! She promised Shane she was not only going to send the phone back but pay him for her bill for this past month which of course she did NEITHER. NOW she is going to cost us 400 bucks! GRRRRRRR

She has not even contacted Shane in 2 weeks and I told him she KNOWS better cuz we would go off on her right about now. She prob got the phone turned back on in her own name. NICE! Considering WE bought it for her and WE are paying for the 2 year contract on it! UGH! Teenagers!

Anyway tonight we are going to go to mom and dad's for dinner which will be nice.

Hope everyone has a good rest of your day and talk later.

Sorry about the hassles Kel, but just remember at one point we were all teens, some of us chose the right pathway, some of us were trying to figure out the right pathway. All we can do is love our kids no matter what they put us through, how angry they make us, how much money they cost us, it is just the ups and downs and bumps in life. Someday teens realize their mistakes and change for the better. :upsidedow

Try just lowering her line to a cheaper amount, change her number, get a cheapo phone and keep it for the girls. So when they are at GS, or some event or practice, they have a way of getting a hold of you.
Hi ladies--home from DLR where it was FREEZING! My hands are still numb.

It was great to see Melody and Linda (and for a brief time Jill) and work on the hunt (hee hee hee). I'm not telling you anything about our day because I don't want to give you any clues!! I'll leave that for Ms. Melody.

This afternoon power went out to Big Thunder, Fantasyland and Toon Town--not sure why--was out for a couple of hours I think. It had just come on when we were leaving. Very weird--they had lots of characters out to make up for it.

Other than that:

Callie: I am so sorry about your Mom and will say prayers and think good thoughts.

Ok--off to feed the animals!


I hope you get warm!!
The wireless internet card thingy in my laptop is broken! So for now I am tied to the wall with a LAN cord. BOO!
Hi ladies.

First off, Callie, I posted this on FB but wanted to say again that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your mom. :hug:

I did read back, but that was about all I can remember reading. I hope everyone is doing well this weekend. Sounds like the sun is finally out for many of you. It was here and when I woke up the mountains were covered in snow. Such a pretty view from my bedroom window!!! :goodvibes




Noelle and I spent part of the day at the Las Vegas Women's Fair. It was free and they had lots of booths set up offering raffles, and all sorts of freebies.

They also had the Divas from the Frank Marino show there doing a sample show. We are going to see that as a group when some of the ladies come out in June. :yay: So here is a sneak peek for ya! (Oh, and I scored coupons for half off our tickets in June! YAY!!)

Here are some shots of them: (I posted these on FB too, but I know not all of you are on there)





This was the Britney Spears performer:


And this is a video of some of the Thunder from Down Under guys: (click to play)


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