Goal Getting....my journey....lmhall2000

Disneyenthusiastic....I'm soo sad...their attorney objected to every piece of evidence saying that I could have just taken my dog for 4 hours of surgery and claim it necessary...without the veterinarian there none of my evidence was admitted...for lack of it he ruled in their favor...I've cried and cried it's just pathetic...I did file an appeal..but I feel that won't do any good. I'm meeting with an attorney tomorrow who knows what is going on and trying to find the bottom of this or if we're just out the $3000...and sadly, if we're out the $3000 we're out the Disney trip in May...we just don't have the funds.

So this has been one whamboozle year...a year without their father...a year trying to sell this house...seeing our dog injured and having to put her through this..and me trying to lose 40 pounds...the good news is the stress is cutting my appetite...I am praying at least trying to pray for the defendant's...they are going to lead miserable lives if they continue living like they have....

I walked 5 miles yesterday and 4 miles this am...the scale was up to 187.5 from 186 yesterday...usually I'm up after my long walks....guess it's those muscles building themselves...I had a salad, bacon and 1/2 a piece of toast, chicken broth, 4 cheetos, 5 sips of a chocolate milkshake and 5 doritos. It certainly wasn't an on-plan day but it wasn't a gaining day...this is the last week of weighing daily and I'm ready to weigh weekly again...I think these past 8 weeks have really made me conscious of portion control and choosing wisely. I just need the mental break of watching the scale bounce.

Thanks guys.
GREAT NEWS GUYS!!! Well, atleast on the life stresses...I was sooo low this weekend and this morning but I made a batch of homemade chocolate chip cookies to take to the attorney who helped me last week. I had written to a pro se group about my case and they said I blew my chances and to get over it. They weren't very easy on the let-down, to say the least. So I was sure I was out of our money. Well, the attorney today LOVED my cookies and corrected my understanding...I did not appeal the decision I appealed it to a higher court and it's just like throwing out that case ever happened...so I do get a new trial and he assured me I would win! :) I just have to subpoena the vet and unfortunately with the new case and new court there can be many nuisance continuances...the poor vet could lose lots of money just to show up for my case if the other side continues and continues...ugh! But must be positive...on a down note...I managed to AVOID all licking of fingers while making the cookies...even stuck to two slimfasts for breakfast/lunch (no appetite) but as soon as I got this good news I came right in and ate two cookies...UGH!!! Why must I reward myself with food? I didn't go crazy...I could have had 4...but I wished I could have not even have gone there...baby steps. baby steps...now I need to go drink some water!

Thanks gang!! Y'all are AWESOME!!!!

Well...at least it's not a lost cause!! I hope everything works out for you :grouphug: I wouldn't worry about the vet...he got his money either way. $3000 is a lot of money...especially if that is your WDW fund! You've had your cookies...now that's enough! You're doing so great!! Keep it up...I know stress is a pain...but you can do it!!

Tara - Don't beat yourself up over just 2 cookies. I know you hate rewarding yourself with food, but it's not like you're doing it all the time and like you said... baby sets.

I'm glad your attorney is staying positive for you. I bet the other group said you blew your chances to teach you a lesson... not to go to court without an attorney :confused3 Why else would they be so rude :earseek:

You have been doing so great, especially with everything going on and such a wonderful supporter for me and everyone else on here. Hang in there :teeth:
Wow! I have been pretty faithful to Oprah's Bootcamp....missed a workout yesterday and today is my official day off but I just couldn't make myself do anything...daughter has been under the weather and I've just had an icky feeling all day as well...just really light headed and NO NO NO energy! I'm hoping I just need some sleep and I'm not coming down with something..I've been sick free since last September!!! I knew it was too good to last...but it's probably more the weather..cold and no sun and rainy...having bad flashbacks of our 2 years in Washington state....shiver!

Tomorrow is weigh in and I sure do hope the sun is out...I have to have sunshine..I don't drink coffee..I just love standing outside and soaking the sun in and breathing the fresh air...haven't had that in 3 days so I'm pretty sure that's what's ailing me. If this keeps up I may just have to go get a cup of coffee tomorrow!

HOUSE PLEASE SELL!!!! MUST SELL!!!! NEED TO SELL!!!! UGH!!! I've had a little too much stress lately, and I'm sure that's catching up with me as well...

Eating went well, though...eggs/bacon...salad for lunch with just pepperoni, ham, olives on it and one carrot stick...dinner was 3 chicken tenders and an unsweet tea. Hopefully the rest tonight will energize me. I'll have to have a piece of wheat toast tomorrow...I'm feeling pretty light headed today.

MUST LOSE 4 pounds by the end of this month!! I want to be 20 pounds gone before the end of March!! :) Then I want to BLAST into the 170's in April and by the end of May I hope to be in the 160's....That'll give me June to get into the 150's!!! :)

Well, I finished my 8 weeks of daily weigh ins...I think it really helped me lose the 15.5 pounds that have come off...now I'm going to switch things up a bit and weigh weekly for the next 8 weeks and see which method works better for me. I won't journal my food daily...but will try and list any cheats so that I keep myself honest...so far no cheats today!! Not even a single chocolate chip...I vowed on another thread to go a week without the little nibbles...and to up my water to atleast 60 ounces a day.

I'm setting a goal of 8 pounds gone by Tax Day April 15, 2005..that will put me at 178.5..that means I will be the lowest I've been in 10 years!!! :) YAHOO!!!! I can do this, I know I can I know I can I know I can!!! Then it'll be just another month until our planned (only if the house sells and we win our case in court) trip to Disney world...I could technically be in the 160's by then!!! :) So I'm going to give it my BEST shot and get these pounds OFF!!! :)

Let's get moving!!!

Hi Tara - I know you can reach your goal. Your such a hard working person and a great cheerleader for everyone else that we'll be cheering you on this time :cheer2: You have so much going on in your life, it's amazing that you've done as well as you have. Hang in there, you're house WILL sell, you WILL win your case and you WILL reach your goal :sunny:
Tara - great job on the weight loss. You have the determination to accomplish your goal by the 4th of July. Your determination and support of all WISHers is heartwarming. You focus on your goal even with everything else you are dealing with.

Keep up the good work. I will be there :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:ing you on as you have been suporting my efforts. Thanks for all the support.
A true inspiration you are! :cheer2: :cheer2:

I have started to read you journal, but it might take me a few days to catch up. Just wanted to let you know that your pics on the first post are amazing.

Keep up the good work. ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
WOW! I just finished reading your journal and can now stay on top of it. You have done really awesome in spite of the little setbacks and curves that life throws your way. YOU ARE SUPERWOMAN! :rotfl2:

Maybe not really and many days you might wonder, but you have a great attitude and a "never say never" spirit. You are definitely going to make it to your goal. Your house will sell soon and I know how frustrating that can be, as we carried two mortgages for almost a year. It actually took a good year for our old house to sell and it is very trying, but hang in there.

Just take one day at a time and know that YOU CAN DO IT!! :cheer2: :cheer2:

Off to begin reading someone else's journal. ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
YAHOO!!! A great weight loss week!!! 3 pounds!!! I'm at 183.5 and only 2.5 pounds from the 60 pound clippie!!! :) YIPPEE!!! I feel GREAT!!! I feel that I can make it through this Easter weekend with only one cheat...it's tradition, I have to have a Cadbury egg....I may opt out for just a Reese's Peanut Butter Egg...haven't decided yet...hope it won't mess me up for next week..I love these big loss weeks...but that usually means the next two weeks are .5 pound losses or maintains...I'm going to do my best to atleast get a pound off the next two weigh ins each.

My April 15th goal is to be down to 178.5...I think I can swing it...and I will be THRILLED to be in the 170's!!! Time for me to try on some of my smaller jeans in the drawers! :)

Let's get to GOAL GANG!!!

Tara - congradulations on your loss :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2: You will be in the 170's in no time.

Have a good day and keep moving

ONward and DOWNward
Congratulations Tara! :cheer2: Keep up the good work. :banana: :banana: You will have to post another picture soon.

Now make sure that you take the "fat clothes" out of the house when you fit into that next size down. Don't need any momentos from the "before" days.

Have a great day! ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
WEIGH to go Tara!!! :cool1: :cheer2: :cool1: :cheer2: :cool1: :cheer2:

That is so awesome that you lost that much and your SO close to those 170's. I can't wait to see you new clippie! Look back and see what you did this past week and see if you can repeat it. Don't worry about the 1 egg... that won't make a difference on the scale. Now if you ate awhole BAG, then THAT might make a little difference ;)

Keep up the great work... keep working out and keep drinking water
Great Job :jumping1: Tara!! I am very proud of your progress! Have a great weekend and a happy Easter!


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