Hakuna Matata: Dash away, dash away, dash away All!

Hi everyone!

Had a great trip despite the cold weather! Got a PB of 2:11:22 on my 1/2 but think I could done better if I had actually prepared for the cold. When I run at home, I'm out the door and running within a few minutes. I didn't think about dressing in layers and keeping warm for an hour before the race. I did some of my dynamic warm ups but was still frozen by the time we started. Thought about running up and down the corral but wondered if I would waste a lot of energy doing that (does it?). I got to start in corral A (thanks Kirstie & Ben :goodvibes) and was still too cold to pull out my camera and snap a few pics of the stage and starting line - I did manage to wiggle my way to the very front before the start. That was fun! :cutie:

Heading to the gym on Monday for my first training session post 1/2. And then training for my 30K starts. The weather seems to be on the warmish side - for Toronto anyway (especially after Disney :laughing: ) I'm hoping it stays that way for the next month or so.

Dave - It was great seeing you again! DF and I were in the BW area a couple of times but I forgot to write down your cell phone so I didn't have a way of getting in touch with you. We have snow on the ground too but the weather above freezing! Hope your GPS is keeping you from getting lost! Enjoy the second part of your vacation!

Margie - :hug::hug: Sorry you didn't get to finish the full! I heard the weather was freezing that day so I'm sure that didn't help at all. Did you figure out what happened to the Goofy bracelet? It's so dark at the start that you practically need a flashlight (or candle for warmth) when you go to the porta-potties. I'm bummed out to hear that you won't be able to do anymore Disney races :sad1:

Sue - Congrats on your two PBs! :cheer2::cheer2: That is awesome!!

Scott - Enjoy MK and Epcot! Remember to bring back some of the warm weather with you! Safe travels!

Lynn - Congrats on the half! I'm glad your knee cooperated and you weren't swept! I would be so nervous with the buses behind me! Good job :) Did the rainy weather keep people out of the parks today? I noticed there were a lot more people around yesterday - probably because of the long weekend? The airport was strangely empty but we were there around 6PM.

Jennifer - 3 stops in the med tents! Wow! Was it from the cold weather or from tight muscles? I'm glad to hear that you finished!

Kim - DF said thought about starting in G but was worried about being swept and time so he started in F. He said he looked back up around mile 12 (Epcot bridge) and saw he had been passed by you and Mike!

Jack - Congrats on finishing the full! I can't remember, was it your first? Any plans for future Disney races?

Connie - It was so great to meet you at Pop! How did you do on the half and full?

Phew! That's enough of a long post - Have a great day everyone! :wave2:
Vicky , Mostly issues due to the cold and then the fall I had around mile 22.

3.75 miles on the treadmill in 30 minutes. Rainy day outside but not nearly as cold as it has been.

Vicki why didn't he call out to us, would have been nice to walk it in with him???

That's what I said!! He said that you guys were far enough up ahead that he didn't think you'd hear if he yelled. I think he recognized you because of the WISH shirts and the Canadian flag :goodvibes

Congrats on Goofy btw! :cheer2: I read your other post and thought it was awesome that you finished in spite of everything. Especially getting that soaker - I will remember that one the next time I have to go and go closer to the road.
Thanks Vicky. We have been to so many races with you guys it would have been nice to walk in with Nathaniel and get a chance to chat....more then the pre-race chat ;)

What do you have planned for 2010?
Hi y'all.

It's been a heck of a fast two weeks for me. I needed a little kick back time after that nasty, yucky, horrid cold of the Goofy weekend so I took a trip to the Smokeys with a running buddy. I feel more relaxed and recharged now. I caught a cold on the race weekend and it's still hanging on, I'm so ready for that to run it's course and quit coughing.

I will start training again in the morning. I haven't done anything more than wandering arond Gatlinburg and the Disney parks since the race. It's good to take a week off anyway after a long tough race, then start back slow and build back up.

I'm proud of all our princesses for their courage and determination. Some gave all and came up short but you are my heroes just the same. Connie I hope you will heal up and not give up on your racing. You are an inspiration and have dragged me back up many times when I was feeling down.

Everyone be safe and cautious in your recovery and building back up for the spring events. We have to all meet again soon for a race somewhere.

Back to work .. *sigh* ... not much more to be said about that. :laughing: I'm heading to the gym tonight and will probably just catch up on TV shows afterward.

Kim - So far I'm only registered for Around the Bay. I'll probably give the 30K at Midsummer Night's a try as well as the Acura 10 Miler in July. I'm still thinking about the Scotiabank half and a little bit about the DL half - but airfare from Toronto to LAX is expensive!! SW doesn't have their schedules out past the first week of August either.
Vicky, You Canadians and your metric system. I had to calculate how long a 30k is.

I did 5 miles in 47:30. My next race is a 10k in early February and next event is RnR Mardi Gras 1/2.
Hakuna Matata! Oh, how I've missed you. Really, I have, and regret not meeting & hanging with more of you during marathon weekend. The last few months have been, oh, a bother, and I was so looking forward to putting names with faces.

Oh, well, another time, hopefully sooner rather than later?

I've started a thread about teams, whether they should continue, and if so how? I'd love to get your input!

Hello Debra. Yes we of the Hakuna Matata wanna stay together. We love Connie and she loves us.

I'm resuming training today. I have to beat myself with the stick first since I'm sore in a few places. My cold is still hanging on but hopefully I'm close to beating it.

How is everyone else recovering from the ordeal we went through?

I went out for a short walk/run yesterday. Woke up a bit tight this morning, but it felt good at the time.

Cloudy and yucky here today, so think I'll take this as a rest day. Hope everyone else has a terrific Tuesday.
Good Morning! :goodvibes

I missed my mornings with you all. ;)
So if it's OK I'll hang a little longer with everyone. My feet are back to normal size, three days after..... looking at doing the "Blessing of the Fleet" 10 mile in the summer and a few 5k runs. Definitely the Castaway Cay 5k in July. Now it's time to come up with a new goal.

Vicky~ yes this was my first Marathon and No no other plans for one, maybe the Tower of Terror or something.

Margie~ never say never, you don't know what the future holds, I'm sorry about the full, the weather on both days was horrid. Believe me I never thought I'd do a marathon anywhere!

Jennifer~ glad you "up & running"

Lynn & Scott~ whats the next adventure?

Dave~ :thumbsup2

Connie~ hope all is well. :)

BTW~ I think the best back-sign was a man with " 6 Months ago this seemed like a good idea" on his shirt. Cracked me up. Also the old guy that passed me and said laughingly "If you shaved your legs you'd go faster". :rotfl2:
Not that having a guy in his 60's pass you is funny,,,,,,:goodvibes

What a great group.

Enjoy the day..
Good morning everyone! I went to the gym yesterday and did an hour workout. My PT said that I had a nice recovery considering I hadn't worked out for a week. I didn't have a problem with most of the exercises - except for the deadlifts but that was because I had forgotten my gloves. I'm planning to go out tonight for a quick run about 3.5 miles or so.

Jack - I saw someone with the same shirt too! As I was getting off the monorail Saturday morning, someone yelled down the ramp "Isn't everyone happy to be up this morning?!" That gave me a good chuckle!

Jennifer - That's okay.. I had to go and convert the distance myself :blush: I find the metric system is a bit hit and miss here. If you go to the supermarket, you'll see $0.99/lb for apples. But when you checkout and look at your receipt, the weight will be metric. Go figure! The Mardis Gras 1/2 sound fun :)

Dave - I'll let you know about recovery after tonight :) pixiedust: for your cold! Hope you get better soon!

Debra - I'll put my vote in for keeping the teams together :thumbsup2

Have a great day everyone! :wave2:
Good morning Team!

Teams? Keep 'em or toss 'em? Y'all want to keep them, so I guess Hakuna Matata lives on! :cheer2: My only suggestion is that we don't keep track of time and miles. Each of you can track them in your signature and point them out! It seems most of us just didnt' bother as we went along. That's fine, We can do both, this way.

My devastating Goofy: Here it is. I am telling this one time only, because despite my desires to the contrary, it still makes me cry. I didn't get swept. I felt that to prevent further injury I had to quit. I quit at mile 3. I was in tears and in pain. The weather took it out of me and there was no recovery. I couldn't even start the full, because my foot was in so much pain. But that's the way it goes. No, I won't be trying again next year. I am a 1/2 marathoner. And hopefully I will race again sooner, rather than later. Margie, my dear friend, was absolutely valiant!!

Look for the new Hakuna Matata thread!
Sorry Kids, work has really gotten in the way for me here this week. Semi annual Grant reports fro three different Grants, new purchase procedures fro IT stuff that makes no sense at all and made by people that really don't have a clue as to our mission. Vent over for now LOL.

Been hitting the TM and stationary bike on these cold WY mornings.

Next adventure is May/June Europe, London, Normandy, Bacelona, and the Disney Cruise to Dover and then the first Baltic.

We are slowly getting the Christmas decoration up, one tree to go.

Pups were really glad to have us home, but they also really like going to puppy camp.

Got registered fro the DL 1/2, will decide this weekend about WDW marathon weekend next year, prob will happen. We are also set to sail on the inaugural sailing Disney Dream in January of 2011.

Hope 1/27 will be the release of the Apple tablet, we will see,

Next week I am off to San Diego Board meeting. Teaching a class here the following week. and so it goes.

Well better get back to it.

Connie, you toed the line in some very brutal conditions, makes us pretty darn proud.
Scott we have a new January thread.

That May/June trip sounds amazing. Can we go?

No worries, Scott. I didn't tell anyone! :goodvibes Since I am the executive, I made the executive decision! I didn't even wait for the outcome of the keep or toss thread!


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