Hakuna Matata - Marching in like Lions!

Margie The roller is the tread mill for me, and I hate it, but watchinh GH did help, I must remember to roll on wednesday nights!

My entry for the princess: came through, and even though I have one chair that can't go on the road and one thats not safe, I will be racing.

I'm friends with the lead cycle escort for WDW races and have warned him that i'm brining the not safe chair, and don't be surprized if I crash.:lmao:

Normaly I would not risk it, but its a sponsors race and the last one I have before Boston, and I really need to try the new chair out in a compertation.

As for snacks, I don't snack!

Syco your a panda. You sould like me taking on the Goofy with a longest training walk of 8 miles.

I will not win because I have better stuff than him, I will not win because have a fancy health club to go to, I will not win because I'm more talanted than him, I will win because I train harder than he does. When that starting gun sounds it doesn't matter who you are, what matters is what you did to earn this day.

Have a great day Y'all.

No BP meds here, just like to keep an eye on it I know it is sometimes affected by work.

I found out yesterday I will be off to Huntsville in a couple o weeks, I need to start Chartinmg where I get run in each year.
Sweet home Alabama, LOL.... Turn it up... (Lynard Skynard reference)
Afternoon Team,

I would like to let all of you know that I've found that I really enjoy the atmosphere of this group! Thanks for making me feel welcome here and for sharing all of your triumphs and challenges with me as part of this team. I look forward to meeting and attending races with all of you, although you will probably kick my butt (Jennifer, Dave, Vicky...off the top of my head). I read all your postings about long runs and hope that I can get to your levels of fitness. I'm glad I found you!!

DS, Robert is feeling better today, but still has a cough. He made it to Grandparents day at his preschool.

I'm looking at 5K races in the local area to see if any jive with my work schedule. Did 3.5 miles on the TM yesterday and crosstrained by bike riding and lifting today. Tomorrow is an off day. Good thing as I have to sort through the monthly bills.:eek:
My runs are getting stronger as my body adjusts to my schedule. The soreness of starting a workout program again, and going back to work, seem to be lessening.

Good morning Team.

Mike of course you are valued member of our little group of misfit toys.

This morning it's 21 degrees but it may be the last of the sub freezing weather, after training all through the winter I kinda feel like we have earned the spring. When warm weather does come it will be time to rediscover that part of us that isn't quite tamed. We need to let that untamed side of us loose and train like something wild. It will be a time to get outside and rejoice in the freedom, of movement, we enjoy because we have strong hard bodies.

Ok off to the track to meet the team for speed intervals.

((((HUGS))))) Mike

Dave we defiantley need some spring weather, actually it is going to be quite warm here in Southern, Ontario this weekend. Unfortunatley I will be spending almost all of Saturday indoors but hopefully Sunday is still nice.

Good eatting and consistant exercise are starting to become more of a habit then a chore so that is a good thing. I am down 10 pds, but unfortunatley have a whole lot still to go. 2011 I am not only going to finish the Goofy I am going to ROCK IT!!!!!

Have a awesome weekend everyone!!!!!
Good Morning Team! :wave2:

It’s a little chilly at 19° but we actually have had sunshine for most of the week. Snow is melting and in a few spots one can see the bare earth. Someone told me the other day they have crocus coming up. :goodvibes

Connie- I am so sorry you have had an awful go of it these past two month. I sure hope your health and your foot are showing improvement. :flower3:

Dave- Still it is very very impressive to find one person with the same pace and you have a Team of 4. Yes, I remember Dan. It was nice that I was able to walk with him for a little while. I was not the best company as I was a bit distracted. Have a great Speed workout today! :thumbsup2

Jennifer- :goodvibes I forgot are you doing the Princess?

Denise, Jack, Hope, Lynn, MaryJ, Pam, & Robert- We understand you are busy but we miss hearing from you. :rainbow:

Kim-Congratulations on the 10# loss...WTG! You and Connie must be on the same eating plan as she also has lost 10#'s! And yes it is Way nice working out with the coach, she is such a wonderful positive person. :goodvibes

Kristy- Please-Please be careful. I am sure you will not do anything reckless! princess: it is wonderful that you can go, but more importantly we do want you safe & uninjured! No Snacks-seriously I do not know of another person that never snacks-You are Way Too Good! :worship:

Mike- PTL little Robert better and he had a great Grandparents Day.
:thanks: for the Team Compliment-just so you know you have touched and enriched our lives too. :goodvibes

Scott-I cannot imagine having a job with your stress level! :scared1: It’s good thing you like to run.

Sue- :upsidedow when is your next race.

Vicky- Where are you! :hug:

AFM: No gym this morning-will try to get some Pilate's in before the little guys arrive.

Enjoy the moments! :wave:
Marige I'm not good, I just have bad food allergies and with my illness we have forund that I am better on a very restrictve food intake.

I do have days when I will "pig out" but I will suffer for it for a few days after.
Syko you have a cheering section in kentucky and Tennessee, a group of senior olympic class race walkers who are proud to make you a member of Team Panda.

Margie and Kimmer great job on the weight loss.

Speed intervals were rough, that's the 4th hard walking warkout this week. I think tomorrow will be a rest day, at most a pool day.

Everyone have a magical day.

Good Morning Team!

It's been a couple of crazy busy days at work. Typed a post only to find that the internet went down & the post was lost. No time in the evening to get back on the computer.

As Kim said, we are expecting nice weather in Southern Ontario for the weekend. Maybe shorts? I've already seen a few people running in shorts.
Snow is gone. Well we really haven't had much this year anyway.:thumbsup2

Margie, Next race is a full marathon on Mother's Day. Have you registered for any races yet?

Kim, Nice job on the weight loss.

Kristy, Enjoy the Princess Race Weekend. Stay safe.

Lynn, Any races planned?

Mike, Nice to hear grandparents day worked out.

AFM, spin tonight. Then hoping to take advantage of the nice weekend weather, with 6 on Sat. 13 on Sun.

Have a great weekend. Enjoy whatever training plans you have........Sue
Down 4 pounds this week, and we are getting snow
Syko you have a cheering section in kentucky and Tennessee, a group of senior olympic class race walkers who are proud to make you a member of Team Panda.

Thanks. :grouphug:

Dh is working on my chair as I type trying to make it as safe as he can without all the new parts!!.............It's not going well.:eek:

I will try my best to stay safe, but I also have to move as I promised a certain time to the sponsor.

I put a 1:59:01 marathon time for caroll placement and I got E.......they must have some VERY fast runners to get A on their bibs. :lmao:
Margie, Not doing Princess this year, but maybe next year.

Did 11 miles in 96 minutes. Would have been closer to 90 but ran 5 of it with a friend whose a little slower.

In other news, track girls are amazingly dedicated and we all went out and got our nails done together.

Good Morning Team! :wave2:

This morning it is 13°; I am looking forward to another beautiful day with a high of 46° and sunshine!

Connie- :flower3: Nice talking to you last night!

Dave- Oops, it is Connie & Kim that are doing so great with the weight loss! I haven’t figured out what to do yet! I charted my food for a month. The doctor just threw up her hands, said I eat healthy, and she does not know what to tell me to change.

Jennifer- Team Manicures - I love it! :cloud9:

Denise, Jack, Hope, Lynn, MaryJ, Pam, & Robert- We understand you are busy but we miss hearing from you. :rainbow:

Kim- :goodvibes

Kristy- Please be careful this weekend! :grouphug:
Serious food allergies :headache: sounds awful.

Mike- I know it is hard to be patient, but recovery needs to be slow. You are doing fantastic! :goodvibes

Scott- KWEL – WTG 4 # loss!!!! So the new log is helping you stay on target. :goodvibes

Sue- :upsidedow Enjoy your weekend runs! I have not registered for any races this yet this year. I was going to do the Martian in April, but due to lack of training and DD health, it is not possible.

Vicky- :hug:

AFM: Life: Today I could have slept in, but :sad2: I had to be wide awake at 5:am.
Thinking about heading out to the gym.

Enjoy the moments! :wave:
Well Margie you are healthy, strong and cute as can be so don't look at a little extra fluff as a setback. You are doing everything right. Hug coming your way.:hug:

Scott I saw where you said you had 8 more inches of snow. Come on brother get with the program, think SPRING!

I'm going out with a woman tonight who lives in Central City, 50 miles from me, she is a red head with freckles and sounds like Sara Palin. Wish me luck. I hate dating, but it's a necessary evil if I'm to find a new princess.

Syko, good luck in that race darlin, I don't like the idea of you racing in an unsafe chair but I understand. I think I speak for everyone here hoping for your safety. What state do you live in anyway?

I'm headed off to the pool then off to work right after. Everyone have a super day.

Yep a good 6-8 inches just in from cleaning out the driev and walkway.

Wind is picking up so inside stuff today

I was roped into working extra. Such as life in Fish World during Lent. I was called in Thursday then worked late Friday. It's exhausting. At least tossing around 85 pounds of salmon and 80 pounds of haddock plus the other fish and shrimp I carry helps keep me moving.


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