Happy in Hawaii –- Aulani & Oahu with a Toddler ~ Updated 7/20: Final Update and link to new TR!

Great update! That looks like a great character breakfast. Too bad about not knowing which characters would be there each morning, though. Looks like you got a good group the first day! The food looks pretty good, too!
Great update! That looks like a great character breakfast. Too bad about not knowing which characters would be there each morning, though. Looks like you got a good group the first day! The food looks pretty good, too!
It was a really good breakfast that day, character and food and service-wise. Our second visit (on our last morning) was very different.

For what it's worth, I think they ALMOST always have Mickey, Minnie, and Goofy there - it's all I've ever seen in the reports posted online and it's all I ever saw there every day during our trip that we walked past (it's outdoors, so you can see). Then, that last morning, an important one (to us) was missing and there were only two. Which is when they told us that they are not guaranteed and sometimes things get changed up. I wonder if WDW has that policy? If so, I've never seen a report of it. My guess is it's just the laid-back Hawaiian nature of Aulani. They handled it well when we balked at the omission, though. :thumbsup2
All caught up! I think 7:06 a.m. for a 7:00 reservation is pretty darn good. Especially with a toddler.

And I don't blame you on the robes. They were nice, weren't they! My wife was trying to figure out how to "accidentally" find one in our luggage on the way back.
All caught up! I think 7:06 a.m. for a 7:00 reservation is pretty darn good. Especially with a toddler.

And I don't blame you on the robes. They were nice, weren't they! My wife was trying to figure out how to "accidentally" find one in our luggage on the way back.

The robes were nice. So nice that they sell them in the gift shop.;)
ooh, those step stools could be real trouble for a few kids I know - especially the boy! :lmao:

Hey, if you didn't want her to catch Daddy you shouldn't have told her to do so :goodvibes

that looks like a nice spot for the picture with Mickey but what's up with the extra charge for the picture beyond the photopass charge? especially to have a photopass vest on and to not indicate it before hand is kinda not cool.

Good to know that the characters are not guaranteed. That does happen at some of the meals at WDW - like, they will sub out different princesses at Akershus and the cast at the breakfast at 1900 Park Fare seems to change around a bit. I think all the main characters are always there. Like, you wouldn't ever not have Cinderella at CRT or something. You'd think they could at least have it as Mickey, Minnie and potentially other friends or something like that.

Dug definitely took advantage of it being a buffet and trying lots of stuff - the flavored pineapple looks/sounds interesting. He really should have at least gotten something for Izzy (or had you go first).

Cute interaction with Minnie - I love the waving goodbye (still holding the muffin of course ;))

You definitely got your money's worth of Goofy! Sorry it seems the food wasn't the best - hope things improve in that area :thumbsup2
All caught up! I think 7:06 a.m. for a 7:00 reservation is pretty darn good. Especially with a toddler.
Thanks, I feel better about myself now! :goodvibes :thumbsup2 Of course, with how long it took us to find it, we were certainly more than 6 minutes late...:rolleyes1

And I don't blame you on the robes. They were nice, weren't they! My wife was trying to figure out how to "accidentally" find one in our luggage on the way back.
If there's anyone who can work magic on luggage, it's your wife! :worship: I'm sure someone in your household is wearing it right now, right? :rotfl2:

The robes were nice. So nice that they sell them in the gift shop.;)
I heard they were like $150 or something! :eek: But they are quite nice!

ooh, those step stools could be real trouble for a few kids I know - especially the boy! :lmao:
Funnest toy ever! Portable stairs! :cool1:

Hey, if you didn't want her to catch Daddy you shouldn't have told her to do so :goodvibes
Who knew she'd take it so literally? :rotfl: Now it's just kinda fun to make her do it. :thumbsup2

that looks like a nice spot for the picture with Mickey but what's up with the extra charge for the picture beyond the photopass charge? especially to have a photopass vest on and to not indicate it before hand is kinda not cool.
I know, I was really bummed - I mean, Photopass vest and Photopass purchase - you'd think they go together. And it was actually a really nice family picture. But not $30 worth of awesomeness. :sad2: Luckily, we knew we were coming back on our last day, so made sure to get a family picture with our own camera (well, phone) as well. :thumbsup2

Good to know that the characters are not guaranteed. That does happen at some of the meals at WDW - like, they will sub out different princesses at Akershus and the cast at the breakfast at 1900 Park Fare seems to change around a bit. I think all the main characters are always there. Like, you wouldn't ever not have Cinderella at CRT or something. You'd think they could at least have it as Mickey, Minnie and potentially other friends or something like that.
Good to know on the WDW subs. Yeah, given this meal "typically" only has the three (and only two walk around), taking one of those away is pretty noticeable. Especially when it's the one you're there to see. :sad1:

Dug definitely took advantage of it being a buffet and trying lots of stuff - the flavored pineapple looks/sounds interesting. He really should have at least gotten something for Izzy (or had you go first).
That pineapple was really good! I don't know why he didn't at least grab a pancake for her or something. :confused3 Guess it just didn't occur to him.

Cute interaction with Minnie - I love the waving goodbye (still holding the muffin of course ;))
She's really good at waving goodbye - even if she's shy with a character, she's happy to tell them goodbye. :rotfl: And she wasn't about to let anyone take her plate of food!

You definitely got your money's worth of Goofy! Sorry it seems the food wasn't the best - hope things improve in that area :thumbsup2
Goofy must have been bored that morning. :rotfl: The food was pretty decent, I think, but my appetite was still questionable and I always have trouble really enjoying the food at character meals, when you're always on your toes for meet and greets. I didn't really take full advantage of the buffet.
After breakfast, we headed to Izzy’s very favorite attraction of the resort – The Elevator:

She was obsessed with the elevators and helping to push the buttons throughout the trip.

Once we made it up to the lobby level (3), we headed this way, towards the main door and the parking garage further past that:

We decided to split up – I’d go grab the car from the garage (I move faster than Dug and we were trying to minimize walking to keep his back pain from flaring up too much) and Dug and Izzy would wait at the front door for me to pick them up. So, I headed down the walkway to the parking garage:

While Dug apparently wandered to the lanai across from the front door, looking over the resort:

Izzy found herself a nice chair and it looks like she’s commanding Dug to sit in the next one:

Nice resort on a beautiful day:

I think this may be more of a water feature than what they put in the new lobby of the Polynesian Resort, haha:

While he was out there, a Photopass person was free, so Dug decided to get a card and get us started (yes, they still use Photopass cards there – no Magic Bands!). Some nice shots of Izzy:

But when Dug got in the picture, she was not too cooperative and tried to escape his arms:

So, Dug decided to make the best of it by making crazy faces while Izzy protested:

Such special memories, ha!

Meanwhile, I had pulled the car up front. Please note, if you do this, you will be perceived as a new arrival and all the CMs will rush your car and open your door and try to help you with luggage and such. So, you may want to stop a bit short of the door and/or make sure your pick-up is standing on the curb. Mine was still way back there (can you see Dug?):

And apparently couldn’t resist another couple pictures of the entryway on his way out:

We managed to get on the road at 8:24am, which I thought was pretty decent, all things considered. We basically had to drive across the island and chose to take the H3 for a stretch – it is known for being an extremely scenic highway and it sure was:

The big tunnel:

And the ocean:

(That island is known as Chinaman’s Hat – sorry about the fingers).

We made it to our destination with plenty of time to spare before our tour:

Up next: A petting zoo and a scenic movie tour.
That picture of Izzy in the chair and pointing to the one next to her looks like such a familiar scene to me. Rory is definitely becoming more independent every day and has his ideas of what should be going on at all times!

Love the photopass pictures with Izzy, and the funny ones with Dug!

That definitely does look like a scenic highway - so pretty!
Lovin it! Izzy has the most soulful eyes and what beautiful pics the Photopass person took-I would have those on my wall-too sweet!
Sorry I'm late - I was off the DIS for most of December! I'm super excited to hear all about your amazing trip!

Your travel day went so well - Izzy is a champion flyer! That's too bad about the bathroom incident and the fleece, but all things considered it was pretty darn good for travel with a toddler. :thumbsup2

I always hate running into a lackluster character at a character breakfast. Although I know food is involved as well, you certainly pay an upcharge for the characters to dine with you. I'm thrilled to hear your second visit was much more impressive.

A question about the Costco car rental - did you sign in on the website before searching for rental cars or do you enter it once you book? I've started to search for a rental for my May trip, and the Costco site doesn't seem to be a better price than the car rental companies. (But as you stated, perhaps they get lower as you get closer to your dates?) Any insight you can provide would be much appreciated!

I can't wait to hear about your tour and the rest of your day! ::yes::
Catching up here too!

So in general...

what an amazing trip! Aulani and First Class on top of that?

First Class sounds just like I have dreamed that it would be! We are Southwest all the way so that sounds amazing!

The resort is absolutely beautiful!

That Mickey meet does sound disappointing - not bad - just not what it should be, if that makes sense? And how weird that they don't guarantee characters at the breakfast!

Can't wait to hear about more adventures!
I am up to your last update. I'll save that one for later.

Love that you got a standard view on the top floor. That's awesome. I can't wait to see your day time view. The studio looks lovely.

What a fun breakfast. Too bad the characters are not consistent in quantity or how they interact. It does look like Izzy is more interested in her food than the characters, but she did give a good wave goodbye and what a cute hug with Minnie. Minnie is adorable. So if Izzy. Love her little outfit.

Looking forward to reading more!
On isn't it fun being mom, always the last one to eat!
Looks like some good interaction with Minnie and Goofy. Too bad Mickey wasn't better interaction.
I just can not get over how beautiful that resort is...ahhh I can only imagine what it's like in person!
I'm excitedly waiting to find out how Kualoa Ranch was for you! We are planning on doing 2 tours there (movie tour and jungle tour) while my DH does the 2-hour ATV tour.
Your room looks wonderful and I love the photos around the resort! So glad you all got a pretty good night's sleep and made it to breakfast. I love the music and kid's parade they do, I think Aria would really enjoy that along with having her favorite characters there. Speaking of characters - that is what they do at Disneyland's character meals too! Goofy's kitchen - you're greeted by Goofy but then it's a completely random assortment of characters! Kind of annoying. I laughed out loud at your plate after running back (though I'd have been pissed at DH if he didn't come back with a plate for DD? what was up with that??).
All caught up on your wonderful TR. I'm sort of re-living our Aulani vacation thru your posts.
We went to Disneyland first and to Aulani in November. We were in HI over Thanksgiving. Our DS is 13.
First class flight sounded awesome! What a treat.
I'm so missing Aulani. Loved that resort. Especially now that the temp in PA is 15degrees. Way to cold.
We did the Kualoa Ranch tour also. DH did the 2hr AVT and DS and I did the 2hr horse back riding tour. Next time (I'm hopefully anyway) I really would like to do the movie tour. After leaving the Ranch we went for a drive and that ride in our free upgraded rental a Camaro Convertible, was so beautiful. The gorgeous Ocean right there as your driving was amazing.
I could eat at Leonard’s Malasadas now. Yum so good. Much cheaper to buy at the truck then the resort too.
Can't wait to
Those are some cute PP pictures of just Izzy, but, yeah, the ones with Dug too he kinda comes off like the bad guy in a family movie that is kidnapping Izzy or something :rotfl:

I've had that happen at another hotel (I think it was the Hershey Lodge) where I pulled up to pick people up and workers come out wanting to check me in and take my stuff and when I told them I was just picking people up they got all confused and like didn't know how to handle that :lmao:

Yeah, I'd say that is a scenic highway - slightly better than what I have to drive on every day for my commute ;)
You saw the price tag, right? :scared1:

It took everything we had just to get to Hawaii. I couldn't do a 2nd mortgage for the bathrobe!:rotfl:
Well, you could have foregone the super-expensive t-shirts you got with your DVC presentation gift card, still spent some significant money beyond that, and purchased the robe. :lmao: Actually, maybe they should give robes as incentive to attend DVC presentations... :idea:

That picture of Izzy in the chair and pointing to the one next to her looks like such a familiar scene to me. Rory is definitely becoming more independent every day and has his ideas of what should be going on at all times!
Isn't it so funny that they turn into little directors, trying to control the world around them!? :rotfl2: And so demanding! I have to admit I do let her boss me around a lot, if it doesn't hurt anything.

Love the photopass pictures with Izzy, and the funny ones with Dug!
Thanks! I'm glad he decided to get a few. Even if Izzy was less than cooperative. :rotfl:

That definitely does look like a scenic highway - so pretty!
It was really nice for an interstate! :thumbsup2 Glad we got to see it.

Lovin it! Izzy has the most soulful eyes and what beautiful pics the Photopass person took-I would have those on my wall-too sweet!
Aw, thanks! We've always loved her big, expressive eyes. Dug's mom actually printed one of the PP pics from the end of the trip and gave it to us for a Christmas gift - I need to put it up. Here's a sneak peek:



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