Has Anyone Ever Seen A Celebrity In Wdw

Back in the early 90's my sister and I ran into 2 members of MMC in MK by Big Thunder Mountain. One was Ricky (can't remember his last name) and the other was Keri Russell. We were their age and LOVED that show so we were awe struck. My sister got up the nerve to go over to Ricky and get his picture. He was super nice and definitely enjoyed the attention. Keri looked annoyed by us though. Now I wish we would have gotten her picture, since she went on to win a Golden Globe! :)

Ricky? Ricky Luna?
I don't know if this counts, but my parents saw Richard Nixon...I think at liberty tree tavern? It was way back when though.
I've never seen any in WDW...but we saw Jamie Lee Curtis at DL about 3 yrs ago, she was celebrating someones birthday. I didn't bother her, but I did walk really slow by her and was star struck. I love my celebs, I can't lie.

And for the opening day of the 50th anniversary at DL, we were fairly close to the stage, saw Julie Andrews, Christina Aguilara, and a couple others, feels so long ago I can't even remember who was there, anyone else there that day who remembers???
I don't know if this counts, but my parents saw Richard Nixon...I think at liberty tree tavern? It was way back when though.

Some Nixon/WDW trivia- Nixon's famous "I am not a crook" speech was given at the Contemporary resort at WDW.
From 2005:

(Click picture to see larger version on Flickr)

An oldie, but goodie. Jennings Osborne at the Spectacle of Lights (BEFORE they did all the dancing). His wife and daughter were there as well.

I had seen them walking around a little earlier, and I just knew they had to be "somebody" (I wasn't sure what the family looked like at the time). But I sought out the sign with their pictures on it, and verified who they actually were. So, I snapped this a little while later. My wife was a little embarrassed ....but hey, you gotta do what you gotta do!!!!!
We ate across from Celine Dion at the Crystal Palace on Monday, 12/28. She was with her hubby and son and anther family. At the table next to her were several CMs. She turned around when my daughter yelling for Pooh and said "she is so cute!"
Louie Anderson was at the AKL on Thursday evening. I don't know if he was staying there, we ran into him at the gift shop.

Man, that would be annoying.

"We're sitting here on a boat ride through the Caribbean baby! Look at Jack Sparrow sitting on that treasure! He's my diaper dandy and wins my 'three S' award...super, scintilating and sensational!!! He must have gone to Duke and learned his skills from Coach K! Speaking of Coach K, looks like another Final Four for Duke baby! Yo ho ho...this ride is awesome baby!!!"

As the original poster of this thread, I once again will be going to WDW in a little less then 2 weeks:cheer2: and I'm almost sure I WILL NOT SEE A CELEB!!!:lmao: except of course MICKEY:thumbsup2

But I will keep a look out for them:3dglasses
We're back from our first WDW trip since loosing my Wife to cancer in July. The kids did really well, Daddy was another story.... But on a fun side note to the trip, we had our first celebrity sightings ever!

We saw Mick Foley (professional wrestler, New York Times best selling author) and comedian Steve Harvey. We saw Mick in line right behind us on Tower of Terror. He's a big guy, I'm about 6'2", 275lbs, and he dwarfed me. He was very nice and gave us a wave. We then saw him later in the week at the Kidani Village pool (where evidently he was staying as well). Steve Harvey was at Guest Check in at the Animal Kingdom Lodge. He had a huge entourage surrounding him.

Pretty neat stuff, the kids got a kick out of it because we (I and members of my Wife’s family that came along) kept making a big deal out of it. As if we are not big kids already, we all acted like star struck 13 year olds.:rotfl:
When I was younger we say Greg Evigan(sp?)
I'm hoping when we go to DL in April we'll see someone
Not at Disney World, and probably not a real celebrity, but when we were waiting in line at Splash Mountain in Disneyland in June, we were in the handicap/single rider line and it is along the exit and Carlton from Fresh Prince (Alfonso Ribeiro) had just exited the ride and walked past us. He seemed a little annoyed even though nobody bothered him, maybe that was the problem:confused3.
We were on Castaway Cay several years ago when we were very fortunate to have Roy Disney join us on the shuttle cart heading down to the adult beach. He was very classy, and even shared some upcoming DVC secrets with us. He will be missed.
Thomas Gibson (Dharma and Greg) sat behind us at Beaches 'N Cream in December. We ate at the counter, and was oblivious.

As we were leaving a family got the kitchen sink, and everybody cheered.

He had his small video camera recording his family experience the kitchen sink...and no...I did not think that was the right time to go seeking an autograph or to take a picture. They looked like a really nice family.

I would have loved to have had a conversation with him. He mentioned on Leno several years ago that he worked as an actor at the Alabama Shakespeare Festival here in Montgomery. I would really like to ask him about that experience.


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