Have you ever run into anyone from your town at Disney?

Wow, how cool is that? Congrats! And, how great is it that it really is a small world! :goodvibes

Thank you. I tease him that he's the best souvenir that I have ever brought home from WDW. The funny thing is that we had been going to band competitions for 4 years together and it wasn't until we were at the MK that he finally spoke to me.
When we were at Disney almost 5 years ago, we ran into one of my daughter's preschool mates behind Cinderella's castle. We are from a town of fewer than 10,000 and her class was only 10. It was pretty weird.
When I was 14, I had a "boyfriend" (how ever much you can have a boyfriend at that age and back in those days) for a short while but we had broken up. While at WDW the next spring (1975?), my brother shouts out "Look, there's T___ B___!" We didn't believe him, but when we turned around there was his entire family (all 8 of them!) :rotfl:
Okay this wasn't exactly at Disney but it was at MCO.
Our latest trip in November we were at the airport waiting for our flight and DW had remarked that i hadn't seen any customers of mine this time around (I ran into one last year at AK see post #26 on page 2 of this thread). It's kind of a running joke with us because every time we go away somewhere--anywhere-- I usually end up seeing someone I know from the neighbourhood.
Anyway, I saw a man and his wife sitting watching the television near our gate and I thought he looked familiar. When DD2 ran by him and I scooped her up we looked at each other and I did indeed know him. He was returning from a three day Disney cruise and he had a HORRIBLE time. They were doing a Segway tour during a stop in Nassau on their first day when two bandits robbed the whole party.
The rest of their trip was a wash after that. Thankfully, they escaped with their lives but they said they wouldn't be going on any cruises again after that. Disney suspended Segway tours from cruise boats after this incident.
On our trip last April, we were at the MK our last night. We knew several friends from home that would be there and saw not a one all week. On the way out, we stopped for candy in the Main Street Confectioners shop. My DD14 walked around the corner and then right back to quietly tell me she was sure one of her classmates was there-- of course neither one said a word to each other IN the store-- yes, it was a boy she's been in classes with for 5 years! Teens... Back at school, they talked about the coincidence. On our way out, skirting the crowds for Spectro, I look up at the rockers on the porch in front of Tony's and there is one of the 1st grade teachers at my DD9's school! I've known her for 20 years! Too funny! Never did see the folks we KNEW would be at WDW...
These are some amazing stories!

I'm from Australia, a small town called Berwick about 1 hour from Melbourne. Anyway, I was on my first Disney holiday (and first tme out of Aus), and on my last day (not having seen any other Aussies the whole time me and my DBFF were there), then as we left MK for the last time, I glaced up the cast member assiting people at the ticeting booths. It was a girl I had taken Drama classes with as a kid! I was soooo shocked! We both said Hi, before realising how we knew each other, and when recognition dawned it was incredible!
A couple of trips ago we ran into someone I knew from the Mom's Group I belong to. It was kinda neat!
We were eating lunch at The Electric Umbrella. Someone approached out table and said "Are you from ***?" It turns out their son worked at the grocery store where I shop and he recognized me. :rotfl:
Last time we went in 08, so many people we new (besides our party of 30!) were going but we never ran into them :S
Back in 1985 I was with my parents in EPCOT. I turned around and there was our next door neighbors. Too funny!
In 2006, I ran into our school social worker, another teacher and some students. In 2007, I ran into our grade's ed tech and her family on the monorail. It was on our spontaneous commando day in my signature. We weren't planning to be there, so it was really funny when her son said, "Isn't that Mrs. H?" and she said, "Mrs. H. isn't coming to Disney this year." Her son kept insisting and finally she said, "If Mrs. H. is here, I'll give you a million dollars." Well....she still owes her son a million bucks!
When DF family took me down to WDW for the first time in june 08, we were walking around MK and suddenly me and DF heard our names. We turned and saw that it was on of our friends from college, taking his tour for the college program. It just funny cause we don't live near this person only know him by living at college.
In 2007 we ran into a girl from my daughter's class at Animal Kingdom with her dad. This is funny as we live in such a small town in Ontario. Anyways - funny that she was wearing a WDW Happy Birthday Button and I said to her that I did not know it was her birthday and wished her Happy Birthday. She reacted a little strangely. Later, my daughter reminded me that it was nowhere near the girl's birthday. I guess her dad thought she could get some special treatment by wearing the pin. We did not mention it when we saw them back at home!
We knew my stepson's inlaws were at BWV for a couple of days when we left for our vacation there (from MI). We arrived on a Sunday afternoon and as we were walking to the lobby from the parking lot to check in, we ran into the inlaws! They had just checked out!
We were at MK a couple of years ago leaving the park. We were in a shop on MSUSA and ran into our next door neighbor from home and her son!!!! We knew they were going too but we were staying a different hotels so had no plans to see them. Then as were were walking out of the park we heard someone call my DH name. We look up on the balcony of the train station and it was our next door neighbors parents!! Crazy! That was two needles in the same haystack!
Met two of my favorite students ever, and their parents, good friends of ours. Had no idea they were coming. Ate beside them at Ohana!
I ran into my neighbors as we were entering Epcot and they were headed out in September. We are not close enough to have known we were vacationing at the same time there, so it was such a pleasant surprise to have run into them! From a Northern Colorado neighborhood to the Mouse, it was funny!

Also, DH and I both work for our county's Sheriff's Office. In 2008, right when we got into MCO we were walking through the terminal and I swear we passed our Sheriff, or someone who looked a heck of a lot like him. My DH thought I was crazy, because the Sheriff didn't seem like a "Disney" kind of guy. Well, low and behold, I emailed him when we got back and it was him!
Yes, in October 2004. I ran into 2 families/friends from my hometown church. Both of them were just as surprised as I was. "It really is a small world".


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