Have you gotten a COVID vaccine?

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Yes some are upset over obesity too. The news this morning was talking about the “uproar.”

We were discussing it at with this morning at work (hospital) and we all agreed that it’s about hospital capacity at this point. Get the people vaccinated who would most likely end up admitted and taking up a bed. Wasn’t what this was all about from the beginning?

Im one of those that doesn’t care how they do the eligibility. I’m ok if it was a free for all and first come first served. Just get people vaccinated as quick as possible and move it along.
Yes some are upset over obesity too. The news this morning was talking about the “uproar.”

We were discussing it at with this morning at work and we all agreed that it’s about hospital capacity at this point. Get the people vaccinated who would most likely end up admitted and taking up a bed. Wasn’t what this was all about from the beginning?

Im one of those that doesn’t care how they do the eligibility. I’m ok if it was a free for all and first come first served. Just get people vaccinated as quick as possible and move it along.

Exactly. Vaccinate those who would tend towards having the more severe cases of Covid first. I completely agree that's how it should be done.

Entire point is to lower hospital admissions and death rates.
Exactly. Vaccinate those who would tend towards having the more severe cases of Covid first. I completely agree that's how it should be done.

Entire point is to lower hospital admissions and death rates.
Among hospitalizations you have spread rate. That's why congregate settings are high priority too. Many of those (outside of LTC) don't carry high hospitalizations or deaths but they do carry high proportion of cases because of how easy it can be to spread. We (general we) can't all complain that so and so state has high amount of cases and they need to get their acts together and yet not be willing to allow specific settings that are having issues with high cases get vaccinated.
Exactly. Vaccinate those who would tend towards having the more severe cases of Covid first. I completely agree that's how it should be done.

Entire point is to lower hospital admissions and death rates.

If we don’t get hospitalizations under control the state may stop Elective surgeries again. And many hospitals won’t survive that for a second time. So vaccinating those who would have more severe cases makes the most sense.
DH got his 1st dose of moderna through the fire dept last week.
His arm was a little sore for a day or so, but other than that no reaction at all.
He's scheduled for his second dose in a few weeks.

Our county just announced that it's taking longer than they hoped to get through 1A, so seniors won't be until early February at the earliest. Really can't wait for my mom to get her shot.
Obesity is listed, does that bother you too?
Honestly no. I guess I’m just prejudice? We have known smoking is bad for your health for decades, and it’s a choice. You have no choice whether you’re old, have cancer, or many of the other pre-existing conditions. But you can choose to not smoke. (And side note, how on earth are they checking for that? Got your pack of cigarettes with you?)

I get helping the hospitals by targeting those who are higher risk to filling the beds. I fully admit that I must just be salty.
One thing about seeing on the news that so and so place is ready for the next phase or so and so place is still on this phase.

There's the obvious issue with supply which would affect the ability to move on no matter what but there's also the issue with demand. IMO I think we really want to pay more attention to how many of a given state's population is getting vaccinated.

Just because a place moves on to another phase does NOT in fact mean that's a great amazing thing. If it's because they had a good distribution system set up, in combination with the right amount of doses to give out with a good well oiled machine process going on then that's a really really good thing. If it's because there was a significant amount of a given phase (or stage or tier whatever the place is calling it) opting out of getting the vaccine then that's not a good thing.
Did not know that Florida is providing the vaccine opportunity to those from out of state!! I can make a Disney and Vaccine trip together. How do Floridians feel about allowing this?
Where did you read that "out of staters" can get the vaccine in Florida? I haven't seen that..so you travel there, get shot #1, and then have to travel back for shot #2?
Honestly no. I guess I’m just prejudice? We have known smoking is bad for your health for decades, and it’s a choice. You have no choice whether you’re old, have cancer, or many of the other pre-existing conditions. But you can choose to not smoke. (And side note, how on earth are they checking for that? Got your pack of cigarettes with you?)

I get helping the hospitals by targeting those who are higher risk to filling the beds. I fully admit that I must just be salty.
Obesity is also a known cause of poor health and in a vast majority of cases is a “choice.” People just tend to excuse it more readily than other poor choices.
My wife and I are teachers in Tennessee and a couple days after Christmas they opened the vaccine up for us in our county. We both received the Moderna vaccine and aside from a sore arm and some itching we have not have any side effects. We will go back for the second dose on the 27th of this month.

I will add that sometimes the area around my wife's injection site still gets a little red and irritated looking, and it will itch from time to time after about 2 weeks.

I'm having the same issue as your wife. Its a red, irritated ring around the injection site and very mild itching very occasionally (not very often). I guess this is normal. I work in the same office as my primary care provider and showed it to him yesterday and he didn't think it was anything to worry about but to show it to him again today to see what its looking like.
I was finally able to get appointments for my parents. The OC (CA) site is an absolute mess. You have to register on the website but do the appointments through the app. And there is no where that states that on the website. They will be getting their vaccines on Saturday at Disneyland (well not exactly, in the Toy Story parking lot). I am happy and relieved to get the appointments scheduled since they are both in their 80s.
Did not know that Florida is providing the vaccine opportunity to those from out of state!! I can make a Disney and Vaccine trip together. How do Floridians feel about allowing this?
We don’t like it (Many articles about it) but what can you do. Most people take issue with the people flying in from out of the country to take it.
I think Arizona announced a while back that Canadian snow birds would also be lumped in with their groups. I know that hasn't necessarily gone over well especially because it likely meant/means those Canadians would have the opportunity to get it above their order in Canada. It's an economic/tourism based decision. I'm a bit iffy on it because I was thinking about how many doses a given country's government ordered plus it's not the state's property but rather the Federal government soooo I guess I've been wondering does the Federal government (and I don't mean any one particular administration just based on principle) have an issue with this or are they saying the states request X amount of doses and what they do with that with respects to citizens of other countries having access to those doses is up to them?
I think Arizona announced a while back that Canadian snow birds would also be lumped in with their groups. I know that hasn't necessarily gone over well especially because it likely meant/means those Canadians would have the opportunity to get it above their order in Canada. It's an economic/tourism based decision. I'm a bit iffy on it because I was thinking about how many doses a given country's government ordered plus it's not the state's property but rather the Federal government soooo I guess I've been wondering does the Federal government (and I don't mean any one particular administration just based on principle) have an issue with this or are they saying the states request X amount of doses and what they do with that with respects to citizens of other countries having access to those doses is up to them?

I don't take too much issue with the Canadian Snowbirds getting the vaccine. In my area we have a good amount of them. But they own homes, pay taxes, and basically live here 5 months out of the year. I have more issues with people flying in from other countries solely to receive the vaccine. I don't know how prevalent this actually is or if it would cause supply issues.

What's odd is when I took my father for his vaccination, they looked at his ID and wrote stuff down. Were they just looking at his age?
Honestly no. I guess I’m just prejudice? We have known smoking is bad for your health for decades, and it’s a choice. You have no choice whether you’re old, have cancer, or many of the other pre-existing conditions. But you can choose to not smoke. (And side note, how on earth are they checking for that? Got your pack of cigarettes with you?)

I get helping the hospitals by targeting those who are higher risk to filling the beds. I fully admit that I must just be salty.
“Smoker” can be a relative term, and may not necessarily mean active smoking. It could mean someone with chronic lung disease, like COPD, even though they aren’t currently smoking. When you think of it this way, you realize it could very well be your own parents or grandparents, because many people smoked up until the 80s and 90s when it became unfashionable to do so. That person may still be at higher risk if they were to get a Covid infection. That would be for their doctor to determine, as it will be for a lot of these health requirements for vaccines. In my state, certain early waves of people must have “two” chronic health diseases to qualify. Who’s going to determine that? I guess the same people who determine if someone is obese, or a smoker, or has heart and kidney disease, etc. I still haven’t seen it actually explained anywhere.

So it’s not just about bringing cigarettes with you. It’s about recognizing someone who is higher risk for doing poorly, as others have said. We should try to remember, too, that none of us are perfect, either. If we look closely enough, we can find things with just about everybody that leave at least a little to be desired. (And in some cases, certainly more than others.)

BTW, the US Army provided cigarettes to soldiers until 1981.

“C-rations, or “Meal, Combat, Individual” used to come with a pack of 5 cigarettes. When the Army transitioned over to MREs in 1981, the cigarettes went out of fashion.”

We aren't getting even close to the number of doses we need in my area. I am in the 1C group but it will be March before I get a vaccine. Very discouraging.
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