Help!!water Caution @wdw???????

MariaE - welcome to the DIS. I already responded but wanted to assure you that we used the brita filter and it seemed to do the trick. We have been going to WDW since the mid 80's and there was only one time that DS got sick. We do not believe it was from the water but rather from touching handrails and then not washing his hands prior to eating. This past trip, I brought along some hand disinfectant liquid and we ALWAYS make sure our hands are washed thoroughly prior to eating anything. Have a good trip. Annmarie
Man, you don't know how lucky I feel! I just got back from a 5 day stay at WDW and it was so hot that I constantly drank from water fountains ALL over the place... and I didn't get sick once! We've been back two days now and (knock on wood) still nothing!

Was it the best tasting water I've ever had? No. (The winner is still the water out of a water fall in the backwoods of the Daniel Boone National Forest in Kentucky). But it still hit the spot when it was 90 degrees out and humid.

As for the idea that using a Brita system will keep you from getting sick, it's been pointed out that those filtration systems will NOT filter out bacteria that cause water-borne illness.

As for the sulphur. Again, there's no connection between a body's reaction to sulfa based drugs and sulphur. Case in point... everyone is "allergic" to cyanide. A little tiny bit of the stuff and, boom... your dead. But the toxic stuff is made of one part carbon and one part nitrogen... that's it: CN. You draw lots of nitrogen into your lungs with every breath and also ingest lots of carbon when you eat toast that's a little burned, well done steak, etc. But just because cyanide is lethal, doesn't mean its components are. The same is true with sulfa drugs. It's the way the elements are bound in the compound that causes the allergy, not the mere presence of sulphur.

So if you're body has become bottled water dependant, or you have deep seated fears of people slobbering all over WDW water fountains, or your stomach turns at the taste of WDW water... then you'll get no arguments from me about lugging around your on personal water supplies or taste filtration systems.

Dittos for the hand sanitizers when soap and water isn't nearby.

But also keep in mind that you're in the parks with 10's of thousands of other people from all over the world. Often times, you're in tight pre-show areas for periods of time... all the while inside the breathing space of those people around you. Anyone for wearing those cute little face masks that were all the rage in Asia during the height of the of SARS outbreak??? ;) Remember, sometimes "Illness Happens".
I planned on taking the Brita bottles in the beginning not for the taste, but for cost reasons. I've heard buying bottled water there is very expensive and I'd rather fill up a bottle than try and remember to tell my kids everytime to be careful what they're touching on the fountain. I don't plan on taking one for each person, but a couple is better than none.

Thanks for the input!
Originally posted by Dizzy-Disney4
My DS is allergic to Sulpha, and I would hate for him to be sick on our trip. We'll have to run out and buy some bottled water for him.
I haven't read all the posts, but I am a native Floridian, I am allergic to sulfa, and my parents had sulfur water for the first 5 years they moved into their house. Just because you are allergic to sulfa has no bearing on how you will react to sulfur water.
We drink bottled or filtered water all the time, so being on vacation is no different. I would advise anyone to drink bottled or filtered water, just as I would advise everyone to eat organic food too. :)
Actually, it is more important to drink bottled water when on a trip, since your system is used to the particular mineral content, etc. of the water at home, and might not be used to the higher or lower mineral content of water somewhere else. We buy cases of bottled water (and those big gallon jugs) for our room at Disney, and always carry them into the parks. We are never without a bottle when walking around wdw. Of course, we are not big soda or juice fans, we prefer to drink water, so that is just what we buy when we want a drink while in the parks.
We also take great care not to unnecessaily touch surfaces like handrails, etc. while waiting in lines for rides, etc. and we use hand sanitizer constantly. Better safe than sorry and sick while at the happiest place on earth!
I have never really noticed a bad taste to the water at Disney.
I run it at the fountains until it gets cold and it tastes fine.
We fill a pitcher when we arrive and put in the fridge and it tastes fine.
We buy bottled water, freeze it and take it to the parks, but, refill the bottles with Disney water and I cannot tell the difference.
Luckily, I have yet to get sick from anything at Disney, but, there again, I wash my hands often.
Guess it is safe to say different people have different tastes or taste buds and different systems.
Originally posted by issa
do not..I repeat do not drink the water!!!

we had bought brita water bottles figuring they would be enough and we would be fine. NOT

Loki was terribly ill one night and one whole day..I mean like a 105 temp and cold sweats, cramps, migranes..horrible.

wensday he had a reoccurance of this

thursday.... we are home..and oh my I am soooooo sick with stomach problems, DD is complaining as well.

We only figured out on the plane ride that it was after a day of drinking from the bottles did Loki get sick, when we were in epcot tuesday he drank from the bottels..wens he was sick. I drank some water right before we left..I'm sick, DD had a little and on the plane ride was complaining about her stomach.

we firmly belive it was the water. We are used to drinking solely spring water.

Considering the Hurricanes and the possible contamination of the wells, is it possible this could happen again? The last time was due to the droughts. But, the in-laws are warning us again.

I really dont mean to open a can of worms here, but since WDW water table is touchy at best........I am considering bringing our own bottled water again this trip....

The water in Orlando and all of the civilized US is safe to drink. You are not going to a third world country.
Originally posted by CarolA

The water in Orlando and all of the civilized US is safe to drink. You are not going to a third world country.

ouch.........its cause i need to know.....
If Disney has their own water treatment plant (which they do), they must test the water constantly to make sure it meets the Clean Water Act. If it does not, they would have to issue a Requirement to Boil Water before consumption.

They will provide clean and safe drinking water.

By the way, the Brita bottles will filter out the fluoride out of the water (also not in bottled water) and your kids' teeth will rot. Unless you use a fluoride toothpaste.
I just moved to Orlando with my DD at the end of May from Missouri. Needless to say, we've been drinking the water. I don't particularly like the taste, but it certainly hasn't made us sick. I think people come down and overdo. They eat things much different from their normal pattern and push themselves to hard. They get sick and then blame it on the water.
Originally posted by Feralpeg
I just moved to Orlando with my DD at the end of May from Missouri. Needless to say, we've been drinking the water. I don't particularly like the taste, but it certainly hasn't made us sick. I think people come down and overdo. They eat things much different from their normal pattern and push themselves to hard. They get sick and then blame it on the water. last a local. Are you using town water or well water?

The word going around is that the sea water has contaminated different water tables. My MIL lives in Davenport, they have been told to drink bottled water until further notice. Granted we are not leaving for another 90 something days and hopefully everything will work out. Even if I decide to bring my own bottles, it'll be cheaper than buying bottled water at the world.
We are on town water. All new construction or remodeling must add water filtration systems. It really does help with the taste of the water. I can drink the water at my house. It's not great tasting, but tolerable. At restaurants and such, I usually order drinks without ice because the ice makes the soda taste bad. We've not had any problems physically due to the water.
I read Organic Living magazine and they had an article on various water systems throughout the US in a recent issue. The Orlando city water system was rated very highly as far as low bacteria, ect. I know Disney has their own utility systems, but they still have to check their water. I would guess that if the current weather problems had made the water unsafe they would BY LAW have to tell all guests. We have moved often, used to live in North Florida, and I guess we are not so picky about how any water tastes. We always think it is fine at WDW. We have been to Disney dozens of times, and once our youngest DD got sick, but there is no evidence that water had anything to do with it. I blame the millions of folks and their germs. I guess people who have been drinking the same water all of their lives are more sensitive than my family. I think it is a stretch to blame the water for illnesses at WDW, but in other countries I do feel that their government regulations are different from ours and I would be more wary....JMHO.
DON'T DRINK THE WATER! I learned the hard way and I do mean HARD! DON'T DRINK THE WATER!
They eat things much different from their normal pattern and push themselves to hard. They get sick and then blame it on the water.

I haven't even been there yet but I have heard many people complain but yet from what I see it is very safe water, just tastes not the best. I don't think Disney would have not safe water in their parks. I would assume there would be many a lawsuits also if it was soooo dangerous. It is just a "old wives tale" type of thing and as said above people eat different things and are tired and dehidrated and they get sick and it HAS TO BE THE WATER lol.
It smells wierd but I think it is safe to drink. I only drink bottle water at home so that is what I do there . My family will drink the water there and has never gotten sick .
I think it is all about your tummy and what it can take . Some folks have a sensitive tummy and some dont:D
We also have never gotten sick from the water, and refill our water bottles from the fountains and the smells a little funny, but no sickness here.......


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