Home Temperature

After they enclosed one of the big shopping malls here in the late 1960's, their summer time advertising campaign was "keeping it great at 68". Tends to be 100 or more in the summer her.
Wow, that seems cold! But that's normal house temps for people that live in very cold climates, right? I live in a hot place and have been doing 77 during the day in summer and a few degrees cooler at night. Winter will be around 68, probably. I may get a month or so this fall where I don't need to use heating or cooling at all, and another two months in the spring as well.

No, I don't think that is normal. I don't know anyone who keeps their thermostat that low. We do 69 at night and will bump up to 70-72 during the day, depending on the temperature outside. And this is year round either heat or air conditioning. I like to be comfortable in my house and refuse to wear a bunch of layers just to "save a few bucks". My dad was so cheap and would not turn the heat up in winter that we could see our breath in the winter. That is not healthy.
We don’t have central air, just portable units/window ac’s, so it’s not unusual in the summer for the thermostat to read that it’s in the mid-80s in the hallway but it will be in the mid-upper 70s in the rooms with ac on. During the winter, we usually keep it at 63 during the day (I may bump it up to 65 if I’m absolutely freezing) and 61 at night.
We live in Michigan.... I wait as long as possible in the spring/summer to turn on the a/c and it stays at 73-74 for the season. Then we wait as long as possible to turn on the furnace. Ours is set 66 during the day and 62 at night. We did 58 for years at night BUT now that my teens are up later than we are I hear a lot of complaining about how they're freezing lol... So, I tell them to put on socks and sweatshirts and gave them the 4 degrees lol.
We have 3 zone hot water baseboard heat (which warms everything in the room, not just the air, so it feels more comfortable at lower settings.)
We keep the downstairs at 63 round the clock to keep the pipes from freezing.
The upstairs 2 zones are set to 63 during the day if people are home, otherwise 60 day and night.

My central air unit is almost 40 years old and struggling, (so is the boiler, but still runs well) so that one we set to 73 and we're lucky if it gets below 80. :( This year we supplemented a window unit upstairs so that people could sleep.
It's getting replaced in 2021, so crazy electric bills for one summer was just something we had to deal with.

We tend to prefer it cold as a family. When at Disney, we always override the thermostat and set the temp to 60 and hold it there. Even in December, lol.
Constant thermostat battle with my husband. We live in the Southeast and it's hot and humid most of the time. It's finally cooled here in the last two days. I love opening the windows, getting that nice crisp fall air...and he's right behind me, closing them and turning on the heat. I try to compromise for 68 during the winter. AC is usually at 73 to 72 in the summer.
I turn on the heat only as needed (I live in California, so that's do-able).

We generally sleep with the heat off because I like it cold when I sleep. If the house will drop below 60 at night, I will leave it on but set to that. But that's usually just in the worst part of winter for us. I then turn the heat on at 68 when I get up to warm the house up.

Then it's generally off again during the day even when cold - during normal times, I am the only one home during the day and just stay in my small office. These days, we pretty much live in 2 rooms during those hours: my home office, and a room DD20 and her boyfriend do their online classes/study in (we used to call if "the playroom" but those days are long gone LOL). We just use space heaters in those rooms as needed. The house is 80 years old with an older furnace, and it's cheaper to heat those rooms that way vs the whole house.

Finally, in the evening, its back to 67 or 68 until I go to bed. I try for 67 but usually give in and set it at 68. If it was better insulated, I could probably get way with lower but the stucco walls have no insulation in them right now and throw a lot of cold air. (Looking forward to fixing that in a major remodel once we are past Covid!)
Honestly it changes every year. The older I get the less I am tollerant of the being cold/hot. So each winter/summer the temp. get adjusted. I think It is 66 during the evenings when we are home and 55 overnight. I can't sleep with the heater on. Haven't turned the heater on for this year yet. Looks like the temps are dropping from the mid-80's to the mid-60's next week, so looks like next week it will get turned on .
well.... in spring summer fall heat is off so it's whatever the temp is outside pretty much... now that it's winter(like) here already daytime temp is 68-70 and nighttime is 58-60.
It depends. We tend to run hot so we keep the AC at 68 at night to sleep, but generally set it to 73-74 during the day.

Heat wise, I start getting migraines when the heat is over 70 so we keep the heater set to 68 and use a small space heater as needed.
I'm crazy. We live in Arizona and our AC is usually kept at 76 during the summer, when the weather is a little cooler but not cool enough (90-100 degrees outside) I switch to my swamp cooler. In the winter I refuse to turn on the central heat. It has only been turned on twice in the six years we have lived in this house. We have a small portable heater if we are in a room and sweaters or blankets are not helping.
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Summer- 72 (68 at night)
Winter- 60

We like it cooler, and would keep it cooler during the summer but AC is so expensive so we are good with 72 during the day. We do keep it higher during the day at work (75) and cooler at night (68).

We live in Maryland for reference.
Heat gets set to 68 when it’s on (usually only Dec-Feb for a few hours in morning/evening. A/C when it’s on varies between 73-77 depending on time of day.
Threw the switch from AC to Heat last night. Down to 41 at night. Supposed to get down to 34 Sunday and Monday night.


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