How bad is your planning obsession?

We are going in April for a first trip for the majority of our group (and my twins 5th birthday) and I am driving my family crazy with the planning - my dm, dh, ds and bil are all about ready to put tape over my mouth and take away my computer. :rotfl: We're in the final phases of planning out our meals...after that there may be a lull (at least I won't be bugging them daily!)

I am a planner and I'm loving every minute of it!! :banana:
Advance Dining Reservation. See, we all start to abbreviate everything! :goodvibes

But to answer the question, how bad is the planning addiction? It's bad, REAL bad (sigh). My DH called me his "little Disney freak of nature" the other night as we were fighting over the computer! I want to DIS more than sleep, more than clean house ( :rotfl2: ), more than ANYTHING! I, too, wonder what I will do when the trip is over in a couple of weeks :sad:. I never thought I would have a 3 ring binder with 5 dividers for a vacation (directions, restaurants, touring plans, show/parade times and ticket and merchandise ordered copies). I never thought I would have 20 LGMHPCs on my dresser waiting to be cut out. I never thought I would surf the net for 10+ hours looking for an Alice in Wonderland costume.

I will probably forget to pack my underwear.....but, I, too, will have menus from all the restaurants in my notebook! :rotfl:
Well, I am pretty obsessed!! I will definately say that.... As soon as I got home from our Disney Vacation (family vacation 10/05 and mini anniversary trip 7/06), I started planning another that week.... We have not booked yet, I am waiting until 2007 to book!!!! It is killing me, I would love to already have a trip booked!!!
How bad? VERY bad! We were planning on going as a family in April :grouphug: but DS REALLY wants to go on a trip with a friend to Washington DC/ New York :crazy: I was crushed!!! Then I thought, well just DH and myslef can go :woohoo: and that means I have to start planning all over again for just the 2 of us :wizard: wahoo! :cheer2: Let the re-planning begin!! :banana: :cheer2: :surfweb:
...I haven't left for my 2006 trip yet, and since I have everything under control for this one, I'm contemplating beginning plans for 2008.....

How sad is that? :rotfl2:

Wow, I will be sure and show this thread to the other 5 family members going on "our" trip. My sister and I started planning after we returned from a trip in 2004. Decided to go 11/30-12/8. When we booked we had over 280 days and we are now down to 62. All family members and co-workers think we are insane, but by this threads posters we are actually pretty calm! We send faxes back and forth about how many days until we visit The Mouse House! We are already too excited to schleep (that little boy cracks us up!)
I asked DH a question about when he wanted to golf and his response was

Our trip is not for another 4 months

He thinks I am crazy!
It's soo bad......I will only share if everyone promises not to laugh!! :rotfl2:

I am getting married in 3 weeks and my DF brought it up as a potential problem in our marriage to the minister during one of our pre-marital counseling sessions!!!! I could have killed him! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl2:
I am SOOO relieved to see that I am not the only one with planning OCD!! :cheer2:

I am constantly running scenarios through my head and crunching numbers. I am so bad that the other day, my husband came home from work and I told him that he came home too early....I hadn't finished my discussion with myself about "the trip" :chat:

My conversations with myself involve when to leave (Sat night vs. Sun morning) where to stay (mod vs. DVC rental) and whether or not to use the DDP. I guess I talk to myself because then I know someone is listening :hyper2:

The trip is going to be great (in 2008!) but the planning is half the fun!
kristenrice said:
I guess I talk to myself because then I know someone is listening :hyper2:

And because you get the best answers that way ::yes:: I'm pretty OCD too when it comes to planning trips. I'm actually reviewing last years reciepts to firm up my budget!! Ain't it fun to be this crazy :crazy: :banana:
We are taking our DD and DS for the first big trip on Jan. 1. I already have a spreadsheet with all of our dining reservations, which parks we will visit on each day and even the attractions (in order) that we will see. A good friend just discovered that we will be there at the same time as her family. She asked what our plans were and was a little shocked when I sent her my spreadsheet! WL here we come!
[QUOTE="Cinder" Ella's Mom]We are taking our DD and DS for the first big trip on Jan. 1. I already have a spreadsheet with all of our dining reservations, which parks we will visit on each day and even the attractions (in order) that we will see. A good friend just discovered that we will be there at the same time as her family. She asked what our plans were and was a little shocked when I sent her my spreadsheet! WL here we come![/QUOTE]

We are doing WDW and Cruise so I have cruise spreadsheet (itinerary) and WDW itinerary and then an excel spread sheet for each of what we will wear.

Makes packing so much easier!
bad, i plan from the moment i leave disney for the next year!!
My obsession? (see image below. This is just a few pages of last year's version)... I create a complete trip book with every conceivable piece of information I can think of. I usually wait until a week or so before the actual trip, as things can change up to that point. The trip itself though, I usually begin to lay the ground work six months or so before.

I had my plane tickets purchased last January, I have obsessed about our hotel for the past 2 1/2 years. I was thrilled when I was promoted at work because that meant a whole new group of co-workers to discuss Disney plans with!!
Get this - this is how obsessed I am with these boards - I went to the eye doctor with what I thought was an eye infection - here I have a sty - from overuse of the computer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have also had bad headahces the last month, and that's when I started planning on here! Yikes I'm online WAY too much! (It won't stop me!)
PrincessJasmine1972 said:
I plan to go next September(1st trip EVER) and havent booked yet(waiting to see if Free Dining will be offered)but I am already planning..jotting down ideas, browsing the resorts,etc

You can book now, and if you use a good TA, like Small World Vacations, or Dreams Unlimited, they will rebook your trip the moment the fall offer is availabe.

_chill_ said:
My obsession? (see image below. This is just a few pages of last year's version)... I create a complete trip book with every conceivable piece of information I can think of. I usually wait until a week or so before the actual trip, as things can change up to that point. The trip itself though, I usually begin to lay the ground work six months or so before.


:worship: :worship: :worship:
Pretty bad.

It started with our first trip in 1993. I was 12 years old and made my parents drive me to the library so I could research everything about WDW. It was from that moment on that I became the official trip planner. Not many people would trust their 12 year old to plan out their thousands of dollars vacation, but my parents were cool about it. :) I got them on all of the must see rides, shows, etc. If I had the DIS back then, I would have been lethal!!! :)

From then on out I'm happiest when I'm planning. My trip, friend's trips, etc. Nowadays I come to the parks prepared with credit card sized laminated schedules for each day - color coded for each park including hours and ADRs. It's kinda sick. :)
My really big planning obsession is ADRs. I normally plan as many meals as I can and then plan our park days accordingly.

Aside from meals, we usually just do "whatever" once we get to a park....


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