~How TWO trips became...who knows? ~ It's a TRIP! and an upgrade.... 4/22

We will do Flame Tree BBQ at AK for sure! And eat at THE LAND (whatever that restaurant is!)

Sunshine Seasons it at the Land :thumbsup2. Bill loves their food. As for eating at Disney when you are trying to watch your weight there are many foods to choose from. I always ask for the sauces on the side, they have many yummy salads, grilled chicken, grilled fish, etc. Everything will be fine.
First of all... we will try to be sorta smart about eating...

Given that you get good desserts at TS meals and many snack credit options are high calorie choices, I recommend skipping the CS desserts. They are generally super sweet things that just aren't worth it. However, you can always get one one of the sides for the kids meals (i.e. grapes, carrots, unsweetened apple sauce, etc.) and sometimes even things like side salads.

As for other choices...

We love Artist Point, but, I probably wouldn't add another 2 credit option since I don't think they are really very good value anymore since the dropping of the appetizer--especially since the appetizers are often the best part of the signature experiences.

Single Credit ideas:
- We waited a long time to try Sci Fi and 50's PTC, but, enjoyed both of them.
- We like Raglan Rd (I recommend Salmon of Knowledge and The Goat's Town)
- We've enjoyed Wolfgang Puck Cafe (despite the bad review in the restaurants section we've always been treated well there)
- Do Boma twice (once for breakfast and once for dinner)
- Le Cellier
- Coral Reef
Boma's definitly Boma's
Crystal Palace
Le Cellier is good, so I hear from my family
It all sounds great! Absolutely everyone in our family LOVES the California Grill. It was our first WDW dinner in 2006 and a highlight of our Wish Trip in 2008. Check out the timing for Wishes and try, try, try to get an ADR at the right time for you to be able to watch Wishes from the observation deck. If you're watching what you eat, be warned that the portions of sushi were the biggest we have ever seen! And speaking of sushi, the boys love their rice krispie sushi desserts. SO CUTE!!! There are many delicious options for dinner. Mark loves to poach off Peter and me at restaurants like this. On the first trip to Cali Grill, he ate foie gras, scallops, steak, sushi, duck...and I had to finish HIS dinner so I'd get enough to eat!

Someone suggested Citrico's and I agree that it's great. We had a lovely meal there on our first trip (the "maximizing value from the DDP trip", in which we ate at either signature restaurants using 2 TS credits or counter service...Cali Grill, Citrico's, Narcoosee's and Artist Point, plus Ohana! We stayed at the Grand Floridian and tried to eat at the GF or on the monorail so Mark could walk (and monorail) to dinner in his walker wherever possible (and boat from WL for AP).

So, yes, Citrico's is great. If you go, leave time to explore the GF, sit in the lobby and listen to the band, visit the shops etc. It's a lovely resort - it's also where we spent those extra 3 nights we added onto the Wish Trip.

We also have had marvellous meals on both our WDW trips at Narcoosee's. I recommend it, especially if you like seafood. One thing I'll point out is that many of the foods I like also work if you are watching calories - I am lactose intolerant, so nothing creamy. Also have a problem with fatty and rich...which really doesn't explain why I can still afford to lose 10-15 lbs!!! (time to cut of wine!). So, if I've enjoyed a meal, it's likely there are delicious and relatively diet friendly options.

Another BIG feature of Narcoosee's is the fact that there is a great view of Wishes - you're right at the ferry launch for the GF, there's special viewing just outside the restaurant and they pipe the music in.

So there's my thoughts...can you tell I am a big Wishes fan? Give me great food and a great Wishes view...now that's a great WDW evening!

So excited for you...!!!
Hi! I've been lurking on your reports for a while and thought I'd finally say hello! (I don't think I've posted before...:confused3) I can't wait to hear all about this trip!

Have you been to the dining section of the dis? There are a couple of threads with photos of desserts and photos of meals. They post pictures of all the dishes at restaurants. They call it food porn. It may help you with an idea for another restaurant. After having looked at all the pics, I know that I want one of those white chocolate cindrella slippers filled with mousse the next time I go. Yum!
GOSH! I just realized I have been LURKING on my OWN PRE-TRIPPIE!! :scared1:

While I have read and in my head acknowledged all of your comments, I have failed to write ANYTHING. :scared1:

So, just how many trips DO you have in the works:rotfl: Oh, I'm so jealous!! Free dining would be SO fun!! I don't know how you can be smart about eating though, with all the amazing desserts available that are FREE!!!!

He he...

Uh...4, actually...September, December, January and actually September 2010...which may be the most interesting of them all. :rotfl: I don't know...me trying to complete the half marathon might be the MOST interesting!!! ;)

You feel free to come on down from Canada and bring your precious family! I would love for you to join me!! :)

I know...FREE fabulous desserts...and those snacks... :rotfl: But, no one said anything about ME being good! :) Although, I will...I have worked hard to lose about 18 pounds and I don't plan to put it back on! :)

Boma's is DELISH! My picky husband LOVED it there. Very yummy.

I ate at Teppan Edo in October and it was very good. Great for a party of one (in case someone is lurking ;)).

Have fun!!!

Very good note that it is good for a party of one!! :) There maybe a day when I am sorta on my own for this trip, even. Might have to save Teppan Edo for that day? :confused3

Decisions, Decisions!!

I love doing Crystal Palace as an early, pre-park opening breakfast! There's nothing like the sight of a nearly-empty Main Street first thing in the morning!! :cloud9:

We've had breakfast at Boma ~ yum! ~ but it was on a no-park departure day. That is actually a great time to schedule a breakfast b/c there is no rush to finish and get touring! :thumbsup2


I don't know how fired up Sharon is about getting up very early? I need to ask her about that. It might be good for one day. I enjoy breakfast buffets! :) And I like hitting Main Street first thing!

Boma breakfast is a MUST DO in my book! We did that on our Wish Trip and it was soooooo good!!! William has already asked for a souvie...guess what it is...?? ? ? Of all of the things at Disney he could ask for...He wants "guava juice"... that juice they serve at Boma! :confused3

I had a horrible meal at Boma, but I really think it was a fluke. All other reviews (other than mine) have been so positive, I think maybe the kitchen just had a really day.

I've never tried Jiko, but heard great things.

I love the California Grill. In addition to that, I HIGHLY recommend Citrico's. I can't speak highly enough of the food, service, ambience, etc. It's wonderful. I just reviewed it in my December trip report, if you're interested.

Love, love, love the Crystal Palace! So much fun, and great food.

I haven't been to Teppan Edo, but again, I've heard great things.

If I had to recommend other restaurants, regardless of whether they're one or two TS, they would be...

DHS - The Brown Derby, 2 TS
If you feel like getting treated like one of the kids, the Prime Time Cafe.
If you want that drive in feel, Sci Fi.

Epcot - The Coral Reef
Nine Dragons
Chefs de France (It may not be my favorite, but Mom and Nana love it)

Now, if we're dealing out of the parks, I love the Flying Fish and haven't been in years. That's a 2TS. I know that Cat Cora is supposed to be heading a restaurant to replace Spoodles, and I'm not sure if that's happening before our trips, but I think it is, so that could be fun for you if you wanted something different.

I'll see if I can come up with anything else, but those are my gut instincts right there, unless you give me more of an idea what you're looking for. :goodvibes

Ok...I am thinking you are going to have to "retry" Boma! :) I will go first, since I will be there first...and let ya know how it goes! :)

One thing I need to ask...and may need to ask everyone in an update...but feel free to answer this (anyone lurking, too)...

Which of these restaurants are more "romantic"...I want to steer clear of strictly romantic places. While I want to eat at nice places and most of those are generally romantic, I want to steer more towards the ones that have another draw besides just couples. Does that make sense? :confused3

I don't really do fish...? Does that exclude the Flying Fish for me?

We are definitely doing Crystal Palace!! I love me some POOH!! :)

And I do need to hit Sci Fi...I think I can skip 50's since I have been there before. That is more fun with people I know, I think.

Coral Reef we did this last time...I guess I need to get to that part in my TR, huh!!

Nine Dragons...hmm...and that France place might be good... hmmm.... choices, choices!!! :)
Another vote for Crystal Palace!!! We did lunch there...fabulous!! (Although breakfast is supposed to be great too!) And of course, the characters are SO much fun!!

Oh...I can't wait to see how that went!!!! :) And it is definitely on the list...just can't decide...lunch or breakfast...need to ask Sharon... hmm...

Boma is one of my favorites. It's the only place I'm considering a must do for my solo trip, although I'm pretty sure I'm making a return to California Grill too. We had a fantastic meal there last year, and had the best seat in the house. It was the perfect way to wrap up our trip.

Both of those are definite for me!! :thumbsup2

Sunshine Seasons it at the Land :thumbsup2. Bill loves their food. As for eating at Disney when you are trying to watch your weight there are many foods to choose from. I always ask for the sauces on the side, they have many yummy salads, grilled chicken, grilled fish, etc. Everything will be fine.

Ah...that is the name of it! I ate there on my last trip! Loved it! :) We will probably end up there at some point, too. She really likes Epcot...but it seems like Epcot has lots of good restaurants, too!

Disney does seem to be really good about choices, I think Sharon will be pleasantly surprised about that. :)

Given that you get good desserts at TS meals and many snack credit options are high calorie choices, I recommend skipping the CS desserts. They are generally super sweet things that just aren't worth it. However, you can always get one one of the sides for the kids meals (i.e. grapes, carrots, unsweetened apple sauce, etc.) and sometimes even things like side salads.

As for other choices...

We love Artist Point, but, I probably wouldn't add another 2 credit option since I don't think they are really very good value anymore since the dropping of the appetizer--especially since the appetizers are often the best part of the signature experiences.

Single Credit ideas:
- We waited a long time to try Sci Fi and 50's PTC, but, enjoyed both of them.
- We like Raglan Rd (I recommend Salmon of Knowledge and The Goat's Town)
- We've enjoyed Wolfgang Puck Cafe (despite the bad review in the restaurants section we've always been treated well there)
- Do Boma twice (once for breakfast and once for dinner)
- Le Cellier
- Coral Reef

Good point on the CS desserts. I don't see myself eating too many deserts with my CS meals? I sorta forgot you get them free?

Boma twice...now that is a fantastic idea!!!!!! :) It may be my December trip, though.

What is Raglan Rd? Never heard of that? :confused3

Coral Reef...I did that on my last trip...it was good, but I think I am going to end up doing things I have not tried yet. :)

Le Cellier...hmm...

Boma's definitly Boma's
Crystal Palace
Le Cellier is good, so I hear from my family

This is making me HUNGRY!!! :)

Bomas is on the list...maybe twice! :thumbsup2 And CP! Le Cellier has now come up twice... hmm...

It all sounds great! Absolutely everyone in our family LOVES the California Grill. It was our first WDW dinner in 2006 and a highlight of our Wish Trip in 2008. Check out the timing for Wishes and try, try, try to get an ADR at the right time for you to be able to watch Wishes from the observation deck. If you're watching what you eat, be warned that the portions of sushi were the biggest we have ever seen! And speaking of sushi, the boys love their rice krispie sushi desserts. SO CUTE!!! There are many delicious options for dinner. Mark loves to poach off Peter and me at restaurants like this. On the first trip to Cali Grill, he ate foie gras, scallops, steak, sushi, duck...and I had to finish HIS dinner so I'd get enough to eat!

Someone suggested Citrico's and I agree that it's great. We had a lovely meal there on our first trip (the "maximizing value from the DDP trip", in which we ate at either signature restaurants using 2 TS credits or counter service...Cali Grill, Citrico's, Narcoosee's and Artist Point, plus Ohana! We stayed at the Grand Floridian and tried to eat at the GF or on the monorail so Mark could walk (and monorail) to dinner in his walker wherever possible (and boat from WL for AP).

So, yes, Citrico's is great. If you go, leave time to explore the GF, sit in the lobby and listen to the band, visit the shops etc. It's a lovely resort - it's also where we spent those extra 3 nights we added onto the Wish Trip.

We also have had marvellous meals on both our WDW trips at Narcoosee's. I recommend it, especially if you like seafood. One thing I'll point out is that many of the foods I like also work if you are watching calories - I am lactose intolerant, so nothing creamy. Also have a problem with fatty and rich...which really doesn't explain why I can still afford to lose 10-15 lbs!!! (time to cut of wine!). So, if I've enjoyed a meal, it's likely there are delicious and relatively diet friendly options.

Another BIG feature of Narcoosee's is the fact that there is a great view of Wishes - you're right at the ferry launch for the GF, there's special viewing just outside the restaurant and they pipe the music in.

So there's my thoughts...can you tell I am a big Wishes fan? Give me great food and a great Wishes view...now that's a great WDW evening!

So excited for you...!!!

Thank you for all of your suggestions!!

Gosh...I hope, at some point, you get to write about that trip. It sounds AWESOME!!! We will try to go CG during Wishes...IF I can figure out when Wishes will actually be that night. :rolleyes:

Citricos and Narcossies...I don't think I am spelling that right...

Are those "romantic" feeling? I want to avoid romantic...? :confused3

Hi! I've been lurking on your reports for a while and thought I'd finally say hello! (I don't think I've posted before...:confused3) I can't wait to hear all about this trip!

A LURKER!!! That posted!!!

Thank you, thank you for posting!!! :)

I am so glad you are going to be sticking around...this one should be a pretty cool trip! I can't wait to tell you guys more about it! There are a few elements I am missing...


Have you been to the dining section of the dis? There are a couple of threads with photos of desserts and photos of meals. They post pictures of all the dishes at restaurants. They call it food porn. It may help you with an idea for another restaurant. After having looked at all the pics, I know that I want one of those white chocolate cindrella slippers filled with mousse the next time I go. Yum!

I have been on the dining section! And the WISH, disABILITIES, Wish Trippers...I am an addict. I know.

But...Uh...never seen the white chocolate Cindy slippers?!?!?!?! Yum! Where are those???

I am going to do an entirely different SNACK section on this Pre-Trippie!! YUM!

I am going to pick up William from school...and take him to get Ice Cream!!! Maybe he will let me have a bite. :thumbsup2
I have... in the back of my mind... been sorta hoping that Lisa might join me at some point for this trip. It would be so cheap for her to join me... we can just add her to the room a few nights and she could dine...

But...that isn't going to happen. :sad2:

Lisa has a stress fracture in her tibia. Actually, that is the best case scenario. She had an MRI and the report actually mentions several things it could be... some I don't even want to think about. :sick:

But she is on crutches. Which means no Disney for her. They say it takes about 6 months to get back to "normal" and her fracture is pretty bad. They even mentioned a year before she can really exercise. She won't be on crutches that long, obviously.

But...she can't lift Lauren. And will have a very hard time taking care of her at all in this state. So pray for her...and for all of us. Because it is no fun when Momma is sick, ya know what I am saying? But since she is Momma of a disabled teenager...it is worse!!!!

Thanks for your prayers!!!!
Oh, Maroo.

:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:for you and for Lisa!

I feel so badly! The poor things, that family just gets clobbered, don't they? :confused3
Poor Lisa! Prayers added for Lisa. :hug:
So if Lisa can't care for Lauren as much guess you'll be around more. Prayers for Maroo. :hug:
Prayers all around today. :grouphug:

:wave2: Hello Sarah.
I hate that Lisa has a bum leg and i hope that whatever it is can be treated minimally and more importantly successfully.

I also hate that whilst you are away you are going to be worrying and fretting about how things are going back home and feeling guilty about being somewhere other than at home helping out.:sad2::sad2:

I'm so sorry to hear about Lisa. Lots of thoughts and prayers will be sent their way! :hug:

Thank you so much!!

Poor Lisa! Prayers added for Lisa. :hug:
So if Lisa can't care for Lauren as much guess you'll be around more. Prayers for Maroo. :hug:
Prayers all around today. :grouphug:

:wave2: Hello Sarah.

Thank you so much!! Aw...and prayers for Maroo! You are so sweet!! :love:

:wave2:Hi, Maroo!
Finally found my way over here! Can't wait to read more! Prayers to Lisa!

Woo Hoo!!! My MS friend! Gosh...do you have a first name? Or will MS friend do? :rotfl:

I hate that Lisa has a bum leg and i hope that whatever it is can be treated minimally and more importantly successfully.

I also hate that whilst you are away you are going to be worrying and fretting about how things are going back home and feeling guilty about being somewhere other than at home helping out.:sad2::sad2:


Thank you!!

Bless your heart, too! I can't imagine being away from home as long as you have!

Lisa Update...

Many tests came back today and ruled out the bad stuff....ruled out Leukemia and an infection. She will see the Orthopod next and hopefully get some more good insight.

In the mean time, we got her a wheelchair so she could get around the house and have both hands. She still can't lift Lauren or anything like that, but she can bring us something and is not so sore with the crutches.

And...if I can manage to sneak a picture of BOTH wheelchairs moving around the house, I may just have to post it! And I already warned them to remove all cameras...or they would end up on the DIS! We will see what I can do! :)

Woo Hoo!!! My MS friend! Gosh...do you have a first name? Or will MS friend do? :rotfl:
Oh my gosh! I can't believe I haven't even told you my name yet! haha! It's Nikki. I don't think I asked you either!:)

And...if I can manage to sneak a picture of BOTH wheelchairs moving around the house, I may just have to post it! And I already warned them to remove all cameras...or they would end up on the DIS! We will see what I can do! :)

:thumbsup2 You can sneak one!
LOVE:love: LOVE:love: LOVE :love:the post by Muffin...too cute!
Sorry to hear about Lisa's leg...hope she heals quickly!
And glad to hear it wasn't "the bad stuff"!
Sounds like some yummy meals you have planned!


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