Hurricane Irma?

Please if you guys could send thoughts and prayers for st martin where my family is. They and everyone else were not able to get out before Jose hits tonight as the airport was destroyed and the waves were too choppy to evacuate by boat. These islands are thankful south of the Jose eye and Jose is headed out to sea. I know it's not Disney but we are headed there later this month so I have been following this thread. Please stay safe, they have lost everything and I pray Florida does not get hit as hard

I'm so sorry, I know you must be so worried. I will be sending all good thoughts your way and to your family.
Our trip is 9/16-9/24. I'm getting a little nervous. We were able to get FD and GC offer at CBR. We paid for our trip with Disney GC. If we have to cancel will we be refunded back to the 68 cards I used or will it just go on one??

Still holding out hope...

Disney refunds to the original form of payment so chances are back to each of the 68 gift cards so hopefully u held on to them

LOL I wish I would've known how to combine them. It was a pain in the butt entering in all of them

Visit to combine cards

As a side note I did have to call them last year about a refund for a party ticket cancelled by Matthew and I forgot I used a card and a CM offered to toss it away cause it had a zero balance. Long story short they ended up cutting me a check so you might be able to work something out with them
Well we left Legoland area at 5:30 this morning and it took us over 16 hours to make it home in the Florida Panhandle, a trip that usually takes us 7 hours. Traffic was horrible....

We left Lakeland today at 6:30AM, made to Tallahassee around 2, Pensacola around 5 and got into our hotel in MS about 14.5 hours later.
We avoided the Turnpike, 75 and didn't get on I10 until pretty west of Tallahassee.

We have friends hunkering down at GF, thankfully, they are stocked up on food.

Stay safe everyone!
Just a quick update on my prior posts. Universal has now entered their hurricane policy. I was able to switch/cancel my reservations with no cost. Their agent was very helpful. Thanks again for everyone's help. This thread has been invaluable for getting info and otherwise coping with the stress of this situation. My thoughts and prayers are out to those who are in the hurricane's path. Thanks!
Just a quick update on my prior posts. Universal has now entered their hurricane policy. I was able to switch/cancel my reservations with no cost. Their agent was very helpful. Thanks again for everyone's help. This thread has been invaluable for getting info and otherwise coping with the stress of this situation. My thoughts and prayers are out to those who are in the hurricane's path. Thanks!
So glad to hear they finally came to their senses. Can't believe they put you through the added stress of that
My point is this isn't even about a "catastrophe" anymore. People are discussing analyzing others' motives; talking about human psychology. People are arguing and claiming they know what's best. It's not even about Disney or plans related to Disney. It has turned into a pissing match of sorts, and it's disappointing. That's my only point.

I hope my message didn't seem that way I wished to just put facts out since I saw a lot of posts going back and forth with just assumptions and hoped putting out something factual would stop debating on the subject and get back to being a place like last year where people got support and help during the hurricane.
4 hours on the phone last night trying to move our trip out to next year and another 3 tonight all because free dining was causing a clitch to the reservation I have had the best cast member's! It amazes me how helpful and up beat they remain. I know they have to be physically and mentally exhausted. We were booked at POR Sept 10 - 16 for 3 busy adults and couldnt all three go again until next September. Once I finally got to guest services to simply move our reservation out a year the WONDERFUL CM gave me the bounceback offer for next year and we got to keep our free dining! I didn't ask for or expect this what a wonderful surprise! In a week of worry concern and fear for the people in Irma's path and a little pity for myself I finally saw a little pixie dust!

I hope and pray that no matter what Irma brings everyone can witness some pixie dust in the upcoming days!​
We left Lakeland today at 6:30AM, made to Tallahassee around 2, Pensacola around 5 and got into our hotel in MS about 14.5 hours later.
We avoided the Turnpike, 75 and didn't get on I10 until pretty west of Tallahassee.

We have friends hunkering down at GF, thankfully, they are stocked up on food.

Stay safe everyone!

I have tons of family there and none of them have left. Frankly because there not in evacuation zones and a big portion of the state retreated there also taking all hotels. Apparently nobody around them either has left. I look at the forecast track and I fear for them.

I pray for the best but it's scary

At this point there is nothing left that can be done. We know it's coming. We gotta see how it goes and start he clean up Monday.
I'm at WDW now. Just got the alert on my phone that we're now in a warning, no longer just a watch. Flew in on Tuesday when it was still "it will probably go north", landed to "well now it will hit Florida dead on". That was after a 3 1/2 hour delay at the airport. I should have known then.

I'm staying. I couldn't get a flight out earlier than my planned one on 9/12, I'm here by myself, and driving home takes 15 hours in good traffic. I don't even want to think how long it would take in this traffic. I have several bottles of water hoarded, as well as snacks and actual food. I'm at ASMo, so not the safest, but it could be worse. Room is top floor, as near to the center of the building as possible. I don't want to switch to the bottom floor, but I'm wondering if the second floor might be safer? Or is it better to see if I can move to a more enclosed resort? Has anyone here had any luck doing that?

Honestly I'm not too stressed about it. I know it will be bad, the hurricane definitely has been bad, but being here is better than risking getting stranded on the road? Or crashing driving back from exhaustion. Heck knows there won't be any hotels with open space until far from here. So mostly I'll just be staying locked in my room and dealing with it as best as I can.
I'm at WDW now. Just got the alert on my phone that we're now in a warning, no longer just a watch. Flew in on Tuesday when it was still "it will probably go north", landed to "well now it will hit Florida dead on". That was after a 3 1/2 hour delay at the airport. I should have known then.

I'm staying. I couldn't get a flight out earlier than my planned one on 9/12, I'm here by myself, and driving home takes 15 hours in good traffic. I don't even want to think how long it would take in this traffic. I have several bottles of water hoarded, as well as snacks and actual food. I'm at ASMo, so not the safest, but it could be worse. Room is top floor, as near to the center of the building as possible. I don't want to switch to the bottom floor, but I'm wondering if the second floor might be safer? Or is it better to see if I can move to a more enclosed resort? Has anyone here had any luck doing that?

Honestly I'm not too stressed about it. I know it will be bad, the hurricane definitely has been bad, but being here is better than risking getting stranded on the road? Or crashing driving back from exhaustion. Heck knows there won't be any hotels with open space until far from here. So mostly I'll just be staying locked in my room and dealing with it as best as I can.

You should be fine where you are, the disney hotels are built to withstand what your getting

If you missed it, I gave some thoughts on what I did last year for matthew here I would pay attention to the filling of room glasses, get your sink filled with ice so you have cold water if the power goes out that mini fridge won't last for long :)

Stay Safe! When the 11 o'clock report came out my heart sunk a little when it looked like its coming my direction now, but the weather guy says it should be as bad still, worse, but not as bad as he forecasted earlier. Waiting to see what the report says in the morning.
I'm at WDW now. Just got the alert on my phone that we're now in a warning, no longer just a watch. Flew in on Tuesday when it was still "it will probably go north", landed to "well now it will hit Florida dead on". That was after a 3 1/2 hour delay at the airport. I should have known then.

I'm staying. I couldn't get a flight out earlier than my planned one on 9/12, I'm here by myself, and driving home takes 15 hours in good traffic. I don't even want to think how long it would take in this traffic. I have several bottles of water hoarded, as well as snacks and actual food. I'm at ASMo, so not the safest, but it could be worse. Room is top floor, as near to the center of the building as possible. I don't want to switch to the bottom floor, but I'm wondering if the second floor might be safer? Or is it better to see if I can move to a more enclosed resort? Has anyone here had any luck doing that?

Honestly I'm not too stressed about it. I know it will be bad, the hurricane definitely has been bad, but being here is better than risking getting stranded on the road? Or crashing driving back from exhaustion. Heck knows there won't be any hotels with open space until far from here. So mostly I'll just be staying locked in my room and dealing with it as best as I can.

The only specific issue you could have with a top floor room is if the roof leaks. So if you can switch and don't mind moving, a mid level room would not have that risk.

Good luck and stay safe!
I'm at WDW now. Just got the alert on my phone that we're now in a warning, no longer just a watch. Flew in on Tuesday when it was still "it will probably go north", landed to "well now it will hit Florida dead on". That was after a 3 1/2 hour delay at the airport. I should have known then.

I'm staying. I couldn't get a flight out earlier than my planned one on 9/12, I'm here by myself, and driving home takes 15 hours in good traffic. I don't even want to think how long it would take in this traffic. I have several bottles of water hoarded, as well as snacks and actual food. I'm at ASMo, so not the safest, but it could be worse. Room is top floor, as near to the center of the building as possible. I don't want to switch to the bottom floor, but I'm wondering if the second floor might be safer? Or is it better to see if I can move to a more enclosed resort? Has anyone here had any luck doing that?

Honestly I'm not too stressed about it. I know it will be bad, the hurricane definitely has been bad, but being here is better than risking getting stranded on the road? Or crashing driving back from exhaustion. Heck knows there won't be any hotels with open space until far from here. So mostly I'll just be staying locked in my room and dealing with it as best as I can.

I don't have any answers on your room location questions but wanted to send some positive thoughts your way, since you're braving this on your own. Just follow what Disney recommends, and I'm sure you'll be fine.
I'm at WDW now. Just got the alert on my phone that we're now in a warning, no longer just a watch. Flew in on Tuesday when it was still "it will probably go north", landed to "well now it will hit Florida dead on". That was after a 3 1/2 hour delay at the airport. I should have known then.

I'm staying. I couldn't get a flight out earlier than my planned one on 9/12, I'm here by myself, and driving home takes 15 hours in good traffic. I don't even want to think how long it would take in this traffic. I have several bottles of water hoarded, as well as snacks and actual food. I'm at ASMo, so not the safest, but it could be worse. Room is top floor, as near to the center of the building as possible. I don't want to switch to the bottom floor, but I'm wondering if the second floor might be safer? Or is it better to see if I can move to a more enclosed resort? Has anyone here had any luck doing that?

Honestly I'm not too stressed about it. I know it will be bad, the hurricane definitely has been bad, but being here is better than risking getting stranded on the road? Or crashing driving back from exhaustion. Heck knows there won't be any hotels with open space until far from here. So mostly I'll just be staying locked in my room and dealing with it as best as I can.

You're going to be ok. Like prior poster said the resorts are pretty solid. I've been at ASMU during a heavy tropical storm and granted that's not the same as a hurricane, it'll be ok. Make sure you have enough provisions to get through. Close the curtains and stay away from window.
You should be fine where you are, the disney hotels are built to withstand what your getting

If you missed it, I gave some thoughts on what I did last year for matthew here I would pay attention to the filling of room glasses, get your sink filled with ice so you have cold water if the power goes out that mini fridge won't last for long :)

Stay Safe! When the 11 o'clock report came out my heart sunk a little when it looked like its coming my direction now, but the weather guy says it should be as bad still, worse, but not as bad as he forecasted earlier. Waiting to see what the report says in the morning.

Thanks! I was already doing most of those things - got a couple salads from the food court, and a couple sandwiches, as well as having been hoarding any leftovers all week. I've also been refilling all my bottles of water and putting them in the fridge, so I've got a decent storage of them. Thankfully I'm right next to the ice machine, so I'll be going out last thing tomorrow night to fill my sink with ice, then filling the bucket with extra ice that can either melt or be kept as is to keep things cold. I hadn't thought of the sink thing, that one will definitely be useful, thanks!

Hope everything turns out ok with you!

The only specific issue you could have with a top floor room is if the roof leaks. So if you can switch and don't mind moving, a mid level room would not have that risk.

Good luck and stay safe!

That is a good point. I may ask a CM about that in the morning. Unless they can get me a room in this building (I'm in building #1) or just as close to Cinema Hall, just in case, I'll probably risk the chance of a leak. I can always ask for a spare bucket in case of water leaks (and then probably use it to hoard ice in too, lol).

Thank you!

I don't have any answers on your room location questions but wanted to send some positive thoughts your way, since you're braving this on your own. Just follow what Disney recommends, and I'm sure you'll be fine.

Thank you! I definitely plan to listen to them, they probably know way better than I do!

You're going to be ok. Like prior poster said the resorts are pretty solid. I've been at ASMU during a heavy tropical storm and granted that's not the same as a hurricane, it'll be ok. Make sure you have enough provisions to get through. Close the curtains and stay away from window.

Thanks! Pretty sure I've got enough food and water, and I'm set up on the bed away from the window. If it gets that bad I can always sleep in the space next to the bed.
Thanks! I was already doing most of those things - got a couple salads from the food court, and a couple sandwiches, as well as having been hoarding any leftovers all week. I've also been refilling all my bottles of water and putting them in the fridge, so I've got a decent storage of them. Thankfully I'm right next to the ice machine, so I'll be going out last thing tomorrow night to fill my sink with ice, then filling the bucket with extra ice that can either melt or be kept as is to keep things cold. I hadn't thought of the sink thing, that one will definitely be useful, thanks!

Hope everything turns out ok with you!

That is a good point. I may ask a CM about that in the morning. Unless they can get me a room in this building (I'm in building #1) or just as close to Cinema Hall, just in case, I'll probably risk the chance of a leak. I can always ask for a spare bucket in case of water leaks (and then probably use it to hoard ice in too, lol).

Thank you!

Thank you! I definitely plan to listen to them, they probably know way better than I do!

Thanks! Pretty sure I've got enough food and water, and I'm set up on the bed away from the window. If it gets that bad I can always sleep in the space next to the bed.
Let us know how everything goes!
I'm at WDW now. Just got the alert on my phone that we're now in a warning, no longer just a watch. Flew in on Tuesday when it was still "it will probably go north", landed to "well now it will hit Florida dead on". That was after a 3 1/2 hour delay at the airport. I should have known then.

I'm staying. I couldn't get a flight out earlier than my planned one on 9/12, I'm here by myself, and driving home takes 15 hours in good traffic. I don't even want to think how long it would take in this traffic. I have several bottles of water hoarded, as well as snacks and actual food. I'm at ASMo, so not the safest, but it could be worse. Room is top floor, as near to the center of the building as possible. I don't want to switch to the bottom floor, but I'm wondering if the second floor might be safer? Or is it better to see if I can move to a more enclosed resort? Has anyone here had any luck doing that?

Honestly I'm not too stressed about it. I know it will be bad, the hurricane definitely has been bad, but being here is better than risking getting stranded on the road? Or crashing driving back from exhaustion. Heck knows there won't be any hotels with open space until far from here. So mostly I'll just be staying locked in my room and dealing with it as best as I can.
Best of luck Fuzzeh. I'm here for the same dates but at all star sports with my wife and kids. Took an Uber to Walmart this evening at 11:00PM for food supplies. Crazy busy in there. No water or bread left and many of the non perishables have been picked over. Gonna try to have a fun time tomorrow at the last day at the parks, then get ready for a couple days in our room.
I'm at WDW now. Just got the alert on my phone that we're now in a warning, no longer just a watch. Flew in on Tuesday when it was still "it will probably go north", landed to "well now it will hit Florida dead on". That was after a 3 1/2 hour delay at the airport. I should have known then.

I'm staying. I couldn't get a flight out earlier than my planned one on 9/12, I'm here by myself, and driving home takes 15 hours in good traffic. I don't even want to think how long it would take in this traffic. I have several bottles of water hoarded, as well as snacks and actual food. I'm at ASMo, so not the safest, but it could be worse. Room is top floor, as near to the center of the building as possible. I don't want to switch to the bottom floor, but I'm wondering if the second floor might be safer? Or is it better to see if I can move to a more enclosed resort? Has anyone here had any luck doing that?

Honestly I'm not too stressed about it. I know it will be bad, the hurricane definitely has been bad, but being here is better than risking getting stranded on the road? Or crashing driving back from exhaustion. Heck knows there won't be any hotels with open space until far from here. So mostly I'll just be staying locked in my room and dealing with it as best as I can.
My wife and I were there for Charlie and fine don't worry.


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