I am ready for it to end


DIS Veteran
Jan 31, 2005
I am a positive person and I feel truly happy witnessing others happy moments. The first three days at WDW I would smile whenever I saw someone with a lanyard or dream fastpass. On our fourth day we won dream fastpasses at AK and it changed me. It was so much fun that I started to want to win again. Everytime I saw a dream team member I would wonder where they were going and if I should change my plans to guess where they would be granting wishes. I didn't like feeling that way. I even rode PP a second time because I thought the dream team was going to be handing something out there. Needless to say the group just getting off as I was getting on were whisked away by the dream team and an escort. My guess is that they were the castle winners for the day. I will happy when there are no prizes to be won and I can enjoy the parks. This is pathetic, I know.
I know what you mean, but I'm actually enjoying it. Won DF's too, and I feel that helps me relax, because I won something. Going back in August and November, and will keep an eye out. It;s fun!!!
I'm kind of worried about this for our upcoming Sept. trip. I will try to ignore them, but its going to be HARD!
I'm kind of worried about this for our upcoming Sept. trip. I will try to ignore them, but its going to be HARD!

I know , me too.. I feel that we aren't gonna win anything on our trip. because I don't have any cute little kids just surly teens.. so.. i will just go on and enjoy our time.. but there is a little nagging voice that says maybe you could win something.. anything..
We were there in Nov and didn't win anything. My DH and I are going next month and I wonderi f we'll get anything......
I did get a lanyard and pin set from postcards I sent in though.
I know what you mean about looking for the people in the vests.....I did for the first few days but then not so much ..... looking forward to seeing what the next theme will be!
well it is over for us... This is our last day and nada... 8 days. Found out that at Epcot (where we happened to be by the way...) they handed out something like over 1600 dreams.. The guy told me 1 in 10 won yesterday.. Ummm not us!!! Makes me feel like a loser when you look at those odds. Can't help but feel a bit jealous. And then guilty for that, because after all we are at Disney!! But I think it is the last day let down thats all!:guilty: :guilty:
We were there for 2 weeks in June and the last night we were there my daughter had someone walk up to her at Disney Marketplace and say "let me be the first to congratulate you". She said "for what?" For being a winner of a lanyard with the year of the million dream pins on them. We had stopped even thinking about it after 13 days and poof there it was. She was quite happy. We saw one group of VERY old people, the type that wouldn't ride rides that had won dream fast passes and we thought, what a waste. We didn't see any of their passes used either. Oh well.
We were so surprised! We knew about it but didn't really talk about it until the castmemebr showed up and awarded everyone on our ride at Star Wars a lanyard. Really nice! We're going this year for 2 weeks in October and we're hoping that we get lucky again!:rotfl: :banana: :woohoo:
Ok, I guess I must amed my previous statement. Last night as we left the park at 2am! We were being waved to by 4 dream team members. My daughter wanted to trade pins and we got to talking about how we had "dream team repellant" and it was our last night. ( home now) they whispered for a bit and gave us some of those pins you keep/give which was cool and then said even though it had been done around 11 ish they would have the castle kiss us goodnight again. so they made some calls on walkie talkies and in about 20 minutes it started up... pretty cool since it was just for us!
Ok, I guess I must amed my previous statement. Last night as we left the park at 2am! We were being waved to by 4 dream team members. My daughter wanted to trade pins and we got to talking about how we had "dream team repellant" and it was our last night. ( home now) they whispered for a bit and gave us some of those pins you keep/give which was cool and then said even though it had been done around 11 ish they would have the castle kiss us goodnight again. so they made some calls on walkie talkies and in about 20 minutes it started up... pretty cool since it was just for us!

How does the castle kiss you goodnight?
I'm sorry you feel that way. Personally I think the YOMD promotion is the best thing to happen ever at Disney and I wish it would never end. I love knowing that everyday I am in the parks that the possibility is out there for wonderful things. I love how the YOMD has given me the chance to dream EXTRA big. I just love the possibility, and just imagining winning the Castle stay has certainly brightened many dark days this year.
I'm sorry you feel that way. Personally I think the YOMD promotion is the best thing to happen ever at Disney and I wish it would never end. I love knowing that everyday I am in the parks that the possibility is out there for wonderful things. I love how the YOMD has given me the chance to dream EXTRA big. I just love the possibility, and just imagining winning the Castle stay has certainly brightened many dark days this year.

I agree with the above poster. I think many of you are crossing the line from "curiosity" and "excitement" into "expectance" and "anticipation". I don't think you can fault the promotion because you personally (whether intentionally or not) set your emotions and expectations on so high of a pedestal that, if you didn't win, you'd come crashing down (a la posts like this). You must realize there are only a couple hundred winners a day on average compared with anywhere from 30-60 thousand average people in the parks each day. It's not intended as something you should go into the parks hoping and praying you'll see. It's something subtle that is meant to surprise you and create even more pixie dust on your 'ordinarily' magical day. :cloud9:
I never want on my trip expecting to win. I didn't even expect to see dream team castmembers. If you knew me in real life you would realize that I am one of those people who is truely happy when good things happen to others. I don't get caught up in the small things in life.

That is why these feelings were such a shock to me. I didn't have them until after I had won once. It was very magical and I wanted that feeling again. Once again, this is very unlike me.

I am glad that most people don't have the feelings I had. I was bamboozled by the way I felt. I will still be happy when this promotion is over and there is no random prize to be won. Just be at WDW is the prize!
I agree with the above poster. I think many of you are crossing the line from "curiosity" and "excitement" into "expectance" and "anticipation". I don't think you can fault the promotion because you personally (whether intentionally or not) set your emotions and expectations on so high of a pedestal that, if you didn't win, you'd come crashing down (a la posts like this). You must realize there are only a couple hundred winners a day on average compared with anywhere from 30-60 thousand average people in the parks each day. It's not intended as something you should go into the parks hoping and praying you'll see. It's something subtle that is meant to surprise you and create even more pixie dust on your 'ordinarily' magical day. :cloud9:

I KNOW all this!:goodvibes I just know that given my very human nature, I MAY have a hard time ignoring it - or maybe not! Last year was actually our most magical trip, because we relaxed, went with the flow and didn't let the dining plan rule our trip. I am hoping to be able to relax about the dream team too, but I'm just not sure.... I sure as heck won't come "crashing down" if we don't win a dream, but I may be looking for them out of the corner of my eye ;) .
we're going in december and my biggest fear is that our teenage daughter will be on a (big kid) ride and get a lanyard or ears or something and our son who's 8 will be left out.
I never expected to win anything (karma issues) but when our group of 13 got dream FP's it made our entire day magical! Best day of the trip! Now I didnt expect anything then nor did I look for them the rest of the trip. However when I check my lottery numbers in the morning, thats when I will get upset! Talk about your unrealistic expectations!:lmao:
We had a fab time in WDW in may on my first trip - it made me smile every time I saw people getting 'Dreams' and 'Magic Moments', especially the little kids - it really was cute at times!! We were totally lucky on our last day to be given the Tink pins by a lovely CM who we were chatting to while getting our final soveniers and presents for people at home, I alomst cried!!

And I know staying in the castle would have been the most amazing experience ever and would have loved to have experienced this more than anything....but in a way I'm glad it's still just a Dream in my mind....I like to keep the magic that way sometimes....


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