If you Rode Forbidden Journey...POST HERE! :) (Spoilers)

No. Someone said they saw that in the test seats but I don't see anything like it in the test seat pictures.

I sure hope not.That much of a confined space freaks me out!!!!!!
Does this ride go up high like the seats in Soarin? How high do you go off the ground?
Okay my mom loves spiderman but won't go on roller coasters like space mountain. Is this a ride for her or is it more of a roller coaster? I told her she at least needs to go through the line to the chicken exit...we will be there 6/12-6/15
I gather that this ride is not for the motion sick among us :scared:
And sorry if this has been asked or mentioned before, but can you walk through Hogwarts without going on the ride?? Like with ToT?? I'd assume so, but I'd rather know so before I get there ;)
I gather that this ride is not for the motion sick among us :scared:
And sorry if this has been asked or mentioned before, but can you walk through Hogwarts without going on the ride?? Like with ToT?? I'd assume so, but I'd rather know so before I get there ;)

It has been reported there are exits right before the ride. People say Hogwarts is a site to see in itself and shouldn't be missed even if you don't plan on going on FJ.
I've heard that this ride does not go upside down but can anyone confirm that for sure? I don't mind some rocking and twisting but I'm not thrilled with doing loops. Also, is it smooth or bumpy?
OK gang seriously, this is the spoiler thread. Could somebody please give us details about the ride, from beginning to end, PLEASE!?!

I know some of you out there have ridden it and there's some of us here that would like to know every detail about the ride, so please share.:flower3:

Don't make me beg. :worship:
I found this review on the orlando united forum. Not too detailed but it is something.

"Following a welcome from Dumbledore, I enter a long room lined with skulls, armor, and brass instruments. It’s the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom, where pupils learn to fight evil with magic. Suddenly, on a balcony at the far end, Harry, Hermione, and Ron (portrayed by the actors from the films) appear from behind an Invisibility Cloak. Like Dumbledore, they seem to be standing there in the flesh in front of me. Universal Creative spent seven years developing this special video-display technology. The effect is wow-worthy—3-D glasses not required. I’ve seen plenty of holographic ghosts in my day, but nothing like this.

Harry suggests we ditch the tour and play Quidditch with him, and I walk through a few more rooms before reaching the actual “ride.” Visitors take a seat in an old-fashioned, wooden-looking, four-person bench, Hermione dusts us with the Floo powder necessary to fly, and we’re off. Thanks to advanced robotics, the benches have an amazing range of motion, swooping fluidly up and down. Unlike other amusement-park rides that can propel you only in a single direction, this one gives you a sense of 360-degree movement.

The ride whisks you over Hogwarts’ grounds until you catch up with Harry and Ron. Assorted creatures, powered by robotics, pop up, including a fierce dragon that Ron and Harry must defeat. The fight, alas, sends them—and you—plummeting into the Forbidden Forest full of crawling spiders. Without spoiling the end, the Journey culminates in a game of Quidditch and an encounter with some familiar—to Potter fans—and terrifying foes.

As I exit the castle, even though I’m old enough to know I wasn’t actually soaring over Hogwarts, I feel like I’ve experienced the very next best thing. (Younger children—they must be at least four feet tall to be allowed on the ride—may think they really are there.) Like the most memorable attractions, The Wizarding World of Harry Potter takes you to a place you could previously only go in dreams, and you get to bring home a bag of awesomely gross Every Flavor Beans as a souvenir.

The verdict from one important Muggle still remains a mystery: J.K. Rowling. As of early May, she hadn’t yet visited, but she’s been very hands-on, down to approving the exact flavor of the Butterbeer (a beverage that foams like a Guinness and tastes like a cream soda). But I imagine that when she does take the Journey, she won’t be thinking about all the technology and labor that brought her fantasy to life. She and the other Muggles will simply be engrossed in the experience and waiting to see what happens next—just like kids again."
I saw that one earlier today but it's not spoilery enough for me.

What happened to the people who promised me so faithfully that they would come back here tonight and give us all the juicy details?

Be nice people. Throw us a bone here. Most of us won't get to see this for months and the wait is already killing us. Give us at least the details so we can imagine ourselves there.

A quick question that Ive not seen asked yet. Is there a child swap policy on this ride. It seems like a large part of the experience both in terms of time and what you see is the queue. If I go through with my family and ride can my wife then go on without going through it all again?
If you have ridden Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey please ring the Eye On Orlando voicemail and let them know what you think! Call 407 545 7980 and share your thoughts!
I can't believe that no-one has posted a lovely blow by blow reveiw of the ride yet........................:confused3
We won't be going until next year and want to live vicarioulsy through those who have been lucky enough to visit this year!!
Come on guys!?!!
We rode yesterday. When we got to the resort I had to ask about our admitance and the nice lady gave us a letter. I had booked our room at the resort at the right time. When we got in line at ioa no one asked to see a letter.

I have to say it was amazing to ride. Spitting spiders. Dementors. We flew over the castle virtually. We tried to ride twice but it broke.

Moaning Murtle could be heard in the bathrooms.

We fly home today and I will try to write more later.
Do things come out and touch you in this ride? I hate the idea of spiders touching me??? :scared1:


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