In Every Run That Must Be Done; There is an Element of Fun (comments welcome)

69 Days Until: TC Loony Challenge

I ran both days this weekend! Granted, my run was short this morning, but I had an extra mile yesterday (walking) so it kinda balances out?

Saturday was Magic Mile day. It was slower than the last 2, and I can’t blame it on weather because it was basically the same yesterday as a month ago.

I didn’t want to do my whole run in the same direction that I did my MM, so after I finished that, I walked back to my car, and a little beyond to get across a busy road, and then did my scheduled 5 miles out-and-back. Then I bought 12 cookies for $5 at the farmer’s market where I parked (I should probably stop running this route on Saturdays 😋😋) I also got a big glass of lemonade with a sugar-crusted rim.

My grandma and I had to run some errands after lunch, one of which was at Lowes. They’ve got Halloween decor out already and I thought these guys were hilarious. If you can’t read it, the band name is “Don’t Fear The Reapers” and they actually play music.

Today was a hard day to get moving. I just kept taking it one step at a time and doing the best I could. Once I actually got out the door and started running, I just said to myself “get from the house to point A, then decide if you can go to point B, and so on and so on” This worked until point E, when I was like, “nope, point F isn’t happening, time to go home” But when I had started my run, I wasn’t feeling like point B was going to happen, so I got a lot further than I thought I would.

It was pretty humid and hazy this morning (I didn’t know at the time that we were on our way to another AQI alert—up to 138 as of writing) Also, my playlist had a sense of humor today and ended my run on “I Ran” 🤣🤣

Another day, another after-lunch project. This time (using the stuff we got at Lowes on Saturday) I needed to screw a 2x4 to one the stringers on the deck stairs because it was cracking around a knot. And after that, which wasn’t too hard once we got the first couple screws in. After that, we had to clean up after the idiot who installed the fascia board on our deck stairs with screws long enough to go all the way through the stringers and nearly an inch beyond, making the area under that stairs pretty hazardous. And of course, the screws were really close to the underside of the stairs, so it was incredibly awkward and it took an hour and a half to cut off like 8 screws.

The heat is descending on MN this week, so I’m taking out my hill repeats on Tuesday and keeping everything easy, and in the neighborhood so I can bail if need be. I might try the hill repeats if it looks cooler next weekend.

Angel Chipmunk came out to the yard for a quick bite.

I sat down on a rock wall in the garden and had a number of visitors, despite Peter Chipmunk’s attempts to Chad them all away (which means that he didn’t get his picture taken today for being a brat 😄😄)



And Mama Red, who really really wants to come to my hand, but is very nervous (and kept getting chased by Peter, which didn’t help her nerves)
47 Days Until: TC Loony Challenge

Training has been extremely inconsistent since my last post due to weather and exhaustion and life in general.

These are the runs I’ve completed recently.

On August 8th, it was super foggy out, and it was kind of pretty (except for the fact that it was humid as all get out)

I am SO READY for fall. My sleep schedule will be going back to normal, and (theoretically) the temps and humid will be going down. In the meantime, I’m going to just continue doing what I can. Two of my recent runs have been in the rain (one was purposefully in the rain, the other was a surprise) and that was kind of nice. But most of our rain has been in the form of storms, so I can’t run in those.

I did get to actually have some fun the other night and go to the P!nk concert at Target Field. If you like her stuff at all and have a chance, go to her concert—she puts on a heck of a show!
46 Days Until: TC Loony Challenge

It was delightfully cool this morning—53°F (and 94% humidity, but at that temp, who cares)

I chose my western neighborhood route this morning so I could check the progress on the roads in a new development going in nearby, which will connect to a previously dead-end street about 2 miles from my house. I have high hopes they’ll get them paved before winter, which would give me lots of safe new space to run.

I spent about an hour the other day creating a new running playlist from all the music in my library and it ended up over 10 hours long 😱 So far, it’s been great. The music in my library is kind of eclectic, so my playlist has a bit of everything from Sinatra to Fall Out Boy, and it’s less Disney-focused than my old one (though there is still Disney on this one)
I've got a pretty eclectic running playlist too. I have mine separated right now into Disney and non-Disney. Do you have a favorite Disney song to run to? One that really motivates you when you hear it starts to play.
I've got a pretty eclectic running playlist too. I have mine separated right now into Disney and non-Disney. Do you have a favorite Disney song to run to? One that really motivates you when you hear it starts to play.
I can’t really pick just one, so here’s a short list, in no particular order:
How Far I’ll Go
Almost There
Surface Pressure
Zero to Hero
Why Should I Worry
I love making running playlists. I have so much weird stuff on there, mostly 80s and 90s and dance. Spotity made me a Running EDM playlist that was awesome. One day I was SO not feeling my run and the Pacific Rim theme came on shuffle and gave me a huge boost, so that goes on all my specific race playlists now. :)
I can’t really pick just one, so here’s a short list, in no particular order:
How Far I’ll Go
Almost There
Surface Pressure
Zero to Hero
Why Should I Worry
Surface Pressure in on mine too. I really like that one for running because of the bass beat.

This week I also added Los Lobos Goes Disney. Great cover album with lots of upbeat and unique covers of classic Disney songs. Favorite for running is Heigh Ho.
I've got a pretty eclectic running playlist too. I have mine separated right now into Disney and non-Disney. Do you have a favorite Disney song to run to? One that really motivates you when you hear it starts to play.
This would make a good SAFD. I really like "just around the river bend"
43 Days Until: TC Loony Challenge

Note to Self: don’t run in the neighborhood on trash night, it’s just gross 🤢

Other than that, last night’s run was fine. I majorly overate Wednesday night because we went out for my grandma’s birthday and then had deluxe cupcakes (with ice cream) at home so running yesterday morning wasn’t going to go well, and the weather was going to be decently cool all day, so I ran just after sunset instead.

After work today, my grandma and I are heading out to The Arb for their art fair. After we get home, I think I’m going to do my Magic Mile that’s scheduled for tomorrow, and maybe a bit more, and then do a shorter run tomorrow because it’s going to be hot 🥵

I’ve finally figured out a way to stop my cat, Lucy, from crying outside my door when I go to bed: give her a bed of her own right outside my door (I have french doors to my room, so this doesn’t block the door I use) When I got up from the couch to go to bed last night, she hopped down (from where she had been sleeping next to me) and was waiting to get into her bed when I set it down.
40 Days Until: TC Loony Challenge

In which I learn 2 things: heat isn’t so bad if there’s no sun; and always charge your lights before night runs

I felt too tired to go out and run Saturday morning, so I chose to run Saturday night, despite the fact that it got really dang hot on Saturday and there was still a feels-like of 90°F at 8:45pm. T+D was 156, which put easy pace at 14m19s, so I wasn’t too far off, and the adjusted pace is supposed to be the maximum pace anyway. Also, it was the hilly route, so the GAP was faster. I set my intervals to 30r/60w, instead of my usual 30r/45w and it worked very nicely to keep me slowed down.

I would have had the full 7 miles on my schedule, or maybe a bit more, if the lamp on my Noxgear hadn’t died less than 5 minutes after the turnaround point. The Noxgear itself was still working, so cars could still see me, but I couldn’t see the ground (and all of the hundreds of frogs and toads hanging out on the road) so I had to call my grandma to come get me. If necessary, I could’ve used my cell phone flashlight to walk home, but running wouldn’t have worked.

I got a couple nice shots of the setting crescent moon while I was out

Earlier in the evening, we had a fawn come to munch on birdseed under the feeder.

And there was a beautiful sunset

On Sunday, I had too much to do in the morning to go run because my cousin and his family were coming to visit. It was nice to see them and my cousin’s son and I went out to feed chipmunks.


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