It's alright, I'm still alive! a TR -- Day 11: Aquatica-- Updated 27/4

So today was the first full day of our holiday, and it just so happened to coincide with the last day of the Star Wars weekend, so off we trotted to Hollywood Studios. I was determined to get us up and in the park for rope drop, which wasnt actually that much of a chore, we were all up and about, presumably excited about the up and coming holiday, or just wide awake and still on British time!

So we got up, got dressed and hopped into the car to find our way to this sign and WDW...


It's hard to explain just how happy I was to see this sign, even though I saw it yesterday, it was more exciting and far more enjoyable in the morning and indeed in the light, I got excited. Take my word for it!

We arrived at HS at about 8:30ish, which I was very very proud of, my family did me proud! Straight inside the park to be greeted by one of the things I was looking forward to most, the Stormtroopers on the roof.


I even found the way that they get up there, was very very funny to watch, there's just something about watching Stormtroopers getting into a lift and then riding it up to the roof that makes you burst out laughing!


From there we hit the mass that was forming outside the hat, the main holding area if you like, there wasn't much of a group forming at the time, most had stopped to take pictures such as this...


It just so happens some of us can take photos of the interesting stuff and still get in the queue at a decent place, that is a row from the front! Oooh yer! Then all of a sudden it was ready, steady, go.... mass run to TSM, of which I was part of it. I say run, I mean more powerwalk, only mass powerwalk doesnt have the same effect that run does, so for the purpose of this trip report, it was run.

Anyways... we made it to TSM, near the front of the queue... only it broke down, just as we joined the queue, so what would have been a 15 minute queue, turned into a half an hour queue, but it was a highly comical half an hour queue, so I was suitably impressed! Mum and I spent our time running between the fastpass queue, the normal queue and just running around in general, we dont do well waiting in queues as you will learn, so we amused ourselves, ending in a sprint finish back from the fastpass queue... fastpass less I must say, I was NOT waiting in those queues, they were half an hour in themselves... back to the TSM normal queue to rejoin my brother and dad who were swiftly moving through the queue.

My awesome camera skills whilst walking enabled me to take these photos with minimal distress to the people behind, so enjoy...





this was supposed to be the walking talking animatronic Mr Potato head, unfortunately we think this may have been what broke down, so this is all we got to see, and indeed was all we saw for the rest of the 2 weeks we were there...


Here are the cars...


The ride was amazing, infact the whole concept of it was amazing, the 3D-ness was awesome, I personally found it so much more enjoyable than Buzz Lightyear spin in MK, it was just far more enjoyable, the way the ride spins you and the effects you get are so much fun, mum and I could not stop laughing the entire time we were on it. It's also amazing for mum because she is someone who can't see 3D but she still managed to gain the highest score, beating all of us by miles...


Doesn't seem fair does it!! haha

After TSM we trekked it over to the Rockin' Roller Coaster to grab some fastpasses before heading to the Voyage of the Little Mermaid, now for my all time favourite disney film, I used to pretend I was here, ginger hair and all, I was a little disappointed, don't get me wrong it was amazing, but a little short, and it skipped over so many parts of the story, I can't help but feel if they made it slightly more like beauty and the beast it would be so much better, and a far better hit. But maybe that's just me?! :rotfl: After the Little Mermaid we went to use our FP for RnR, still love that ride, even though the one in Paris is better... has an extra loop at the end!

Suitably windswept we made our way over to pick out a prime viewing space for the parade, of which there were none, we were a tad late, so we made do with another spot, until they closed the walk way, then we jumped! Prime viewing spot- tick! This was one parade I was not gonna miss, I'd heard so much about it on Dis and it was the last ever showing, definately not to be missed! Pictures speak more sense than me, so enjoy!








the famous people...

(lovely and British :))

I reached my image limit... continued below!

and the best float by far...

Ok so the parade was amazing, I loved it! Time for lunch! :-)rotfl:) To the Backlot Express....
This is the part where I scared my parents, alot. I took photos of our food, they weren't too sure as to why, but went along with it anyways! haha

This is my dad's hotdog (imagine the same for my brother!)...

My mum's salad...

and my chicket nugget thing...

This seems like a suitable place to stop... It's already taken me an hour to write this! I shall endevour to continue tomorrow! :)
Until then..... :hippie: (I don't know why I felt like putting him there!)
Excellent update,your photo's are great :thumbsup2 .I can't wait to ride TSM next year :cool1: .Looking forward to more.x.
What a great day....can't wait to read more! :thumbsup2
Hope you are feeling better :hug:

Thanks for a great update. The Star Wars parade looks amazing, and I loved seeing the Storm Troopers on the roof :thumbsup2

Laur's princess:
Star Wars parade looks awesome!

Congrats on your AAB, great results and good luck at Newcastle :)
I'm suprised we never saw you.
We was there too!:goodvibes
Great pics,I agree I really enjoyed the star wars parade.
Some people are classed as "hardcore fans" a woman stood next too me decked out complete in leather pants,boots,long leather jacket (you get the picture?) in 90+ heat :lmao: Thats what I call a fan :rotfl2:
Just found this and you've made a great start. Your hotel suite looks lovely and it sounds like you had a lovely view!

Congrats on your A Level results, well done :)
Excellent update,your photo's are great :thumbsup2 .I can't wait to ride TSM next year :cool1: .Looking forward to more.x.

TSM is one of the best new rides disney have put in in so long! You can tell they are definately working with all the new technological advances... you will definately enjoy it!!

What a great day....can't wait to read more! :thumbsup2


Hope you are feeling better :hug:

Thanks for a great update. The Star Wars parade looks amazing, and I loved seeing the Storm Troopers on the roof :thumbsup2

Laur's princess:

Thankyou, I'm feeling much better, and I agree, the Stormtroopers on the roof are awesome, they kept talking to all the guests as well!

Star Wars parade looks awesome!

Congrats on your AAB, great results and good luck at Newcastle :)

thankyou :)

I'm suprised we never saw you.
We was there too!:goodvibes
Great pics,I agree I really enjoyed the star wars parade.
Some people are classed as "hardcore fans" a woman stood next too me decked out complete in leather pants,boots,long leather jacket (you get the picture?) in 90+ heat :lmao: Thats what I call a fan :rotfl2:

she'll be lovely and hot then! I know exactly what you mean, we saw a whole family dressed up as Jedi's with the dad as darth vader, I was sweating in shorts and a t-shirt, I can't imagine what they would have felt like!

Great trip report so far, it sounds like your having fun. The pictures are lovely.


Just found this and you've made a great start. Your hotel suite looks lovely and it sounds like you had a lovely view!

Congrats on your A Level results, well done :)

Ooh welcome Jo! Good to see you! :thumbsup2
so where were we... oh yes, we'd just finished lunch!

So after a filling lunch we decided to head to one of my brothers favourite shows, Muppets 3D, to allow our food to settle and to get out of the heat that had built up that we weren't quite used to with it being our first day. Now usually I don't mind 3D shows, but there is something about this show that means I can watch it once, and once only, I don't know whether it's due to the insane amount of times we saw it last time we went to WDW meaning that I know the storyline inside out, or whether I just don't have as much of a soft spot for the muppets as I do for the 'classic'' disney characters, but after one viewing I can quite happily not go back to watch this again. Never the less my brother, as was to be expected, loved it, and laughed the entire time, so all's well that ends well!

After Muppets we made our way back out into the heat and straight onto the backlot tour, one of my favourite rides. Although they have this ride in DLP, the speech is given entirely on video, where you have to wait for the French - English translation, meaning that you miss most of the 'exhibits' straining your ears to hear what they have to say, ironically about the exhibits you just missed. I also love the fact that in WDW they tag an extra little bit on to the beginning, the special effects tank, although I am wayyy to chicken to ever put myself up for it, I could spend hours laughing at the misfortune of those who are taking part and the general soaking they receive. Unfortunately, as is just my luck, on this particular day the special effects tank was broken, so we were ushered straight into the props room, and straight onto the trams. I, of course, sat myself the furthest from the left hand side of the tram as I could, and then watched as all those who realised it was wet on that side quickly moved themselves down the row so as not to get wet themselves!
I aimed to take the obiligtory pictures, but caught up in enjoying the ride only a few came out, enjoy...



After the Backlot Tour, we decided it was time to give in to a bit of star wars passion and headed for Star Tours, which we had gotten fast passes for earlier. I'm used to hearing the entire dialogue in french, so hearing it in English came as somewhat of a shock to begin with, but was very very welcome, I know the ride very well, where every bump, turn and crash will be, but the dialogue in English added that something extra to it that the DLP ride is missing (I'm aware it is only missing for those who can't speak french!). That being said, it definately needs a complete story upgrade, it's not as fun as it used to be now I know what's going to happen!!!

By the time we exited ST the Block Street Bash parade was on it's way up the street, so our plan to exit the park and get some well earned, and indeed needed rest from the sun and to recover from jet lag was a tad thwarted, so instead we decided to watch the parade.

It was a completely different parade to what I'm used to seeing at WDW, the constant stopping made it very difficult to see all the characters, however this could be something to do with the fact we were very near the end of the route, so we only really got to see the Toystory 'float' in all it's glory, I feel that if we had been further down the route we would have see alot more of it! However the music is so darn catchy we soon found ourselves dancing along, and at one point singing (eek!). Once again pictures speak more than words, so....





After the parade had finished we made our way back down the boulevard to take our much needed break, on the way I spotted an ice cream stall, and so as not to miss out, bought myself something I had been craving for a long, long time...


(I've just realised I need to go to work... to be continued!!)
I can take or leave Muppets 3D too, I think because Philarmagic is just so wonderful it makes Muppets look really old and tired!

I got chosen to be in the Backlot Tour in 2005, I was the Captain, it was hilarious trying to pretend to steer the ship etc whilst the bombs were going off :rotfl:
The journey back from HS as non eventful and after arriving back at the apartment/condo/hotel mum and I immediately made a b-line for the spa, just for our feet though, we couldn't be bothered to deal with the whole body experience... it was definately worth it though, we felt so much better after it!!

We decided that we would head back to DTD for some food, more specifically we wanted Rainforest cafe food. So to DTD and to the Rainforest cafe we headed, unfortunately when we left it was bright sunshine, by the time we arrived however, it was raining, and raining hard. We hadn't had time to buy poncho's, so we had to run, so run we did, only to be told that we had an hour wait, which we expected, so we ran again, this time to carry out some shopping. It was only then that I realised just how amazing DTD is, all the shops are linked, meaning that we could shop and stay dry all at the same time! :thumbsup2

In no time our hour was up so we made our way back to the Rainforest Cafe, however what greeted us was complete and utter pandamonium, the rain making it ten times worse. The staff who were stood in the purple elephant were completely swamped with people demanding tables and demanding to get out of the rain, which of course could not be done. As a result they were running a good 20 minutes behind what they had told everybody, and as a consequence everybody who had legitimate bookings were getting rather irate and annoyed. All in all combined with the rain, not a good combination at all. Finally after an hour and a half we managed to get seated at a table with menu's infront of us.

I love the theming of the rainforest cafe, it's so clever and sometimes so beautiful, from where we were sitting this is what we could see...



We ordered fairly quickly as by this time we were starving and despite the chaos outside the restaurant, we were served really quickly!!

Mum, Dad and I all ordered variations of the same thing, it was a wrap which had cheese, salad and steak in a sauce in it, (mine had chicken in it), here's a picture...


My brother had the ribs...


the food was good, and definately filled the hole, I wasn't able to finish it all though, my stomach took a little while to get used to American sized portions!!

We were too full for desert so we left and decided to make our way back to HS to see fantasmic as the rain had stopped, however as we pulled up in the car park, luck really shined on us and it started raining again. We didnt really fancy getting wet again so we went home and watched the 4th July firework rehearsal from our balcony, which was spectacular.


so that's our second day finished, I apologise for the drawn out finishin of it, I have been so so busy lately.

Next up.... Our day at Epcot :)
I can take or leave Muppets 3D too, I think because Philarmagic is just so wonderful it makes Muppets look really old and tired!

I got chosen to be in the Backlot Tour in 2005, I was the Captain, it was hilarious trying to pretend to steer the ship etc whilst the bombs were going off :rotfl:

:lmao: that sounds so funny, the person I always laugh at is the one who has to sit in the control room, their face is priceless!! And I agree with your analogy of Muppets 3D, compared to Philhrmagic, it's definately old!!
Another one here for 'take it or leave it' with the Muppets.
Great pics :thumbsup2 .Your wrap looked very yummy,shame about the wait,queues etc...x.
Great day. I love the Muppets 3D show - I know it is dated but I love the humour so get why it is your brother's favourite. The RFC food always looks good, but when I am hungry, I am hungry and we have never been because it is always so busy!

Laur's princess:
heyyy sorry I havent updated for a while, I'm moving up to Newcastle tomorrow so everything's been really really hectic, packing here there and everywhere! Freshers starts on saturday so I will be seriously buy though, but I'll try and update in the mornings when im not really busy. hopefully.
So sorry to keep you waiting!!! Thankyou for being patient!!
Just a quick update for you all as you maybe wondering where I've gone... I've just moved to uni last week so everything is all a bit hectic, on top of that I've realised that I've left all my photos from WDW behind on my old laptop, which is not very helpful at all, especially when I'm 5 hours away from home. My parents are coming up this weekend though so they're bringing them along so I can transfer and carry on writing my TR!!!
Sorry for the long long time delay!!


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