It's been 549 days but we are finally home! ~ an August '21 birthday celebration! New PTR link 01/02

Gorgeous photo of you at the Tree of Life!
Sorry to hear the ride fell flat for Jack but other than that it sounds like you had a perfect day.
I've never eaten sushi but your photos make all the food look fresh and appetising (except I'd have to get past the raw fish thing lol). Happy you finally got to dine at Kimono's-great price too
It was so great! There is a lot you could order that isn't raw. All the options are good there.
I keep hearing that, but haven't done anything but the FP line.
It is absolutely worth going through the main queue. It's incredible.
How old would you say they were? Like are you talking 12? Or 6?
One girl was probably 10 or 11. The other two looked to be about 8.
Oh! Hadn't anticipated that.
Yes, he was diagnosed at 21 months with a total retinal detachment. It's not always easy for him but overall he is a trouper with the whole thing.
Sounds wonderful! And the food looked really good.
It was such a lovely evening!
I think one of the only positives to having to wait in line without FP is finally being able to experience the ride queue. After all these years we just did the FoP line too for the first time too and it is definitely immersive.
I really enjoyed having a chance to see it.
So sorry to hear this. I'm sure he (and you) was disappointed that he couldn't experience it as intended.
We certainly were. I really didn't think it would so negative for Jack.
Yum this looks delicious. Love me some tempura.
Same here....especially yam tempura. I can eat my body weight in that.
That salmon looks incredibly fresh. What is that roll next to it?
The salmon was so good! The roll next to it is crab. Jack inhaled it.
That is definitely good for Disney. Knowing the sushi-fiend that is my child we will most definitely need to give Kimono's a go sometime.
I think you would all enjoy it!
I missed your MK update, what a fun morning on your own. You did so many of my favorites at MK.
Wow Kimonos looks and sounds really delicious, this is right up Andi’s alley, we love Japanese food. I think we tried to go there once and it was closed.
I will put it on our list for one of our trips.
8? That's awfully young to be out without a parent.
Very, very young. They constantly chatted away to me and told me their mom (two girls were sisters and one was a cousin) dropped them off at the park and left them there for the day! What in the world???
I missed your MK update, what a fun morning on your own. You did so many of my favorites at MK.
It was a perfect morning and just what I needed. :goodvibes
Wow Kimonos looks and sounds really delicious, this is right up Andi’s alley, we love Japanese food. I think we tried to go there once and it was closed.
I will put it on our list for one of our trips.
You will love it! Highly recommended. :)
Very, very young. They constantly chatted away to me and told me their mom (two girls were sisters and one was a cousin) dropped them off at the park and left them there for the day! What in the world???
I mean the parks are safe, but...
Did you see the government is making an announcement tomorrow that PCR testing is not required for trips under 72 hours? A step forward! Next they need to end PCR testing for all fully vaccinated travelers.

I saw they just need to ditch the PCR for longer trips. I'd be happy with rapid antigen....maybe in the new year. Can't see them ditching it before the holiday season sadly.

It was really fun to experience the stand by queue at FoP as I had always used a fastpass for it before. The level of detail and immersive theming is unbelievable.

I haven't seen this yet and also want to - sadly this is one of the things we had hoped to do on our trip that was cut short thanks to pandemic in 2020. I still haven't actually ridden FOP at all because my last couple trips I didn't even make it to AK and before that I was a big chicken lol

To say this was stressful in a huge understatement. It took 1/2 hour in standstill traffic to make the exit back to Disney property.

I totally get this. Driving around there can be really stressful.
I did a little Hidden Mickey hunting and was happy to cross this one off my list....
Ok now this is one I have NEVER seen myself nor seen anyone talk about! you know I need to find it next month :thumbsup2
He doesn't see in 3D as he is blind in his left eye due to rare disease called Coats Disease
Ugh sorry to hear this, that does stink. Luckily there aren't that many 3D rides in Disney.

I don't do sushi or seafood but so glad you got to Kimonos and enjoyed it! That's a restaurant you don't see many reviews on!
It was really fun to experience the stand by queue at FoP as I had always used a fastpass for it before.

I have enjoyed seeing the queues for so many rides in the past year or so. We rode FOP on opening day but we were moving to fast to enjoy the queue.

I really enjoyed the ride as always but it fell flat for Jack. He doesn't see in 3D as he is blind in his left eye due to rare disease called Coats Disease ( ). He could see the images but then there were all these blue and red lines all over the screen which spoiled the whole thing for him. I felt really badly as I didn't anticipate this happening.

I'm so sorry. I would not have thought of that either. There are several attractions that are 3D.

Leaving the park, we were super excited for our dinner. As we headed towards the Swan I accidentally ended up in the lane heading for the I4 towards Tampa. To say this was stressful in a huge understatement. It took 1/2 hour in standstill traffic to make the exit back to Disney property.

Yikes! This would have made me really nervous too.

Our bill for the whole meal including 2 beers for Jack and a glass of wine for me was $117!!!! How was that even possible? Perfect food, awesome service and a great, don't walk, to Kimonos. You won't regret it.

That is impressive and I don't even like sushi. I know I'm in the minority.

Heading back to the Lodge, we were just in time to catch the Electric Water Pageant. Could there be a better ending to a perfect evening?

Yes, the perfect ending.
Very, very young. They constantly chatted away to me and told me their mom (two girls were sisters and one was a cousin) dropped them off at the park and left them there for the day! What in the world???


I've had my kids come meet me in the park later in the day but they were in high school. I can't imagine letting 3 kids loose in the parks alone at that age.
I saw they just need to ditch the PCR for longer trips. I'd be happy with rapid antigen....maybe in the new year. Can't see them ditching it before the holiday season sadly.
I know! I am keeping my fingers crossed the requirement for longer trips will be gone by March Break.
I haven't seen this yet and also want to - sadly this is one of the things we had hoped to do on our trip that was cut short thanks to pandemic in 2020. I still haven't actually ridden FOP at all because my last couple trips I didn't even make it to AK and before that I was a big chicken lol
FoP is so amazing. I cried from sheer joy and awe the first time I rode it.
Ok now this is one I have NEVER seen myself nor seen anyone talk about! you know I need to find it next month :thumbsup2
It's in Adventureland.....
I don't do sushi or seafood but so glad you got to Kimonos and enjoyed it! That's a restaurant you don't see many reviews on!
It is so good!!
I have enjoyed seeing the queues for so many rides in the past year or so. We rode FOP on opening day but we were moving to fast to enjoy the queue.
I am loving it too! My favourite so far is the one for Peter Pan's Flight.
I'm so sorry. I would not have thought of that either. There are several attractions that are 3D.
Thanks Vanessa. Honestly I didn't think it would be that bad for him, I felt terribly about it.
Yikes! This would have made me really nervous too.
Florida drivers are something else!
That is impressive and I don't even like sushi. I know I'm in the minority.
It took me a while to enjoy it and even now I mostly eat veggie sushi.

I've had my kids come meet me in the park later in the day but they were in high school. I can't imagine letting 3 kids loose in the parks alone at that age.
Right??? The boys were 14 and 16 before I let them go to the park by themselves and even then I was nervous.
After enjoying some down time at the resort, we headed out to Animal Kingdom. Our whole purpose of this trip was to try to ride FoP with a minimal wait at the end of the park day. Surprisingly there wasn't even anyone at the parking booth and we easily found a spot to park.
It was really fun to experience the stand by queue at FoP as I had always used a fastpass for it before.

Me too!
The level of detail and immersive theming is unbelievable. The only thing that we found annoying was three little girls in front of us who would NOT stop talking.

Yes, it really is!! I'd not done it standby until recently either! But yes, while annoying, I'd take that over line cutters any day.
I really enjoyed the ride as always but it fell flat for Jack. He doesn't see in 3D as he is blind in his left eye due to rare disease called Coats Disease ( ).

I see what you did there! (Intentional or not, that was a good use of literary form!) But, I have never heard of that and it's very interesting.
I felt really badly as I didn't anticipate this happening.
OH such a shame, who could have predicted that.
Leaving the park, we were super excited for our dinner. As we headed towards the Swan I accidentally ended up in the lane heading for the I4 towards Tampa. To say this was stressful in a huge understatement. It took 1/2 hour in standstill traffic to make the exit back to Disney property.

OH wow, that sounds incredibly stressful! But so happy your dinner more than made up for it!
Heading back to the Lodge, we were just in time to catch the Electric Water Pageant. Could there be a better ending to a perfect evening?
Nope! Can't think of one!
I see what you did there! (Intentional or not, that was a good use of literary form!) But, I have never heard of that and it's very interesting.
It is quite rare with incidence of about .09 per 100,000. Typical diagnosis is between age 5-15. Cases like Jack's where he was diagnosed at 21 months old with a fully detached retina are about 1 in a million. It hasn't been easy for him.
OH wow, that sounds incredibly stressful! But so happy your dinner more than made up for it!
Dinner was beyond delicious and made all the stress disappear! :)
A magical morning!

We woke up this morning feeling refreshed and rested after our lovely evening. Jack surprised me by suggesting heading over to Magic Kingdom together. I happily agreed and we were soon at the boat dock after grabbing a quick coffee and snack to go from Roaring Forks.

While he may not look enthused in this photo, I was just happy we were spending time together.
I decided to deck myself out in all my "IASW" gear this morning with the tank top, ears and bag. Jack just looked at me and shook his head but I was happy.

Jack's plan was to ride Space Mountain as the line for it had been way too long the last time we were in the park. I was a little nervous as I find it jerky. We ended up walking right on to the ride and were soon hurtling through space. It was a ton of fun and I looked expectantly at Jack after and asked "what do you want to do next?" He replied "I'm done....I just wanted to do Space and not anything else." Well, he certainly knows his own mind! So he made his way back to the Lodge while I felt Peter Pan's Flight calling my name. That was another queue I had never experienced in the standby lane and it was such fun to explore!

I felt it only right to ride IASW given my outfit of the day so I headed there next.

I was feeling a little peckish so headed to Aloha Isle next for the Kakamora float (coconut soft serve with pineapple juice and blue curaco syrup and a chocolate kakamora cake pop). This was ahuge serving and a bit too sweet for me. I mostly ate the coconut soft serve which was delicious (sorry @pkondz!) and tried a sip or two of the juice and a bite of the cake pop. That was enough sugar for me!

Of course I had to see my beloved Tiki room next and had a ball singing along. Heading out of the park, I caught the princesses appearing at the train station. One of my retirement plans is to work part time for Disney and I think I would make a perfect Fairy Godmother! A girl can dream, right???

Heading back to the Lodge, I decided to take a few pictures of the beautiful Boulder Ridge lobby. I just love it so much. The Carolwood room is stunning and filled with lots of interesting history. Walt's model train from his California home is on display and there are checkers and board games as well as cozy nooks to read. It would be a perfect rainy day spot.IMG_9221.jpeg

I loved this seating area by the fireplace. Just perfect for a quiet morning coffee or afternoon glass of wine.

After exploring a bit more, I felt some pool time was in order. Jack was happily tucked up watching a movie so I decided to order myself a little poolside lunch. I went for the portobello salad with goat cheese dressing and a yummy cucumber mint vojito. This was so delicious and refreshing. Nothing better than a poolside lunch!

I happily spent a couple of hours going between dips in the pool and time reading my book under the shade of an umbrella. Simply the most perfect way to spend an afternoon.

Jack surprised me by suggesting heading over to Magic Kingdom together.
Yuss! I'd be all over that suggestion any time!
I decided to deck myself out in all my "IASW" gear this morning with the tank top, ears and bag. Jack just looked at me and shook his head but I was happy.
I was a little nervous as I find it jerky.
I hear you. I don't know which line it is anymore, but... I found one side a lot of fun... and the other far too jerky.
"what do you want to do next?" He replied "I'm done....I just wanted to do Space and not anything else."
Peter Pan's Flight calling my name. That was another queue I had never experienced in the standby lane and it was such fun to explore!
They really did a nice job with it. :)
I felt it only right to ride IASW given my outfit of the day so I headed there next.
While it might not be my fave... dressed as you are, I would've been disappointed if you hadn't.
I was feeling a little peckish so headed to Aloha Isle next for the Kakamora float (coconut
NOPE! I don't know what else you said was in it, but I stopped reading right there.
I mostly ate the coconut soft serve which was delicious (sorry @pkondz!)
You should apologize! :snooty:
Of course I had to see my beloved Tiki room next and had a ball singing along.
:laughing: I love that you sang along. :goodvibes
One of my retirement plans is to work part time for Disney and I think I would make a perfect Fairy Godmother! A girl can dream, right???
Absolutely. But you're far too young for the role right now.
I loved this seating area by the fireplace. Just perfect for a quiet morning coffee or afternoon glass of wine.
Wow does that look inviting.
I happily spent a couple of hours going between dips in the pool and time reading my book under the shade of an umbrella. Simply the most perfect way to spend an afternoon.
And that looks sooooo relaxing!
Yuss! I'd be all over that suggestion any time!
Me too! I was happy Jack was in a better mood and actually wanted to do something. Even it turned out to only be one thing, lol!
I hear you. I don't know which line it is anymore, but... I found one side a lot of fun... and the other far too jerky.
I found the same. Luckily we were on the fun side today!
They really did a nice job with it. :)
The shadow wall was my favourite! So fun. :)
While it might not be my fave... dressed as you are, I would've been disappointed if you hadn't.
IASW has grown on me.
You should apologize! :snooty:
I know, I know.......
:laughing: I love that you sang along. :goodvibes
It's a requirement you know. ;)
Absolutely. But you're far too young for the role right now.
Well thank you! Retirement is still a few years away so maybe I'll age into it. Do you think Canadians can work part time for Disney?
Wow does that look inviting.
The BRV lobby is full of those lovely little nooks.
And that looks sooooo relaxing!
The best!!!
While he may not look enthused in this photo, I was just happy we were spending time together.

Ha I hear ya!!! It's great that he went and did a couple things with you and then you got to spend a leisurely morning doing whatever you wanted!!

I was feeling a little peckish so headed to Aloha Isle next for the Kakamora float (coconut soft serve with pineapple juice and blue curaco syrup and a chocolate kakamora cake pop).

This looks delicious!! Sorry it was a bit was pretty though!!
Me too! I was happy Jack was in a better mood and actually wanted to do something. Even it turned out to only be one thing, lol!
Which is pretty funny, actually. :laughing:
I found the same. Luckily we were on the fun side today!
The shadow wall was my favourite! So fun. :)
Did you get a butterfly to sit on your hand?
Well thank you! Retirement is still a few years away so maybe I'll age into it. Do you think Canadians can work part time for Disney?
I would imagine? But... I honestly have no clue.
We woke up this morning feeling refreshed and rested after our lovely evening. Jack surprised me by suggesting heading over to Magic Kingdom together
So lovely to spend some time together.
I decided to deck myself out in all my "IASW" gear this morning with the tank top, ears and bag. Jack just looked at me and shook his head but I was happy.
Sometimes our sons just don’t get it! You look gorgeous:goodvibes
One of my retirement plans is to work part time for Disney and I think I would make a perfect Fairy Godmother!
sounds like a great plan and yes you’d be perfect!
Heading back to the Lodge, I decided to take a few pictures of the beautiful Boulder Ridge lobby.
Beautiful photos. That lobby is stunning!
Ha I hear ya!!! It's great that he went and did a couple things with you and then you got to spend a leisurely morning doing whatever you wanted!!
I definitely learned a lot about travelling with adult children this trip!
This looks delicious!! Sorry it was a bit was pretty though!!
It was quite picture worthy...just a bit of a sugar overload!
Which is pretty funny, actually. :laughing:
He certainly knows his own mind!
Did you get a butterfly to sit on your hand?
I didn't! Is that really a thing?
So lovely to spend some time together.
Honestly I was just happy he was in a better mood!
Sometimes our sons just don’t get it! You look gorgeous:goodvibes
Awww, thank you!
sounds like a great plan and yes you’d be perfect!
It would be the best job!
Beautiful photos. That lobby is stunning!
I adore it there. Definitely in my top three resorts on property.
Last edited:
It was really fun to experience the stand by queue at FoP as I had always used a fastpass for it before
I am kind of looking forward to waiting in the stand by line to see the question as well.

They seemed really young to be on their own in the line and I was surprised they were allowed on the ride without an adult.
The age to ride by yourself is fairly low! Which we use with the girls right in front or behind us. But I guess technically they could go in line by themselves.

He could see the images but then there were all these blue and red lines all over the screen which spoiled the whole thing for him. I felt really badly as I didn't anticipate this happening.
That is a bummer. But I guess it makes sense.

It took 1/2 hour in standstill traffic to make the exit back to Disney property.
Ugh! That is the worst when you are in traffic and you know you are in the wrong place.

Jack surprised me by suggesting heading over to Magic Kingdom together. I happily agreed and we were soon at the boat dock after grabbing a quick coffee and snack to go from Roaring Forks.
That's nice! And apparently short lived.

I decided to deck myself out in all my "IASW" gear this morning with the tank top, ears and bag. Jack just looked at me and shook his head but I was happy.
He just doesn't understand.

He replied "I'm done....I just wanted to do Space and not anything else." Well, he certainly knows his own mind!

One of my retirement plans is to work part time for Disney and I think I would make a perfect Fairy Godmother! A girl can dream, right???
I will come visit when it happens!

I went for the portobello salad with goat cheese dressing and a yummy cucumber mint vojito. This was so delicious and refreshing. Nothing better than a poolside lunch!
Sounds perfect!


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