It's Wiggle Time! - Update, Page 3. (Spoiler Alert!)


Enjoying my family!
Jan 30, 2001
The WIGGLES update!

Today was a big day for the boys!

We did the Numbers Rhumba. Anthony wore a Mexican hat and played trumpet!

We made balls and snakes with colored dough. The best thing about it is you can make it at home!

While the guests were arriving for a barbecue, Murray spilled on his red shirt! He couldn't find a clean one :( He tried a black one which was too hot, so he picked a loud hawaiian one. No one recognized him! He had to prove to them who he was. He tried playing guitar and dancing for them, but he just wasn't as good as their friend Murray. :(

Happily, when Captain Feathersword's errant beach ball toss struck the laundry on the clothesline, Murray found his clean red shirt. After a quick change, everyone recognized him!

We celebrated by doing the monkey (dance).

It was a special day for Henry. He was so excited that he forgot he had already put his shoes on! He was going on a picnic with Jaques the Shark and the little fish. The octomobile was too small for them all, so they had the picnic in the front yard!

The Captain got flustered by Wags' messy habits. He decided Wags needs obedience lessons. Luckily he had an obedience kit on hand. The giant obediance whistle didn't work, until Wags tried it, and made the Captain clean up! What a turn of events!

Jeff wore an extra shirt to look like Henry, and we finished up with a rousing round of "Henry the Octopus"!
I have no idea what a wiggle is :confused: !



Anthony did look dashing in his sombrero, didn't he?????

"Trust the Captain!"



tc - here are the Wiggles in the Big Red Car - only Greg is allowed to drive it. :(:(:( He'll have to drive when Anthony (in the blue shirt) picks me up for our date!

Okay, so, is this a kids show? Or, an adult show? :confused: :rolleyes: :confused:
JTB...I drew some when I first saw them...
I can't wait to tune in tomorrow!

I wonder if Greg will ever pull that rabbit out of the hat?

Will the captain ever learn to stop saying "blow me down!"?

Will Anthony ever share his fruit salad recipe?

Will Greg wake up??

The suspense is killing me!
Hello fellow Wiggles lovers!!!! :D

Ah yes, Anthony did look especially yummy today. ;) The boys and I followed up today's episode with Hoop Dee Doo It's a Wiggly Party, Wiggly Wiggly World, and our old favorite WAKE UP JEFF!!!! :D

Only 20 more days until we see the Wiggles LIVE!!!!! :D

Stomp stomp stomp, clap clap clap, wiggle your hips, just like that! :smooth:
Originally posted by TigrLvsPooh
It better be the one on the left!!! ;)
Yeah, it better be! DD will not be happy if they 'replace' Anthony or anyone else for that matter!

Ric, where did you get that info??

17 more days until we see The Wiggles! :Pinkbounc
Paul filled in for Anthony when we had to get his teeth fixed. (root canal) Not to worry though, Anthony is back on the tour and doing great! :D
oops... that "we" should say "he"! LOL ;)

I love this picture from Big Brother! :D

<img src=>
Kim, not to worry. :) The guy on the right is Paul Field, who works for the Wiggles. According to, he took over for Anthony for a few days when Anthony was unable to perform. I think he did 2 shows.
Here's a link if you want more info.
Oh heck... here's one more! :D Anthony looks so cute in this one! ;)

<img src=>
You SO need to stay away from MY ANTHONY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Would you like to guess where he was for those two days???

Here's a hint -

"The stars at night

Are big and bright.........."

I really think I'm missing something. Is this on regular tv, or cable?


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