I've Been Vaccinated (No Politics Please)

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We just went for a walk through our neighbourhood this evening and chatted with a couple people along the way. The general attitude is very positive about the vaccines becoming available, and everyone is looking forward to getting their shot and moving on with life... Congrats to those who've got their shot. I look forward to my turn....

Yes to this!
We will get there!
Hugs to you
Glad you were able to get it! I am (not) patiently waiting my turn but at 46 it will be awhile. I am also anxious for my parents to be able to get theirs. Hopefully soon on that! The more people that get them, the sooner everyone is safe, and we can travel. I'm always happy to hear of people in Canada able to get their shots. Especially as Ottawa is supposed to be moving into the red zone, the more people who are able to get vaccinated the better we are to get back on track, reduce cases and see the light at the end of this tunnel.

So very happy you were able to get vaccinated.
Thanks Hon
I know the wait is very hard and stressful especially for all the parents pulling double/triple duty right now. There is a light at the end of this and it will happen!
Hugs Hon
Apparently York Region is opening vaccine signups for 75 and up (1946 and earlier) starting tomorrow. My MiL was born in '47, so has to wait a couple more weeks.

But I'm still happy that things are starting to move along.

That is great news Hon!
Reminds me of that old song
by Fozzie Bear & Kermit
We are ....................................

Hugs to you and your family
Got a headache ...probably from stress of getting the vaccine but Dr. said I can take Tylenol so I am going to take 2 and call it a night.
Thanks to everyone posting Great!! Kind!!! & Hopeful thoughts.
Please if you get a shot , post and let us know how you are doing.
Everyone needs all the encouragement we can give them right now!

Really no side effects for me at all. Shot was totally painless and didn't have a sore arm at all today. I had a very slight headache today but that could be totally unrelated. I was quite surprised that our appointments were at 8:30 and 8:45 pm. We were given the other option of 9:45!!!
Really no side effects for me at all. Shot was totally painless and didn't have a sore arm at all today. I had a very slight headache today but that could be totally unrelated. I was quite surprised that our appointments were at 8:30 and 8:45 pm. We were given the other option of 9:45!!!
I mean, if my only option was 2am I'd find a way to be there, y'know?
A close relative in Italy got the AZ vaccine last week and he had no side effects at all ..he is 67 yrs old.
He was so happy to get the vaccine. My sister in law's mom got the Pfizer vaccine (Italy) and just got her 2nd shot..... again no side effects.
She is anxious to get to travel back to Canada as soon as possible which is funny cause I'd love to go to Italy right now.

Awesome! When do they tell you what brand it is? Just wondering if it deters some people? I guess you need to know to match the second dose? (I'm so far down the queue I haven't done much research)...
So glad to hear that you were able to get your shot. And don't blame you for being emotional. A year of hell, and now finally hope. Was it hard to get an appointment? I'm mid (or more like late) 40s so I won't get one for awhile. Did you get a date for your second shot? Thanks for sharing.
Awesome! When do they tell you what brand it is? Just wondering if it deters some people? I guess you need to know to match the second dose? (I'm so far down the queue I haven't done much research)...
Hi Hon
Right now the AstraZeneca vaccine was just for people 60-64 yrs.
You get an email from the Ministry of health when the second shot is ready.(right now 4 months), however this could change if more doses become available earlier.

It took a few hours of calling.

Hugs Mel
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Thank you for showing support for the vaccine. We need supportive words from as many people as possible. There is a great vaccine hesitancy (regardless of manufacture) out there in community. It is very sad that many people are quite "selfish" and think if other people around them are vaccinated, then themselves do not have to, because of herd immunity. Worse yet, most people refuse to get it because they don't see a "benefit". When they are denied travel (eg, cruise) without a vaccine record, then they will go get it because there is an immediate benefit to them.

Unfortunately, vaccines will not stop COVID unless we reach a certain population percentage... something in the neighborhood of 60-70% + By sharing words that it is not a big deal and there is little side effect, hopefully the acceptance rate will be greater.

I find it hard to believe... many people died in LTC and workers were in life danger looking after our elderly. Yet, about half of LTC workers (ie, 45%) opted not get vaccines now that it's available?!

Awesome! When do they tell you what brand it is? Just wondering if it deters some people? I guess you need to know to match the second dose? (I'm so far down the queue I haven't done much research)...
Dds vaccine was the Pfizer. I don’t know when she found out but the first time she mentioned it was after the appointment.
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