Jackie and Chris's Wishes Wedding 1/6/12: SBP/Attic/SCP 5/11 Final Post- PJ Finished

Jackie, I am so very sorry for your loss. Thinking back, you seemed to alway like to put your feelings into words here on your PJ. I think you still need to do that in some way, whether its into a diary or just in a word document or here on your PJ. Do what makes you feel better. We're all here for you.
Jackie, I'm so sorry for your loss. Even if you don't post it, I think you might want to do a TR for yourself now so that you can get down all the details of the trip while they are still fresh in your mind. I know it will be difficult, but in time it may become a wonderful way to remember your dad. And I can't help but think what a blessing it was that your dad was able to enjoy your wedding as one of the last things he did before his untimely death. My condolences to you and your family.
My sweet Jackie
I have already posted on FB but wanted to add my love to the other posts on here!!
My thoughts and love are with you and Chris at this difficult time. It is such a shame that your first few weeks of married life, which should be nothing but blissful happiness, will now be tinged with the heartache of coping with this tragic loss.
I know that you Dad will have been so proud of his baby as he walked you up the aisle, and will have been sure that he was giving you up to a man who adored you and would look after you perfectly. I am convinced that his last days on earth were filled with happiness and love, and with the joy of seeing his precious daughter very happily settled with a partner who was perfect for her!! You gave him that precious gift in his final days.
I don't pretend to even imagine how you are feeling, and nothing I can say will make it any better.
Know that we love you and will be here for you whether you decide to start you TR or whether you decide to take a break from the boards. We will be here when you need us, either way.
God bless you sweetie xxxx
I know I haven't been on the board for very long, but I wanted to express my heartfelt condolences on the loss of your father. You have so much courage to be so honest and open with all the brides on the board, and I hope this will help you during this time.

As a fellow only child, I know how hard it can be going through a loss of a family member without the support of a sibling, but what a blessing your family has expanded, to include a loving husband.

You and your husband will be in our prayers.
First, I wanted to say thank you so much for all of your kind words and supportful comments. I would go back and thank all of you individually, but it's really hard for me to do that. I know it's SO hard to know what to say to someone when a loved one dies, but it is incredibly difficult to respond too. (I hope that doesn't sound selfish; I am just being honest.) I appreciate everything so much. I love all of you girls (and the stray guy) so much. My wedding consultant and wedding planner have also expressed their sympathies, which means a lot to me. (Which means they must read this. Hello, girls!)

This has been a difficult week for me, but it's slowly getting easier. I've made some decisions about school: I am going to still be teaching 1 class this semester, and I am still taking 2. But, in order to graduate, I have to take this huge test, and I am not taking it in March when I am supposed to. (My adviser, who is an amazing man, basically told me I wasn't allowed to take it then). I will be taking it in August, so I won't be able to graduate until December. That hurts a little, but it is what is right for me. I have also started seeing a counselor, and she has already given me advice. I am caught in between feeling extreme happiness (I just got married! I am proud to be a wife!) and extreme sadness (my daddy just died) and extreme worry (I own a house now and I live 1000 mi away from it). I just have to be honest, and allow myself to be stressed; and allow myself to be sad; and allow myself to be happy. I also have to allow myself to relax. I am not good at relaxing, but I have started reading for fun. It's soothing. If anyone has any chick lit to recommend me, please let me know!

I am going home on Saturday for the wake and funeral. This will be a very rough weekend for me, so please keep my family in your thoughts and prayers. I will also post my dad's obituary online, just so you can read it and, if you are local, you are all more than welcome to attend. (I don't expect anyone to as I know it would be awkward, but I am just saying, really.) I wrote my dad's obituary myself; it was difficult, but something I had to do.

What is helping me most throughout this is laughing about it. I inherited my snarky, flippant sense of humor and, really, way of looking at the world, from my dad, and so I have begun wondering what he would say about certain things. He is, for instance, in Heaven complaining that he has to go to Mass: "Jack, I just want to get in and get out and go home and put my sweatpants on! Come on!" It's an odd way to deal with grief, I know, but I knew my dad so well, and I know he's looking down at me saying things like that.

And, because I need to allow myself to be happy; because I need to allow myself to REMEMBER everything; I have decided to write my trip report. It won't be easy. I have, to some extent, started thinking about my life as "Before Daddy" and "After Daddy." There is a large part of me missing right now, and "Before Daddy" almost feels like another girl. But, I want to reunite the two, and I think working on my trip report--- working through these feelings--- will help. I hope you all don't mind if I pepper my report with my current feelings of grief and sorrow, and just with a general report of how things are. If you don't want to read those things, I don't mind; it just helps to write them down. I am also going to start journaling.

Okay. Enough of that! It is time to start the trip report. That will be the next post. :goodvibes

There is nothing wrong with putting your feelings in your TR. That's what TRs are for.

We'll all be here the whole way, and after. Just like gum on your shoe. ;)
:hug: It sounds like you are working through the process and making the right decisions for yourself, no matter how hard they might be. It's great that you're seeing a counselor, I hope that's a big help for you. Talking things out is really good. You are a strong woman, and even though it's so hard I know you will get through this. I wish I was closer to CT so I could be there for you, I would like nothing more than that right now. Know at least that I will be with you in spirit :hug:

Also, I'm glad you decided to continue with your TR. Hopefully it will be healing to you, and I know that we are looking forward to hearing all about how your special day turned out!
I'll be here reading :hug: I know that writing helps--so be sure to say what you feel!! Luv ya girl :hug:
So I left my house around 3:45--- and it was 25 degrees! Brr.


I also have to admit that I checked the door about 5 times before I left for good; I get quite nervous when I leave town for more than a few days. I almost ran out of gas on the way to the airport, which was prettttty nervewracking, but Midnight Buttercup (that's the name of my gray VW Bug) and I made it to the airport okay. AND, when I pulled into the airport, a certain Future Husband pulled up just behind me! Perfect timing on my part. By the way, we both had to park at the airport because we only have street parking: and if there had been a snow storm, which there WAS, our cars might have been towed.

We parked in the Super Saver lot, and the shuttle was already there: and we were the only ones on it. This meant that Cindy got to lay down:


Doesn't she look relaxed?

Check in was not nearly as complicated as I thought it would be--- it only took them a few extra minutes to get Cindy her seat--- and security was a breeze. I had to put Cindy through the scanner, but luckily some rather slow old folks were behind me in line, so she didn't get crushed on the conveyer belt or anything. We wound up having to wait about 2 hours to board due to my instance on being incredibly early. I didn't want to miss my wedding flight! ;)

I got an order of Johnny Rockets half rings and half fries because I was starving (I hadn't eaten much due to the Mama Drama), and it was the largest order of food I have ever received. Seriously. I forgot to take a picture because I think I was overwhelmed. We ended up saving over half of it and put it in the backpack.

After waiting and waiting and waiting, it was FINALLY time to board. They did some silly trivia thing and gave out Southwest $25 vouchers and inflatable planes. I boarded the plane easily (and I didn't get "Kevin Smithed" at all!), and gave Cindy her window seat. She got buckled up:


And then we were on our way! I can assure you that having the entire row to ourselves was so much more comfortable. We were able to stretch out a little and it was a smooth, enjoyable flight. I read The Jane Austen Book Club (well, most of it); it was okay. No one offered Cindy a drink or anything though! I had some free drink coupons, and Chris and I each had a drink: it definitely helped me relax. We landed in Florida about 20 minutes ahead of schedule.


Look how excited I look! Chris is just dealing with me.

And then it was time to get our luggage and head to DME! Now, one thing that wasn't fun: after going to baggage claim (we had to get our own bags because our flight landed after 10pm), going back up, and traversing all around MCO with that 10lb dress: my arm was KILLING me. I should have done exercises to prep for this!

We headed over to DME and got in the Beach Club line (!!!)


And waited on the bus for a bit. I always manage to pick a row that has an awful view of the TV and Chris gets annoyed lol. It was also quite uncomfortable for me because I had a 10lb dress in my lap. Oh well. It was around this time that the Johnny Rockets came into play: we got starving again and started eating it like we had the munchies.


Again! I look excited. Chris looks asleep.

We stopped at POR, Boardwalk, and the Yacht Club first, and then got to the Beach Club. I had never stayed there before, but I fell in love with the lobby. (I didn't take pictures that night because I was too tired, so y'all don't get pics yet!). We got our room, and we were off.

I don't know if other people are crazy like me, but I love looking at pictures of hotel rooms. Here was our room; I am still in love with it:


The bed has a Little Mermaid comforter. It's adorable.


(I even like the plaid couch! I love plaid!)


(Super-comfortable chairs)



I unpacked a little bit; ate some more of the fries/onion rings (I told you they gave us so much!!!); and then went to bed. I was exhausted, but SO excited.
I am glad to hear that you are going to continue with your TR. I know how therapeutic writing can be and it is good to have a forum to get those feelings, of both joy and sadness, out so they don't fester inside.

Know that you are not far from my thoughts. :flower3:
arm excersises for cindy! :lmao!

I'm glad you started writing. We'll be here as long as you need us. Don't worry :)
Hooray for you choosing to write your TR. I definitely process through emotions by writing.

-I love snack food thank goodness you had something to much on
-wow arm exercises for your dress that is crazy
-I would probably insist on being crazy early for my wedding flight too
-so glad you liked the beach club I am not sure if I would even though I really want to because of the pool.

cant wait to read more

Hi Jackie,

First of all, I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I know this is an extremely difficult time for you and your family, and you are in my thoughts.

I am glad you decided to write your trip report, I think you will be happy that you recorded the memories! Also, I am excited to read it!

Now, on to the trip report...

Hooray for an uneventful (but long) travel day! I think you made a great choice to buy the dress a seat!

The room at Beach Club looks amazing!! I sooo want to stay there some day!!

Also, side note, some of my favorite chick lit (which you have probably read but I'll list it anyway!)
1. I love the entire Shopaholic Series as well as Sophie Kinsella's other book as Madeline Wickham.
2. Marian Keyes is great and has a ton of books
3. I have gotten really into Cozy Mysteries.....
3A. The Aunt Dimity series by Nancy Atherton
3B. The Beatrix Potter series by Susan Wittig Albert
3C. The Maggody series by Joan Hess
So glad to see you are writing your TR. We are here for you!! :hug:

I love that you buckled in your dress... I totally would have put down the tray for her and gotten her some peanuts... :)

Sounds like the trip was off to a great start! That and now I am hungry for french fries....
Jackie, I just want to give you the biggest hug right now. :hug: If we didn't already have plans set for Saturday, I'd have Doug drive me to CT.

I am happy to read the start of the trip report. I love that you buckled in Cindy. Did the flight attendants say anything?

The Beach Club looks so awesome! The entertainment center is so nifty! (I'm all about shelves/compartments)

And for all that I read each year, I never really read much for chick lit. But if you ever want historical fiction or fantasy, I'm good with those suggestions! :goodvibes
YAY! I literally screamed when I saw your PJ title said "TR Day 1"! :banana::yay::dance3::woohoo:

•I have to agree, traveling with your wedding dress is a PAIN. They really should tell you to train your body to support carrying it. :lmao:
•I'm OBSESSED with hotel rooms, so I really enjoy your room pics! Beach Club looks so pretty! I love that Little Mermaid comforter.
•It's important to write your wedding experience...as I'm slowly going through my day, I find myself forgetting more and more. :guilty: So, I think this is a great and therapeutic hobby to do.

Especially since you were there for like 87645679 days! :rotfl: > Me being jealous. :rolleyes1
I'm so glad to hear you're doing a bit better. I think talking to a conselor will be great for you. I am sending major hugs and pixiedust your way still!

Your family will be in my thoughts this weekend. I wish I was local and could attend. :hug:

So glad you've decided to write a TR. I think it will be helpful and give you a good outlet.

Now, on to the TR!!

I love that the dress got her own seat! So funny! :laughing:

The room is gorgeous! I love the comforter! You should've STOLEN IT!!!


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