Jackie and Chris's Wishes Wedding 1/6/12: SBP/Attic/SCP 5/11 Final Post- PJ Finished

* Love how Cindy is all buckled in and ready to go!
* I can't even imagine carrying that heavy dress around. Well actually, when I went to England to study abroad I had two suitcases stuffed to the brim around the 50 lb. mark and a backpack... that was the biggest arm workout I ever got.
* I really like seeing hotel rooms too. The beach club room is too cute, especially the comforter!

I haven't read too much chick lit recently, though I wish I could recommend something to you. I need to read more - we should start a DIS book club or something ;)
Trip report looks get so far! I look forward to reading more. :)

It breaks my heart to hear of the passing of your father. Reading the story definitely made me tear up a bit. I am so sorry for your loss. :hug:
I'm so happy you've decided to go ahead with the TR. It sounds like a nice start. I love that you buckled your dress into her own seat. I still think you should have tried to order her a drink.

I can't wait to see the resort pics, we're lame and always stay at the same few resorts so I need to live vicariously through you cool people.
Jackie, I commented over on FB but just wanted to add my deepest sympathies to both you and Chris here. x It is so good that you have decided to start your TR as you no doubt have so many happy memories to share. I cant begin to comprehend what you are about to go through this weekend but please know that my thoughts are with you at this very difficult time.

There is nothing wrong with putting your feelings in your TR. That's what TRs are for.

We'll all be here the whole way, and after. Just like gum on your shoe.

Ha! Disbrides are the best gum on my shoe!

It sounds like you are working through the process and making the right decisions for yourself, no matter how hard they might be. It's great that you're seeing a counselor, I hope that's a big help for you. Talking things out is really good. You are a strong woman, and even though it's so hard I know you will get through this. I wish I was closer to CT so I could be there for you, I would like nothing more than that right now. Know at least that I will be with you in spirit :hug:

Also, I'm glad you decided to continue with your TR. Hopefully it will be healing to you, and I know that we are looking forward to hearing all about how your special day turned out!

Thank you, sweetie. I know you're with me in spirit. <3

I'll be here reading :hug: I know that writing helps--so be sure to say what you feel!! Luv ya girl

Thanks, Deena. Luv ya too!

I am glad to hear that you are going to continue with your TR. I know how therapeutic writing can be and it is good to have a forum to get those feelings, of both joy and sadness, out so they don't fester inside.

Know that you are not far from my thoughts.

Thank you so much, Sarah.

arm excersises for cindy!

I'm glad you started writing. We'll be here as long as you need us. Don't worry :)

Thanks, Meg!

Hooray for you choosing to write your TR. I definitely process through emotions by writing.

-I love snack food thank goodness you had something to much on
-wow arm exercises for your dress that is crazy
-I would probably insist on being crazy early for my wedding flight too
-so glad you liked the beach club I am not sure if I would even though I really want to because of the pool.

cant wait to read more


The Beach Club is amazzzzing. You could walk to Star Tours from it! (It's a bit of a hike, but definitely doable.)

Hi Jackie,

First of all, I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I know this is an extremely difficult time for you and your family, and you are in my thoughts.

I am glad you decided to write your trip report, I think you will be happy that you recorded the memories! Also, I am excited to read it!

Now, on to the trip report...

Hooray for an uneventful (but long) travel day! I think you made a great choice to buy the dress a seat!

The room at Beach Club looks amazing!! I sooo want to stay there some day!!

Also, side note, some of my favorite chick lit (which you have probably read but I'll list it anyway!)
1. I love the entire Shopaholic Series as well as Sophie Kinsella's other book as Madeline Wickham.
2. Marian Keyes is great and has a ton of books
3. I have gotten really into Cozy Mysteries.....
3A. The Aunt Dimity series by Nancy Atherton
3B. The Beatrix Potter series by Susan Wittig Albert
3C. The Maggody series by Joan Hess

Thank you so much, Christin! I actually was finishing re-reading Mini-Shopaholic as you posted that--- I've been a Shopaholic fan since I was 15/16. :D

So glad to see you are writing your TR. We are here for you!! :hug:

I love that you buckled in your dress... I totally would have put down the tray for her and gotten her some peanuts... :)

Sounds like the trip was off to a great start! That and now I am hungry for french fries....

Oh, don't worry. I gave Chris a *** look when Cindy didn't get her chex mix. I want fries too!

Jackie, I just want to give you the biggest hug right now. :hug: If we didn't already have plans set for Saturday, I'd have Doug drive me to CT.

I am happy to read the start of the trip report. I love that you buckled in Cindy. Did the flight attendants say anything?

The Beach Club looks so awesome! The entertainment center is so nifty! (I'm all about shelves/compartments)

And for all that I read each year, I never really read much for chick lit. But if you ever want historical fiction or fantasy, I'm good with those suggestions! :goodvibes

Thank you. The flight attendants did not say a word, thankfully! And if you love shelves, you need to stay at BLT. More shelving space than I have ever SEEN.

YAY! I literally screamed when I saw your PJ title said "TR Day 1"! :banana::yay::dance3::woohoo:

•I have to agree, traveling with your wedding dress is a PAIN. They really should tell you to train your body to support carrying it. :lmao:
•I'm OBSESSED with hotel rooms, so I really enjoy your room pics! Beach Club looks so pretty! I love that Little Mermaid comforter.
•It's important to write your wedding experience...as I'm slowly going through my day, I find myself forgetting more and more. :guilty: So, I think this is a great and therapeutic hobby to do.

Especially since you were there for like 87645679 days! :rotfl: > Me being jealous. :rolleyes1

Awww I am so glad you were so excited. I am also glad you share my obsession with hotel rooms. I LOVE them. And I was not there for 8 billion days! Just 12...

I'm so glad to hear you're doing a bit better. I think talking to a conselor will be great for you. I am sending major hugs and pixiedust your way still!

Your family will be in my thoughts this weekend. I wish I was local and could attend. :hug:

So glad you've decided to write a TR. I think it will be helpful and give you a good outlet.

Now, on to the TR!!

I love that the dress got her own seat! So funny! :laughing:

The room is gorgeous! I love the comforter! You should've STOLEN IT!!!

Thank you for your kind words. <3 And I SO wanted to steal the comforter. I was thisclose to stealing a Pop Century comforter once. Chris wouldn't let me.

* Love how Cindy is all buckled in and ready to go!
* I can't even imagine carrying that heavy dress around. Well actually, when I went to England to study abroad I had two suitcases stuffed to the brim around the 50 lb. mark and a backpack... that was the biggest arm workout I ever got.
* I really like seeing hotel rooms too. The beach club room is too cute, especially the comforter!

I haven't read too much chick lit recently, though I wish I could recommend something to you. I need to read more - we should start a DIS book club or something ;)

Oof! our suitcases were over the weight limit. Well, one was 55lbs going down, and 2 were 61lbs on our return. Cost us $150!!! And OMG did I ever tell you I helped start a book club when I was an undergrad? It was with all of my friends at the learning center, and we called ourselves "Do We Ever Enjoy Books": aka DWEEB.

Trip report looks get so far! I look forward to reading more. :)

It breaks my heart to hear of the passing of your father. Reading the story definitely made me tear up a bit. I am so sorry for your loss. :hug:

Thank you so much. <3

I'm so happy you've decided to go ahead with the TR. It sounds like a nice start. I love that you buckled your dress into her own seat. I still think you should have tried to order her a drink.

I can't wait to see the resort pics, we're lame and always stay at the same few resorts so I need to live vicariously through you cool people.

Where do you usually stay? We usually stay at Pop Century, but it's my Disney Resolution now to stay at all of their hotels: although, I guess if you look at my siggie, I've stayed at a few.

Jackie, I commented over on FB but just wanted to add my deepest sympathies to both you and Chris here. x It is so good that you have decided to start your TR as you no doubt have so many happy memories to share. I cant begin to comprehend what you are about to go through this weekend but please know that my thoughts are with you at this very difficult time.

Thank you so much. <3

I'll have Part 1 of Day 2 up soonish; I am just waiting on my PhotoPass download to go through so I have more pictures to share with you.

I also figured I would post my Daddy's obituary here too. I wrote it, and my grandparents printed out the version I mailed them and added a few things. I'm pretty peeved that the newspaper couldn't even spell my name right. I know that shouldn't matter in the scheme of things, but it matters to me. Oh well; I can't let it get to me.

I'm heading home tomorrow, and I'll be back in Milwaukee on Wednesday. Hopefully I can write about Day 2 before then: I actually have a fantastic story about my dad! It might hurt to write, but it's the kind of story that will live in infamy, I promise you.

Oof! our suitcases were over the weight limit. Well, one was 55lbs going down, and 2 were 61lbs on our return. Cost us $150!!! And OMG did I ever tell you I helped start a book club when I was an undergrad? It was with all of my friends at the learning center, and we called ourselves "Do We Ever Enjoy Books": aka DWEEB.

Oh my goodness, I know the airlines really get you on those "over the weight limit" fees! That's why I tried really hard to keep it under 50. And by the way, your book club sounds amazing. Being in one is something that I've always wanted to do but never have - I love the name, so clever! ;)

Also, looking forward to the story about your dad. I think great stories are the best ways to keep those that we love with us :goodvibes
Hi Jackie,

Loved the start to your TR and the fact you buckled your dress in. Brilliant. The Beach Club looks great, very nice indeed. I hear on you on travelling with a dress being a pain, my hands were red raw carrying mine and James didn't offer to help once!

My thoughts will be with you through this hard time, much love to you xx :hug:
So glad you have decided to start your TR :goodvibes

I hope you have safe travels, it's supposed to snow- about 6-8 inches tomorrow. We're welcoming you back with the pretty white stuff! We'll all be thinking of you these next few days! :hug:
Oh my goodness, I know the airlines really get you on those "over the weight limit" fees! That's why I tried really hard to keep it under 50. And by the way, your book club sounds amazing. Being in one is something that I've always wanted to do but never have - I love the name, so clever! ;)

Also, looking forward to the story about your dad. I think great stories are the best ways to keep those that we love with us :goodvibes

Well, if you ever wanna start an online book club, let me know. I am ALWAYS up for a good book discussion. I am sure you are too!

Hi Jackie,

Loved the start to your TR and the fact you buckled your dress in. Brilliant. The Beach Club looks great, very nice indeed. I hear on you on travelling with a dress being a pain, my hands were red raw carrying mine and James didn't offer to help once!

My thoughts will be with you through this hard time, much love to you xx :hug:

What the heck, James! Chris did offer to help. I am very stubborn though. And thank you. <3

So glad you have decided to start your TR :goodvibes

I hope you have safe travels, it's supposed to snow- about 6-8 inches tomorrow. We're welcoming you back with the pretty white stuff! We'll all be thinking of you these next few days! :hug:

Ughhh that's a lot of snow. I am flying in to Providence; cross your fingers that they get less and I don't have delays.

Day 2, Part 1

My big plan for today was Chris and I were going to sleep in and relax. We had, after all, had a rather stressful few months, and I just wanted peace and quiet. I told him that I would be happy as long as we were at the Magic Kingdom by, say, 11:30.

...So, naturally, we both woke up at 6:30am, wired and ready to go! :lmao: We got up, showered, and then went down to bell services to get Chris's, James's, and my dad's tuxedos. Well, I supervised the getting and then browsed the gift shop while Chris lugged them back to the hotel room. (Hey, I carried a 10lb dress across the continent; all he had to do was bring some tuxedos down some hallways.) I snapped this picture:


Pretty window decorations!

We got breakfast and ate our yummy chocolate chip muffins in the Solarium (I loved that place; the hardwood floors reminded me of so many places in Connecticut from my childhood),


and then I snapped some pretty pictures of the lobby.


The Snow White made me think of Michelle. :love:


And I think we all know how much I love ponies!!


I am fairly certain I want to live at the Beach Club. I fell head-over-heels in love with this resort. Bethie, will you adopt Chris and me so we can share your DVC??

After my dilly-dallying (I was trying so hard to relax!), we hopped on a bus to the Magic Kingdom. Little Miss "Oh, I just want to get there by 11:30am" was through the gates by 9:18am. (Why yes, I did record the time.) We did stop for a picture first though!


We then proceeded to hit HM, POTC, BTMRR, SpM, JC, the Teacups, and the TTA, with little to no wait for all of them. This is the general order we do rides, sans the teacups: I hadn't been on them since our first trip together in 2006 where he spun them way too quickly and almost made me lose my dinner. Stupid 19 year old boys!!!! This time, he let me control the ride. I've trained him well. :lmao:



Also, I forgot to mention: it was COLD! It was definitely below 60. Not what I am used to!

When we were on the TTA, I spotted Chip and Dale in their space outfits (because, you know, chipmunks go to space all the time) and decided we had to go meet them. They were really cute: they led Chris away from me so they could have me all to themselves! In the end, we all got a picture together.


By this time, we could smell the fries and whatnot coming from Cosmic Ray's, so it was time for lunch. I got a turkey sandwich that was eh, and Chris got a burger that was predictable: a Disney burger is a Disney burger. I took pictures of the food, but they're not worth showing. As I was getting ketchup, I bumped into my MOH Richelle!!! I hadn't seen her since September, so it was pretty exciting. This was her first time in the MK, and they had gotten almost everything done that they had wanted to do already because she was a super planner. I had given her an old copy of the Unofficial Guide and it became her Disney Bible, although it did give her nightmares about her showing up to the MK and not being able to find a map! Our reunion was quick though, because I needed foooood.

After lunch, we were pretty much wiped out for the morning. I did get the picture though (and I just love the little Pluto I added in the corner; he looks like such a creeper).


We browsed the shops on Main Street: I found the Disney Bride t-shirt, but it was slightly too tight and more than slightly too see through. I fell in love with almost everything in Uptown Jewelers though (I bought some stuff later on in the trip). I also bought the most amazing souvenir EVER in Art of Disney, but it's still packed. Someone remind me to show it to you once I unpack it!!!

We ended up leaving the MK around 1:30ish: I had to call Christy and Beaute Speciale with my room number. Unfortunately, around this time Becky texted me to tell me her flight was delayed (poor Becky!), and I called my grandparents and found out that they were running behind schedule because they were waiting on the oxygen guy to show up with a fresh supply. Chris's groomsman James showed up and they tried their tuxes on: everything fit! woohoo! I stood outside on the balcony while they changed, as I had decided I didn't want to see Chris all dressed up before the wedding day. (This was a rule he had made up and then gone back on, but I decided to keep it in effect because I thought it was slightly adorable.) Here was my view from the balcony: not altogether exciting, but better than a parking lot.



Shortly after Chris and James were fully dressed, I called my grandparents: they had just arrived! I asked them for their room number, opened the door, anddddddddd: there they were. Oh yes, my grandparents were directly across the hall from me. Let me repeat this: my grandparents. were directly across. the hall. from me. And would be on my wedding night. You ladies, please let that sink in.

I then looked down the hall, and guess who was there: my Aunt, Uncle, and little cousin! It was... nice, but also not-so if you catch my drift.:lmao: After everyone settled in, everyone decided to barge into our studio hotel room. Chris and James attempted to hide out on the balcony, but to no avail, as my uncle and Grandpa (who henceforth will be known as "Gaga," as that is what I have called him since I was two and saying "Grandpa" is entirely too awkward) followed him. Apparently my Uncle Paul, who Chris is not close with, gave Chris a hug. I know because he kept reminding me throughout the whole trip. Boys are weird. I showed the women of my family some of my wedding stuff, and everyone seemed to be jolly and excited, and the wedding was starting to feel real! We ended up having to shoo people out though, as I had to get ready for the night. Chris, James, and I were going to head over to DHS for a bit (I desperately needed to see the Osborne Lights), and then Chris and I were going to Yachtsman for our last dinner together as a single couple.

This is my breaking point for the night. I probably won't have part 2 up until Wednesday night. I did want to say one more thing though. I wanted to let you all know that Lacy has totally redeemed herself in my eyes: she has taken my dad's dog Thunder in. We were trying to find a home for Thunder, but he was going to have to go to a non-kill animal shelter and, really, it would have taken so long for a 7 year old West Highland Terrier with a recovering skin condition to find a home. It was breaking my heart that I couldn't take her in, but my apartment is just too tiny for two dogs. Chris asked her, and she agreed, and Thunder is now safe and sound in a home where she will be loved. (On a side note, yes, my dad DID name a sweet little Westie "Thunder.")
Yay TR! Sounds like an eventful trip so far, but who in the room assignment office had the bright idea to put your grandparents across the hall from you?!? Think before you assign people!!

Safe travels this weekend, tell Chris to take good care of you. Read the obit you linked to, it's lovely and I imagine your dad would have been proud of the kind words in it.

Sending you good thoughts this weekend :grouphug:
Shortly after Chris and James were fully dressed, I called my grandparents: they had just arrived! I asked them for their room number, opened the door, anddddddddd: there they were. Oh yes, my grandparents were directly across the hall from me. Let me repeat this: my grandparents. were directly across. the hall. from me. And would be on my wedding night. You ladies, please let that sink in.

I then looked down the hall, and guess who was there: my Aunt, Uncle, and little cousin! It was... nice, but also not-so if you catch my drift.:lmao:

So, I'm up ridiculously early compared to normal, and the above two parts had me laughing hysterically. Completely understandable, having those feelings. Just the thought makes me feel awkward. *shudder*

Creeper!Pluto is pretty awesome, though. How many people get that experience? :lmao:

I am so happy to hear that Lacy took in Thunder. She's regained some respect.

Good luck flying into Providence today. We're about half hour from there, and while it's not TOO bad right now, I'm sure it's a bit slippery. :hug:
I'm so glad you decided to write your TR.

I love the picture of your dress on the plane, I think it's just fantastic. The Beach Club looks and sounds amazing, I hope I get to stay there too one day. :) The part about your family's room being so close is pretty funny. I wonder... did your family specifically request rooms nearby or did someone at Disney just think it was a good idea? Heh.

I'm glad to hear your Dad's dog found a good home with your SIL, I can't even imagine how hard to would have been to have to put a family pet in a shelter, and I'm so glad you were spared that.

Safe travels and looking forward to reading more.
Hey Jackie,

I love reading your TR, you and Chris are so great together and you have a wonderful way of telling your story.

Chip and Dale are so cute, love the pic of you all together. :lovestruc

Creeper Pluto is fab, lol don't think I've seen that before.

I think your balcony view is lovely, better than the view we had at POP Tops of trees) and definately better then a parking lot ;)

Can't believe they put your family near you... no actually I can :rotfl:

Aww thats good of Lacy to take in Thunder. Btw brilliant name for a Westie, love it

Much love xx
Ok, so...

•The picture of the chocolate chip muffin has inspired me to bake blueberry muffins right after this post! :lmao:
•Isn't that weird...it must be something in the water, because every time I say we're going to sleep in we get up at the crack of dawn...
•Umm, yay for rides! (Glad you gave the teacups another chance)
•You look so cute with your Bride to Be tiara on in the Magic Kingdom!
•Space Chip & Dale...so odd. Just keep them nakie.
•That's so cute you kept tuxedo-Chris as a surprise for the day of. :)
•Beach Club looks like it keeps getting better and better! I stayed at the Yacht Club before, gotta try BC now! The lobby is beautiful and I really love your room-view. I know it may not seem like something spectacular, but it looks like a quiet garden retreat!
• And this is me > :eek: in shock with Lacy's amazing gesture to take Thunder in. That's pretty radical. +1 to Lacy!

Have a safe trip back to CT! Right now, being North of Boston, we are getting a bit of snow--more we've seen this season so far. Yikes! Stay warm and safe and strong. You are so remarkable--I look up to you. :hug:
* The Beach Club looks so beautiful! Especially the Christmas decorations are so fun.
* I have to tell you, when we decided to get a night at the same hotel that our guests were staying at, I specifically requested a room as far away from the room block as possible :lmao: In reality though, I kinda wish we'd been closer to everyone - everyone was hanging out in the hotel after the wedding, and Jason and I ended up just collapsing and sleeping that night anyway!
* I'm impressed that Lacy took Thunder in. I'm so glad she is showing her good side instead of the nasty one that you saw earlier.
* I hope your travels are okay! Hopefully you haven't had any delays or anything because of the snow.
My sweet Jackie
I am so happy you have decided to continue with your TR. Just so long as you are comfortable and happy with that!!
Great start!!! Looking forward to reading the rest!!
Much love sweetie!!
*I want to be in the book club too! I am a book FREAK! I have my own book blog and more than 1,000 books in the apartment (not exaggerating! I can show you which on goodreads!)
* I love your pic for MK! I have that same exact shirt. So cute! And I LOVED you bride to be tiara! I don't think I've seen one of those before!
*What hotel room awkwardness! I had the same thing kinda happen. I had booked my parents hotel room and both sets of my grandparents and told them that they all wanted to be close together. Then I used my CM discount to book the room for me to stay in the night before the wedding separately. But they were right next door too! I didn't mind though because the room for the wedding night was in the main building instead.
*Yay for Lacy taking Thunder in! I grew up with Westies and my parents still have one now. Such sweet puppies!
*Hope the travelling goes well!
Jackie, I am so glad you are writing a TR. For my own selfish reasons, I am really excited to hear about your trip. And truthfully, I know how happy I am writing my TR, and although I can't begin to understand how you're feeling, I hope that writing your TR will bring you the same happiness. I've thought of you so many times this week.

Ok, on to comments! How boring and predictable am I-- I saw this picture...


The Snow White made me think of Michelle. :love:

and thought "Omg Snow White!!!"... And THEN noticed that you already knew it would excite me! :rotfl:
I've been wanting to stay at an Epcot area hotel ever since seeing them on our honeymoon. Now after your TR, I'm DYING! I must figure out a way to pay for it!!
And although it wasn't funny to you, I can't tell you how hard I laughed (like out loud, obnoxious laughter) reading about your family being all around your hotel room.

I'm anxious for more!! :)
*I want to be in the book club too! I am a book FREAK! I have my own book blog and more than 1,000 books in the apartment (not exaggerating! I can show you which on goodreads!)

Yay! Then we will definitely have to try and start a DIS book club :goodvibes
Loving every single thing so far! Awesome that you decided to keep on going with your T.R. and can't wait to see reception pictures! :cool1:


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