January 1st, 2014 GOAAAAALLLLLLLL....

For those of us who have had over 30 pounds to lose, you know that moment when you wake up and you 'feel' different?? I scratched my back and realized that my shoulder blades were more prominent, laying on my side, my hip bone is starting to appear through the layers of chubby little fat cells that have occupied that space for too many years. And of course the wrist bones that start to jut out again! I can also tell it in my face and shoulders, my body is morphing!! I know I still have a good 40 pounds to go, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!! I firmly am committed to this September 6th goal and feel so much more positive!

Those nagging thoughts or temptations of "just one bite" or revisiting my weight loss goal and adjusting down has not even entered my mind the last 24 days!! They say it takes 3 weeks to build a habit, I've done it! I have stuck with my eating plan for over 21 days and had fewer than five deviations, no sugar, no chocolate, and just two instances of white flour...

So, now that I've done fairly well keeping that important stuff in check, I am going to work really hard on saying goodbye to diet drinks. The key here is going to get in the habit of finding my water bottle and keeping it filled and out of my car and washed...I know I can do it...it is just so refreshing to have that pop and fizz..I'm convinced my brain is wired to release endorphins when I pop that can! I don't even finish the can most time (Diet Dr. Pepper) but have them about 5x a week...it's my reward when I do our weekly shopping, my reward when I drive 2 hours 3x a week to the river for rowing, and usually as a treat on the weekend...

I know I need to replace it with some other type of 'treat' for this to stick...I guess I could do unsweet tea from Chick-Fil-A (like theirs the best) but 2 of theirs would be the cost of 5 cans....so maybe I'll just do that instead...here's to drinking my LAST can of Diet Dr. Pepper today (dh bought me one on the way home last night because he knows how crazy my Tuesdays are..8am-8pm days)....I will bid adieu to the DDP and all the chemicals that have been bombarding my blood stream! :)
Sadly, just bid adieu to that last DDP....NO MORE EVAH!!!! I've said that 3 other times and made it as far as 6 months...we'll see if I can make this change stick!

Funny thing, last night I had two dreams...one was really bad...I dreamed the Boston bomber was in line at a 7Eleven and he was arguing with the cashier, I recognized who he was but no one else did...he was acting all paranoid and I could not tell if he was trying to rob the store or not, so I politely tried to ask if he needed money and I took out $11 and offered it to him...he looked kind of crazed in his eyes and would not take the money, he then storms out and takes a trailer loaded with horse hay and goes to feed my horses....STRANGE!!!

Then, my second dream was that it was May 6th and I was booking Free Dining and very excited...I went and posted that on the Discounts and Codes page and it was not 30 minutes later, maybe an hour, that the whiz kid comes on and starts a thread saying Free Dining has been discovered and do you want to know the date Free Dining starts for mua?? MAY 6th!!! How bizarre is that?? Now, I am excited but such a decision to make, can not decide which option to take...I posted a poll on the Resorts thread....I think if I could have a Standard room rate open up at Contemporary I would book with no problem, right now it is sitting about $300 more than DDP paying up to get it at AOA Nemo Suites..Cabins are about $700 cheaper but I fear we would not gt that "Disney" feel in a cabin??

Strange things are happening!
Teenagers!! Regionals for rowing are coming up, last night my oldest comes and tells me at 10:15 that I need to take him to rowing at 4:30 am!! Mind you it's an hour drive there and back, lows in the 30s...reallY? He thought for sure he told me this last week, but I think I'd remember having to get up at 4:00am on a weekday...sigh...Tempted to do my 30DS at the river but will probably sleep in the car while he rows...I'm already tired just thinking about my day, oh, and we have to go back again this afternoon for 'official' practice...
Tomorrow my youngest turns 14! Having some friends for slumber, picking up ice cream cake..ice cream does not tempt me but she wants Papa Murphy's grilled cicken pizza...That does tempt me! Depending on weigh in I may have to have a slice!

Back at rowing...but I went to mall to get a gift for dd..I was surprised it was 50% off! SCORE!

Think we are for sure sticking with Contemporary resort! Now I can just imagine riding that slide in my skinny swim shorts! Loving the changes and can not wait to take my 30 day after picture!!
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean

Sometimes I feel empowered by this wind that is weight loss and sometimes I feel I am walking full force into hurricane strength blockades..

I lost .2 pounds, it is a loss but boy did I ever work hard for a good 2 pounds, I am bloated but come on! I do feel smaller than last week so I can only hope 20 straight days of 30DS has added some mscle weight...

Today was dd's birthday, I had 2 slices grilled chicken pizza, 1/2slice cake and a serving of m&ms...the celebrating is done and back to last 10 days of 30 DS...I was really wanting a Diet DP but did not cave...have had one unsweet tea and 4 glasses of water...

Let these last 10 days of my first of five 30 days be great losing!
I really like this 10 day stint of exercise...I think it is key to sticking with my weight loss goals...in the past I stuck with a 7 day plan but was tempted to have an 'off' day every 7 th day...those extra 3 days means I stay on plan longer and see bigger changes betweem cheats...

I had planned to cheat the first of every month but now I am motivated to gve these last 10 days of my April Shed my best ever..so moving my cheat meal to May 6th, also the day I can book our Disney trip!

Dh lost almost another 2 pounds, he was 223.4...he hopes to be in the teens and I hope to see 193 something by next week...I can still make 189, but will spread that loss through May...really want to see 179 by June 6th...it is doable!

Oh, I had what I think was my first night ime hot flash, I was more excited that t meant I was burning through calories than the discomfort! It ay just help me hit goal faster! :)
Completed day one of level 3...I have to do most the modified moves which makes this level not as hard as last level...maybe I will try to up the challenge and do the 'buff' girl's moves...there is only one move I absolutely can not do, full situps...really pulls on my back in a bad way so I'm doing extra scissor kicks instead.

Had a rough day, I had the debilitating type of cramps I have not had since I was a teenager....it was kind of laughable if it did not hurt so much, took 2 hours for Aleve to have an effect, I slept for 2 hours through the pain and when I woke it was back....much much better now but at 45 you don't want to relive those early days!

Food was good, bowl of cheerios with skim milk, 1 slice whole grain bread, 2 slices roast beef, once slice provolone, 10 M&Ms (avoided a slice of cake though!), 2 bites watermelon, 2 slices chicken..just not that hungry today so trying to rest up for a stronger day tomorrow!

I bought a bag of chips for the girls to have for lunch from the slumber party...I was sure it would be GONE with 6 girls...they forgot I bought it so this nice bag of Lay's Cheddar potato chips is tempting me! I will NOT eat one!! But, it is sooo hard! I crave salty during this week and those are the best kind of salty next to cheetos!

I had my bowl of regular cheerios with skim milk...will eat some watermelon for snack or almonds and then half roast beef sandwich for lunch..dinner will be the spinach and kale smoothie....tomorrow we have a long road trip to visit a university (my alma mater!) with 6 homeschooled juniors...it's a 7 hour day of driving but we will walk the campus and get a lot of exercise, then back in the car....I will have to get up early to do my 30DS bc i know I will just want to go straight to bed when we get home....I need to go pull weeds today, worn out yesterday from being bedridden with awful pain...much less pain today but I just feel wiped out!

Going to try and get my treadmill in as well, have missed doing 2 miles, hit one mile most days but really trying to get the 2 miles on top of 30DS each day, I see more body sculpting happening when I do that! :)
What saved me from those chips this morning?

This man's journey! I had seen it on Facebook a week ago but my kids had missed it so I showed it to them...it was just the thing I needed to say NO to the chips and yes to a piece of watermelon! :)
Made it to our first campus visit for my son who is a Junior..my alma mater Auburn University.

Oh man, what I would give to go back to college right now!! I want to major in civil engineering!! That professor made it seem so cool :) I know my son really loved Auburn but he's concerned about their rowing progam, it is not NCAA but there was talk of them going NCAA in 2014 when he would attend..just praying Auburn is able to do this! It would be a perfect fit for him athletically, socially, and academically.

I was amazed at how the dining has changed, no cafeterias, pretty much all fast food joints! Even have a Chick-Fil-A in the student building!! I do not like that!! Where are kids going to get their veggies? I think there is a cafeteria in a residence building farther off campus.sigh..

I managed a taco salad while there and on the way home (4 hour drive) had a single taco from Taco Bell...not quite the smoothie but on the road had to choose something...

I am going for the longest monthly cycle I guess, hate to get personal but it so affects my weigh ins...I know at 45 my hormones are going wonky, but some predictability would be appreciated...

Today is my killer day, going to do my fourth day of level 3! I am loving it more than 3 days ago, added in less modified moves and my knees are tolerating it...I can tell I have built up some muscle/support for them during the past 24 days! Only 7 more days until my final weigh in and one month later picture! I can't wait to see changes...I know I feel them and when I look at other's before/after pictures, honestly some you're struggling to see a difference, I would just be so discouraged if I don't see marked differences..so I am going to push hard through these next 7 days and make it the best so far!!
I swanee!! I am not familiar with the beginnings of menopause but my cycle has lasted over 8 days now! Everything is still so bloated but my clothes are fitting so much looser...I weighed today and it was 197...I honestly should be at 194 by now based on my eating/working out...my body is holding on to this water so I am going to try and do low carb the next 3 days to help shock my system into letting go some of the bloat...still having cramps and every muscle joint is sore and inflamed...have not had any diet Dr. Peppers and only one glass of unsweet tea in 4 days...not adding salt to my food so not sure why the bloat fest...other than crazy hormones.

I've got 6 days to get closer to my goal of 189...trying to get much closer than 197!! :) It's going to be a long 6 days :)

Starting Ripped on May 7th...and hope by June 6th that I can get in the 170s...will have to up some activity..so I committed to 1500 minutes of exercise in the month of May...that should help knock off a few extra! :)
Temptations have been bad!! I have stayed under 1200 calories each day but skpped the spinach smoothie last night and the night before...opted for salad on both nights, I just needed to EAT something, not drink it..

I had 3 bites of an apple pie today but skipped desserts at a luncheon for school volunteers, did well there...had 2 slices of roast turkey and a serving of coleslaw...but when I came home I was craving something sweet badly! I am still on my cycle, (9 days!! my body is going through major changes!) and just let myself eat 3 slices of apples out of the pie filling. It was just what I needed..headed to the river for rowing practice and I'll get 4 miles in of walking while I'm there...hitting my exercise goals for these past two days, only 5 more days of 30 day shred then I'll post a new picture!! :)
I swanee!! I am not familiar with the beginnings of menopause but my cycle has lasted over 8 days now! Everything is still so bloated but my clothes are fitting so much looser...I weighed today and it was 197...I honestly should be at 194 by now based on my eating/working out...my body is holding on to this water so I am going to try and do low carb the next 3 days to help shock my system into letting go some of the bloat...still having cramps and every muscle joint is sore and inflamed...have not had any diet Dr. Peppers and only one glass of unsweet tea in 4 days...not adding salt to my food so not sure why the bloat fest...other than crazy hormones.

I've got 6 days to get closer to my goal of 189...trying to get much closer than 197!! :) It's going to be a long 6 days :)

Starting Ripped on May 7th...and hope by June 6th that I can get in the 170s...will have to up some activity..so I committed to 1500 minutes of exercise in the month of May...that should help knock off a few extra! :)

Sorry to hear the scale isn't moving but maybe you are just building muscle. it definitely sounds like they are getting the workout. :) Hopefully you will have a woosh soon. I am sure your hormones aren't helping the matter either.

It sounds like you made some good choices even while out of town visiting the campus. :) I am surprised the school doesn't have more healthy options. I mainly had cafeteria type places at my undergrad school, but in our main union there was a mcdonalds but then a healthier deli/salad place and a pizza joint I think. Then just off campus there were lots of other options. Panera was my favorite. :)

Good luck meeting your goal. Can't wait to check out your pictures. I haven't done pictures this time around. I wish I had. Oh well.

Congrats on doing great. Keep up the hard work!!! :cheer2::cheer2:

Oh yeah I forgot to say my uncle works (or worked i am not sure if he's retired) at Auburn University. Dr Rex Dunham is his name. Teaches something about fish genetics or something...lol I know I am horrible. Just thought that was a weird coincidence!
Good luck meeting your goal. Can't wait to check out your pictures. I haven't done pictures this time around. I wish I had. Oh well.

Congrats on doing great. Keep up the hard work!!! :cheer2::cheer2:

Oh yeah I forgot to say my uncle works (or worked i am not sure if he's retired) at Auburn University. Dr Rex Dunham is his name. Teaches something about fish genetics or something...lol I know I am horrible. Just thought that was a weird coincidence!

Thanks so much! That is awesome about your uncle! We passed the fisheries on our way to Auburn and I told the kids that Auburn is world reknown for their fisheries and research, then the student recruiter said the same thing! So your uncle must be very important! So cool!

I did 4 miles at the river and my legs did not rub together to the point where my shorts would ride up! I know I definitely have put on muscle so if I can get close to 190... I know I can make 170s by June 6! Really motivated now just bought 5 airline tickets to Orlando on Southwest! $59 one way..such a great deal! That includes all taxes! Had to cancel our BoG ressies :( SW only had those prices on Tuesday/Wednesdays...so guess we will try to hit it at lunch!

Pictures are a big part of my motivation! I know your pics would inspire many! Never too late!
Day 10 of my cycle! WHAT is going on?? I think I am perimenopausal...everything fits...one of the symptoms (weight gain and slow metabolism) OH NO YOU DIDN'T!! I will fight this hormonal siege on my body and plug through it!! Surely the swelling and tenderness has to leave at some point...officially doing low carb all three days, missed it up yesterday with a wheat roll and cheerios...but was on the go all day.

I am staying under 1200 calories, hoping to see a better number and less swelling come Monday, on a good note my calves are looking so much better! Leaner and more muscle definition...I guess doing all those 30DS moves with 45 extra pounds is like a weight lifting session in itself.

Will get my workout done today...excited about finishing up my 30th day of 30DS on Monday!! I will weigh Monday morning for my first 30 day loss total...and new pictures!! It will be cool to see the changes! :)

I have a 4 hour drive on Sunday to the Southeast REgionals for Rowing...praying they do not get a full day of rain! My son is very hopeful they will be in the finals...please say a bit of encouraging thoughts/prayers to their boat tomorrow in their heats..I just can not afford to stay at a hotel and can't afford driving up 2 days in a row...so hoping I'll get to see them all race in the finals on Sunday.

I can get a lot of walking done on Sunday, beautiful venue up in Oak Ridge, TN...that should help me pull some weight off for my weigh in! :)
I am not sure when fast pass + is starting but I heard BoG QS will be on it. Basically you pick time and preorder food then show up at FP time and go directly to a table! Sounds better than using a TS to me!

Keep up the good work!
I am not sure when fast pass + is starting but I heard BoG QS will be on it. Basically you pick time and preorder food then show up at FP time and go directly to a table! Sounds better than using a TS to me!

Keep up the good work!

Oooh! That sounds fabulous!! I can't wait to hear how that works!!
Finally changed all our plans for our family trip...still need to Priceline the Hyatt Airport for our last night stay but failed on my first bid, offered $46 :) Hope I'll get that price! It's just one night, we won't get there until later and plan on spending most the day at Downtown Disney then hopping Magical Express back that night...here are our food choices! We are going with dear friends we made on the Fantasy cruise last year for our 20th anniversary, about 4 families reuniting! So hope we can all pull this off!

Arrival night: Raglan Road...we have Irish dancers so want to try their bread pudding and catch some good slip jigs! :)
Cape May Cafe: This one is for my youngest daughter and son, son loves popcorn shrimp and they only serve it on 2 days a week...and daughter loves crab legs...
Teppan Edo: Love hibachi style cooking, great place for us to meet with the super cool friends we made!
Ohanas: This is the only repeat restaurant we have on our list, it's a great place and we love meat! :)
The Wave?: It's at the Contemporary, where we're currently booked....have changed our mind at least 8x so this one could change but we really wanted a good steak dinner and do not want to use 2 credits for Yachtsman's which we loved in the past. Heard good things about their steak!
T-Rex: Hesitant on this one, but our son loves loves dinosaurs from when he was a toddler, so thought it would be a neat experience.

We hope to hit BOG for lunch for my oldest daughter who is the budding author and loves everything castles and romance :)

We'd like to try Tusker House or Yak and Yeti, Columbia Harbor house? Pizzafari and STarring Rolls for Quick Service....any other suggestions? We are typical eaters, nothing special or exotic, just meat and veggies :) I do love a good cheeseburger so want to try Pecos Bills? Are they the best?

Yes! All this talk of food makes me want to stay strict with my dieting!! I will walk 10 miles a day at Disney and have room for some yummy food! :) I put on a pair of jeans today that were really too tight the beginning of April and they are loose and baggy in the seat! Can't wait to do my after picture! I know I've whittled some new shapes!! :)
Totally caved on my craving!! I am doing all low carb these two days hoping it will counteract my perimenopausal symptoms I've been battling for 11 days, had 2 eggs for breakfast, 6 grilled chicken nuggets from Chick fil A, did my 30 DS and walked 2.5 miles at the mall...but my daughter decided she did not want her fries...I had to have them! I ate 10 fries with ketchup...I can still stay under 1200 calories, but I'll pay for those fries! UGH!

On better news, friends saw me at the mall and said how great I looked! So I must look like I'm losing weight! :) YIPPEE!! Saw a great swimsuit coverup I loved but it's full price, won't pay full price, but I have my eye on it..it's by Nautica and is long sleeve but looks cool to wear....bright orange! Loved it!! Found a great sundress for my daughter's to share for the trip, it was on sale and they gave me more off, love spending less than $20 for a great dress!


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