January 24, 2004 Cruisers - Are you out there???


Just getting last minute things finalized. Hope everyone has a safe a magical trip!

See you real soon! :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc
It looks like we'll be the last to leave the cold, snowy north. We fly out mid-morning tomorrow, and should be on board the Magic by 3:00 PM. Although the forecast is for light snow and cold (near 0 F), flying should be OK. The only delay that I can see is for de-icing the plane, which has to be done for all aircraft parked on the tarmac overnight at this time of year. This is done after we board and pull away from the gate. This is only a 15-20 minute process and we should arrive in Pittsburgh in time to make our connection.

We'll turn out the lights. See you on board.
Will & Muriel
This was the first pic of the Magic that I was able to get today for all of you 1/24/04 MAGICal cruisers. Have a MAGICal time this week. It's cold and snowing here in New Jersey this weekend.


Disney Magic Saturday morning January 24, 2004
Happy Cruisin' Y'all


Magic sailing past Two Palms 1-24-04


Magic in St. Thomas 1-28-04
Well, we are home......we drove 14 hours and 25 minutes. The snow in about 4 inches.....I told the kids no COMPLAINING about the cold....boy do I miss the ship and service!
We're home too. We had a 5:55 p.m. flight out of MCO, so spent a few hours at Downtown Disney before the rain came. Then, we camped out at the airport.

I can't believe I'll have to make my bed and cook tomorrow! :( I want to be back on board.

Hope you all had a safe trip home and had a great vacation!
It does not have a Room Service Button!LOL

We made it home safely but due to turbulence, guess who got sick! Better at home then on the ship!

It is so strange to see 6" of snow instead of sand!

I want to go back NOW!

It was great meeting so many new friends! And of course seeing my "Sister" again!

Thanks Andy for the Pics! The postcards are in the mail!

Is it January 2005 yet!?!

Daugther is requesting room service and for the room steward to come. She said "I don't like reality. I much prefer the MAGIC" We drove in an ice storm at 30 mph for112 miles to get home last night. Glad to have made it safely. Veranda Man thanks for the pix!!
It was really nice to meet the DIS'rs. I sure enjoyed meeting Dancer Mom. She has a lovely family. Also love to Scratch...she was an inspiration. (Ask her about the great service at Palo ;) )

Did any one re book for next year and when?? Love to hear.
Tough call--I LOVED the Eastern Itenary- St John and Trunk Bay was as close to heaven that I've been. But I love Grand Cayman too.

Thanks for all the cost saving tips! I hope to post my list of cost saving things I did to save money thanks to all the ideas that DIS'rs shared with me.

Stay warm friends!
We're booked for the January 15th Western next year. Can't beat the price! We're paying the price we would have paid for our category 11 room, but we're getting a category 6 (must have that verandah!) I'm already researching excursions! :crazy:
We made it home safe and sound - and the temp made it past zero for the first time in five days! Woohoo! We're getting snow again today - about 4 -6 inches. Yuck!

We also really enjoyed meeting everyone - such nice people on these boards.

TinkerbellMom - what excursion were you on and at what time? We were supposed to go to Trunk Bay that morning but had to detour because of rough seas and poor visibility for snorkeling! Were we duped? Just curious. We ended up at St. James island and we were very disappointed in the snorkeling. ANd the beach was not much either. Hmmm. Let me know which excursion you did. Thanks!
We made it home safe and sound to the cold and snow of Wisconsin. I guess we missed below zero temps all week. Too bad. We had a great time and miss it already. We booked the Jan 29, 05 Western while on board. I will have to add a new count down timer. :hyper: :hyper:
We got home safely last night. I was glad to meet again my "Sister" and really liked meeting everyone else from the DIS on board.

We have rebooked while on board for Eastern Jan 22, 2005 (we cannot do Western long story).

Is January 2005 here yet?:hyper:

princess: Minybear
We are also on the Jan 29th 05 Western.....Kids are out of school the 31st and 1st of Feb.....maybe snow will close school the rest of the week like it did this past week...my kids hardly missed any school....

the4nitzs - I don't even think we meet....iI guess we will be on a new thread together! It was so busy and one of my teenagers got strep in his skin....it was very painful. He was in the health service 5 different times got 4 shots....3 precriptions....2 over the counter medicines......and many tests...the total bill was $320....I could not believe how cheap it was! And the service was outstanding! They called us in the stateroom several times to check on him.

I think dancermom was thinking about this cruise as well....Jamie what did you all decide...Annie would love to be back on board with Sarah and Gracie!

Take care and stay warm...snow here on Tuesday Thursday and Friday....
Lisa - we are up in the air. I was saying no because we are joining the vacation club, but now that I have experienced cold, I'm thinking we will need to book. My company is having a major reorg this week, so if I still have a job there is a good chance we will do the 29th western. I'll keep you posted.

We too enjoyed meeting everyone, and hope to keep in touch. Have a great rest of the winter.


I was traveling with TinkerBellMom and we didn't do an excursion. In an effort to save money we took a taxi to Red Hook, a ferry to St. John, and a taxi to Trunk Bay, total $26 a piece round trip. I'm not sure it was cheaper but the flexibility was great. We arrived between 10:00 and 11:00 am. Trunk Bay was stunning. I've never seen a prettier beach. The water was clear aqua, the snorkel trail was cool and monitored by lifeguards. This was our first time snorkeling and the equipment rental was only $5 (w/ a $25 refundable deposit). So much cheaper than $25 @ CC and according to a mag I read on the plane, Trunk Bay is the best snorkeling beach in the Carribean. What excursion were you on?
We were on the 5 Star St. John Snorkle Beach Adventure on the Leylon Sneed. We were on our way by about 8:30 and half-way into the boat ride over to Trunk Bay, the captain announced that they had radioed ahead to the lifeguards and were told it was too rough to go to Trunk Bay. They said they wouldn't be able to get their dinghys into the beach from the boat and that there was poor visibility in the water. We were detoured to ST. James island and the snorkeling was poor at best. ANd the beach was not the greatest. We had a funny feeling about the captain's announcement - it just didn't ring true somehow. We figured maybe the bay was overbooked with other excursions and we got the short straw! Sounds like you guys had the right idea.
Glad to hear that everyone made it home okay. It sounds as though we are all living in the freezer! I'm enjoying my photos- especially Trunk Bay!

Trunk Bay is a National Park and is one of the top 10 beaches in the world (Travel Chanel) What a treat to get to go there!!

We took a Taxi from the ship to Redhook and then took the ferry to St John. We caught a taxi in St John for $4 to take us to Trunk Bay. Total round trip transportation expenditures from ship to
Trunk Bay and back was $30 per person. It was $4 for adults to enter the National park for non-park members. Kids under 16 were free. It was VERY Clean-shower etc. Snack Bar sold beer and food etc- reasonalbe. The best part was the snorkeling!! $5 to rent equipt and the fish were awesome in their natural habitat. There was a snorkel trail with signs and info on the fish and coral etc. Very nice to see the fish in a natural setting vs. the man made setting at Castaway Cay. I enjoyed it much more than Castaway Cay. The water was very clear. The beach was much warmer and had much better sand too! Water was warm with nice waves. Instead of umbrellas, we used palm trees for shade! We spent the day. One day I will never forget!

It was nice to meet all of you. Hopefull all works out so we can meet again on the Western 1/29/05. ( Hint hint to those that scheduled for 1/15 I'd really love to meet you!) (Dancer Mom think hard about joining. My Sarah just loved your Sarah. The giggles at midnight could be heard 2 decks away!

I need to add what lovely children you all have. My daughter Sarah met many nice girls her age. I can tell that you all are raising your daughters well. All the DISer-girls I met were the kind of kids that I like my Sarah to hang with. Hats off to such good mothers!

:wave2: Bye for now

Are you on the 1-29 Western? Annie will be so happy!


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