January WISH, Journey into January with hope and joy!



As we all know, clearing clutter is a big part of my life right now, and having to going thru it makes me determined not to be in this position again. So I looked up a couple clearing experts to see what they are saying about the process.

Stephanie Bennet Vogt

“…think of a light on a dimmer switch. Anything you do to love up your home with awareness and compassionate detachment – whether it is clearing out a drawer, putting the dishes away, taking out the trash – turns up the light. When you lead more with the heart (instead of the head) you’ll notice the energy magically shift (and lift) in a space. Truly. Though subtle, if you were to measure the ambient light after a space clearing, it is brighter.”

Stephanie recommends sorting by: Stay, Go, Throw, Don’t Know

And of course...

Marie Kondo

“You cannot clear the stress and clutter in your life with the same mindset that created it. For clearing to last, you need to slow down and put yourself first. Clearing is not about freeing up some space, it’s about freeing you!”

Marie recommends doing your tidy by: category – not location – beginning with clothes, then books, papers, miscellaneous items, and, finally, sentimental items. She says to keep only those things that speak to the heart, and discard items that no longer spark joy.

How are you with clutter and de-cluttering? Do you have a clearing process you like to follow? Have you ever tried either Stephanie or Marie's recommendations?
Let's just say, I hope to never have a basement again. I've been tossing things down there and pretending they don't exist. For 12 years. Right now I'm doing something both Stephanie and Marie do not recommend... moving fast and working in a state of panic and overwhelm.

My sort method is "Yes", "No" and "Maybe": "No" can be toss, donate or give away. "Yes" and "Maybe" get resorted a couple times before I'm down to the real "Yes's". This time I'm looking at everything and questioning if I really need or want it... looking for the joy.

My intention going forward is to 1. slow down my pace of acquiring things and 2. clear on a regular basis. I bought Stephanie's course on Daily OM a couple years ago and plan to go thru it again, to internalize the learnings since I am having to move so quickly right now.
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How are you with clutter and de-cluttering? Do you have a clearing process you like to follow? Have you ever tried either Stephanie or Marie's recommendations?

I definitely have too much clutter. My weaknesses are sentimental things and the fact that I can always see a use for things (thank you, Grandma-who-came-of-age-during-the-Depression :laughing: )

"Spotty" is probably the best word to describe my decluttering. I make really good progress in spurts, but with a lot of dead time in between, where clutter builds in other areas.

I have read Marie Condo, but some of her stuff just goes too far for me. (I do fold my T-shirts vertically, though, like she says to. And I cut my books down "some".)

I read another book I really liked, but I can't look it up right now, so I will try to add the name another time if I think of it. - The key concept, though, was to let your containers dictate how much you keep. This has helped me a lot in areas like craft supplies, or saving boxes to mail things. I will devote, say, one shelf to whatever category, and when it gets too crammed and messy, I have to go through it and pair down.

I also sometimes watch "The Minimal Mom" on YouTube for inspiration, and I started following the decluttering club on Instagram.
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I used to hold onto things...especially after my Mother died. It took me years of life changes and multiple moves to narrow down what I kept and what had to go.

I am now very good at eliminating clutter. My problem is my DH and DD. They are both pack rats. It is a constant battle getting them to clean up and clear out. One very sad day, she will move into her own home whether it be her marriage home or a place with friends. I imagine that most of her things will go with her especially when she buys a house. DH really has trouble letting go of unnecessary things. When we put away the Christmas decorations in the living room, I felt lighter. He complained that the room felt empty. Ugh!!!
I really try to keep my clutter to a minimum because DH tends to hold onto everything so after 23 years together I know that I need to keep my stuff purged and organized because I need to encourage DH to do the same. It’s difficult for him so I support him kindly and encourage him.

If something is overwhelming to me to purge or clean I set a timer and stop when I am done. That seems to be the easiest and most effective way for me to get something done. If I am not done by the timer then I plan another day to work again for the same amount of time.

One thing I would like to get rid of is baby gear because it takes up sooooo much spacccceeee…but my siblings continue to have babies and I am blessed to be asked to babysit often so I guess it’s a fair trade-baby cuddles for space in my house 🥰

I hope everyone has a great Tuesday!!!
I definitely have too much clutter. My weaknesses are sentimental things and the fact that I can always see a use for things (thank you, Grandma-who-came-of-age-during-the-Depression :laughing: )

"Spotty" is probably the best word to describe my decluttering. I make really good progress in spurts, but with a lot of dead time in between, where clutter builds in other areas.

I have read Marie Condo, but some of her stuff just goes too far for me. (I do fold my T-shirts vertically, though, like she says to. And I cut my books down "some".)

I read another book I really liked, but I can't look it up right now, so I will try to add the name another time if I think of it. - The key concept, though, was to let your containers dictate how much you keep. This has helped me a lot in areas like craft supplies, or saving boxes to mail things. I will devote, say, one shelf to whatever category, and when it gets too crammed and messy, I have to go through it and pair down.

I also sometimes watch "The Minimalist Mom" on YouTube for inspiration, and I started following the decluttering club on Instagram.
I love containers so I'm not sure that would slow me down… ha ha. But I am thinking about no more clothes than can fit in to the dresser, and I'm going back to using my smaller antique dresser: no more books than can fit in the bookcase.
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I used to hold onto things...especially after my Mother died. It took me years of life changes and multiple moves to narrow down what I kept and what had to go.

I am now very good at eliminating clutter. My problem is my DH and DD. They are both pack rats. It is a constant battle getting them to clean up and clear out. One very sad day, she will move into her own home whether it be her marriage home or a place with friends. I imagine that most of her things will go with her especially when she buys a house. DH really has trouble letting go of unnecessary things. When we put away the Christmas decorations in the living room, I felt lighter. He complained that the room felt empty. Ugh!!!
It is always so interesting how different people react to space and how they use it.
I really try to keep my clutter to a minimum because DH tends to hold onto everything so after 23 years together I know that I need to keep my stuff purged and organized because I need to encourage DH to do the same. It’s difficult for him so I support him kindly and encourage him.

If something is overwhelming to me to purge or clean I set a timer and stop when I am done. That seems to be the easiest and most effective way for me to get something done. If I am not done by the timer then I plan another day to work again for the same amount of time.

One thing I would like to get rid of is baby gear because it takes up sooooo much spacccceeee…but my siblings continue to have babies and I am blessed to be asked to babysit often so I guess it’s a fair trade-baby cuddles for space in my house 🥰

I hope everyone has a great Tuesday!!!
Time boxing the task is a great method for managing overwhelm.
Woohoo... we had a sunshine break yesterday, in between days of stormy rain.

Woohoo... this coming weekend is going to be four days long, as I have Friday off and Monday is the MLK holiday. The Got Junk people come Saturday, which is a big milestone in clearing stuff out. Today I'll book the cleaners for the 25th, another big milestone.

Woohoo... I get my Juvederm filler put in tomorrow. It'll prop up the corners of my mouth and get rid of my resting crabby face.
Wahoo the workday is finally over! What a chore. I had three different staff come to me with complaints. All valid, all nothing I could change. I keep telling myself to: let that s**t go, but it's hard when it all comes at once. At least one told me she felt better just venting so there is that!

You guys are so good about de-cluttering! I am not. My DH would toss absolutely everything whereas I keep it because it could be useful at some future point.

Small wahoo, I've decided that I hate most of my black work socks and am now going to buy only socks that make me happy. Really wish I would have decided this before we left WDW because I saw tons of socks there! I bought one pair (of the skyliner--so cute!). Anyway, the hunt will now begin. And look at me doing something for myself! That never happens!!
Today I am thankful the Christmas stuff is all packed... finally!

I am also thankful that somehow I saved the listing for the house on Zillow, so I've been able to study the pictures some more and figure out where things are going to go. I'm also thankful my Niece suggested Craig's List for larger things I no longer want, so instead of paying Got Junk to take them away I'll have the movers move them and I'll either list them for a little bit of $$$ or to give them away free.
I'm thankful that my special project for the superintendent was a success, and with the help of two administrators, turned out to be really fun. I'm also thankful that my administrator trusted me with this project.

I'm thankful for the students who arrived in my classroom in August not able to speak or understand one word of English are not only speaking and comprehending, but are now beginning to read!
Happy Friday....its....been a week!

We have to have a roofer come out to look near our chimney after finding a small leak. At this point (fortunately) looks more annoying than anything else. I was starting to get worked up about it until I opened chrome and saw headlines about tornadoes and mudslides and boy those brought me back to reality pretty darn quick!

Had a giggle this morning when discussing the fact my DD was more...um...regular right around Christmas thanks to her consumption of cookies made with flaxseed eggs. Good excuse to make more cookies! And considering the price of eggs now very glad I learned to use the flaxseed alternative.

I have to work on a project this weekend for work which quite the cluster. But I was gifted a bottle of this absolutely delicious Portuguese liquor that is sort of like Baileys but better...looking forward to a small glass of that when my work is done Monday night!
How has the week gone for you? Any special plans for the weekend?

It's been a week here too. DS was sick and I am behind on house stuff, but I will chip away at it little by little.

No special plans for the weekend. I need to pick up my order of the cats' new special food at the vet. (Thankfully, they liked it when I got a few cans they had on hand, so I ordered a case.) And DH has to get his car back from the shop.


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